The Last Day On Earth: Alfa | Teen Ink

The Last Day On Earth: Alfa

December 13, 2017
By Killerworm990, Cupertino, California
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Killerworm990, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments

February 10, 2019

When the soldiers arrived today, we were shocked. The man who had opened the package spoke.
“Hello everyone” he said. “My name is Lieutenant Michael Williams. In order to end the apocalypse, we are saturation bombing every single populated area on the planet, with the exception of a few military run communities. We will evacuate the town over the course of the next few weeks. Nobody is allowed to leave”
The town roared with anger. A man with an MP5 had to be shot because he refused to stop. I looked at Lieutenant Williams. He continued speaking.
“We will do the evacuation in phases. You will be evacuated in groups. No guarantee that you will be with your friends or families when you are evacuated”
“I still hope we do” I whispered to Max.
“I agree” Max replied.
John handed Lieutenant Williams the list of people in the town. He began to read out the people that would be evacuated today.
“Megan Lane” he read out.
Megan walked up. She stepped into a troop transport.
“Michael Jameson” he said.
I looked wide eyed as Michael walked up. From our group, only Maggie, Max, Tristan, and I remained.
“John Howards” he said.
John walked up. Lieutenant Williams went over the list, mostly people we didn’t know.
February 17, 2019
A week later, the troop transport arrived again. About five hundred people in town remained. Nobody we knew got picked this time, and about a hundred people were picked. Over the next week, the condition of the town worsened, due to the fact that John wasn’t around. I tried to take the position of leader, but failed.
February 24, 2019
Today, the town got very small. Another troop transport came along, so by the end of the evacuations today, we only had 200 people left. This time, Max was taken. So was Maggie.
March 3, 2019
Today, we were all taken. We were all packed onto transports. Luckily, Riley and Marley, our dogs were taken along.

March 4, 2019

Today, we arrived at Bunker Alfa. The base was pretty big. We were taken to a home next to where Megan and Maggie bunked, and where Max and Michael bunked. The bunks were small. They had a small TV, a bunk bed, a small bathroom, and a mini fridge. There was a coat rack where we hung our gear. I got a suppressor for my AR-15. For free time, we went over to the main bunker. I got an access card and went inside. I went down to the lower levels. I was assigned a locker, and I checked it out. It had a uniform. I then went down to the lab. In one room they had another Big One. This brought flashbacks from the arena, and the fact that it had probably escaped by now. I walked into the main lab. A scientist was there.
“Are you one of the evacuees from Colorado?” he asked.
“Yeah. Name’s Sam” I said.
“Kyle. So why are you here”
“So, I’m from California and just ended up in Colorado. But when I was in California a couple of months ago, I got bit. But I haven’t turned”.
“Hmm… Immunity is possible, but very rare. I think it may be hereditary. From surviving families, if at least one parent is immune, usually all of their kids are too. We’re developing technology to make artificial humans. If we get an immune’s blood, we could make these artificial humans immune”
Then the alarm rang. A soldier rushed in.
Chaos rang out through the window. The Big One ran at our window. I opened up a vent and climbed in. I crawled all day through the vent shafts of the compound. I came out to the second floor elevator. There was a dead soldier. I came out and grabbed his M16. I checked how much ammo was left. About a clip. I ran up to the elevator. It didn’t open.
“Crap” I muttered. I entered the main lobby. A soldier was spazzing out. He opened his eyes and ran at me. I sprayed automatic fire at him. He fell dead. The clip was empty now. I dropped the M16 and looked through his body. He had a crowbar. I ran back to the elevator and began to pry it open. It was closing though. I held the crowbar in place and slipped through. I opened up the top of it and began kicking at the titanium ceiling. I went back down and grabbed the crowbar. I climbed back up and forced the roof open. I climbed out into the front. Max was there.
“I thought you were a gonner, dude!” he said. “What happened?”
“The big one escaped” I replied.
“Bunker Alfa compound is now under quarantine” The Loudspeaker said. “No soldiers are allowed to leave until they pass a mandatory infection check”
Max and I ran up to the door. We both passed. It said Max was uninfected, but in me, there was just no spread, so I was allowed out.
March 5, 2019
The next day, I was called to the first floor of the bunker to receive Assault Armor. It was high tech and almost impossible to destroy. It had satellite imaging in it, and it also had radio communications. I had to test it to clean out Bunker Alfa and capture the Big One. I carried my AR-15, except that it had a suppressor, an extended Magazine, and collimator sights. I had my Glock 19 with a Laser. I went through the elevator to the second floor. This was just the primary floor. Then I turned on my radio headset. Max began talking to me.
“Now all you need to do is wait” he said. “We’ll send Tristan and Megan to clear that floor, then we’ll have you clean the second and third floors, which have more infected. The Big One should be pretty deep into the third floor”
Eventually, they cleared it. I went through and entered the second floor.I looked through it. There were three zombies. The others were in a controlled study room. I entered the third floor. I went through a couple of doors. There was red goo on the walls. 

I looked around. I headed towards the only door and entered. It led to another door, which I entered. There was red goo everywhere, with zombies practically glued to the walls. I snuck through. I opened the next door. About thirty roamers came at me. I ran away, but the goo seemed to slow me down. I got as far as I could, pulled out my AR, and sprayed automatic fire at them, which cleaned them up pretty quickly. I walked in and kicked down one door. Two runners and a bloater came at me. I reloaded my AR, and shot them. I turned into a hall opposite of the door. Another bloater came at me. I only had five rounds in my AR, so I dropped it. I pulled out my Glock and killed it. I reloaded my AR, and continued. Two spitters ran at me. I shot them and reloaded my Glock. Then Max spoke over the radio.
“There’s a horde coming, get out of there” he said.
I ran back to the elevator and ran up. The soldiers who had gone there after I cleaned it up were struggling to get back to the elevator.

In the lab on the second floor, Kyle tried to clean up his work. He accidentally spilled some chemicals from his lab into a computer that opened the door to the Big One. Kyle tripped on some toxic goo that a soldier had gathered from some spitters, and it seeped into his leg. The goo spilled into the Big One’s habitat as it tried to escape. The goo got into the big one and made it all swollen. The chemicals also made it slip, it’s face landing on more chemicals. It was… The Blind One. Kyle stumbled over to the door and managed to close it. Then a runner got into his lab and bit him. He pulled out an FN SCAR and sprayed a clip at it, with several rounds hitting his leg. He then knew he would turn, so he grabbed a rope, tied a noose, and hung himself.

Outside, Max ran back to our dorm. He grabbed my backpack and put Riley and Marley on leashes. He got Maggie, Megan, Michael, and Tristan, and made for the woods. A zombie got Tristan, then Maggie. Max, Michael, and Megan made it to a ravine and hiked down to a river, where they hid for hours.

Back on the ground floor, I ran through the door. I shot several zombies and didn’t bother to notice that the others were feasting on Maggie and Tristan. I ran down to the river, due to the fact that zombies sucked at climbing. But I tripped on a rock. Another rock tore off some of my suit and cut my leg, I screamed in pain and rolled down the ravine.

March 9, 2019

I woke up. I groaned and looked at my leg. The armor there had been removed and a bandage was now there. But I was on a bed, in a house. I heard the TV on in the other room. I sat up. The lights were on and I was wearing pajamas.
“HELLO!” I yelled.
I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. A man in his early sixties came in.
“ugh... “ I groaned. “Where am I?”
“The northern California coast” the man said.
“What’s your name?”
“Mark. Your friends said your name is Sam”
“Yeah. Where’d you find me?”
“Around Oregon and Idaho. Near Bunker Alfa”
“How long has it been?” I groaned.
“Four days. We forced food and water into your system”
I began to exit the bed. I limped over to the living room.
“Your house isn’t barricaded” I said, surprised.
“We are in a stilted house” Mark said. “Simply our height keeps us safe”
I looked over at Michael, who was watching Shrek, with Riley and Marley laying down next to him. Max came out.
“Hey Sam” he said.
“Max, where are Maggie, Megan, and Tristan?” I asked.
“Megan’s asleep, but Tristan and Maggie… They didn’t make it”.
I slapped my face and watched Shrek with Michael. I got up and walked over to the kitchen, where Mark had prepared some fried eggs and bacon for me. I picked up the plate and went back to the TV. I finished up the eggs and bacon, and got dressed. Megan happened to be getting out of bed. I found Max, and began talking to him.
“Max, where’s my AR-15?” I asked.
“In your closet” he answered.
I went over to my closet and grabbed it. I reloaded it, along with my Glock 19 and went out to overlook the beach. I aimed my AR over to a zombie and shot it, realizing my suppressor had been removed. I went back to my room and leaned the AR against the wall. A girl came out of a bedroom.
“Who’s this?” I asked.
“Hi Rachel” Max said to the girl.
“This is my daughter, Rachel” Mark answered. “She’s Thirteen. About your age”
“Who are you?” Rachel asked me.
“I’m Sam” I answered. “I’ve been out in the world for about three months now. I had a community until January, then some idiot named Tommy betrayed us to some horrible group and killed almost everyone there. Max and I, along with a couple of others, were on a supply run when it happened.”
“OH” Rachel said. “You’re the boy who has been asleep for the past four days”.
Michael had finished watching Shrek and was putting in a DVD for Cars 2.

Max and I wore swim trunks and were catching crabs from the shore for tonight’s dinner. It was my second day being awake at Mark’s house, which was about a hundred feet behind us. I picked up a crab and put it in my bucket, which was now filled with crabs and salt water. Max and I walked back to the house. Matt handed us towels. Michael was napping. As spring was coming, northern California was getting warmer. Zombies would be more of a threat, given the lack of snow and freezing cold water. Rachel had just come back with no fish, as she had just gone fishing. Max and I each threw on towels and dried ourselves off in the bathroom. We each took turns showering, then got dressed in our rooms. We each left to find Megan, Rachel, and Mark huddled around the radio. It was a military broadcast.
This is Lieutenant Williams from Bunker Charlie. Bunker Alfa and Bunker Bravo have been overrun. Today, Bunker Charlie, Bunker Romeo, and Bunker Zulu remain. It is now prohibited to go to either. Survivors will be evacuated to Bunker Charlie and Bunker Romeo. Bunker Zulu will remain for top secret military business only. The Military will resume airdrops on the mainland.
“Looks like Williams made it out” Max said.
“When I saw a map of the Bunker locations at Bunker Alfa, it said Bunker Zulu was under the Atlantic Ocean, Bunker Bravo was around New York, Bunker Romeo was in Alaska, and Bunker Charlie is just 20 miles out at sea, on an island”
“There’s a powerful riptide current about halfway out” Mark said. “It’d only be accessible by air”.
“There’s a military base about 10 miles away” Rachel said. “There are helicopters and everything there. Dad and I have been trying it for a year. There are also outposts. We robbed them of explosives. We have a mini stash of C4 and hand grenades”
“Max and I will try for it” I said.
“But you don’t know the safest route” Mark said. “I’ll watch Michael, and Megan will help me. But I’m sending Rachel with you”.
Megan walked out to the balcony. Then she walked back in.
“It’s almost dark” she told us.
“This will give time for us to prepare and learn the route” I said back.
Max and I grabbed our guns, cleaned them, and leaned them by the door. We grabbed our backpacks and each packed one apple, a sandwich, a quart sized canteen, 200 rounds of ammo for our primary weapons, and 100 for our sidearms. We also packed 3 pounds of C4 and five hand grenades. We went to bed early.

March 11,2019

Max and I woke up at 3 AM to go over the local map and discuss what route we would take to the base. The route would take about 10 hours without breaks, so we would be gone for multiple days. First, I took a shower and put on jeans, a black T-shirt and black running shoes. I grabbed my AR-15 and backpack and set them on the balcony. I put on a jacket and waited. Max and Rachel came out a few minutes later. Rachel spread the map over the table.
“We head about 3 and a half miles from the house northeast through the woods” she said. “When we leave at 4:30 AM, we should be done at about 5:15 AM, and it’ll be getting light out. That will lead us to the highway, which we cross and walk along by the woods. We walk down it for about 5 hours if we keep a steady pace. From there, we’ll be in town. We take Buck Avenue until the end of the street. We then continue hopping backyards until we reach the military base”.
The three of us ate up a quick breakfast and left at 4:15 AM.
We walked for about fifteen minutes. Then we heard rustling in the bushes. A man came out. He was short, he had one eye, one hand, and cuts and bruises all over. He looked familiar, but not in a good way. I raised my AR-15 and asked
“Who are you”
“Surprised you don’t remember, Sammy” he said. “It’s Tommy”
“But The Big one killed you”
“My men killed it. I was rescued”.
“But the infection”
“You forgot. I’m immune”
Tommy raised a Colt Anaconda.
“Now” he said. “I’m going to kill you”
I raised my Glock, and Max raised his Beretta.
“Drop your weapon” I ordered.
Tommy turned and shot Max right in the chest,
“NO!” I yelled as I jumped on Tommy. Tommy slugged me with his stump of a left hand, which sent one of my teeth flying out. I rolled over and punched him in the face, several times. Rachel tried to treat Max, but he passed out too quickly. I grabbed Max’s Beretta off the ground and shot Tommy in the head. I shoved his body off of me and stumbled over to Max.
“Come on, Max” I said unsteadily.
“I’m not gonna make it” he said.
“Let’s bring him back home” Rachel said. “Dad could treat him”
She put a bandage over the wound. We took several hours to carry the unconscious Max back to the house.
“WE NEED HELP!” I yelled.
Mark came out and brought us up the elevator. We set Max down on a bed.
“What happened?” Mark asked.
“He was shot” I Answered.
“What caliber bullet?”
“.44 Magnum” I answered.
“He has a very slim chance of survival”
Mark checked Max’s pulse.
“He’s still alive” Mark said.
Mark removed the bandage and brought in an operating tray.
“Where’d you get all of this” I asked.
“From a medical clinic” he answered. “My experience is from my time as a medic in the army during Vietnam”
Mark pulled out tweezers. He looked through the point of entry.
“It came in about an inch from his heart” Mark said. “There is An exit point, so all we need to do is stop the bleeding”
Mark applied a bandage to Max.
“Now we need to let him rest”
March 17, 2019

By luck, Max woke up today, and I mean that literally because today is Saint Patrick’s Day. I wore a green T-Shirt. Michael forgot, so I pretended to be a crab when he came out for breakfast.
“Hey, stop it!” Michael yelled. “Why are you doing this?”
“It’s Saint Patrick’s Day”I answered.
“Spring begins in three days” I told everyone.
“I’m going to check on Max” Mark said. “Rachel, watch the eggs for me”.
Rachel walked over to the stove while Mark came over to Max’s room.
“Ugh…” Max groaned. “That Idiot Shot me”
“What Idiot?” Mark asked.
“Tommy” Max said. “Same guy who betrayed our community”
Mark thought for a moment.
“We can’t do the military base. Did this guy Tommy have a group?”
“At least when he betrayed us, yeah”
“Did he have any men with him when he shot you?”
“No, he was alone”
“He could still have other guys”
“I’m thinking we find another way to make it to Bunker Charlie. Is there a way around the current?”
“No. But a person experienced with boats could make it past it. The current is about a hundred feet wide. I used boats all the time as a kid. I could get my old power boat across the current”
“Let’s do it”
Mark and Max came out.
“Ladies and Gentlemen” Max said. “We’re going to Bunker Charlie”
“But what about the house?” Rachel asked.
“If we shut off the generators and the gas, we could use the house as a fallback point if Bunker Charlie is overrun”
“Well, lets go” I said.
We all grabbed anything of importance. Food, Water, medical supplies, weapons, ammo, clothes. We met down at the docks. We climbed into the boat. Mark fueled it and we left.
A couple of hours later, a sudden gust of water went right at us. I took control of the wheel and turned the opposite direction of the current.
“HOLD ON TIGHT!” I yelled.
Several times, the boat almost capsized. Then, as an island came into view. The current stopped and the boat drifted towards the island. The boat stopped about five feet from the shore. We climbed out, grabbed our stuff, and made it ashore. A Humvee drove in front of us.
“Need help?” The machine gunner asked.


The End


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This book has 2 comments.

on Jan. 24 2018 at 3:06 pm
Killerworm990, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments
Actually, there may be a fifth book. Just a Possibility:)

on Jan. 24 2018 at 3:05 pm
Killerworm990, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments
There will be one more book to the main series. I just finished writing it and it should be published soon. Just to be clear, if you found this by just scrolling through the site, this is the third book In the series. First is The Last Day On Earth, then The Last Day On Earth: Redemption. Just want to make some points