The Wrath of Cece Carol | Teen Ink

The Wrath of Cece Carol

December 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Author's note:

This story came to me after watching Enchanted. Don't worry, it's similar but doesn't totally follow the same plotline. Also, I added something special in there, something that is a huge author no no, BUT. It is crucial to the story line. See if you can find it reader-chan! Love ya! ~A

Cece sat on her bed and watched as Clarissa brushed her shiny blonde hair. Cece fingered her own messy dirty blonde hair.
"If you want Cee I can brush your hair." Clarissa offered. Cece frowned bitterly and shook her head. Clarissa sighed and set her brush down.
"Well, I'm going out. Touch my stuff you lose a limb. Bye." She closed the door behind her.
Cece sighed and flopped back on her bed.
"I'm so sick and tired of my life." She whispered tearfully. She was so jealous of Clarissa. She was everything Cece wasn't. Pretty. Sweet. Kind. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Everyone seemed to like her better. Even their crotchety old cat preferred Clarissa.
Suddenly, Cece sat up. "Kookie.." She breathed. She ran out to the kitchen. "Mum I'm going out." She said. "Where?" Mrs. Carol asked. "Over the rainbow. Bye!" Cece grabbed her coat and hurried out.
She went to the old lady's bungalow. She rapped on the door. "Kookie! I need your help!" She cried. Kookie opened the door. "Dear, what's wrong?" She asked. "I need a potion or something so I can be like Clarissa!" Cece explained.
Kookie opened her mouth, then closed it. Then her wrinkled old face lit up. "I think I have something better." She said. She gestured for Cece to come inside.
She hobbled over to her wall of potions. She squinted, then grabbed one of the bottles. "Open up." She instructed. Cece obliged. Kookie put two drops of the potion in Cece's mouth. "Swallow." Cece did.
"There. I have given you powers to transfer Clarissa to the animated land Nolava, thus you will be the prettiest daughter. All you have to say is Zinthos." Kookie explained.
Cece grinned and hugged the old woman. "Thank you." She whispered. "Oh, your quite welcome my dear." Kookie smiled.
Later that night, when Clarissa came home, Cece suddenly felt nostalgic. She remembered when they used to be best friends.
"Rissa?" She asked timidly. Clarissa looked over. "Yes?"
"Would you... Brush my hair?" Cece said bashfully. Clarissa dropped her purse. "Really?" She gasped. Cece nodded. Clarissa squealed and grabbed her brush. She jumped on Cece's bed and began to brush her sister's dirty blonde tresses. "I love you Cee." She whispered.
"I love you too Rissa." Cece mumbled. She was starting to feel guilty. But then she thought of all the times she had been shunned by her classmates for being the 'ugly sister' and something inside of her grew dark. Clarissa deserved this. Cece wasn't going to take this anymore.
The next morning, Cece woke before her sister. She saw her sister's most prized possession on her nightstand. Her bracelet she got from Grandmum.
Cece snatched the trinket. Clarissa wouldn't notice it was gone until she went to get dressed after breakfast.
Cece grinned. This was so perfect.
During breakfast, Mrs. Carol and Clarissa were chatting as usual. Cece picked at her food.
"Cece darling, please eat something." Mrs. Carol begged.
"I'm not hungry." Cece pushed the plate away.
"Darling, as much as I would love to appease you, you're 5'1 and 90 pounds. That is wayyy too underweight. I beg of you. Please eat." Mrs. Carol said. "Rissa's underweight." Cece pointed out. "I have a high metabolism Cee." Clarissa explained.
Cece looked at her mum. "May I please be excused?"
Mrs. Carol sighed. "Yes darling."
Cece raced to her room and got dressed. A few minutes later Clarissa came in and dressed in a beautiful blue dress with white flowers and red trim. It looked perfect on her.
Cece growled softly.
Then she smiled.
Clarissa walked over to her nightstand.
"Where's my bracelet?" She cried out.
Cece whistled. Clarissa looked over.
Cece held the piece of jewelry between two fingers.
Clarissa glared. "Give me it back Cece!" She shouted.
Cece casually through it over her shoulder so it was behind her bed.
Clarissa ran over and reached for it.
"ZINTHOS!" Cece yelled and with a flash of bright light, Clarissa was gone.

Clarissa suddenly found herself falling straight on her behind. "Ow." She moaned.
She brushed herself off and stood up. She looked around.
"Wait a minute... This isn't my room.." She said slowly.
She looked at her hands which looked strange.
Suddenly it dawned on Clarissa. "I'm animated!" She gasped. Clarissa frantically searched for something to look at herself in. She saw a shop that sold mirrors nearby. She rushed over and looked at herself.
Clarissa had the same features as she did when she was human, blonde hair, green eyes, naturally red lipped, but yet she looked different. "Oh this is all so strange." She said hopelessly. She started to walk through the strange place.
After walking for at least an hour, Clarissa was growing weary.
She sat down near a brick wall and buried her head in her arms. She began to cry.
"Excuse me miss, but why are you crying?" A male voice asked.
Clarissa gasped and looked up. A boy who looked about her age stood over her.
"I-I'm so very confused sir." She said nervously.
The boy chucked. "Sir? Miss how old do you think I am?" He held out his hand to her.
She shyly took it, and he easily pulled her up. "I'm Phoenix." The boy said, smiling. "Clarissa." Clarissa murmured, staring in wonder at the boy. Phoenix blushed at the girl who was giving him a peculiar look. "Anyway. Why are you confused? Are you new to Nolava?"
"Well, yes I am I suppose. But the thing is, I don't come from around here." Clarissa bit her lip. "Do you come from another town?" Phoenix c***ed his head. "No, I mean... I'm not from your world." Clarissa didn't know how to explain it.
"You don't mean.." Phoenix gasped.
Clarissa nodded. "I've heard such terrible stories about that place. Is it really as bad as it's stories deem it to be?" Phoenix asked excitedly.
"Oh not at all. It's truly a wonderful place to live. I don't know why some people deem it to be such a horrible place." Clarissa explained.
"Well, how'd you come upon here?" Phoenix asked curiously.
"Well, to be perfectly truthful, Phoenix, I'm not exactly sure. All I know is, my sister Cece had my bracelet that I got from my late grandmum, and she tossed it behind her bed. I was reaching for it, then I hear Cece say something like 'Zinthos', and the next thing I know, here I am! And I still don't have my bracelet. I'd hate to think what Cece is doing to it." Clarissa said mournfully, eying her bare wrist.
Phoenix looked thoughtful. He took something out of his pocket. It was a beautiful necklace, with a amythest on it.
"It may not be your bracelet from your grandmother... But it's awful pretty." He clipped the chain around her neck. Clarissa held the amythest. "How did you know my birthstone is an amythest?" She breathed. "I didn't. Lucky guess huh?" Phoenix smiled. "Why would you give this to me, a total stranger?" Clarissa asked, her green eyes troubled.
Phoenix shrugged. "You look like you need some kindness." He said.
Clarissa stared in awe at the boy. And that's when she realized, she had a complete, and utterly ginormous crush on Phoenix. She knew it was daft to crush on a boy she just met. But right then, in Nolava, she didn't feel so alone.

"Darling? Where's Clarissa?" Mrs. Carol walked in. "I don't know Mum, probably off with her boring friends." Cece said without looking up from her book. Mrs. Carol sighed and closed the door behind her. After listening to her footsteps to make sure she was gone, Cece walked over to her vanity table. She murmured a few words and it became a portal for her to spy on Clarissa. Kookie had taught her this a while ago.
She saw Clarissa staring lovingly at a boy.
"Dang it! She's even pretty animated." Cece sighed. She noticed the boy was giving Clarissa the same look. "Of course. Rissa's already found a boy who's wrapped around her pinky finger." Cece frowned.
"This is backfiring big time. I need to plan. I'll give her a week. If she's still doing well I'm bringing her back." Cece decided. She shut off the mirror and wheeled back. Suddenly her door opened. Her mum glared at her. "I heard everything Cecelia Aria Carol!" Her voice shook. "Mum, calm down. She's doing fine there. She's already found some guy. And I have to admit he's good looking." Cece said calmly.
Mrs. Carol took a deep breath. "As long as she's out of harms way, I guess I won't punish you." She decided. Cece smiled sweetly. "Thank you Mummy." She cooed. She was even making herself sick with her act.
Mrs. Carol closed the door.
Cece lie on her bed, sighing deeply. "Oh what to do." She asked herself.

Phoenix and Clarissa were taking a walk around town so Clarissa could get used to her surroundings.
"You'll love it here. Are you certain of what time frame you'll be staying here?" Phoenix asked. "No, I'm afraid I'm not. I was just transported here unexpectedly, no one bothered to tell me a thing." Clarissa shook her head.
Well, I have a spare bedroom in my home. I will let you stay there for as long as you'd like." Phoenix said generously. "Oh Phoenix, you've been so kind to me. Is there any way at all I could make all this up to you?" Clarissa smiled eagerly.
Phoenix looked Clarissa up and down longingly. "It's my pleasure." He smiled tightly and moved on.
Clarissa hurried after him. They soon arrived at his house. "This is it. My parents died in an accident so it's just me and my cat Penelope." Phoenix said to Clarissa. "Oh I have a cat too! His name is Casper. He's just an ornery old thing. Doesn't care for Cece much." Clarissa said excitedly.
Phoenix half smiled. "Your cheerfulness is catching." He said as he pushed open the wooden gate. "Why, I have no reason to be unhappy right now. I made a friend. I know this town better now. And I have a place to stay." Clarissa explained.
"I suppose you're right." Phoenix said, using a key to open the front door. A black and white cat greeted them. "Hi Penelope." Phoenix scooped up the cat. "This is Clarissa."
Penelope meowed at Clarissa. "Oh, may I hold her?" Clarissa begged.
Phoenix nodded and handed the cat over. Penelope immediately began to purr in Clarissa's arms. "Oh, aren't you just precious." Clarissa scratched under the cat's chin.
After a minute or two she handed Penelope back. She reached out her paw towards Clarissa and mewed.
"Awe. She likes you." Phoenix smiled.
He set Penelope down and said, "Let me show you to your room."
Clarissa giggled. "You sound like someone in a hotel."
Phoenix smiled. "I do don't I?"
They walked up a flight of stairs, and walked two doors until they stopped. "This will be your room. I'm just across the hall." He said. Clarissa nodded. Phoenix opened the door and revealed a cozy room with a twin bed, a nightstand, a dresser, a desk, and a wardrobe.
"I know that's the only piece of clothing you have, but tomorrow we can go visit the tailor and have him sew up some clothes for you." Phoenix said. "And I have some of my mom's old pyjamas. They might be a little big but no one but me will see them." He added.
Clarissa colored a little but nodded. "The bathroom is the first door on your side, I have an extra toothbrush for you. And I think that's it." Phoenix finished.
"I cannot thank you enough for your hospitality Phoenix." Clarissa clasped her hands and look down. Phoenix tilted her chin up. "There's really no need Clarissa. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone."
Clarissa felt fireworks explode in her belly.
"Are you hungry?" Phoenix asked, completely unaware of the affect he was having on the girl. "Because it's almost lunch time."
Clarissa shook herself. "Famished." She said.

Cece paced back and forth. "I think that boy is the source of Clarissa's happiness. Maybe if I sabotage their relationship, Clarissa will be unhappy there." She said to herself. "But how will I sabotage them?"
Then she remembered something. She ran to her scrapbook and flipped through it. She stopped at a picture of a pervy boy who had hit on Clarissa once. Luckily Cece captured the moment. Clarissa's mouth had been opening, so it looked like SHE was the one about to flirt. Of course the truth was she was getting ready to say, "OK, that's just gross."
But the boy didn't have to know that.
Cece cackled and pulled the picture out of her scrapbook. "If Clarissa isn't miserable by the end of the week, I'm gonna use you, my little secret weapon." She whispered.
Cece looked around the room for a place to hide it. After several attempts, she just shoved it in her mattress and called it good.
"Cece! Lunch time!" Mrs. Carol called.
"Coming Mum!" Cece called.
As she clattered down the stairs, Cece realized that now, without her mega skinny sister around, she could eat like a queen. A wide smile spread across her face. "This, is how it should be." She declared.

Phoenix led Clarissa to a sandwich shop named Sandy's Sandwiches.
"Hi Ashely." Phoenix waved to the cashier.
"Hi Phoenix." The red head batted her eyelashes. As soon as Phoenix's back was turned, Clarissa glared and mouthed, "He's mine!"
Ashely smirked.
They seated themselves at a booth and ordered their drinks.
"So, you never told me a lot about yourself." Phoenix said.
"Well, I'm afraid I'm not very interesting." Clarissa tucked her a lock of her hair behind her ear, only to have it fall back in her face.
"Nonsense. I find you very intriguing." Phoenix leaned in and tucked the lock back in place.
Clarissa's cheeks burned. Oh what a dreadful crush she had on him.
"Well, I live with my mum and sister Cece in a house in England. My dad left us when I was 3 and Cece was 5 months. Me and Cece share a room. We used to be awful close as little girls. We shared secrets and cherry lolipops. It was lovely." Clarissa sighed happily.
"Well that happened?" Phoenix asked.
"I'm not quite sure. Cece became a teenager and she began to be the victim of bullying. Everyone called her the 'ugly sister'. It was dreadful. She began to drift away from me. But she's not ugly. She's the prettiest girl I know. She has shoulder length dirty blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and freckles. She's my baby sister. I love her. Those children obviously don't know what true beauty really is. She's much prettier then me. I'm not even that pretty." Clarissa declared.
"While I agree with you Cece's pretty, I don't agree with that last statement. I think you're beautiful." Phoenix caressed Clarissa's cheek. Clarissa blushed and smiled. The two were very close. Then Ashely plopped down their drinks. "What food can I get you today?" She asked loudly.
Clarissa internally groaned. They made their orders and Ashley harrumphed away.
"I think she fancies you a bit Phoenix." Clarissa giggled. "Yes, she's made that clear on several occasions. But I don't feel the same. There's someone else I fancy." Phoenix looked at her. Clarissa grinned. "Whoever she is, she's a mighty lucky girl." Was all she said.

"My darling! You have finished all of your grilled cheese! I'm flabbergasted!" Mrs. Carol put a hand over her heart. Cece grinned. "What can I say Mum? I've decided to change my ways." She announced. "Well goodness! There's my little Cece I used to know." Mrs. Carol pinched her youngest daughter's cheek. "Muuum." Cece laughed.
Back up in her room, her vanity mirror was beeping. Cece muttered the words and the mirror showed her a clip of Clarissa and the boy's near kiss in the sandwich shop, before a waitress interrupted them. "Thank you random waitress lady." Cece mumbled.
She sighed. "If this keeps up I might send her back early. She's already got him almost missing her. It's like she's casting a spell on him or something. Ugh." Cece groaned.
"What's a jealous girl to do?" She asked her ceiling as she lay on her carpeted floors.

Ashley gave them their sandwiches and stormed away.
"Now it's your turn. Tell me about you." Clarissa's eyes sparkled. Phoenix almost fell in a trance but stopped himself.
"As you know my parents died, and my grandparents are too old and frail to take care of me. And my parents were both only children. So the judge took pity on me and let me stay on my own with Penelope. It was pretty lonely at times but I managed. And now that I have you, the house won't seem as big." Phoenix smiled, and he took Clarissa's hand and laced his fingers through hers.
Clarissa fingered the amythest. "I've never met anyone like you Phoenix." She smiled darkly. "Nor have I Clarissa." Phoenix smirked.
"And I don't think you ever will." Clarissa lifted her chin. "Oh really?" Phoenix let go of her hand and tapped his chin. "Are we... Flirting??" Clarissa thought in her mind.
"Really." Clarissa answered.
"I suppose your right. I've never seen anyone as pretty as you." Phoenix looked innocent.
"Yup. We're definitely flirting."

Later that night, as Cece was getting dressed in her pyjamas, the phone rang. She answered it. "Hello, Carols residence." She said. "Oh, hi Cece. Do you know where Clarissa's at? I need to talk to her." Clarissa's best friend Marilyn said.
Cece's eyes widened. "Uh. She can't come to the phone right now. She has taken to her bed for the night." She said quickly.
"That's strange. Usually Clarissa goes to bed at 9:30 not 9:00. Is she ill?" Marilyn asked. Cece silently cursed. Why did Marilyn have to know her sister so well.
"Uh, yeah. She wasn't feeling well today." Cece answered.
"Oh dear. What has she fell ill with?" Marilyn sounded concerned.
"Oh, I don't know. She probably just had a headache." Cece said nervously.
"Has she taken some aspirin?" Marilyn asked.
"Oh yes. Marilyn I'm ashamed of you, you know Clarissa's smart." Cece chided playfully.
"I suppose you're right. Well, I give her my best wishes. Thank you Cece." Marilyn sighed.
"You are welcome Marilyn. Good night." Cece hung up.
The girl let out a sigh of relief. Was that close or what? "Why does Marilyn have to be so nosy." Cece frowned.
The phone rang again. "I swear if it's another one of Rissa's friends..." Cece groaned internally as she answered the phone.
"Hello, Carols residence." She pursed her lips. "Hi Cece. Do you want to come over tomorrow?" Cece's best and only friend Maddie asked timidly. "Oh, hello Maddie. I would have to ask my mum but I'm sure I can. I haven't seen you in a bit." Cece smiled fondly. "Yes, I'm aware. Please ask your mum soon, I want to see you." Maddie said. "I will. Good night Maddie." Cece said before she hung up. "Good ole Maddie. My only friend." Cece leaned against the wall. "It'll be nice to see her again, life's always so simple for her. No witches or beautiful older sisters." Cece leaned against the wall. "Just a day of two friends talking and playing chess."

Clarissa stood in front of the mirror in her room, (which was on the back of the door) staring at her reflection. She was wearing a white nightgown. It was very lacy. "I look... Elegant.." She breathed. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in.." She murmured.
Phoenix stepped inside. "Oh, it fits you perfectly." He said happily. "I've never seen anything this beautiful before." She gushed, turning around, her eyes bright. "I have." Phoenix mumbled, so low Clarissa barely caught it. Her cheeks colored a bit.
"Thank you so much, Phoenix. You have been so kind to me. I promise I will return the favor someday." Clarissa said graciously.
"It's really my pleasure." Phoenix helped her unclasp the amythest. Clarissa carefully set it down on her nightstand.
Phoenix watched her graceful movements. "I am going to the loo to brush my teeth. I bid you goodnight, sweet Phoenix." Clarissa curtsied slightly and seemingly glided out the door.
Phoenix shook his head and smiled. He went to the nightstand and held the amythest. "One of these days, I'm gonna admit it to her. I swear." He said to himself. "If only she weren't so beautiful, maybe it would be easier to ignore."
In the bathroom, Clarissa scrubbed each tooth carefully. She was proud of her pearly whites, and was determined to keep them perfect. Certainly Phoenix would like white teeth better then yellow ones. Clarissa spit out the toothpaste, and ran the water so it would drain. She skipped along to her room. She got under the covers, and turned out the light. "One of these days, I'm going to admit it to him. I swear." Was the last thing she told herself before she drifted off.

It was 11:30 at night and Cece couldn't sleep. She was so used to falling asleep to Clarissa's music box. Unfortunately she needed a key to turn it and she didn't know where Clarissa kept it. And the last time she had snooped in Clarissa's stuff she ended up with a dislocated shoulder. She knew a side of Clarissa most others didn't.
She heard the door creak open but didn't move. She knew it was only Casper. The old cat jumped on Clarissa's bed first. He looked at the empty bed in confusion, then looked at Cece. "Come here boy." She whispered. Purring, Casper made the short leap from Clarissa's bed to Cece's. The cat wiggled under Cece's arm. Cece smiled. "Of course now that Clarissa's gone you like me." She whispered. Casper only purred.
Eventually, Cece fell asleep, lulled by Casper's rusty purring.

Phoenix awoke to the sound of Clarissa's shrieks and whimpers. He rushed to her room and opened her door. She was fidgeting and moaning. She was dreaming.
"Clarissa. Clarissa!" He shook her. Clarissa finally awoke. "It's OK, you were having a nightmare." Phoenix said gently.
There were beads of sweat on Clarissa's face. "I'm sorry I woke you." Clarissa whispered, her pillow wet with tears. "Shh. It's OK. What were you dreaming about?" Phoenix touched her warm cheek.
"I dreamt that someone took Cece. I couldn't see who it was, but Cece was screaming for me and I couldn't help her. It was awful." Clarissa whimpered.
"Oh Clarissa. I promise you nothing's going to happen to your sister." Phoenix half smiled.
"Thank you." Her voice was but a wisp.
Phoenix wanted nothing more than to kiss her then. Her red lips looked so inviting.
"Kiss me please." Clarissa thought in her mind.
Phoenix sighed. "Are you OK now?"
"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you for checking in on me, Phoenix." Clarissa said, masking her disappointment.
Phoenix walked out, chiding himself for being a chicken and not just doing it. "I want to do it badly. And I think she wants me to as well." He said to himself as he got back into bed.
Clarissa sighed as she turned to the cold side of her pillow. Oh when when was he just going to suck up and do it?

The next day, there was a knock at the door while Cece's mother was at the grocery store. Cece scurried over and looked through the peephole. It was Maddie and her mom.
"Ready to go?" Maddie asked when Cece opened the door. "Yup! Let me get my shoes on." Cece smiled. She wrote a quick note, and put her shoes on and was out the door.
"So are you still jealous of Clarissa?" Maddie asked as she studied the chessboard.
"Way to be subtle Maddie." Cece snickered. Maddie shrugged.
"Yes, I still am. But now that it's summer it's easier to forget about it. Without all the kids taunting me and things." Cece sighed.
"Yes, I suppose. I apolgize I don't stand up for you more, it's just terrifying." Maddie bit her lip. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, I would probably do the same thing if you were the one being picked on. It's a matter of not wanting to be the next victim." Cece countered.
"I suppose. But Cece, it's tearing you and Clarissa apart. You're beautiful. Honestly. Those kids just tease you because they know she's your sore spot." Maddie said.
"I know Maddie, I really do. But until I look like a clone of my sister I reckon I won't be happy." Cece sighed.
Maddie was silent. "Checkmate." She said.
"Dang it! I can never beat you!" Cece groaned. "That's why we play it." Maddie grinned darkly.

Clarissa woke up with a start. She was very confused to where she was until she recalled the day before.
She got up and padded to the mirror. "Not bad for just waking up." She winked at her reflection.
Her blonde hair was tousled, but not so much it looked bad, her eyes were bright, and her cheeks were rosy. "I think I might like being animated." Clarissa thought.
She went downstairs to the kitchen where she found Phoenix making breakfast.
"Good morning." Clarissa sang. "Good morning." Phoenix yawned. He was still half asleep.
"Tsk tsk." Clarissa clucked her tongue.
She took the spatula from Phoenix's hand and guided him to a seat at the table. Being still tired he didn't object.
"You just sit here and let me do all the work." Clarissa pecked him on the cheek. That woke him up, making him blush.
Clarissa hummed as she twirled around the kitchen, fetching ingredients and mixing. Phoenix never took his eyes off of her.
After 10 minutes, Clarissa was done. She presented him a plate full of food. "Breakfast my dear." She winked.
"Wow, thank you.." Phoenix took the plate.
Clarissa served herself, and sat down.
"I'm used to cooking at home. Sometimes if Mum isn't feeling well, or I want to surprise her, I'll make the meals. It's actually quite fun. And you've done so much for me." The girl explained.
"I see." Phoenix nodded.
Clarissa sighed with contentment. "I'm happy here." She admitted.
"I'm glad Clarissa." Phoenix smiled.
Clarissa smiled back. As the two gazed at each other, they both admitted deep inside of them, there was an undeniable attraction between them.

That afternoon, Cece decided, against her better judgement, to go to the park. For she was desperate for entertainment. As soon as she set foot on the rocks, someone yelled out, "Hello Ugly face! Where's your hot sister?"
Cece groaned and yelled back, "None of your business."
She went to the swings and sat down.
Three girls by the names of Tessa, Isobel, and Faith came over. Everyone called them the TIF's.
"What do you want?" Cece muttered.
"Oh poor Cece. Stupid ugly Cece. It's a shame you didn't inherit her good looks. Oh well." Tessa smiled evilly.
She, Isobel, and Faith took her swing, wound it up tight, then let go. They ran away laughing.
Cece shrieked as she spun and spun and spun. It seemed like it would never stop. When it finally did, Cece got off and wobbled towards Tessa and her friends. "What an ugly person you are." Tessa smirked.
Cece threw up all over Tessa. Tessa screamed while Isobel and Faith pinched their noses.
"YOU UGLY B****!!" Tessa slapped Cece and stormed away.
Cece fell on the ground, stunned.
Then the boys came over.
"Awe, poor stupid Cece. Too ugly to be looked at." One of said. They all took turns kicking her, then left the grounds.
Cece lay on the ground in extreme pain, tears running down her cheeks.
"This is all your fault Clarissa. And I am going to make you PAY." Cece swore between clenched teeth.

At the tailors shop, Phoenix walked up to the cashier, who's nametag said Georgia. "Hey Georgia. Can I talk to Mary please?"
"Hi Phoenix. Sure, let me go get her." Georgia walked away.
"Do you know EVERYONE here?" Clarissa asked incredulously. Phoenix blushed and grinned. "Guilty as charged." He admitted.
A woman came out with Georgia.
"Hello Phoenix. Good to see you again. And who's this pretty lady?" Mary said to Phoenix.
"Good to see you too Mary. This beautiful lady is Clarissa." Phoenix smiled.
Clarissa colored and waggled her fingers. "Charmed." She said sweetly.
"What can I do for you two today?' Mary asked.
"We'd like some clothes for Clarissa." Phoenix answered.
"Oh but of course! Now, what fabric would you like sweetie?" Mary asked Clarissa.
Clarissa looked around.
"Oh my! How many can I pick?" She asked excitedly.
"As many as you'd like. No charge." Mary smiled graciously.
Clarissa squealed and dashed around the store.
"So are you two together?" Mary asked Phoenix as the young girl collected fabric.
"I wish I could say yes but no. But she has stolen my heart." Phoenix sighed.
"Well I'm sure she likes you back, you're quite the catch." Mary winked.
"Yeah, I'm the renegade in a tunic." Phoenix said dryly.
"Don't fret Phoenix. Just tell her how you feel. It's that simple." Mary put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'd like these please." Clarissa said loudly, holding a handful of fabrics. "My!" Mary laughed. "I just couldn't pick! The gingham was so pretty, but so was the felt." Clarissa said excitedly.
"Well I'll sew this into dresses straight away." Mary took the fabric.
"Thank you m'am" Clarissa gushed. "M'am? Girl do you think I'm 40? Just call me Mary." Mary winked.
"Thanks. I owe you one." Phoenix said to her as Clarissa skipped out the door.
"Wait up!" He called, running after her.
Mary shook her head and smiled.

Cece stormed into her room and screamed her head off. She trashed Clarissa's side of the room. She messed up all her clothes, opened all her nail polishes, disorganized her jewelry box, and unmade her bed. She did everything that made Clarissa wild with anger.
Mrs. Carol came in.
"Darling whatever are you doing?" She exclaimed. "Get out!" Cece shrieked, whipping Clarissa's music box at her. Mrs. Carol quickly closed the door.
Cece sank to the floor and began to sob.
"Why do I have to be Clarissa's sister? Why oh why?" She moaned pitifully.
She curled up in a ball and wept.
Mrs. Carol opened the door once more. "Oh darling." She picked up her daughter and carried her downstairs.
She laid her youngest daughter on couch and fetched a blanket.
"I hate her Mummy." Cece hiccuped.
"Who darling?" Mrs. Carol stroked Cece's hair.
"Rissa. She takes everything away from me. Everyone says I'm the ugly sister. She deserves to rot in bloody he double hockey sticks." Cece sniffed.
Ms. Carol looked a bit shocked at her daughter's choice of words but didn't say anything.
"I put her on that land because I thought she would be unhappy. But she met some boy and now I think she's even happier. My plan is backfiring big time." Cece wept.
Ms. Carol just caressed her cheek and let her lement.
She stored all this in her brain. She didn't know what her 14 year old daughter was up to, but she knew it wasn't good. And she had no way to stop her.

The next few days were absolute heaven for Clarissa. Her new clothes had arrived and she loved twirling around in her dresses.
As for her and Phoenix, the two grew closer every minute. Even Penelope the cat grew used to having Clarissa around.
On Friday, Clarissa and Phoenix were sitting on a bench near an ice cream shop, licking their cones. Clarissa had Cherry Garcia, Phoenix had mint chocolate chip.
"Oh this week has been simply divine." Clarissa sighed happily.
"It has been pretty fun." Phoenix agreed.
Clarissa looked around, then leaned and whispered, "Can I tell you a secret?"
"You can tell me anything." Phoenix grinned.
"In all of my sixteen years in my world, I have never been as happy as I am right now." Clarissa said earnestly.
Phoenix's heart soared. "I'm so glad Clarissa." He gazed at her.
Clarissa's eye's shone. He was so close.
Their lips almost touched, when in a flash of light, Clarissa was gone.

Cece watched through her vanity as her sister and her lover licked their ice cream cones. She watched as Clarissa admitted how happy she was. But then, as she watched her sister and the boy lean in closer, she screamed, "ZINTHOS!" and with a flash of light, Clarissa was gone, leaving the boy very confused.
Cece quickly turned off her vanity as Clarissa appeared.
"Wha? What happened? Where's Phoenix?" Clarissa looked around frantically.
Cece stormed up to her sister.
"RISSA!!" she screamed.
Clarissa looked at her red faced little sister. "What's the matter?" She asked.
Clarissa looked terribly confused.
"I.. I don't quite understand." She stuttered.
"Oh of course you don't! Simple minded Clarissa." Cece mocked. "Just go to Mum. She'll explain it. I'm too mad." The girl frowned.
Clarissa nodded and scurried down the stairs.
Cece sank to her knees. She managed to reach her bed, and pull out the picture.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures." She held the picture to her heart.

Clarissa scurried down the steps. "Mum! Muuum!" She called.
Mrs. Carol stepped out of the kitchen were she was washing dishes. She dropped a plate when she saw her daughter. It shattered but she didn't seem to care.
"Oh Clarissa!" She stepped over the shards and ran to her oldest daughter. The two embraced.
"Oh Mummy, I'm terribly confused. Cee is mad at me and I haven't got the slightest inkling why!" Clarissa looked sad.
"Well what happened?" Mrs. Carol asked.
"All I know is that one minute, I'm about to kiss the cutest boy in existence, and the next I'm back home and Cee is yelling at me. I'm hopelessly confused." Clarissa moaned.
Mrs. Carol sighed.
"Darling, sit with me." She said.
Clarissa obliged.
"Do you know how you got to that place?"
"No, I'm afraid I do not Mummy."
"Well, Cece sent you."
"You know Cece's terribly jealous of you right? Everyone regards you as the 'prettier sister.' Well, I suppose Cece had enough so she went to Kookie, who granted her the power to send you to the world you were just in. But then you met that boy, and you were even happier there then you were here. Cece saw this and decided to bring you back."
Clarissa stood up. "Oh no. Phoenix. I can't imagine what he's thinking right now." She cried out.
Mrs. Carol patted her daughter's back.
Clarissa ran back upstairs. "I've got to tell Cece to send me back!" She said to herself.

Cece was still looking at the picture when she heard Clarissa coming up the stairs. She quickly rehid the picture.
"Cee!! I need to see Phoenix again. I'm sorry you're jealous of me and I'm sorry for being happy. Just PLEASE take me back there!" Clarissa begged tearfully.
A coy smile spread across Cece's face. "Of course Rissa. It was selfish of me to bring you back here. We'll go straightaway tomorrow." She said graciously.
"Oh thank you sister!" Clarissa hugged Cece tight.
Clarissa looked around.
"What happened to my stuff?" She asked slowly.
Cece gulped. "Um. I don't know. It was probably Casper." She tried.
Clarissa looked at her. "Casper is a cat, Cee. He doesn't have opposable thumbs, so HE CAN'T OPEN MY NAIL POLISH?" She shrieked. Cece hunched over, bracing herself for the pain.
But to her surprise, Clarissa took a deep breath, and blew it out. "Calm down Clarissa. Think of seeing Phoenix tomorrow." She told herself.
"Oh yes, there's one condition." Cece peeped.
Clarissa looked over. "Oh? What is this, 'condition' you speak of?" She asked.
"I come with you. I want to meet this Phoenix fellow." Cece's smile was as sticky sweet as syrup.
Clarissa opened her mouth, then closed it. "Fine. But if you embarrass me, you lose a limb. Got it?"
"Who me? I wouldn't dream of embarrassing you Rissa." Cece batted her eyelashes.
"Right." Clarissa seemed to deflate. She trudged over to her side of the room and started to clean it up.
Cece smirked. Poor gullible, pure Clarissa. She had no idea what was coming for her.

The next morning, Clarissa was up and ready to go. She had on a white silk dress, and she looked beautiful.
"Come on Cee! I want to see my Phoenix!" Clarissa whined.
"Hold your horses Rissa." Cece said as she grabbed something from her mattress.
She grabbed Clarissa's hand. "Zinthos!" She said. In a flash of light, they were in Nolava.
Together, the sisters ran off in pursue of Phoenix.
They finally found him by the brick wall where he and Clarissa had met.
"Phoenix!" Clarissa shrieked.
Phoenix looked up. "Clarissa!" He jumped up and hugged her tight.
"Phoenix, may I have the pleasure of introducing my little sister, Cece." Clarissa beamed.
"Nice to meet you Cece. I've heard a lot about you." Phoenix smiled.
"Thanks, I've heard next to nothing about you." Cece smiled sweetly.
"Cee." Clarissa said in a warning tone.
"Now, Phoenix. Can I show you something?" Cece asked.
"Sure." Phoenix nodded.
Cece pulled the picture out of her back pocket.
"Look." She grinned.
Phoenix looked at the picture, and he went pale. "W-who is this?" He asked Clarissa.
Clarissa gasped when she saw the picture.
"Phoenix please I.." She began.
"I thought we had something!" Phoenix looked ready to cry.
"We did! We still do! I swear it's not what it looks like!" Clarissa begged.
"I can't believe you." Phoenix shook his head. "You acted like you were into me, but I should I have known better."
Then he ran off.
"Phoenix!!!" Clarissa screamed.
Satisfied, Cece said, "Zinthos!" And transported them back to their room.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Clarissa shrieked/sobbed.
"Sorry sis. All's fair in love and war." Cece shrugged.
"I HATE YOU CECILIA ARIA CAROL!" Clarissa screamed. Then she stormed out of the room.

Cece lay in her bed that night as she listened to the music box. Strangely enough it couldn't lull her to sleep. She was too overwhelmed with guilt. She had spent nearly an hour in the shadows of the stairwell, listening to Clarissa's pitiful cries and their mum's comforting noises.
When she heard Clarissa coming she quickly made it up to her room and sat on her bed. When Clarissa walked in, red eyed and sniffling, she gave Cece a look, that if looks could kill, would reduce her to a pile of smoldering ashes.
Then, she took her brush and started to brush her hair, a habit she had gotten into when she was mad. She claimed it helped her calm down.
Cece looked over at the lump on Clarissa's bed. It moved up and down steadily so Cece knew her sister was asleep. Casper lay by her feet, fast asleep as well.
Cece sighed. She rolled over and looked at her wall. It still had the faint marks of crayon, where she had Clarissa had drawn on the wall so many years ago.
She could still see her mother's face when she saw it.
Cece suddenly felt a wave of nostalgia, the same wave she had felt the day before she sent Clarissa to Nolava. She missed when Clarissa and her were good friends. She missed the times when she was happy.
That decided it for her. She was going to send Clarissa back to try and make it right. It was a painful decision, for it gave up everything she had worked for, but she would rather endure bullying for decades then have her sister hate her.

The next morning, Clarissa glared at Cece over breakfast.
Cece shifted uncomfortably.
Clarissa was a huge wreck inside. The boy she so deeply had a crush on, was mad at her. And it was all her sister's fault.
Clarissa was sympathetic towards her sister's bullying problems but that didn't justify sabotoge!
In their room, Cece asked to talk to Clarissa.
"Why? So you can gloat?" Clarissa frowned.
"No. I want to send you back to Nolava. So you can make things right with Phoenix." Cece looked down.
Clarissa froze. She squealed and gave her sister a bone crushing hug. "Thank you Cee! I'm sorry I said I hated you, that was uncalled for." She said.
"No, I deserved it. Now, are you ready to go see Phoenix?" Cece asked.
"Not in my pyjamas! I've got to look stunning!" Clarissa explained. She dashed to their closet and pulled out her most stunning dress.
She quickly put it on, brushed her hair till it shone, brushed her teeth for 10 minutes, and spritzed on perfume.
"OK! I am ready." She decided.
Cece smiled. "Zinthos!" She declared, and Clarissa landed in Nolava.
She ran as fast as she could in a dress, yelling Phoenix's name. She finally found him a while later.
"Phoenix! Thank goodness I need to talk to you!!" She gasped.
Phoenix turned around and had a hard time not drooling. He stood his ground and said icily, "Why are you still here?"
"Please, just give me 5 minutes of your time to let me explain." Clarissa begged.
Phoenix sighed. "Fine. 5 minutes."
"Well, Cece gets bullied a lot like I told you because she is regarded as the ugly sister. She sent me her so she wouldn't have to deal with me anymore. But then when she saw that I was blossoming here, she sent me back. Then we came back and she showed you that picture that looked like I was about to flirt with that guy but really, HE was the one hitting on me. I was about to say that's gross. I swear!" Clarissa explained.
Suddenly, she broke down crying. "And I don't blame you if you don't believe me, because I've lost your trust and I probably don't even deserve it, but Phoenix, I love you! And if you don't love me back, I understand! I'm just a dumb blonde!" She sobbed.
Clarissa sobbed even more.
Clarissa looked up into Phoenix's eyes. "Yes?" She sniffed.
"You are not, and never will be a dumb blonde. I forgive you. I promise." Phoenix said softly.
Clarissa grinned through her tears.
She leaned up and kissed him. It was a slow, tender kiss and it was absolutely magical.
They had both wanted this for so long.
When they finally broke apart, Phoenix said, "And Clarissa?"
Clarissa looked up at him with shining eyes.
"I love you too."

Cece watched through the vanity as her sister and Phoenix kissed. Cece felt her heart soar. Her sister was in love. She had made things right again.
"I never want to leave you." Clarissa whispered. "Then don't. Stay here with me." Phoenix offered.
Clarissa pursed her lips, considering this.
"Say yes Rissa! I want you to be happy?" Cece yelled at her vanity.
"I'd have to ask my mum. But before I do... Do you have a boy for Cece?"
"Yeah, does he have a boy... Wait... WHAT?" Cece shrieked.
"Oh I have the PERFECT boy for Cece. Come." Phoenix grabbed Clarissa's hand and pulled her.
Cece bit her nails rapidly. What if he didn't like her?
After about 5 minutes, they reached a field. "Braden? You out there?" Phoenix called.
A figure stood up. "Yeah I'm here."
Cece nearly fell out of her seat. "Oh my god. A boy like that would never like me." She whimpered.
"This is Clarissa. She has a sister back home in her world I think you would like." Phoenix gave Clarissa a little nudge.
"Oh yes. She's quite beautiful. She has shoulder length dirty blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and freckles. You'll love her." Clarissa beamed.
Braden was practically drooling. "Wow! She sounds beautiful." He said. "She's got the sweetest personality too. She's really kind and she's my best friend." Clarissa said.
Cece felt her heart swell up with love for her amazing sister.
"Would you be willing to back with me to meet Cece?" Clarissa asked. "You don't even have to ask!" Braden exclaimed.
Clarissa grinned at Phoenix. "I'll be back. I promise." She told him. Then she grabbed Braden's arm. Cece quickly said, "Zinthos!" And in a flash of light, the two were gone.
In her excitement, Cece forgot to turn off her vanity.
Clarissa and Braden appeared.
"Cee! How'd you know when I was ready to leave?" Clarissa asked.
Then she noticed the vanity.
Cece blushed and hastily turned it off. "Oh, I'm like Karen Smith. I have a 5th sense." She smiled nervously.
Clarissa smiled and shook her head. "The spying thing I want to come back to, but anyway. This is Braden." She introduced the staring in awe boy. "I've got to talk to Mum, so I'll let you two get, 'acquainted'." Clarissa winked as she ran downstairs.
Braden walked over. "Wow. You're even more beautiful then your sister described." He said. "Really? Most people say I'm ugly." Cece's voice shook.
"They are obviously blind. You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Braden took her hand. Cece could have kissed him then, but he did it for her.

Clarissa hurried down the stairs. "MUM!" She screamed. Mrs. Carol came hurrying in. "What is it darling?"
"I want to live with Phoenix in Nolava." Clarissa announced.
Mrs. Carol looked in shock. "B-but, what about your life here?" She asked.
"This isn't where I want to be anymore. I love Phoenix with my heart and soul. It hurts me so much to be without him. Please Mummy, let me go." Clarissa begged.
"What about your sister?"
"Oh, I brought back a boy for her. She'll be fine."
Mrs. Carol almost fainted. "This is way too much at one time!" She exclaimed.
"Pleeeease Mum?" Clarissa begged with tears in her eyes.
Mrs. Carol sighed. "Alright dear. If it's what you truly want. But you must come visit, I want to meet this Phoenix boy." She smiled.
Clarissa gave her mom a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank you Mum! I promise I'll visit every month!" Then she ran upstairs and opened the door to Cece and Braden kissing.
"Oh! Am I interrupting something?" Clarissa giggled.
"Get out!" Cece exclaimed, throwing a shoe at her sister.
"It's my room too! Anyway, Mum said yes so I need you to transport me to Nolava land again! I want to see my Phoenix!" Clarissa declared.
"Thank him for me will you?" Braden asked.
"Of course." Clarissa smiled graciously.
Cece got up and hugged her sister. "I'll miss you Rissa." She whispered.
"I will too Cee. I'll come visit you every month." Clarissa whispered back.
Cece wiped a tear from her eye, and said, "Zinthos!"
And Clarissa was back in Nolava land.
Phoenix was exactly where she left him.
She ran to him. "She said yes!" She squealed.
Phoenix kissed her in glee.
"Does Cece like Braden?" Phoenix asked as their foreheads touched. "I walked in on them kissing so I presume yes." Clarissa smiled.
"I'm so glad you came back." Phoenix mumbled.
"Me too Phoenix. Me too."
The two shared another sweet, tender kiss.

"Braden.. If I told you something.. Bad about me... Would you still like me?" Cece's voice shook.
"Well, I'm sure I would, but tell me the bad thing about you." Braden said gently.
"The.. The whole reason Clarissa was even in Nolava is because I sent her there out of jealously. I was always bullied mercilessly because people thought I was the ugliest sister. I thought maybe if Clarissa was gone, things would get better. But then, I saw Clarissa blossoming in Nolava, and I grew angry, so I sabotaged her and Phoenix's relationship." Cece started to weep softly.
"I understand if you want to go back after hearing that, I can't imagine you wanting to stay now." She mumbled.
Cece looked up at Braden.
"I'm not going back. I think you're beautiful. Yeah you made a mistake. But you fixed it. You made things right. I know a lot of people who wouldn't have the guts to do that. Everyone does things out of jealously. It's normal. But to fix it? That takes courage. And frankly, I find courage hot in a girl." He said, smiling.
Cece giggled. "Well I'm glad. Because I've got lots of courage."
"Maybe it'll rub off on me."
"In your dreams."

Clarissa had never been happier. She was with her true love Phoenix, she had made tons of new friends there, everyone loved her, it was such a fun place to be.
Phoenix had never been happier either. He staunchly believed his girlfriend was growing prettier everyday, though she denied this. Luckily Ashely grew used to having her around, so her ice cold stares stopped.
Clarissa visited home every month as she promised, bringing Phoenix with her. Her sister and mom liked to tell her she was losing her accent, which she was appalled by. Mrs. Carol loved Phoenix immediately and the two hit it off. Casper didn't seem to like him all that much, possibly because he reeked of Penelope. :)
Years later, the two married and had two children, a boy and a girl.
They grew old together and in all, lived happily ever after.

There WAS supposed to be a Cece+Braden chapter... But it got lost in Tartarus. Whoopsies! Forgive! This is not the last chapter BTW. I have one more!

Thank you for reading! Did you find the "easter egg"? LET ME KNOW. I bet most of you won't get it. Although, authors must never underestimate their readers. Hope you enjoyed!

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This book has 1 comment.

on May. 28 2017 at 1:37 pm
addictwithapen PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
21 articles 14 photos 163 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm at it again as an addict with a pen." - twenty one pilots, addict with a pen

1. Make sure to use proper punctuation. There are lots of online punctuation guides that can be helpful. 2. Make sure to start a new paragraph every time a new character speaks. You mostly did well at this, but I noticed a few exceptions. 3. Consider putting thoughts in italics instead of quotation marks to differentiate them from spoken dialogue. 4. I get that this is in a “fairy tale” style, but it’s kind of unrealistic that Cece and Braden would fall in love immediately. Maybe you could just have them meet and start to like each other, hinting that they could fall in love later on. Or you could just keep it the way it is, because readers are likely to be more lenient about realism since the story is similar to a fairy tale. Also I can’t figure out what the “Easter egg” is! Can you tell me? I’m curious now!