The Choice | Teen Ink

The Choice

April 17, 2017
By Anonymous

Author's note:

I was inspered to make this off the game "One Shot", I lived how it broke the 4th wall and I wanted to see if I could do that with a book version.

“Niko are you their?” “Niko?”
As a child need his mother like this world needs its life and you are the messiah who will bring forth such life. Niko is a child, but he is a special child like no other, is it the yellow warm eyes he possesses or is it something else that makes him so unique? Today Niko will be changed emotionally forever as he has woken up in a strange world that sees him as a messiah. Niko wakes up in this strange house the first thing he sees as he gets up out of his bed is a computer, but it is password protected. Next to this computer is a bookshelf but it is simply too dark to read in this strange house. As Niko wanders around the room he discovers a bathroom in this bathroom is a plant so dead a branch snaps off, as for the sink and bath they will not work as their seems to be no running water. Niko heads back to the bedroom, on the far side of the room is a window and under this window is a remote with all the numbers except 9,8,1, and 4 are missing. The computer had a four digit password and Niko being the smart child he is puts the code into the computer, it works. The computer says “Access granted” and then appears to  a desktop page, a window opens saying “... You found me...Why? You’re already too late. Not much of the world remains. This will be apparent once you go outside. This place was never worth saving. ...Do you still want to try?...Than remember this: Your actions hear affect Niko. Remember you only have one shot, reader.” The computer turns off and the door that was once locked is beginning to open. Niko walks into the room shouting “Hello, anyone?”, but no one answers. In this new room Niko can see a busted TV that is shooting out sparks, an unlit fireplace, a kitchen and two doors. One door has a strange shape in it like a circle with a square bottom. Niko approaches the kitchen and opens the refrigerator door. Inside Niko finds a bottle of alcohol, he takes it. Niko has an idea, he takes the branch that snapped off in the bathroom and poor's alcohol onto it, using his newly found combination he sticks the branch into the TV which is sparking, the branch lights unfire. Niko quickly runs to the fireplace and lights it up. When the fire is fully lit Niko spots the glimmer of an object wedged into the floor, he digs it out to find it's a key to a basement. As the key would not fit in the door with the strange pattern Niko headed straight for the other one and opened it. As Niko walks down the stairwell he sees a darkened hallway with what appears to be a light bulb, when Niko picks the light bulb up it starts to glow brightly. Niko can now see and heads back up the stairwell into the previous room. Niko approaches the other door just to find that the pattern of the light bulb fits perfectly with the “keyhole” in the door, it opens. Niko carefully takes the light bulb back out of the slot so he could see along his way as it was too dark to move on without it. When Niko opens the door he is lead to a room with four-teen broken computer terminals in the middle of this mess is a door, Niko opens it to see the outside. When Niko steps outside he can instantly tell this is not earth, but some other planet or dimension. In the distance he can see a giant building that seems to shoot past the heavens, other than that there are some smaller buildings and medium sized craters which appear to have water in them. Niko looks to his left to see a broken down robot, it seems to need power. Niko wanders around just to discover remains of robots and more that simply need power. While Niko is wandering around he sees a building with a robot next to it, but this one seems alive, Niko approaches it. “AH! That light bulb...! You are Here!” shouts the robot in glee. Niko puzzled says “M- me?”. “Yes! Welcome to our world, Friend! I am most humbled by your presence. Yes!” said the robot to Niko. “Uh, thanks …  …. Sorry I am a little lost” Niko says confused. “Ah right! Allow me to explain some things. I am the Prophet. May I first ask how you arrived?” the Prophet asks Niko. “I’m...not sure… I woke up in this… weird house. It was really dark.” said Niko. “Oh! So you woke up in an unfamiliar, dark location?” the Prophet asked. “Mhm!” Niko muttered back. “Just as my prophecy foretold. Yes! You are the savior we have been waiting for! You will be the one to save our world from eternal darkness.” said the Prophet. “” Niko still confused. “I will now provide you with vital information! Please ask me anything!”. Niko stared at the robot then asked “Well can you tell me about this world? I am not sure where I am exactly. I can’t see to far off everything is too dark.”. The Prophet looked at Niko and said “Our world was not always been this dim. Nor was it so broken. But time waits for nobody, not even saviors. The world is divided into three regions. You’re on the Fringe right now, the barrens. That tower you see in the distance once held our sun.” “Oh, so that's what the tall thing was” Niko said in understanding. The Prophet shook his head and said “As you go further towards the center, you will cross the other regions. There should be a map still in this outpost somewhere.”. Niko asked the Prophet “Oh, well can you tell me about this light bulb? I found it in the house I woke up in.”. “Within your hands is our new sun.” “Your sun?” “Yes! Years ago our previous sun sat atop that tower and spilled its life into this land. But one day the light went out. The world is still hanging on by a thread. The surface of this world is abundant with an element called phosphor. Fortunately for us this element stored light energy from our previous sun. It is now our only source of illumination, but its energy is finite. When the last of its light dies our world will too. But now that you are here with the new sun all is well. You will need to restore it to the tower. It will be a long walk. Be careful the sun is fragile. If the sun shatters, the world will end in an instant.” the Prophet said to Niko. “Can you tell me about the computer in the house? It kept saying weird things like “Your actions here will affect Niko.”,but I’m Niko. Were those meant for someone else?”. The Prophet pondered and said “If I had to guess, they might be trying to pass the messages to the our reader.” “Our reader?” Niko said puzzled. “Ah, that would be our God! If you are here that must mean the reader is here as well! The reader will provide you with guidance on your journey. In fact, they already have.” The Prophet exclaimed delightedly. “Really? I haven’t seen or heard anyone though…” said Niko. “Have you... not contacted our reader yet?” “I don’t think so.” said Niko to the Prophets remark. “Being the bringer of our sun you have the sacred ability to communicate directly with the reader. An ability that no one else possesses, certainly not I. Please close your eyes and focus.” said the Prophet. Niko closed his eyes “Hello, ...Reader? Are you... there? My name is Niko”. Niko opened his eyes and looked at the Prophet “I actually heard someone, the reader! This is incredible.” exclaimed Niko. “Do not be afraid to ask the reader for any assistance along your way. You are the messiah after all.” the Prophets told Niko. “One more thing, not to be rude but how do I go home. I mean I was with my mama a few hours ago. I just want to go home”. “Your mission is to save our world, just as my mission is to tell you about our world. I am unable to help beyond my programming. I am sorry.” the Prophet said. “One more thing, can you tell me about the Barrins, it's so empty here”. “Thats why its called the Barrens.” “Are there any people here, besides robots I mean.” asked Niko. “I do not know, I was not built to wonder.” “Not built to? Must be boring, do you have any friends?”. “I can not desire companionship, I have not been tamed.”. “Tamed?” asked Niko. “There was no time.” “That's all I have for now.” Niko said. “Excellent, I wish you luck.” the Prophet said waving goodbye. Niko wanders into the building the Prophet was standing next to. In this building there is a desk with a pc on it, a broken robot on the floor and random objects scattered across the floor. Amongst all the scattered objects Niko finds a map of the world on the wall. The map looks as though it was drawn with a crayon but looked to be accurate, there was the Barrans, a giant moat, and the the city which held the tower. While Niko was searching in the room he came across a box with a letter next to it. The letter had instructions on how to make a self charging battery, Niko kept the instructions for later , as for the box, it was locked. Just as Niko was about to head out of the building he found another note this one read “Reminder to all workers: The rarest form of blue phosphor can be found during the phosphor shrimps spawn period. If you come across a pond with a bubble form over it, please contact management immediately. We will dispatch a harvest team ASAP”
Next to this poster was a door, Niko walked through it to find a huge generator with a slot for a battery, the battery was missing. Niko headed out of the building and began searching the Barrins for any sign of life. Eventually he entered a building to find a tall girl with red hair, she was heavily armed. “The Light Bulb! So are you the “messiah”?” she asked. “That's what i was told.” Niko said. “I expected someone...taller, or at least someone who didn’t look like a child. That's what you are right? A child?” she asked Niko. “No I’m a man!” shouted Niko. “Okay, it's just a child like you being the messiah doesn’t feel right.”. “But that robot back there said there was no mistake.” Niko said to her. “I know. This is going to sound cold, but … I think you’re better off leaving and letting the world die off naturally. The world has been falling apart for a long time. The matter of decay, it's highly improbable that the sun can fix it. I mean you already saw how bad it is right?” “We haven’t seen much yet, and we can’t really just leave.” said Niko. “Oh, so you just got here? You must be headed for the tower then.” “Yep that's where I am supposed to put the light bulb, right?” Niko exclaimed. “Yes at the very top. We know the tower contains a force that nobody can comprehend, and its power is strongest at the top. Maybe it will send you back home once you complete your mission. Don’t take my word for it though” she said to Niko. While Niko was talking to the girl he got her name, Silver. They continued to chat for a while and then Niko explored the house. While exploring Niko found a screwdriver which Silver let him keep. Niko wandered out of the house and continued exploring the Barrins. While exploring Niko comes across a thick gas fog he can’t get past it without a gas mask so he turns around in hope for something else. Niko wanders into another building this one like the first one he entered had four-teen broken monitors. On the ground laid a metal pipe, Niko took it. On the other side of the room he saw a bed and decided to take a nap. While dreaming Niko saw a field, he was running through it and the sun was shining very bright, then he woke up.

“Reader are you still here?” Niko yelled. “Ah, I am awake. I had a dream just now. You know? Back in my world the sun isn’t a light bulb. It's a big ball of fire. I don’t think I would be able to hold it like I would the sun your world. What's that? This isn’t the world you live in? I guess if you're the God of this world this wouldn’t be the world you live in. What's your Home called?”.  Reader “Earth.”. “Wait really? You live in the ground, like the dirt? Must get cold down their. Can you hold it? That was a silly question. Sometimes our sun goes away to, like at night and gets really dark, but it's okay because it always comes back the next day. Most people go to sleep at night, but some stay up and read books or letters. I don't have to explain what those are do I? I mean they're in this world. Anyway we should probably get going…” Niko said happily. Niko heads east for a while until coming across a building with a bunch of conveyor belts, amongst all the machinery there seems to be one piece of equipment still functional. It look as though it's a crusher, fooling around Niko takes the metal pipe and flattens it. “Looks like a crowbar… Wait Reader I can use this on the box I found in the building next to the Prophet.” Niko Shouts at you. Niko makes his way over to the box and starts to pry it open. In the box is a small metal cube with some glass, on the cube it read Solar Battery. Niko took the part and headed to the generator, surprisingly the battery fit perfectly, but nothing happened. “It must be dead.” Niko said. Niko ventured out to the Barrens once more to try and find something to power up the battery. Eventually Niko discovered a mine shaft, but right as he was about to walk in he heard a familiar voice “Wait! I saw you heading this direction. The mines have been abandoned for a long time and I can not guarantee you will be safe. If you must enter it, it is my duty to accompany you.” said Silver. They both entered the mine but most of it was blocked off. While in the mine Neko found what appeared to be a gadget with a camera lense in it. Niko picked it up because the instructions for the solar battery requested a lens. Niko looked carefully at the instructions to craft such a battery and what tools he had to do so. Niko used the screwdriver from earlier to pry off the lens from the gadget. Now Niko had all the parts; a battery and a lens. He combined the two and had himself a solar powered battery. The battery however was still dead, but Niko didn’t stop there. He used the sun directly on the battery and it had a full charge within seconds. Using the charged battery Niko put it into the generator. All of the robots came to life around the facility and started cheering in monotone “I AM FUNCTIONAL!”. Although about only twenty robots were activated due to it being a proximity based system it was nice for Niko to finally have some physical company, not that having you the reader talk to him isn’t nice and all, it's just movement helps the mind. Niko checks the computer on the desk to find a code that reads: 289578 Gas Box. Niko remembers seeing a strange box out in the Barrens but just passed it, maybe this code belonged to the box, “It was right next to the gas field so maybe it has a mask in it.” said Niko. Niko headed over to the box next to the gas field and entered the code, the box opened up, a gas mask laid inside along with a book in an unknown language, the book had a clover on its cover. Niko took it. “We can go to the fields now and explore more reader.”. Amongst the thick gasis fog Niko discovers and old processing plant, some buildings, and a medical shop. Niko walks into the shop to find some robots functioning as if the sun had never went out. While looking through the building Niko finds a syringe and a letter, the letter was how to make acid from the shrimp “Step One: Put gas into bottle. Step Two: Put shrimp in bottle without breaking seal “Use syringe”. Step Three: Shake vigorously.”.  Not much was left of it so he pushed forward. Through Nikos journey with all this gas he notices a lot of tall gas vents, but stumbles upon one that is smaller than the others, even reachable by him, next to this small vent is a bubbly pond. “The phosphorus shrimp! The Acid!” Niko thought to himself. Niko followed the instructions and made the acid. Niko returned to the non-gasis area. Niko discovered a dock on this dock was a rusted robot on a boat.. The robot was functional, but couldn’t move. Niko poured the acid on the robot and it sprang to life saying “I CAN MOVE!”. “You’re welcome.” said Niko. “You… You’re the messiah, I can tell by the item you are holding. Our dear sun! You must place it on the tower and I will bring you to that tower. Hop aboard and let's save this world.” the robot said. “Oops, built in navigation circuits have fried, unfortunately messiah I can not take you anywhere right now. You need to speak to the head engineer Silver.” Niko was a little disappointed by this because he just wanted to put the sun in the tower so he could go home. Niko headed over to Silver’s house and told her the trouble “Silver, I found a robot that can take me to the tower, but its navigational circuits are fried. He told me to talk to you.”. “Just its navigational circuits?” she asked. “Apparently, the reader and I fixed everything else I think…” Niko said. “I have something that may help. Robots are able to trace materials from their source location. If you let the robot borrow this than its backup tracking system should activate.” Silver said while handing Niko a necklace with a clover symbol on it.”That's a nice necklace, but what's with the clover?” Niko asked. “That is the common plant of this world. Its also… I’m not sure if I can tell you this, my programming says yes, but I still feel conflicted. Nevermind you need to continue your journey more than I need a keepsake.” Silver said. Niko was confused by this, but went to the door to exit. “Wait, I need to ask you something. Do you know how to play chess?”. “I guess a little.” Niko said. “Then would you play with me, it's been years since I've played a game.” explained Silver. “It is the least I could do.” said Niko. They preceded to play chess and Niko got his butt whooped. “Wow, you’re really good at this Silver.”. “Thank you, it's in my coding.” said Silver. “Ah, so what's it like? I mean being a robot. Ive talked to other robots and they say stuff about coding and programing stuff. Even you did just now. It's hard to understand sometimes”Niko said. “I know. Most of the robots here are not tamed.”. “Tamed?” asked Niko. “Taming is complicated, I can’t really explain what tamed robots are, but I am one of them. All of the other tame robots have been relocated across the regions. Exactly where, I do not know.”Silver told Niko. “Have you ever been to any of the other regions Silver?” Niko asked. “Yes, all three. I still have a memory of the coordinates and things I saw, but I do not know if these places exist today.” Silver explained. “Because the sun is missing?” asked Niko. “No, even before the sun was going out the world started to decay. The sun going out was just a tipping point and things went bad fast after that.” said Silver. “So there's nothing I can do?” asked Niko sadly. “The only thing you can do is return the sun and hope for the best. I guess I kept you long enough, to complete your mission Niko.” said Silver. Niko headed back to the boat and handed the robot the necklace. “Coordinate backup complete heading to destination.”. Once Niko arrived to his destination he saw dead trees everywhere along with dead grass. Niko was on the outskirts of the city now. While Niko wandered through the outskirts of the city he came across many research facilities, most working with phosphor but some working with water. A robot handed Niko some water “You are made of fleshy organic matter, take this water human.” the robot said. There wasn’t much on the outskirts of the city except run down buildings and collapsed structures. While scavenging Niko found a seed of some sort that he thought he should keep. On the outskirts there are many people, humans, most say they were relocated here from the Barrans because it was decaying. This scared Niko a little because of the thought that if the outermost edge of this world, the Barrans, were decaying would this mean the world was collapsing on itself until it's nothing? Whatever the case was Niko new he had to save this world more than trying to get home right now as he was the messiah, but first Niko had to rest for he had been traveling for quite some time now. While Niko was dreaming was was back in the field, sun still shining, but this time he saw himself running toward a city, then Niko woke up.

“Reader I had another dream. Did you picture it too? I was in a big field like the last dream...and I saw my village! But then I woke up. I don’t think this world is anything like that… I mean big wheat fields. Most stuff I see hear is dead and the only plants i see are weird looking trees. You know reader I use to be scared of the dark, but now that I’ve spent so much time here it's not that bad. I couldn't even go to bed without a nightlight. I guess it's not too bad with you here guiding me, so thanks for that. Well we should keep going on with the story reader.” Niko headed north for a while until reaching a building with a giant robot guarding it. “Hello messiah, please proceed to the tower and be careful with that sun young one.” the robot said in a deep voice. Niko proceeded down a hallway until reaching a door. Niko opened this door and saw the illumination of the city. Niko was high above the surface and had to cross multiple bridges to get to his destinations, the surface of the city was far below, its as if the city was made in a giant crater Niko made his way across a bridge slowly as the high made him a little dizzy. Across the bridge another robot guardian a section. “Ah, messiah, the sun, you know what you must do. Place the sun up in the tower. Hurry Hurry now!” The giant robot said in an oddly high pitched voice. As Niko proceeded the robot shouted “Halt! Only the possessor of the sacred kernel can go to the guardian”. Niko pulled out the seed he had found in the outskirts and it was the sacred kernel the robot requested. Niko was allowed to proceed to the guardan. “Wow, this place is beautiful.” Niko says to you. Niko walks over to the center of the guardian and there it is labeled “Sacred Seed” Niko placed the special kernel in the dirt and gave it some of the water that a robot gave him at the water testing facility. The plant started to sprout almost instantly, but soon stopped growing for it needed sunlight. Niko knew his job there was finished and he had to continue his journey. As Niko headed past a series of bridges hey heard someone saying “Come on! Open!”. Niko peered around the corner and say a man who appeared to be in his twenties, he had pink hair and brown eyes. “What's wrong sir?” Niko asked the young man. “The elevator is busted. If you look at the terminal the button that should say “Ground” on it is missing.” said the man to Niko. “Don’t worry I believe we can fix it , I'll try and find a replacement.” Niko said with a smile. The man proceeded to kick the door, but nothing happened. Niko walked along a set of bridges that hadn’t collapsed yet, it lead him to a dinner. In this dinner a nice young lady with brown hair greeted Niko saying “Welcome Massah! It's a slow day that's why we're empty. I heard the elevator was broken as well and the city has been decaying a lot lately, skywalks and stairs just falling apart. The only reliable transport are the elevators.” she said. After chatting with the nice lady Niko exited the dinner and walked along some bridges until entering a nearby skyscraper.While searching the giant building Niko discovers a tin can and starts wearing it like a helmet for fun. He also wanders into a kitchen and finds some refrigerator magnets he decides to keep as they might be useful in the future, along with finding the magnets Niko comes across a computer. The computer has a code on it:63014, Niko saves the code for later. “Reader I’m tired” Niko tells you. Niko falls asleep on a bed nearby and starts to drift off into his dreams. This time Niko sees a glimpse of his mother, she made him pancakes. Now all Neko want’s is pancakes.

“Reader, I had another dream. Mama was there. She made me my favorite pancakes.” says Niko to you. “We should get going now I guess.”. Niko explored more skyscrapers finding cool little toys and such, but left those alone. Eventually Niko stumbled upon a bathroom, in this bathroom he found a pile of hair and some scissors. “I think I can combine this like arts and craft to make a button”. Niko carefully cut the tin can he had before into a rectangle shape and then put the magnets from the fridge on both ends to make a magnetized button. “This outa work on the elevator reader!” Niko said excitedly. Niko heads to the elevator just to find the man still kicking it. “Stop already I have something” Niko said to the man. Niko carefully placed the button in the slot were one once sat, it fit barley. Niko pressed the button and the elevator started moving until it stopped all of a sudden. “Reactivating elevator services. Please enter security code…” Niko paused, but had remembered the code on the computer. As he typed the numbers 6,3,0,1,4, the elevator made a screeching sound. Eventually it opened and the two could enter. “I have no idea how you got that code or how you even fixed the elevator, but you must be the true messiah” said the stranger in shock. “I couldn't have done it without the readers help, afterall the reader predicts my every move.” said Niko. On the way down the elevator the two sat in silence until it finally hit the bottom, it felt like forever. The stranger walks out of the elevator first and says “It was nice knowing you ah?-” “Niko” “Yeah Niko, I gotta go I'll see you around kid, good luck on your mission.” The man ran off and Niko was ready to continue. As Niko explored the surface of the city he came across a library. This library was huge and most books were made by one person who everyone just called The Author, his signature is a clover. When Niko tried to access the library the robots wouldn’t let him without a library card, so Niko left and started exploring the surface of the city again. Nike came across a research lab that repaired robots, many of the researchers were calculating where the world would decay next and graphing current decayed parts. Niko entered the back room of the research office to find a tall girl with red hair working of a robot. “May I help you?” she asked Niko.  “Yeah, I need a library card to see the head librarian, the robots won't let me in without one.” said Niko. “Sure you can borrow mine, here massiah.” she said. She reminded him of Silver from the Barrans. Niko pulled the necklace out of his pocket that Silver gave him and asked if the girl knew anything about it. “What? Where did you get this?” she asked Niko. “A lady by the name of Silver gave me it, she is in the Barrans right now.” said Niko. “I see… It was supposed to be a breakthrough. I even based her on myself. We wanted to build a robot that acts and thinks like a person, a robot that isn’t controlled by its own code. It turns out you can’t build something like that, too many contradictions in the coding made her unstable. It was the only time I have ever seen a robot go rouge. She has since been repaired, but the damage has been done. Even though she is a robot she has memories and feels bad for what she did. She won’t come back, or even answer to my letters.” she said. Niko had his library card and headed back to the library. This time the robots let him enter to see the head librarian. The head librarian was named George, she was an old lady with pale skin. “Hello savior, aren’t you supposed to be headed for the tower?” George asked. “Yes Mrs George, but I was wondering if you could translate this book for me, it's signed by The Author.” said Niko. “The Author, you know him and I are great friends, I publish all his work. He makes the best of writings. May I have a look?”. Niko hands Mrs George the book and patiently waits. “ Where did you find this book? Hmm… I think I need to translate this for you. It might take awhile, do you mind if I hold onto it?” George asks. “Go right ahead.” Niko said while yawning. “Oh you must be so tired after you journey, why don't you go nap in my guest bedroom.” George told Niko. As Niko walked down the hall he noticed the clover was on everything. Niko asked George if all these books were by The Author. George said “Yes, but we haven't seen him in a while, in fact no one knows his name. He uses a clover as his signature, almost every book in my library is published by him. He writes about everything and gives me more books than I know what to do with.” said George. Niko headed to the guest bedroom and laid down, this bed was probably the second most comfiest bed to him as nothing would bead his bed. Niko seemed to fall asleep instantly. While Niko was dreaming he saw a bright light, then saw himself laughing at the table with a finished plate of pancakes. In the corner of his eye he saw something, a shattered bulb, a light bulb…

“Hey reader, did you see what I saw? It was the sun, but it was shattered. I wouldn't shatter the sun. If I did the world would end. I'll be extra careful.” Niko told you. As Niko headed out of the guest bedroom and down the hall he was greeted by Mrs George. “Did you have a good rest dear?” she asked Niko. “Yep” said Niko happily. “I have translated the journal to the best of my abilities, but it looks as though this book is meant for the reader. Here why don't you take a look.”. “Dear reader, if you can finally read this that means you are close to the tower. The tower is the home of an elusive entity. This being is connected to the world. For now you can think of it as the spirit of this world. It has no physical form, but it can communicate through computers and machinery, like the one you encountered at the beginning of this story. The entrance to the tower is at the tower's base. Not only will you need the sun their but also pieces of the previous sun. The savior will not be able to do anything there, but you ,the reader, will need to keep going to find out Niko's fate.”-book. “That is all there is that I can translate messiah.” George said. George handed Niko fragments of the sun she held onto for safekeeping. “Thanks” said Niko as he started down the hall to leave for the tower. When Niko exited the Library he asked “Reader do you remember where the dinner was, I am dying for some pancakes. Can we go get some?”. Niko headed to the dinner just to meet the sweet young lady again. She was very happy to see Niko, but the place was still empty. “Can I get you anything?” she asked. “Pancakes please! Oh wait I don't have any money…” said Niko. “Not a problem, they’re on the house. It's the least I can do for the messiah.” she said. She gave Niko a big stack of pancakes and while Niko ate he told her about how his mama would make them, then he started getting sad. “I miss my mama.” Niko said with tears running down his face. “It's okay, once you replace the sun you can go home right?” said the girl. “Yes, but I want to see her now, ah it's okay you're right. I'll see her soon. Thank you for the pancakes.” Niko said in a more cheerful mood. “No problem, good luck massiah.” she said as she waved goodbye. Niko ventured towards the center of the city and entered a door. This door lead to a hall and that hall lead to the tower entrance. Niko entered the tower and was overwhelmed with darkness. A minute went past and no sign of light. “Reader are you there?” Niko shouted. “Reader? Hello? Come on Reader talk to me! Reader!!! … Whats going on? Where is the sun?” Niko yells and asks in confusion. Niko walks around in the darkness before eventually coming across a table with a computer on it. “Hello Niko. You are now inside the tower, congratulations.” the computer said. “Are you talking to me or the reader?” asked Niko. “You Niko, the reader is no longer hear.”. “But you were always talking to the reader before. Wheres….”. “The reader has already left Niko, I told you this. I had to contact you directly.” said the computer. “Wait so the reader just, left? Just like that?” said Niko. “Yes, the reader has already finished their mission, bringing you to the tower. They are gone for good. You have finished your mission too Niko” the computer stated as it generated a bed next to Niko. “Here rest now. Everything that has happened here is just a bad dream. When you wake up you will be sent home to your mama.”. “But… I thought there was more to it, I thought I was supposed to bring the sun to the top of the tower, but now I don't even have the sun anymore. It's just gone. So is the reader. This feels all wrong.” Niko told the computer. “You did well Niko, you saved the world. Now it is time for you to go home to yours.” the computer said as it shut down. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye to the reader.” Niko said sadly. Niko hoped into bed and the world around him faded into pitch blackness. “And as for you, the reader, we are done with this story. Please do not read beyond this point.”the computer voice tells you. Your world goes dark and everything fades away.

“This is not over regardless of what the entity told you. Once you have read this read on” said The Author to you, the reader. Niko is dreaming of himself standing in a field. “Niko” you shout at him. Niko wakes up still in the tower. “Reader? Reader is that you? I thought I heard you, in my dream. I guess you’re still not there.” said Niko. Niko reached into his pocket to find a three leaf clover. It looked like the one The Author used as his signature. Niko approached the computer next to his bed. “You are still here? You are supposed to be home Niko.” said the computer. “YOU! Why did you keep going reader? I told you to stop! You knew I tried to cut the story short didn't you? You want more right? A different ending? Fine! If you don't want me to make the ending I'll make it so you have to!” the computer screamed at you. The computer and bed fade away and Niko is presented with a door. Upon opening the doors, Niko found page scraped with a clover cut out of them and if he placed the one in his pocket with were the cutout was he was guided in the right direction as the way up the tower was a series of mazes. The letter was meant for the reader and when fill put together it read:
“Back then I told you as little about the entity as possible. Apologies for that, I didn't want to put the librarian in danger. This being has a habit of silencing those who want to  know of its nature. Regrettably, I have seen it happen to friends... Ah, but do not worry for the entity can not touch you. Nor can it do anything to me. I already left the world on my own terms. I never meant for the entity to exist. But now that it is fully sentient, one thing became clear: The entity seeks death. Death to itself, death to the world. ...a relentless desire to manifest physically. You have already seen the scars. Right now the entity is doing everything it can to impede your progress, stalling for even a few minutes. Before you inevitably bring the sun to the tower's summit, that's where you God will make the final judgment for this world. Of course the entity will contact you there and when it does, it will trick you into shattering the sun. This will end the world instantly.’s not that simple. I am sorry, I do not know what to do in a situation like this. But I think I have to tell you the truth. The sun is the messiah's tie to this world. As long as the sun is intact, the messiah is trapped here. Shattering the sun may terminate the world, but… it is also the only way for the messiah to return home. I did not realize things would end up like this. Please forgive me…” Signed, The Author. (Copyright Degica, this part is word for word.)
As Niko approached the top of the tower. In the center was the sun, Niko ran over and picked it up. “I guess the reader isn’t coming back” Niko said to himself sadly. “Reader? Is that you? I thought you were gone forever!” Niko told you. “You never left me? I was feeling lonely back there, I'm glad you're here. I guess we need to place the sun atop the tower now reader.” Niko tells you. As Niko picks the sun up he is teleported back to the basement where he originally found it. Niko walks up the stairwell. When Niko reaches the top he opens the door, there lay stacked wood in the fireplace, a neat livingroom with a fixed TV, and a kitchen that doesn’t look as rundown as before. Niko headed to the bedroom he woke up in everything was nice and the TV, remote had all its buttons. When Niko walked into the bathroom he saw a tiny plany full of life growing next to the sink. Niko headed to the room with the odd light bulb lock on it, but this time it was open and lead to a hallway. Niko walked down the hallway. “So you actually made it reader? Welp, you win reader. I will tell you how to save the world reader. When you reach the top of the tower shatter the sun, than…” the computer voice said to you. “I am just messing with you. I know you have been chattering with a certain someone and that he already told you about your choices, didn't he? Are you still planing to save this world reader? Why are you trying so hard? Haven't you even figured out what this world is?” the computer voice asks you. I told you at the beginning, Your mission is to help Niko leave because Niko is not apart of this world, he is apart of yours. The final choice is up to you, I can't go against my programing. If you choose to smash the sun, Niko wakes up and it was all a bad dream. If you choose to have Niko set the sun, the child must stay to bear the weight of this sacrifice. At least tell Niko the truth reader. You care about Niko right?” the computer says to you. “Niko!” you shout. “Yes reader? Whats wrong?”. “I have to tell you something...” you say to Niko. “If you put the sun atop the tower this world lives, but you must stay here. If you shatter the sun, you go home, yet this world dies.” you tell Niko with a tear in your eye. Niko walks down the hallway and approaches an elevator. Niko goes up the elevator to the tower's summit in silence. “I don’t want to end this world reader, I've met so many people and things... , but mama” Niko says. The elevator stops and Niko approaches a table with what appears to be a screw in for a light bulb. “So this is where the sun needs to be placed and if I put it here we save the world, but.. I can't go home?” Niko asks. “Correct” you say. “And if I smash it, I go home to mama.” Niko says. “Reader… what's the right thing to do? What should Niko do?” Return the sun, or return home...

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