Orin and The Two Ships | Teen Ink

Orin and The Two Ships

March 6, 2014
By Callie Greene, Fox Point, Wisconsin
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Callie Greene, Fox Point, Wisconsin
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Author's note: What inspired me to make this piece was this old book that i had when I was little called Jolly Mon. It was about a man who lived in the stars and who lived in the Caribbean.

On an island gone in the waves millions of years ago called Pinaconserto, lived a man named Pinapablo. Pinapablo had no parents and was alone in the world except for the sea animals in the sea. He had been carried by the waves and was born with his greatest ability, his voice. When a person thought Pinapablo was crazy to see the man with a frying pan, a pineapple and a makeshift table, they heard his voice and that was enough. The pecado,or a fish in english, would jump into his pan and a fire would start. The table would turn into a glamorous mahogany masterpiece with a glittering chandelier.
Pinapablo was the best fisherman in Pinaconserto, and the pecado were bold with honor to be at Pinapablo's stand. They would gather and fight over who would get the hook or not. They would get rubbed by the soft hands of Pinapablo, washed and hung proudly. The princess, Pinaquadra, would come every day to receive her prize of the best pecado. One day she followed Pinapablo to his fishing beach because she was curious for as to where these golden trophies came from. Pinapablo sang a song of beauty that she had heard, but somehow thought it as if it were something of her dreams.
Pinaquadra summoned Pinapablo to the castle, to see the King Pinaaqua the next day. Pinaaqua was on his death bed, with tragedy hanging a few feet in front of him. Workers were striking because they were starving with and had no income to buy food.

“Pinapablo!” said the King over his ruby sheets. “Good morning, your Majesty.” Pinapablo bowed like he saw people in the marketplace do to the princess.

“No need of that, sir. Now come, so I can see your face,” he ordered.
Pinapablo came to his side and saw his face. He had never seen the King’s face because he had been in his bed for twenty years.

“Now, you have always been so necessary to the castle, but we are hogging you, you need to see the world, find new foods, bring them back here, and become famous among the islands!” the king preached

Pinapablo accepted the journey and was going to leave to Aquapecado, the sister island to Pinaconserto, in the morning.
After Pinapablo left, the king jumped out of bed and drank a shining, dark blue liquid.

“Get me some potion now!” ordered the king. “And bring the prisoners of The Dark Sky.”

The prisoners of The Dark Sky were pirates that who not only stole ships, but people and islands. The military officials that captured them were highly decorated and famous across the islands. Even the king was scared of them.

“Now the three prisoners of The Dark Sky......” the king started.

“You are dangerous to people, islands and have stolen many things..... but I’m going to make you a deal of freedom.”

The prisoners stared at the king with astonishment.

“You will not be entirely free, you’ll never be able to go to the islands again and you will always have guards with you, but I’m ready to make a deal.” The King folded his hands into his lap. “I have a burden I have to take care of, by the name of Pinapablo.”

The prisoners were flabbergasted. Pinapablo was the man who made their work less painful and lightful. They were greedy, but they did have hearts.

“As you might know I have a daughter, Pinaquadra, but I think she has taken a liking to Pinapablo. Actually, I think it has grown a little farther deeper than that. She spends every waking hour with him and..... I don’t think it’s good for her,” The king explained.

“I want a man destined to be king, but this dirt is not worthy of my crown or being my son-in-law.”

The prisoners flinched when they heard the word “dirt”.

“I have sent Pinapablo to the sea, for a little.....vacation. He will first go to Aquapecado then to Aquapulpo, and then all the other islands he desires to go to. When he is coming home, go to his ship and send him to his grave!” the king exclaimed.

The prisoners accepted the deal, with sadness in their eyes.

The next day, Pinapablo set a foot, The Andromeda, with his crew. The people threw pineapples and other goodies over the bow and poured coconut milk.

“Pinapablo, I believe that will no one will like the name Pinapablo,” said the King with undetectable mock sorrow in his voice. “You will be now called Orion!”

Pinapablo liked his new name, Orion, the name of a soldier of the stars.

“Now Orion, I don’t want to keep you waiting!”

As The Andromeda pulled away, he saw Pinaquadra waving at him and.... were those tears strolling down her face? Orion couldn’t focus on that at that moment, he needed to prepare for the people of Aquapecado.
When Orion got to Aquapecado, he was overjoyed. The King was having some issues with the queen, so he decided to have a concert for her. She had heard of Orion’s singing from King Pinaaqua, the brother to the queen.
Orion wanted to have a song about troubled love for this concert, so he decided to write one himself. He wanted to write one so badly all the years on his homeland, but he couldn’t get inspiration. Nothing happened there with a sick, dying king and people starving
There were so many islands like his homeland and were in worse shape.
He found Aquapecado inspiring and lively with people with exciting lives and wanted to be a part of it all. He wrote the song Love is a One Time Thing about two people that used to love each other, but now were not on good terms. They were put to these silly tests to see if the still loved each other, but all tests said they longer loved each other. The wife of the couple disagreed, that she always loved him.

After the concert,the queen was so understanding now- that she decided to put all of her and her husband’s problems behind them..
After the joy and celebration of Aquapecado, Orion’s boat set sail to the sister island, Aquapulpo.
Aquapulpo was in the worst shape than-of all of the islands. They-It was made up of starving people, with no homes for anybody, people were dying in the wide open of diseases unknown to man. The only thing that stood proud was the castle, with white flags standing tall and no dirt to be seen.

“How can a king just let its his people die?” Orion asked himself.

“Welcome to Aquapulpo Orion!” said the king.

The king was wearing glamorous robes woven with rubies and topazes.

“You will sing for us tomorrow, just for the family. But we have no room for you here, so you can find hospitality elsewhere.” The king explained, “Just don’t interact with the people, they are dangerous, that’s why they live in such ways.”

The people of Aquapulpo were dying and when they're all dead, who will he have to rule?

Orion asked around for a place to stay, but every place was full. Orion found a rock that looked comfy near the beach and took out his frying pan.
He sang the song that he had sung for the concert on Aquapecado, Love is a One Time Thing, and all of a sudden an octopus landed in his pan. The people stared at Orion with wide eyes and hunger. No one, except the royal fishermen, were allowed to fish for a pulpo.

“Do you want some?” asked Orion holding it out to them.

The people scrambled towards the frying pan.

“Wait!” said Orion. “We have to cook it first!”

The people were a little disappointed, but were patient with the stranger.

Orion started the fire and the people stood some feet away.

“You can come if you like,” said Orion. “It will make you warm.”

The people huddled around the fire while the pulpo turned a brown gold.

Orion sung Love Is a One Time Thing and the beach turned into a glamorous dining hall with velvet tablecloths, matching napkins and chairs. There were silver forks and spoons... more than you can count.
The people turned into suitable guests to this diner party, with beautiful dresses of ruby and baby blue and hair that looked like it was touched by the gods.
The men wore sharp three piece suits with greased back hair and shoes polished with great care.
The children were no longer dying! They played in their gowns and suits and they magically never got dirty.

“Everyone to the table before the pulpo gets cold!” said Orion merrily.

Everyone knew what he meant. The mirage was already fading with the pulpo.
The golden light was turning a dark blue and their fancy clothing was getting dirtier by the minute.
The people enjoyed the feast of pulpo and went back to their makeshift beds. Orion decided that he would not sing for the king of such an island, who would sacrifice his people for his own comfort.
Orion left the island early in the morning, so no one would have to know he was gone. Little did Orion know that the prisoners of The Dark Sky were waiting for him.

In the dark night Orion was sailing through the ocean. He was only steering with the stars, until he saw a fire.

“Did you have to set the stove on fire?!” asked one of the prisoners.

A skinny little lad was making grilled fish when the stove set on fire. They screamed for help, hoping maybe someone would hear them. Orion waved his lantern hoping they would see him. They did.
Orion zoomed across to the ship and rescued them from the flames while they grabbed their guns and rope.

“Hello there mates,” Orion said. “How did your ship set on fire?”

“You will leave the questions to me ‘mate’” said a bigger prisoner as soon he recognized the man.

“Dolphine, tie this man to the anchor.” He said to the skinny lad.

“But Sharke-!” Dolphine was cut off by a wave of Sharken’s who was the big man’s hand.

Orion was tied to the anchor at the front of the boat. The big man, Sharken, cut of the chain, lowered him into the water and snapped him out right before he hit the water.

“STOP!”said Dolphine, who had finally had enough.

“A true pirate never disobeys orders,” said Sharken with a clearly angry voice.

“Well, I’m not a real pirate and I think you have forgotten!” said Dolphine.

Dolphine was telling the truth, he was not a pirate, he was the captain of a cargo ship when they kidnapped him. He had a wife and two girls, who he hadn’t seen in at least five years. The guards thought he was one of the workers who swept below the ship below.
Sharken was so mad that his authority was threatened that he dropped Orion into the ocean. Orion tumbled into the water with a big SLAP and sunk like a rock. When he could not stay conscious, he was almost going to land on a sharp rock on the bottom---

Sharken took Dolphine under his armpits and held him over the water.

“If you want freedom you will receive fifteen whippings from Stingraygen,”
said Sharken, while Stingraygen stood smirking in the background.

“If you think Orion is the savior, then join him.”

“His name is Pinapablo,” said Dolphine.

Dolphine reached the water and did a perfect backstroke until Sharken threw a spare anchor on him. He tumbled and then he was gliding. He looked at his hands, which were not moving because they were flippers! His skin was smooth and gray and where a tussled beard was, there was a snout.
When he reached Orion, the water was red where the sharp rock had hit him and where the anchor hook had cut him badly across his stomach. Dolphine didn’t know what to do. He took Orion on his back and rushed to the top to find some help. He leaped only a few inches off the ground. Then, he tried again, gaining about two feet. Orion’s breathing was coming out only in puffs.

Dolphine jumped so high that they could no longer see the sun shining on the ocean.
Dolphine had jumped so high, he had jumped into the stars. They were among the constellations that were lost long
Dolphine was so brave that all of the grey colored sea animals. Another animal appeared that had jagged teeth and blood red gums, named sharks. Sharken’s soul was poured into these animals with the curse of no sleep and being the most feared animal in the ocean.
When Pinaquadra heard the news that Pinapablo was dead, she was outraged. She knew that her father was up to something and demanded that his servant tell her the truth. He told her about Pinapablo and what the dark blue liquid was. It was an immortality potion that the king had been drinking for about twenty years. He was planning for his daughter to marry and when she died-why will she die? he would rule again over the kingdom. He was never sick, it was just the side effects from the immortality potion.
She went to the potion maker and stole all of the potions, even though the old man objected.

“Be wise girl, they are very rare and hard to make!” the potion maker said.

She took the potions and tied them to a rock out in the ocean. She tied herself to the rock too but a dolphin swooped her away and jumped into the stars. Princess Pinaquadra was named Andromeda after Orion’s ship and was the only star from the island Pinaconserto to stay in the sky.

Even though Orion and Andromeda are on other sides of the universe, they still can talk. They have a green communicator that humans call The Northern Lights. Causing this beautiful show for people on earth, Orion and Andromeda can talk. Forever. Now that there song is ending you can look up into the stars and see a woman tied to a rock and if you look really look closely you can see a man with a king smile.....

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