Briobands (Part One) | Teen Ink

Briobands (Part One)

March 23, 2016
By Olivia Kerber GOLD, Walnut, Illinois
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Olivia Kerber GOLD, Walnut, Illinois
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

My eyes flutter open and the only light in my room is the soft glow of my clock and of course the ever glowing light of my Brioband. I check my surroundings to see what could be setting it off, but everything in my room is exactly the same. A dresser on the left side with a single framed photo of my family and The Book. On my night stand is my alarm clock, a glass of water, and my blue pill to charge my Brioband. To the right of my room is my bathroom.
I sit up and check the time. 5:45 as always. I swallow my pill and grab my Thursday clothes, a brown shirt with jeans. I make my way to the wash room to start my morning routine.
“Good morning, Melody. Today is Thursday, April 7th.”
“Thank you, Penny.”
Penny was a pensive like system that all people living in Everest had to use. It is to keep us safe and for our five leaders, The Protectors, to make sure we are obeying and do what is best.
I finish up and head downstairs.
“Good morning, mother.” I give her a peck on the cheek and sit at our old worn out table.
“My dear,” she places Thursday’s breakfast on my plate, eggs, toast, and strawberries. “you are running out of time. You turn eighteen in July.”
“I am fully aware, but my band never stops.” My eyes glance at my mother’s wrist where her band glows green. She is a teacher, and her Brioband is happy.
“We need to take you back to Jack. He will surely be able to help.”
Swallowing my bite of eggs I turn to face her. “Mother. He will say the same thing he always says. Keep searching.”
Her eyes veer away from my gaze to the rising sun out the window. “I have already made the appointment. We leave at 7.”
Her plate crashes into the sink as she floats out of the room. I look back down at my food and move all the food around aimlessly. Moving the eggs doesn’t satisfy my hunger but is passes the time.
“Hey little sis.”
Broody grabs his plate of food and his hand moves to my plate.  “You gonna eat this or..?”
My hand moves from its resting place on my untouched food. “It’s all yours.”
He snatches up the plate heading to his room.

The slam of my door echo’s through the silent morning air. Looking around our small neighborhood, I realize I am the screw up.  Everyone here knows what they are doing. Even Cindy, my sixteen-year-old neighbor, knows she is meant to be a singer.
“Why are you always lit up!” I yank at my Brioband until my wrist hurts like hell.
“You’re suppose to help me! Why. Don’t. You. WORK!” My band smashes against the dash with each hateful word that escapes my mouth.
“That, my dear, is only going to hurt you.” Her dainty fingers hold my now bruised wrist. I turn to my mother and feel my eyes swelling with tears.  “It takes time. Just,” a deep breath escapes her. “give it time.”
My wrist drops to my life as the car rumbles to life.
“Time is something I don’t have.”

“You may have a seat. Doctor Jack will be right with you.” Her mouth tilts up as she pulls the glass barrier shut.
I sit in the hard, cold chair awaiting the doctor.
“You can’t make me!”
My head spins around to the sudden noise.
“This is my own right!” My eyes go wide as I see a boy, about my age, with dark blond hair being escorted out of the office. If I didn’t know any better, I would say if he wasn’t injured he could take those guys and make a run for it.
Blood drips down his arm and hole gapes from where his Brioband must have been.
“Sir you must calm down.” One of the guards holding him commands.
“Over my dead body.” He spits out every word like poison in his mouth.
He jerks his arm free and the guard grabs something from his pocket and sticks it in his neck so fast I'm sure I was the only one to notice. The boy’s body instantly crumples to the ground.
“Melody?” My body jumps at the sound of my name.
“Yes, mom?”
“The nurse has been calling for you.” Her eyebrows pull together and her head shakes slightly.
“Oh.” I trudge to the nurse. “I'm sorry ma’am.” I look back to where the boy was just standing and is now gone. “Do you know if that boy is going to be okay?”
The door slams behind us. “I am unable to give you any information.” Her smile is fake telling me he wont be.
“The doctor will be with you shortly.” And with that she leaves me with my thoughts.
“Please state your name.” The Penny on the wall says.
“Melody Ruin.”
“Melody, please state your condition.”
“Brioband malfunction.”
“Thank you.” Penny knows every word under the sun and still she seems to use the same words on replay.
The door swings open and an older man with white hair comes in.
“You’re not Jack. Jack is my doctor.”
His eyes light up. “No Miss. Jack is helping with the young male.”
The water from the faucet rushes over his hands.
“Who was that boy?”
His smile reaches all the way to his warm eyes “His name is Derek. And before you ask, that is all the information I can give you.”
I nod but I know that will not satisfy me for long.
“Alright, Melody, Penny here tells me you have a Brioband malfunction. What is the issue?” I wince in pain as he grabs my bruised wrist. “What happened?”
His cool fingers graze over my purple skin.
“I was upset. It never stops taunting me with it’s blue light.”
“I see.” He looks at my wrist even closer. “How long has it been like this?”
I take my wrist from his grasp. “As long as I can remember. Please don’t tell me to just keep looking” His brows furry and his head tilts. “I have three months.”
His eyes widen with the shocking news. “Well I have one suggestion” my head snaps up at this. “Go to The Protectors. Talk to them.”
He peels the rubber protective gloves off, tossing them in the trash.
“You can go ahead to your mother.”
“Why should I talk to them?”
“You can pay at the front desk.”
I jump off the table and stand in front of the door. “Why should I talk to The Protectors?”
“Miss Ruin. It is my professional opinion that you talk to them but,” He reaches for the door “do as you please.”
The door closes behind him. Cutting me off from the outside world.

“Well, what did Jack say?”
The brisk air hits my face as I walk to the house. “Jack didn’t say anything.”
My mother stops dead in her tracks falling behind.  “So nothing has changed?”
“Not really, mother.”
I run up to my room as fast as my legs will carry me.
“Melody! We are not done with this conversation!” My mothers voice travels through the house with ease. “Fine. We will finish this at dinner.”
I slam my door shut to stop the conversation from getting any worse. I yank open my laptop pulling up Penny.
“Hello Melody. Please type in your request.”
Everest Brioband Hospital News
“No news has been reported today, April 7th, for Everest Brioband Hospital.”
My fingers hover over the keys.
Everest Brioband Hospital/Derek
“Derek Point is a Brioband repairer at Everest Brioband Hospital.” I forcefully press the delete button thinking of a new way to narrow down my search.
Boy, Derek, dragged out of Everest Brioband Hospital
My laptop hums as my search loads. “I cannot give you any information on boy, Derek, dragged out of Everest Brioband Hospital.” I hit the enter button once more.
“This information is not available. Shutting down.” The screen turns black and I see my reflection staring back at me.
“What is going on?” My finger presses the power button until my thumb is sore.
“Melody?” My mother’s voice comes from somewhere downstairs. “Is there a reason our Pennys aren’t working?” Instantly I am on my feet hurrying to my bathroom.
“Penny what is today’s date?”
“Penny?” I look around my bathroom unsure of what to do.
“Oh nevermind! It’s working.”
I try again. “Penny what is today’s date?”
“Today’s date is April 7th.”
I sprint back to my laptop. The black screen stares back at me but now with a new edition.
You wont find the truth here.
As quick as it appeared, it was gone even faster.

“Where’s dad tonight?” My eyes find Brody’s quickly questing his every word.
“He’s working, Brody. Somebody has to pay the bills around here.” I focus on Thursday night’s dinner, pot roast, potatoes, and peas.
“Melody. Why don’t you tell us more about what Jack said.”
My potatoes create a lump in my throat before finally reaching my stomach. “Jack wasn’t there. I had a different doctor.”
“And what was his name?”
I think about it for a moment. “I guess he never gave me his name.” A deep chuckle escapes Brody’s throat.
“You never wondered who he might be?”
“I guess not. He said he was a doctor filling in while Jack took care of De..” I bit my tongue. There is no way in hell I am telling them about Derek. “stuff. He was taking care of stuff.”
“Right ‘stuff’. Did this shady character at least give you advice on your problem?”
I look from Brody to my mother, seeing the curiosity building in her eyes. “Actually he told me to go talk to The Protectors.” I take a bite of my roast trying my best to act casual.
“And let me guess, you’re going to just do as he says?” I can feel my blood pressure rising with every word that leaks from Brody’s mouth.
“I will do whatever it takes yo-“
“Enough.” At once my head spins to my once silent mother. “You will not go to The Protectors and first thing in the morning we will go back to the hospital and you will talk to Jack.” She spat out the last words making her point very clear.
“But what if-“ Her hand flies into the air as if slicing my words before they reach her.
“No buts. You will do as I say. Now please pick up dinner.”
“Melody! One more word and you will be punished. Do you understand?” my head bobs up and down feeling like I was five again. “Good. Clean up dinner. Now.” She pushes away from the table leaving her mess behind her.
“Way to go little sis.” Brody leaves the table but returns not a moment later. “I’m taking this with me.” He grabs his full plate and this time leaves for good.
Steaming water fills the bottom of the sink as soap splashes in. Each plate penetrates the water as entering. I thrust my arms elbow deep into the water, burning the tips of my fingers, but I feel nothing.
No matter what my mother says I have to go to The Protectors. I have to know why the doctor, whoever he was, wants me to go there. He wouldn’t just tell me to go there for no reason; he had to know whom I was. I wonder if they would know what happened to my laptop earlier. Or what ‘You won’t find the truth here’ means.
“They will probably say  ‘I cannot give you that information’” I mock Penny, the nurse, and the doctor.
But if they can tell me about my laptop they can probably tell me about Derek and where his Brioband went. My eyes fall to my soap covered Brioband. They could fix this stupid thing.
“Melody?” My whole body tenses except for my hand holding the plate. It crashes into the sink probably shattering into a thousand pieces. “Your appointment is at 7:30 tomorrow morning and I assured you would be seeing Jack.”
“Yes mother.”
“And Melody. Pick up that plate. It surly broke.” I hear her footsteps leave the room. My hand swooshes the bubbles away reveling a shattered plate.
As I finish washing the last dish I have come up with a plan. A plan that will help me get my s*** together.

The buzzing of my alarm clock thinks it is waking me, but I have been awake for an hour planning. I sit up ready to start.
I click off my alarm and jump from bed. The cold floor makes me stutter in my walk before I swallow my pill. I dress quickly and head for my door.
I slowly turn the knob making my way out of the room. My mother’s door is still closed. She would never be up at this hour any way. I tip top to the stairs beginning my descent. Each step I walk down seems to magnify louder than the last.
My feet seem to be tripping over themselves as I make my way to the front door. When my fingertips finally grasp the doorknob I hear someone walking upstairs. My heart rate raises and I feel the sweat on my palms. I listen a moment more and whoever was up seems to have made there way back to bed.
I grip the knob and walk quickly and quietly out. As soon as my foot hits the outer world my body is in a dead sprint for the center of the city. I have to make it to The Protectors head courters before my mother realizes I am gone. I'm breathing hard and each step my foot smashes with the asphalt sends pain shooting through my leg. I keep going focusing on the rising and falling of my chest. Focusing on my Brioband. Focusing on my future.
When I finally reach the city there is no way to miss the massive building that is the head courters.
“Here goes nothing.”
I look around taking in the city before heading to the glass door entrance.
“Good morning miss.”
The doorman grins from ear to ear holding the door wide. “Thank you.”
I walk in and my mouth drops open. The view is absolutely incredible. Glass and gold everywhere. Everyone is in their best dress, so I am fully aware I stick out like a sore thumb wearing jeans and a blue shirt. I feet lead me to the front desk.
“Hello. Miss Ruin?” My head turns to the voice coming from a young lanky boy with soft black hair.
“Yes that is me.” His hand is in front of me offering a friendly gesture. I softly grip is hand. “If you don’t mind by me asking, how did you know who I was?”
“Ah yes. Well I am in training. I can tell by your Brioband who you are.” His smile reaches his eyes giving me butterflies. “My name is Shane, and The Protectors have been waiting for you, Miss Melody.”

“They have been expecting me?” My voice raises an octave almost choking me.
“Yes Melody. You. Now if you will kindly follow me.” He turns on his heels leading the way.
“Do you know why they want to see me?” I rub the scar on my right palm nervously.
“I do not have an answer for that. But they did know you would be here today.” He throws a soft smile my direction before scrunching his nose and halting.
He pulls me out of human traffic and cups my shoulders. “Melody you have no reason to be nervous.” His eyes pierce into mine, but some how it makes me feel ever so slightly better.
“I just need to know why my Brioband is always illuminated.” I lift my wrist allowing him to see my band.  He snatches my wrist covering the light. “Look.” He holds up my covered Brioband “Now it’s not glowing.” He smiled so wide. I felt my worries fly away as I laughed
“Thank you. I needed that.” He places my arm to my side, but he takes a hold of my hand in the process.
“Anything so I can see that smile.” Heat rushes to my checks and with my free hand I tuck a loose dark strand behind my ear.
With my face toward the floor I mumble a thank you and feel his fingers slip under my chin, forcing me to make eye contact.
We walk hand in hand down the long crowded hallway that will hopefully lead me to my future.
Enormous wooden doors appear in front of us. “This,” my eyes looking at Shane “is stunning.”
“It truly is. Alright let’s do this.” Dropping my hand he holds his band up to a Penny, letting her read it.
“Hello Shane McCeen. Access Granted.”
“Easy as pie.”
The doors slowly open revealing a white room with a small round, white table in the center. Around the table sits five chairs and at each chair sits one of the five Protectors. I look closely at all of them. My eyes bounce from one to the next until they lock with the doctor that ‘filled’ in for Jack.
He was a Protector?
He sees my realization and gives me another warm smile. He nods as if approving my choice to come.
“Protectors, this Melody Ruin. She has come in search of your wisdom.”
The doctor rises from his chair. “Thank you Mr. McCeen. You may see yourself out.” I am too afraid to turn away from them, but I can hear Shane exit the room.
“Miss. Ruin, it is good to see you again.” I swallow the lump that has yet again formed in my throat.
“Yes. Nice to see you Mr..?”
“Mr. Green. I am the speaker for The Protectors.” He lowers himself to his chair. “Now what brings you here?” My body shifts as I hold up my Brioband.
“I have three months to find my calling. My Brioband is always glowing. It never is at rest.” Small gasps escape their mouths. My gaze follows their heads as they look from one to another. They all begin talking at once.
“She’s the one.”
“We’ve been waiting for her.”
“Finally she is here.”
“Silence!” Mr. Green stands slamming his hands on the table. “I had told you I thought I had found her.”
Every eye in the room is on me. I can feel my heart pounding, and if I had to take a guess this is what it probably feels like to have a heart attack.
“Wh- why am I important?”
“My dear melody. You are not just important. You are a future Protector.”
My eyes widen to extreme measures.
“I’m what?” My finger points to my chest making sure he knows he is taking about me.
“A future Protector. The same as Mr. McCeen. We,” he gestures to himself and the others, “will not live forever. And when a special child is born they are chosen to be a future Protector. You were chosen at birth.” All their heads nod in unison. My hand flies to my head.
“This is insane.” Suddenly I can’t feel any part of my body. My vision begins to blur and it’s like no blood is flowing through my system. Just then everything goes black.

“Melody? Is anyone home?” My eyes wince in pain as the light floods into them. I lift my body to a sitting position but instantly regret it.
“Woah. I’d probably stay reclined if I were you.” I find Shane’s eyes and wonder where he came from.
“Why are you in here?” My eyes dart around the unfamiliar room. “Wait where are we?”
“We are in your new room. The news was a little much for you to take all at once.”  I lay down my head down and shooting pain flies from the back of my head. In response I try to find the source of the pain. “You hit your head when you fell. But don’t worry the doctor says it is just a bump, and you will be good to go in no time.”
“Thank you for helping.”
His fingers lace through mine. “Anything. As soon as you are feeling better I am going to show you the ropes. Help get you on your path. You will live here from now on and this,” he looks around the large white room, “is all yours.” He begins to smooth out my surly tangled hair before pushing off the bed, heading for the door.
Instant worry hits me like a bullet. “Wait!” Again I try to sit and regret it. “What about my family? They had to have noticed I was gone.”
“We took care of it. They know you are here and know you will be staying here.” Relief washes over me like a fountain.
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Anything. Oh! Before I go, you need to charge your band. The pill is on the nightstand.” He smiles once more before exiting my room.
I look to my stand, picking up the pill.
It’s different.
This pill was green instead of blue, but Shane said it was to charge my band. And for some unknown reason I trust him. I throw it to the back of my throat and chase it with water. I try to catch a little more sleep before this crazy ride begins.

“Well hello Sleeping Beauty.” Shane walks right to me enveloping me in a hug.
“Are you this touchy with everyone?”
“Only with pretty girls.” He sends a wink in my direction before handing me a pile of papers. “These papers are what will help you survive this. Don’t lose them. Now walk and talk with me.” He takes off in the same direction he came from.
“I’m going to give you a few base rules and then you will be done for today. I don’t want to over work you since this is all brand new. Okay?”
“Yes sir.”
“First things first. Always charge your Brioband. The green pill I gave you today will allow you more charge.” I try to read his face. Is that really all it does for me? He gives away absolutely nothing.
“Yes sir.” I make a mental note to find out more later.
“Good. Next rule, don’t give out any information hat is giving to you in confidence. You wouldn’t think I would need to say this, but unfortunately I do . Any questions about anything so far?”
“Yes actually. Who was that Derek guy? Was he a part of this?” His eyebrows shoot up at the mention of Derek’s name.
“That brings us the last rule. Rule three, don’t ask any questions that you have no business knowing the answer to. Got it?”
“Yes sir.” I hope he can’t tell that I am lying.

My stomach yells at me as I search high and low in this room for anything to satisfy the grumbling. How could they give me a room and put no food anywhere in it? Placing my hands on my hips I turn and look at the disaster I have made. This is what it would look like if a tornado went through this place.
Every cabinet, cupboard, closet, and drawer is extended open to the fullest giving me full view of its contents. None of them containing food though.
“Yes Miss Melody?”
“Where can I get some food?” My toe makes a constant beat with the aluminum floor.
“The third floor is the cafeteria.”
“Can I see a map of the building by chance?”
“Of course. Here is a map of The Protectors Headquarters.” A blue hologram of the building projects from the ceiling, startling me. A red dot beats like a heart beat where I am, the sixth floor.
Every floor had a label, cafeteria, business hall, help and many others, except for floor fifteen. With my thumb and pointer finger I zoom in and see in red letters,
Floor 15
“Penny, what is on floor 15?”
“That information is unavailable to you.” What could be on that floor that is so top secret? And if I am going to be a Protector shouldn’t I have full access?
“Okay. Thank you.”
“You are welcome.”
The picture zooms back up into the ceiling without giving me another chance to look at it. Before I could talk myself out of it, I walk out of the room to the elevator located down the hall. The up and down arrows light up the empty hall, just begging to be pressed.
My finger hovers over the down arrow, and just as I am about to press it my finger jolts to the up arrow pressing that cool plastic instead. When the doors glide open I turn to check my surroundings and enter quickly.
The doors seem to take forever to close.
“What floor?” I jump back, hitting the wall, at the sudden voice of the elevator Penny.
“Floor fifteen.”
“Identification is required for that floor. Please state your name.”
I panic and before I can change my mind and I spit out the first name I know will work. “Shane McCeen.” Squeezing my eyes shut until they hurt as I pray it will work.
“State your position.” My entire body goes tense.
“Protector in training.” Every thing is silent and time stands still as I wait to see if it works.
“Access granted.” All the air I was holding in escapes. Every muscle in my body relaxes as I begin the ride to floor fifteen. A ding comes from Penny and the doors slowly open. I let my head stick out and my eyes check for really anyone. I really don’t know if I will get in trouble, but it will be better to be safe than sorry.
I seem to have nothing to worry about because the floor is completely vacant.
Putting one foot in front of the other I make my way down the hall. My eyes look for anything besides white walls. There aren’t even any rooms on this floor.
“What is this place?”
As I continue looking my eyes lock with a door at the end of the hall. I pick up my pace and stop in front of the door. My hand reaches for the knob and just then it begins to turn.
My eyes go wide and I rake my brain for any idea on what to do. Instead of coming up with a good plan my body decides freezing in place is the greatest idea.
The door swings open revealing Shane, and my body visibly relaxes.
“Melody? What are you doing here?” Although his voice should sound upset it doesn’t give any hint up being mad. His mouth even tilts upward into a smile.
“I was uh,” I glance back down at the elevator. “looking for the cafeteria. There’s no food in my room.”
The room he just exited, the only room on the floor that is obviously important, is still visible. I try to tilt my body, unnoticeably, to get a peek of what’s inside. Before I can see anything he nudges the door letting it close the rest of the way on it’s own.
“Oh of course! I should’ve shown you earlier.” He snatches my hand leading us out.
“Thank you. I didn’t really want to eat alone anyway.”
“I understand. That wouldn’t be near as fun as eating with me.” He winks at me again, giving a charming smile. “Penny. Third floor please.”

We sit at the white table with trays of food in front of us. We get to pick the food we want here. Had I been at home we would have had Saturday’s meal, pork chops, baked beans, and rolls. That is what my family is eating right now. But here I am having something that Shane calls pizza.
My fingers pick up the greasy bread, taking a large bite. Flavor explodes in my mouth.
“Mmhmmm.” I practically sing out how good this food is.
A chuckle escapes Shane. “You like?”
“Absolutely.” Food almost spills out of my mouth when I try and talk, but I still give him a smile that reaches my eyes. 
“Anything to see that smile.” I continue to stuff my face enjoying every second of it. “Melody. I need to know why you were really on floor fifteen.”
I try to push all worry from my face before lying my way out of this. “I told you. I was in search for the cafeteria.”
“Why didn’t you ask Penny?”
“Didn’t think about it.”
“And you just chose the fifteenth floor by chance.”
“I guess.” My heart pounds but I continue to bring pizza to my mouth.
“How did you get access?”
I tilt my head and narrow my eyes, giving my best-confused expression. “Access? What do you mean?” Quickly Shane’s head falls.
“Oh never mind.” He lifts his head letting his mouth fall into a loose smile “I think I better go.” With that he stands and leaves me alone. I didn’t want to eat alone, and he wasn’t wrong. I would rather eat with him. My eyes follow him walk away, but before he leaves Mr. Green stops him.
I rub my scar so hard I won’t be surprised if it bruises. Suddenly the both turn to me.
My hand flies from my pizza, sending it flying and hitting my water glass. Water explodes everywhere. I'm sure that look so attractive.

The numbers on the clock mock me.
I rip the covers off and pull pants on. I can’t stand it anymore; I have to know what was in that room.
I follow my previous path back into the elevator.
“What floor?”
“Floor fifteen.”
“Identification is required for that floor. Please state your name.”
“Shane McCeen.”
“State your position.”
“Protector in training.”
“Access granted.” Again relief washes over me.
As soon as the doors glide open I sprint down the hall, letting my long hair hit my face. When I finally reach the door my breath is coming out jagged. I think that is a sign that I need to work out.
My fingers grip the knob and I twist my wrist. The knob gets caught halfway through the turn telling me its locked. My eyes roll in their sockets, but instantly a great idea comes to my head.
I take a few steps back and take in a deep breath to fill my lungs. I jump as high as my body will let me. I send my foot in the air and kick the knob with everything I have.
“Mother trucker!”
As good of an idea as I thought it was I now realize how bad of an idea it actually was. I crumble to the ground allowing my hands to grab my surly broken toe.
“That better have worked.”
I force my body to stand a nudge the knob. It wiggles for a moment and falls to the cold floor, making a clinking sound. I feel a smile creep up to my face and don’t feel near as ridiculous.
My head spins around assuring I was still alone. As soon as I know the coast is clear my attention is back on the room; I lift my hand and push the door as wide as the hinges will allow.
My hands fly to my mouth silencing my gasp.
“Oh. My. Gosh.”

My eyes dart around the dark room, drinking everything in with my eyes. Monitors fill the entire room. Fifty or more monitors that my eyes can see. My feet take me closer and closer. Every screen has the same thing on it.
Derek on trial.
A mug shot of Derek.
Derek when he was young.
In the middle of the vast room is the largest screen of all of them. It seems to be paused on a video. I force my arm to reach up and tap play.
“Derek! Derek! Tell us what happened!”
“Is it true?”
“Are the rumors true?”
Thousands of voices call to Derek as bright lights flash constantly. Although he is the center of attention not once does Derek lift his head to face them. Two large men carry him out of what looks like the city courtroom.
My eyes try to keep up with everything that is flashing in front of me. The screen suddenly cuts out, leaving me wondering. I tap on it a few times and when it does nothing I loose much hope. Just before I turn away a picture appears where Derek’s face once was.
I scramble to pause the ever-moving video before it is surly gone forever. My eyes scan every word, once, twice, three times before anything actually processes through my brain.
Citizen Derek accesses Our Protectors of scamming us everyday of our lives. He claims the blue pill we take every morning does indeed charge our Brioband but also brain washes us. Protectors assure this is not the case. “We have nothing to hide.” States Mr. Green, speaker of The Protectors. “We promise everything is safe and under control.”
I turn sprinting to another monitor, but my feet have other plans for me. I fly forward, but my hands create a barrier between my face and the black desk just seconds before a disaster. I push of the desk and lower myself into the computer chair. My fingers shake as I fumble with the next screen.
“Calm down Melody or you are going to screw this up.”
The screen wakes up displaying a picture from the day at the hospital. I forcefully press it, but nothing is happening. My finger jabs at it again until it trembles at my touch.
A word document appears from the bottom left corner filling up the entire screen. My heart skips a beat as the words jump off the page, coming to life.
Derek is forcefully dragged from Everest Brioband Hospital on April 7th. Derek’s last name is unknown to the public. The only information given to us is that he was on the path to be a Protector, but he did not follow through.
My stomach drops and I feel my pulse quickening.
What is happening? Why have I never heard about this?
My face leans closer to the screen to read the smallest writing ever known to man.
Written by Alex Babst. Published April 8th.
My fingers fly to Penny.
“Type your request.”
Alex Babst
“Alex Babst was an newspaper writer but died unexpectedly on April 8th at 9:43 pm.”
My eyes scan the first document to find a name. Ahha. Always read the fine print.
Written by Scott Iveland. Published March 12th.
I struggle to find Penny again, but finally pull her up to answer my every question.
“Type your request.”
Scott Iveland
“Scott Iveland as a magazine editor but died unexpectedly on March 12th at 9:43 pm.”
My fingers tap against the desk when I hear a small click. My head saps up to the door. It was closed, yes, but it didn’t have a knob, but someone was definitely coming in. My body reacts fast for once. I clear my history and duck under the desk with ease.
With slow steady breaths I manage to get my breathing and heart beat back to normal.
Before I can see them I hear Mr. Green’s voice booming through the small room. “I just don’t understand how she could have gotten in here. And for Pete’s sake, Shane, fix that doorknob. It’s going to get someone hurt.”
My body freezes. They are talking about me, well and the door I broke.
“Of course sir.” The rattling noise comes from the other side of the room. ”Penny asks for access to get to this floor. Is it possible her name worked?”
“Impossible. I haven’t put her name in yet. Penny. Show me the records for who came up to this floor.” I rub my skin raw on the palm. They are going to know I came up here today, right now.
“Showing floor fifteen records.”
“Mr. McCeen it says two of you were in here yesterday. Well now this is even more interesting. You came up here about an hour ago.”
Shane’s feet shuffle across the floor.
“That’s not possible. I was in a meeting with you.”
“She is on smart cookie. She will make a great Protector if she can make it to the end. Can you shut everything down? I have things to do, places to be, people to see.” His voice fades out as he exits the room.
This one is going to be fun to explain.

I walk through my door and see the one thing I never want to see again.
The pill.
Stomping to the nightstand I backhand the pill to the darkest depths of my room. I have no idea if what Derek said was true, but I am not taking any chances.
A soft knock rattles on my door. “Come in.”
“Melody, I'm so glad you’re here!” Just as previous times he comes to me wrapping his arms around my middle.
Locking my eyes on his, I make my voice very clear. “Shane I need to know a few things.”
Pulling on my arm we walk side by side to my bed.
“That’s what I'm here for, beautiful.” Smiling at the floor I try to form my thoughts into coherent sentences.
“What would happen if I didn’t want to be a Protector?”
“You don’t?” Concern sinks into his eyes.
“No I do, but let’s just say for the heck of it I don’t.”
“Well the honor would go to a blood relative, usually a sibling, under the age of twenty-five. But you would become an Excess.” Stress is put on ‘you’. He wants me to understand, that decision is not a good one. “Why do you ask?”
“I mean there has to be people that turn down the offer, or simply just don’t want to do it. Has it ever happened?”
His body squirms. “Once, but everything turned out splendid.”
A warm smile leaks onto his lips. Heat rushes to my checks, and in attempt to hide it my face lowers to the ground. Shane’s warm fingers lift my face. Lust is in his eyes, and his mouth moves just centimeters away from my lips. I can feel the heat and my eyes flutter shut. In an instant his lips make contact with mine. His lips are soft, warm, just as I had imagined.
And as quickly as he moved in he, left my lips feeling cold and longing for more.
“Let me take you out.”
As much as I just wanted to blurt out ‘yes’, I force my brain to think and not just think about boys for one second. “Only if you answer this question.”
“What does that pill actually do?”
He doesn’t hesitate at all before answering. “It charges your Brioband, obviously.” I look deep in his eyes. He honestly believes that. He truly believes all it does is charge our bands. “So does that mean I can take you out?”
“Sure. I would love to.”
“Great. I will pick you up at 7:30.” His lips linger on my check for a second longer before he stands.
In a slow motion he makes his way to the door, but he spins around with the handle in his hand. “Rule number four. Don’t be snooping around in things you shouldn’t be.”
His smile comes all the way to me before he leaves my room leaving me with more questions now then I had before.

I realize waking up without an alarm is difficult. I’ve always had an alarm system to start my morning. But here The Protectors don’t make it a requirement so why would I?
I force myself to roll over allowing my eyes to scan the clock. 10:03. Wow, I guess I could sleep all day. Pulling my body from my bed, snatching the pill, I stride to my private bathroom.
My closed fist hovers over the toilet. Finger by finger I release the pill to splash into the water. The sound of the flush bounces off the tile walls.
Just to be safe.
“Melody. The Protectors are expecting you at 10:30.”
“Thank you, Penny.”
With only twenty minuets, I speed through my morning routine.
Just as I am about to leave my eyes catch a glimpse of something. Where my blue pill once sat sits a folded sheet of paper. My fingers gently hold the wrinkled paper. Pushing the paper open wasn’t the problem, reading what was inside was almost impossible.
You can’t trust them.
Spinning in a full circle, I see no one or any traces of anyone. Every chair, book, and even sock is exactly how I left it.
My eyes scan the dead bolt assuring me it’s locked, and without a window in the room there is no way for someone to get in.
I slide my hand with the note between my mattress and bed frame. Looking at the clock my brain panics realizing I am late. Just as quickly as I panicked even quicker my body relaxes.
I'm already late and I can’t do anything about it. Might as well take my time.

Meeting with The Protectors again gives me anxiety. I think back to last night when I told Shane I wanted this, but I need the whole truth before I can really commit.
Nerves shot all the way to my fingertips as my knuckles make contact with the wood door.
“State your name.”
“Melody Ruin.”
“Access granted.”
The large door creeks as it slides across the white floor.
“Miss melody. Today is your first lesson. Please,” his hand glides through the air stopping on an empty chair,” have a seat.” A smile lights up Mr. Green’s face while he speaks. The door slams behind me and my body trembles.
With the best posture my body can create my feet carry me to the available chair.
“Melody. Do you remember when you first arrived at this building?”
I think back to the day I ran from home, only to end up here.  “Yes sir, I do.”
“Mr. McCeen was the first person you spoke with, correct?”
“Yes sir.”
“How did he know you?”
“We didn’t know each other, sir. He knew who I was by my Brioband.”
“Exactly. And now you will learn this skill.” He looks to the other Protectors, but their eyes are all on me. I squirm under the attention. “This is the most important thing you will learn. Are you ready to begin?”
My head bobs up and then down.
“Miss Melody. I can not hear you head rattle.”
“Sorry sir. Yes I am ready.”
“Good.” His hand releases something and it skids across the table to me. “This is a practice Brioband. Now tell me who’s this is.”
I stare at him, picking up the band, turning it in my hands. “Ho-how am I suppose to read this?”
“You have The Protector gene in your body. In the light spells out the citizens name and only few can read it. You,” his eyes stare deep in my soul, “can read it.”
My eyes fall to the band again. The light looks like…a light. There is no letters. No name. No nothing that I can detect.
“Mr. Green, I don’t see anything but a blue light.”
Gasps echo around the room. “Try. Again. Look for anything.”
My eyes scan the blue light once more.
There is nothing here. Feeling like a failure I turn back to the five pairs of eyes judging me.
“I,” I clear my throat, “I can’t read it.”
“Miss Melody. Have you been taking your charging pill?”
My eyes widen but return to normal when I left my head. “Of course, why?”
“If you don’t charge your band you can’t read any Brioband.”
“Well I take one every morning, just like I am suppose to.” Please don’t let him see through my lies. His hands smack against each other before he takes a seat. His hand moves vigorously as his pen moves across the paper.
“You may go.” I wait for more by when he shows no signs of continuing I turn on my heels.
“Melody.” I whip my head around to meet his gaze. “Don’t lie to us. We can see through it.” His head bows again. “That is all.”

The walk back to my room was slow and all I could do was think about what Mr. Green’s last words to me were. He could see I was lying. He knew. I fumble with the keys to the room, twisting and turning but it still won’t open.
The heel of my hand bashes against the door multiple times.
“Why did I lie! I'm never going to get out of this mess!” My anger turns to tears as my body slides down my door. My face rests in the cup my hands have formed and I let myself cry. About everything.
I cry that I lied.
I cry for my family.
I cry that I don’t know what is real.
I cry for Derek.
“Melody. Are you okay?” Strong arms embrace me. I turn to Shane’s shoulder and cry more then any human should.
“Shhh. It’s all okay. It’s all good.” Warm lips touch my forehead as his tough hands slowly stroke my hair. I sniffle and lift my head to him. “Let’s get you inside, okay?”
“I-I cant get my d-door unlocked.”
His head flies back and a deep laugh escapes him. “Is that why you are crying on the floor…outside your room?”
My head nods in a lazy fashion.
“My dear, let me help.”
He pulls me to my feet, turning towards the lock. He turns it left and it opens with ease. “Merry Christmas!” He gestures to my room.
“It’s the middle of April.”
“It’s a figure of speech. I did something that made your day, just like on Christmas morning when you open presents.” I step over onto the carpet heading for the table. “This was in your mailbox.” A small white envelope slides on the table.
“Did you spill on it or something?” My finger rests on a brown splash on the paper.
“Nope. I'm just the deliverer.” He flashes a smile at me.
“Well thank you. I didn’t even know I had mail coming here.” I rip open the delicate paper flipping open the letter.
Don’t go on that date with him. He’s lying.
“What is it?” He reaches for the paper but my hand crumples it up shoving it in my pocket.
“Nothing. Just a letter from home.”
“Sure, understandable. I bet they miss you. Uh are we still on for tonight?”
“Can I call a rain check? It’s just reading that letter makes me miss them and I just don’t want to be a bum on our date.” He gives me a disappointed smile.
“Anything.” His lips brush my check “See you later Melody.”

My legs are moving fast. Too fast. As fast as lightning. And my breathing is hard and jagged. My heart is beating out of my chest.
“You can run, but you can’t hide!”
My whole body whips around looking for someone in the pitch black. I turn back around in a dead sprint for anywhere but here and I body slam into a rock solid person.
“It’s time, Melody.”
I lunge awake, breathing just as hard as I was in the dream.
My hair and clothes cling to my body with sweat. I face my clock where yet another note sits. I think about the other two notes hiding under my mattress.
“What is going on?”
Lifting my hand I snatch the note, scanning it with my eyes.
Stop lying to yourself. Ask the Protectors about me. You know you want to know.
My blood runs cold.

Every note has me scared, worried. I can’t think. I can’t concentrate. I just go through the motions of everyday life. I can’t take it anymore; I have to get out of this tiny room.
I sprint out and I’m drawn to the elevator, but when it dings, two people I don’t want to see step out. Mr. Green and Shane. My eyes dart a thousand different directions spotting a stairwell. It’s rush hour meaning there is no way they could see me through that mass of people. The only time I have ever been happy for rush hour.
I spot the glass doors at the bottom of the stairs leading me to the outside world. I'm so close I can taste it. My body bounces with joy as I step outside.
Disappointment hits me. Nothing looks the same. I can see suffering, people crying, begging, and darkness. This kills my joy instantly. The once beautiful city looks like a wasteland. How could this happen in a matter of days?
“Excuse me, can you help me?” A little girl tugs at the bottom of my pants. I squat to her eye level before answering.
“Of course, sweetie. What is wrong?” I poke her little belly smiling as she lets out a joyful shriek.
“I was chasing that balloon,” her tiny finger points to a red balloon floating away, “and I lost my mum.”
I reach for her wrist. “Let me see your Br-“ Her wrist is bare. No hole where one could’ve been or a scar of any sort. “ Sweetie, where’s your Brioband?”
Here head tilts to the sky. “What’s a Brioband?”
My eyes search other’s wrists and notice almost half of these people don’t have a band. My brain thinks for any possible solution coming up with nothing. 
“Lena!” A woman comes and snatches up the little girl. “How many times to do have to tell you not to talk to strangers?” The woman turns to me, eyeing my Brioband and takes off.
As soon as the woman walks away I am on my feet, with a journey to find Shane. The buildings doors fly open. “Shane!” Every head turns to me, but I don’t care. “Shane! We need to talk!” I can hear the whispers as I run to the front desk.
“May I help you ma’am?” She puts on a fake smile making my face turn into a scowl.
“Yeah. Shane McCeen.”
“Yes he works here.”
My eyes shoot open and my fist bang the desk. “Where is he!”
A hand grabs me by the arm turning me 180 degrees.
“What are you doing?” Shane’s voice is hushed and his eyes are angry.
“Why doesn’t everyone have a Brioband?” I can’t keep my voice quiet, or stop it form going. “Why have I never noticed?” Each word I let out is filled with rage.
He yanks my arm, leading me to a small room. He pushes my body inside with so much force I stumble forward. The door slams shut but that doesn’t stop me form wanting to know more.
“What are you doing?” He rams his hands through his hair, yanking at the ends.
“Tell me the truth. No more lying. Why doesn’t everyone have a Brioband?”
“Everyone does have a Brioband.”
“Bullshit!” I am frozen in place, never have I been more frustrated in my entire life.
“You need to take your pill.”
“Shane! Tell me!”
“They are Excesses. They have no purpose.” My brain is in over drive trying to comprehend his words.
“But she was a little girl? You don’t even know what she is capable of! Why have I never noticed?”
“When you are born we put your brain through a series of tests to know what you will do. If you don’t show signs of being a useful citizen we don’t put a band on you.” My mouth runs dry. “When they turn eighteen they are kicked out, never to see the city again. You’ve never seen them because you use to take your pill.” He spits the words out like rotten food.
Anger boils in my veins.
“So Derek was right. You’re brain washing us.”
“Derek had theories. None of which were true. We are not brain washing you. We just help you view the world in brighter light. The Excesses are not important therefore your brain works around them. It is the same process with death.”
“That is sickening.” I back towards the door. “What happened to Derek?”
He folds his hands keeping his gaze away.
“What. Happened. To. Derek!” My voice cracks.
“Derek came up with ideas that caused problems in the city. He had to be sent out of the city. After having his Brioband removed.” He steps closer, reaching for me. I step way form his touch backing into the door.
“Melody. You have to take you pill.”
“No. I don’t trust you. Or any of you here.”
“Fine. You leave me with no choice, my dear.” He comes at me fast and instant pain shoots through my arm.

Light floods through my eyelids. Before opening them, my arms reach for the sky, stretching out some what sore muscles. I sit up and reach for my pill. Just as mornings before I swallow the little blue oval.
“Good morning, Melody. How did you sleep?” Shane’s warm body is next to me, keeping me safe.
“Good. Very good actually.”
“Fantastic. Why don’t you tell me about your lesson yesterday?” A sweet smile peeks from his lips.
I think back. Yesterday. What happened yesterday? “I don’t recall yesterday.” My body shifts and I reach to my hair.
“That’s fine.” He smiles warmly. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
I think hard for a moment. “You asking me out.” My heart warms thinking about it. He presses his lips to my cheek.
“Perfect. That’s in twenty minutes, by the way.” I jump up heading for the washroom.
“Twenty minutes? I gotta hurry!” A chuckle escapes his throat as I hid myself in the bathroom.
Natural light floods the room from the little window, giving me a warm feeling. I sing my worries away as I scrub my hair and body as fresh as a daisy. I pull the towel off spraying water everywhere as I rub my hair dry.
My foot touches the plush rug as I head for the mirror.
My body stops.
Words mocked me in the condensation on the mirror.
Don’t you remember? The pill is bad.
The girl.
The Briobands.
The pill.
How could my brain ever forget? How did I ever let my brain forget?

My mind races. I can’t go back out to Shane.
I have to get out of here. I have to get answers. I have to find Derek. My head turns to the shower, then back to the door.
Think, Melody, think!
I force my feet to be quiet as I make my way to the door. A slow breath escapes as my eyes search for Shane. He sits peacefully at my table, gliding his finger over a tablet. How could I have ever trusted him?
Oh that’s right, he’s gorgeous.
I throw on a black hoodie and whip my hair up on top of my head, quickly covering it with the hood. My eyes find the small window casting light into the room I once felt safe in.
I force myself up and try to hoist my body up only to fall to the floor. Why would I ever think I could do that?
“Are you okay in there, Melody.” His voice comes loud and clear right outside the door.
Rubbing my arm I respond in a normal voice. “Oh yes I'm fine,” I let out a fake giggle, “just slipped.”
“Well be careful, sweet heart. And hurry up! I can hardly wait.”
I roll my eyes thinking of the way he acted yesterday to now. “Of course!”
I walk back to the window and succeed to get hallway through the window. “Never did I think I would be doing this or did I think I could do this.”
I push my way through the window and land on the ground in a spider-man position. I raise my head only to see the perfect city before me. Confusion washes over me and I look for any signs of what I saw yesterday.
Someone without a Briodband.
Any pain.
Any misery.
Frustration builds inside me and ager boils to the surface. I was incensed beyond imaginable.
“Ma’am? Are you okay?”
I turn to the voice seeing an older woman looking at my confusion with concern. I suppress every feeling in my body and bring a smile to my lips. “Oh yes. Just looking for a friend.”
“Well let me help you, dear.”
All my anger turns into panic. “No no no it’s fi-“
“I insist” She leads back to the Protectors head quarters that I just jumped from “We can find them by their Brioband. It’s really quite simple you see…” She continues talking as my mind searches franticly for a solution.
My whole body jumps as a rough hand covers my mouth and another hand drags me away. I scream, but it is captured by the mysterious hand. I continue to flail my body when my back hits the cold outer wall of a building.
“Stop struggling. I'm not going to hurt you.”
It’s dark in this alley way but I can see the same dark eyes that I had once seen. “Derek?”
His hand covers my mouth again. “Shhhh. Do you not realize people are now looking for both of us?”
“No, I-“
“Will you please shut up?” I do as he asks, terrified of what will happen if I don’t. “Keep your head low and follow me.”
Seizing my hand, he guides me through the crowd.
“Where are we going?” I keep my voice low and steady.
“Did I not just tell you to keep quiet?” He doesn’t even meet my gaze. In fact he doesn’t even stop to turn to me.
“Where are we going?” Every word is forceful. I rip my arm free and I vigorously fold them over my chest. He slows but does not stop. He tilts his head in my direction speaking low.
“Do you really want to go back to Shane?” He matches my stance, c***ing an eyebrow up. “I mean go for it if you want. Doesn’t bother me.” He taps his foot impatiently.
Finally I let my arms drop to my sides and slowly walk toward him.
“That’s what I thought.”
We quickly walk through the town, never once looking up or slowing down. Derek’s hand encloses mine for miles and miles, giving me a false sense of safety.

Upon entering an old building I feel the pain in my feet radiate everywhere. It appears to be an abandon loft with dust and dirt in every crack and crevice.
Why would he bring me here?
“Is this where you live?” I turn to see the back of his head. Will he ever actually look at me?
“Live?” A literal laugh leaves his throat. “No I don’t live in this s*** hole.”
“Why are we here then?”
“To get business taken care of.” He turns around with an evil look in his eye.
“Wh-what business?” Sweat forms at the top of my head and I begin to realize how bad of an idea this really is.
“That.” His finger points to my Brioband covered wrist. “We don’t want them to track us down, do we?” He smirks at me snatching my wrist.
I wince.
“You’re right. How are you goi-“ Derek pulls on the band until I feel the steal wire loosen.
All I feel is pain.
It pulls at my heart. At my wrist. And with every pull pain shoots deeper into my body.
“Derek!” I push his name through my teeth along with screams of pain.
“I'm almost done. Calm down.”
He pulls again and I feel the steel wire coming lose from my wrist.
“Done.” He holds up my broken band, smiling. I grab my wrist to try and stop the blood.
“It’s bleeding, Derek!”
“It will stop.” He wipes his hands free of my blood. “Eventually.”
“You are not even helping me.”
“I'm not here to help you. I am here to stop the Protectors and you are my way in. So unless you want to go back to your precious Shane I suggest you help me.”

“How do I know I can trust you?”
His whole body turns to me and shakes with laughter.
“Trust me? You are already past the point of deciding to trust me or not.” I shudder under his words of truth. “You followed my notes, without even knowing it was really from me, stupid if I say so myself. You left a safe area to run somewhere you have never even heard of, and you let me tear off part of your body.” He holds up my severed, bloody Briodband.
“Let you? Let you! I didn’t agree to any of this! I didn’t say I wanted to help. You didn’t give me a choice to follow you or do my own thing! Why would I ever want this, anyway!” His body turns rapidly, and slams my significantly smaller frame against the cold wall. With his hands on either side of my face he leans in.
Too close.
“Then leave, sweetheart. No one is stopping you.” His eyes pierce through my soul making me squirm. Bringing his face even closer he whispers in my ear. “ But you need me just as much as I need you.”
He pushes off the wall, but he keeps full eye contact.
I am not scared of him.
“What’s your brilliant plan then?”
“The plan right now is to get out of here.” He finally breaks the awkward eye contact and turns on his heels. “So how about you stop staring at me so we can get moving.”
I follow him out of the disgusting place we are in to the outside world. Although it was almost dark when we arrived, the darkness startles me.
“Are we going to travel through the night?” Derek keeps trudging forward without even acknowledging me. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” I sprint after him to catch up and decide to make the best of this terrible situation. “So how long have you been in hiding?”
“I'm not in hiding.”
“You sure aren’t in the city.”
“Doesn’t mean I'm in hiding.” He mummers.
“It kind of does.” I swing my arms around my body, still trying to lighten the mood. “Were you in hiding before you ripped your own Brioband off?” My voice is still and confident.
“Are you sure?”
I ram into Derek’s hard chest and bounce back; my butt hitting the ground, hard.
“I am not in hiding. I had to rip my band off for my own safety. This is not twenty questions and if you don’t stop asking questions I'm going to rip your tongue right out of your mouth without thinking twice about it.” As quickly as he turned around he was taking off again.
I pick myself up dusting the dust and dirt off my pants. I look up and see him practically running away.
“Hey! Wait up!” Finally I match him stride to stride. I’m determined to get through to him. “So my name is Melody Ruin and I am-“
“Did I not just tell you I was going to rip your tongue out?”
“You said you would if I kept asking you questions. That was not a question. I was just telling you about myself, that way we can get to know each other.”
Derek pivots on his heels as I approach, causing me to halt before ramming into him once again. “Listen very closely. I don’t want to get to know you. I don’t want to tell you about me. I don’t want to answer any more of your stupid questions. And most of all I don’t want to make small talk. Can your ever so small brain comprehend what I am trying to say?”
“Of course I understand.”
“About time.” We take off again, but after only a few seconds of silence I begin again.
“We could play a road game.”
“Too bad. I spy with my little eye something blue.”
“I don’t care.”
“It is slightly in front of us maybe to the right a little.”
“Honestly don’t give a s***.”
“You’re getting closer.”
We continue our journey as I continue talking, easing all my nerves and he continues to hate every aspect of me. Derek walks a few steps ahead of me, leading the way, to wherever he is taking us and, with every step he kicks dust up filling the air. I think this is the only time I have ever wished for the glowing light on my Brioband. Not just for the light but also for the security of knowing what this life has to bring.

I feel a jolt of pressure at the end of my boot, but I roll my body to my side and continue to sleep this bad dream away. Another force acts upon my foot and I peak one eye open to see what it could be.
“Get up. We have things to do.” A harsh morning voice commands at me. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and definitely destroying the last bit of makeup my face retained, I see a blurry vision of Derek come into focus, and with every strength left in me I bring my body to a sitting position.
“The sun isn’t even up yet.” A pile of clothes hit my face sending me back to my fetal position. “What the hell, Derek!”
“Get up and get dressed.”
I let the moan I had been holding in escape. I stand and position my body away from Derek.
He better get out of here so I can change.
“Uh can I have a little privacy?” My eyes look over my shoulder only to see Derek standing with his arms crossed not moving a muscle.  “Can you at least turn around?”
“I changed in here this morning and didn’t ask you to leave.”
“I was asleep!”
“That’s not my fault.” A smirk radiates from his mouth and a low chuckle leaves his almost sealed lips. “I’ll turn around, but not because you told me to.”
“Whatever.” I work in double time to peel my shirt off and quickly throw a new black one on. I move to my pants, sliding them down my legs and ripping them off.
“You change really slow, you know.”
My eyes roll in their sockets. “I'm almost done.” I quickly finish pulling my black pants and swiftly turn to face the impatient Derek. “You can turn around. I have all my clothes on.”
“Finally. Let’s go.”
“Where are we headed off to now? Well better question, where are we?” I look around the unfamiliar place. I don’t even remember getting here last night, let alone falling asleep. We appear to be in an old room with floors made entirely of dirt and the walls, although they are wood, they appear to be dirty and unstable. Nothing else stands in the room besides the two beds Derrick and I slept in and a door, not even a Penny on the wall.
“We are home.” He looks around with a genuine smile on his face as if this place really is his home.  “Last night you fell asleep about a mile from here. I was determined to get here so I carried you the last mile.”
“Wow. Well thank you. That really means-“
“It was meaningless so don’t get all mushy with thank you.”  He turns away heading for the single door, but before it opens he speaks again. “It’s called the Intact Inland, basically safe home. All of us here call it home and Henry, Henry set it all up for people just like us.”
“All of you? How many of you are there?” Derek flings the door open leading to a brilliant circled commons. All around the outer wall of the circle is rooms, just like ours. In the commons are hundreds of people.
All Briobandless.
I stand in aw of everything my eyes can see. I witness laughter, happiness, and joy. But I also catch sights of things I had only ever seen once.
Pain, tears, heavyhearted people.
“Why are-“
“Jeez Melody! Do you ever stop asking questions?” He pinches the bridge of his nose allowing his eyes to close before another spiel. “Let’s find Henry. You can ask him all your petty questions.”
“Petty questions? What is this 1940?” I laugh at my own joke, but Derek is not amused what so ever. My laugh slowly vanishes. “That wasn’t funny. Don’t laugh and encourage me.”
“Trust me, I wasn’t going to. Now follow me.” He heads down into the commons area where people laugh and talk. A smile leaks to my lips, and I realize everything might be all right.
Derek stops at an older gentleman wearing brown dirty clothes and a warm smile. He looks as if he could be sixty with his white hair and wrinkly skin. He extends his hand to me, and unlike all the handshakes at the Protectors Headquarters, his felt safe and reassuring.
“Hello young lady. My name is Henry.” His smile is contagious, he even has Derek smiling. “Derek tells me you have many questions, Melody. Let me see if I can answer some of them.” He drops my hand and waves for us to follow him. “Come. Walk and talk with me.”
“Who are all these people?”
“Most are Excesses. Some were excesses from the beginning, and some are like you and Derek.” Excesses from the beginning. That must have been the people I saw after I stopped taking my pill, the ones in pain and begging for help.
“What are you?”
“I am like you and Derek. As far as I can tell we are the only three like this. The only three that have seen the truth.” We enter a small room with foods and drinks, some drinks like at the Headquarters and some like I would eat at home. My stomach grumbles begging for food. “Go ahead and have whatever you desire.”
I pick up waffles, chicken, and an apple juice. I attempt to balance all the food in one hand, but I can see it all falling to the floor if I move.
“Derek. Be a gentleman and help the young lady with her food.” Derek glares at Henry, his eyes telling him no. “Now, Derek.” Derek acts quickly helping with my waffles and we journey back to a table.
“Why are some people still in pain here? This is a safe place.” I energetically shove food into my mouth groaning with happiness.
“Most that are still in pain are new Excesses. They are not use to seeing pain and seeing the real world, and they don’t know how to handle it.” He must see the pain grow on my face because he continues. “Don’t worry my dear. They all grow accompany to it and thoroughly enjoy their stay. For some people it takes a few days and for others,” he looks to a women sitting in the corner. She is hugging her knees and crying, “it takes months.” I wonder how long she has been here. “Any more questions?”
“Oh I can guarantee she has more questions. She always does.” I don’t know if I imagine it or not but a small smile jumps to his lips.
“Play nice, Derek. This is what I am here for, to help you guys.”
“Well I do have one more.” I put my food down and give Henry my full attention. “If everyone is so happy here, why are you trying to take out the Protectors?”
“They are liars, cheats, tricksters. They are doing more harm then good, and they are not going to stop until they get what they want.”
“What do they want?”
He looks to Derek, as if asking for approval. Derek’s eyes say it all, I have to know in order for us to get anywhere.
“They want to kill us. All of us.”

My food practically falls out of my mouth. “Ki-kill us. You mean like dead?”
I can here Derek let out an angered breath, but I feel my lungs tighten. I struggle to bring air in. I force my eyes to look around the room, we are now alone but I feel like the walls are closing in. I see Derek’s brilliant blue eyes give a look of sudden fear and maybe worry.
“Melody?” He is on his feet in an instant coming towards me. “Melody you’re okay. Okay?” I nod my head, which is the only response I can give. “I think that we should get you a little more rest.”  Derek’s strong arms host me up and I look around.
All I can see now is pain. No good, anywhere.
“Yeah maybe, maybe you are right.”
“Of course I am. I'm always right.” His voice is smooth and low, giving me amenity. Slowly but surely we get back to our small room, and I collapse in the bed without sudden warning. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” And with that he leaves me in peace.

I wake with horridness pain from where my Brioband once sat. It screams for my attention, begging me to do anything with it, and take the pain away. I turn my wrist over terrified to look at the detected area.
It looks terrible. No terrible does not even describe it. I can see in my body where the steal wire once penetrated my wrist, and all around is purple and black tissue. I touch the tissue with a light gesture and instantly wince.
“Derek you can’t protect her from everything.” Henry’s voice comes from outside my room; he doesn’t sound like he did before. He sounds worried.
“That doesn’t mean I wont try.”
Derek? Since when does he care about me? Unless they are talking about another girl.
“What is going on, son? I am glad you want to help, but this isn’t you.” I turn my body towards them, but keep my eyes closed.
“Look, Melody is important. She might be our only way to the Protectors.”
“I know that is not why she is important.”
I hold my breath waiting for Derek response. Anxiety fills my veins, and my heart nearly jumps right out of my chest. 
“That’s not the point.” Silence fills the air. “I’m going to teach her to fight. I can see that she is a natural.”
“Do as you please, but let the poor girl rest. She has been through a lot the last few days.”
“We don’t have time to wait.” Heavy footsteps come towards me, sending my heart into overdrive.
“Let her be.” Henry’s voice is stern, fast, and restrains Derek’s motive.
Derek becomes hushed, and I can practically hear the gears in his head turn and echo off the walls. “Fine.” I hear Derek exit quickly and mad.
I let my chest rise and fall slowly, thinking about what Derek said. I am more concerned with why he suddenly thinks I'm so important than why he wants me to fight.
“Melody.” I tense. “I know your still awake, hon.” I slowly bring my face in Henry’s direction, bringing a smug smile to my face.
I pull my body up to sit on the edge of the bed. “Oh hey Henry.”
The bed sinks under Henry’s weight. “Hello dear.” His bright smile lights up the room making me feel safe again. “How long were you listening in?”
Heat rushes to my face and I toss my hands in the air. “Listen in? No I-” Henry gives me the glare of knowledge. He knows I'm lying. I let my head fall and I rub the scar on my palm. “All of it.”
“I thought maybe.” He lets out a long breath, looking right through me. “Do you want to fight?”
“I want to protect myself.”
His eyes find mine and he takes my hand in his palms. “And you think learning to fight is the right way to go?”
“If they want to kill me,” I take my hand away from his grasp harsher than I wished to. I stand up and walk to the door. Before walking out I swiftly turn to him and say exactly what is on my mind, “I guess I’ll have to kill them first.”

Adrenaline rushes through my body as I stand from the bed.
“Melody, fighting is not always the answer, in fact it hardly ever is.  I think it is in your best interest to not do this. It’s very dangerous. You will get hurt.” He says this without a waver in his voice. I feel so small hearing those words. His rough hand touches my shoulder, and though this usually comforted me, it sent shivers down my spine this time.
Derek will help me more than Henry is. I make my way to the door in search of a way out.
A way to Derek.
“Melody I-“
“What! Do you not think I'm capable of saving myself? Of saving the future of this society?” Anger boils through my entire body. My fingers ball into my palm creating a fist, and my chest rises and falls with each angered breath.
“Melody, dear, I never said that, I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I’m done letting people tell me what to do. If you don’t believe in me, fine. But Derek does.” I turn on the dirt floor running out of the room. Henry calls after me as I keep looking for Derek. I need to learn to fight because I’m tired of running.
My eyes dart around the large commons looking high and low for Derek. All the faces look the same. They all smile until my worried face reaches them.
People give me looks of concern and hate as I sprint between tables across the room. Dodging mothers with infants and children running and playing. I have no idea where Derek is, but my feet are not stopping. I'm not stopping until I am prepared for whatever the Protectors are going to throw my way.
I make my way to a small hall before I finally slow to a walk. I allow my breathing to slow back down just to catch my breath. The hall has little light, but something shines at the end and it draws me closer and closer. The walls around me are not like in the bedroom Derek and I stayed in. These are all dirt. It’s like we are… underground.
Looking up I expect to see dirt and mud, but it isn’t that way at all. I stare in awe at the beautiful flowers growing above. My eyes try to photograph the beauty of all the colors of the rainbow in one place. Every different type of flower I could think of is there bringing me comfort and a sense of freedom. It seems like such an odd place to have a gravity defying garden, but it truly is stunning.
A loud grunt coming from the light snaps me back to reality. My head turns towards the noise and my feet follow. Punches and groans of power fill the stale air.
I stop at the doorway seeing a room that is new to me. The room is huge, almost as big as the commons are, and appears to be a training room of some sort. Fighting gear sits everywhere. Mats, punching bags, knives, and weights fill the spaces making the room less empty. A fighting ring sits in the middle, awaiting its next victims.
My breath catches.
In the far corner Derek’s shirtless body pounds on a punching bag in front of him, causing it to shudder. Sweat glistens off his chest, and his running shorts hang low on his hips. His muscles bulge with each swing he takes. Between swings he rams his hand through is hair, spiking it upward.
My heart flutters.
Every time he lands a punch it makes me want to learn to fight even more. I want this.
But only if he is gong to teach me.
His body turns slightly, and then as if realizing I was there he turns around completely. He makes his way towards me slowly but surly.
“I want to learn to fight.”
“I know.” He unwraps the bandages on his knuckles, but I blink at his response.
“What? You just know that?”
He wipes his hands on his shorts before looking up at me. “Why else would you come looking for me?” He looks at me for a moment as if waiting for a response, but soon turns as if he doesn’t care what I say.
“Wait.” My hand snatches his arm and his eyes dart at my hand. He looks at me and back to my hand.
Oh gosh. Why did I do that?
I quickly pull it away and mumble a sorry before starring at the ground. I work up the courage to speak again after pushing my boundaries. “Uh so are you or will you help me?”
“Well let’s first make sure you’re not a complete lost cause.” He gestures to the fighting ring with one hand. “Show me what you’ve got.”
“Against you?”
“No against the imaginary man in the corner.” He steps on the mat waiting for me. I stare at the mat not moving. “I don’t have all day, sugar.”
“Derek. I don’t know the first thing about fighting.” I stay clear of the mat, but he just comes closer to me.
“Isn’t that why you came to me? So I could teach you?” I consider his words and slowly take a step on the black mat and it sinks under my weight. I mirror his stance with my fists in front of my face and my knees slightly bent. “Take a swing.” I think for a minute. I would love to fit Derek revenge on pulling my Brioband out. My fist flails forward but Derek easily sidesteps my swing. “Again.” He demands. I concentrate harder this time and put all of my strength in this one swing.
Derek ducks and kicks my feet out from under me. I land on my back with the wind knocked out of me. As soon as I'm down Derek is kneeling next to me.
“We’ve got some work to do.” He smirks. Before he has a chance to respond I punch him in the gut, hard. Derek groans and grabs his stomach. I push him to his back and straddle his hips.
“Trust me.” I get right next to his ear. “I can figure this out.” I pull back and smile.
This is going to be fun.

“Melody don’t look so,” his eyes follow my body, “scared. It makes you an easy target.”
I clench my fist even tighter, grinding my teeth. “I am not scared.” I give him a look oozing with hate. “Especially not of you.” He inches closer on the mat never taking me out of his sight. My skin crawls, but I hold my ground.
“And why’s that, sugar?” he licks his lips, taunting me. “Huh? Because you got me to the ground once?” I swing for his jaw but his strong hand captures my fist. He whips my body around, crushing my small frame to him. My arms cross in front of me enclosed by Derek’s power. “You can’t do it again.” His voice is low and close to my ear.
The smell of sweat and musk intoxicate me. I begin to relax into Derek,  but power shoots me forward causing me to stumble over my feet. I hold my ground turning back to him as a sly smile touches his lips. “Good. Now you look ready to fight.”
“I'm ready to kick your ass.”
His smile broadens almost reaching his eyes. “You can try but you’re too weak.”
Anger pulses through me and I lunge at him. I try to surface every muster of strength in my body. Derek simply grasps my arms and pushes me to the unforgiving mat.  He holds me down effortlessly and the look in his eyes is more than satisfaction.
It was pure enjoyment.
A daring smile oozes to his lips.
“Get off me.” I spit the words out twisting my wrists.
“You want up?” He puts more pressure on my defenseless body. “Get yourself up. Someone is not going to be there to help you when s*** like this goes down.”  He stands offering a hand to me. I am tempted to spit on his hand, but that would bring him too much joy. I lift my sore body off the ground wincing as my ankle hits the ground. I see concern flash to Derek’s eyes but it quickly vanishes. “The Protectors are not going to go down easy.”
“Why does it even matter? What do they want?”
“They want utopia.” He starts to jog away and waves for me to follow. Guess we are going to train and talk?
“What’s so bad about wanting that? It is a common thing for humans to want.”
“Nothing is wrong with the idea.” Derek picks up the pace, almost leaving me behind. “It is how they are executing the plan. They think they can kill anything that doesn’t fit perfectly into their stupid world. And people are being brainwashed. They think it’s okay.” Everything from the control room comes crashing back. My body stops.
“It’s true then.” Derek stops, turning back to me. “The pills. They are hurting us.”
“Not just the pill. Your Brioband, Penny, even the damn Protectors are there to control your every move. Think about it, Melody, when did you start making decision for yourself? No help from Penny or your Brioband?”
I think back to when I went to Doctor Jack. That was Penny. I think about when I went to the Protectors. That was my Brioband. I t wasn’t until I stopped taking that pill. That’s when I realized people were suffering but I couldn’t see it.
“Why is this happening so suddenly? We’ve been living like this for years and now they want to kill everyone?”
“Melody they don’t want to kill everyone.”
Confusion washes over me. “You just said they want to get rid of everyone who doesn’t fit the puzzle.”
“Yes and think about it who doesn’t fit in?”
“Obviously it’s the Excesses.”
“No that’s where you’re wrong. The Excesses are part of their plan. They took into account for them. What they didn’t take into account was people like you, me, and,” Derek points behind me, “him.”
Henry walks up behind me touching my arm. “Miss Melody.” He nods towards Derek. “Are you telling her about Unalike?”
I turn toward Derek “I was going to Henry but why don’t you. You’re here anyway.” He says the words with annoyance. He yanks his sweatshirt on and heads towards the door. I turn back to Henry giving him all my attention. “Hey Melody.” Derek’s voice booms across the room. “We are training tomorrow. 6:30.” And with that he’s gone.
“What is an Unalike?”
“It’s you. You’re an Unalike.”

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