She's Hidden | Teen Ink

She's Hidden

August 26, 2012
By NinjaW GOLD, Indianola, Iowa
More by this author
NinjaW GOLD, Indianola, Iowa
14 articles 66 photos 11 comments

Author's note: This is based off of the fairy tale The Brother and Sister, but it is also connected partially to everything else that I have been writing.

Part One
Caelon held the axe to his side as his hand wiped across his forehead. “I’m exhausted,” He mumbled, the axe came above his head and down upon the block of wood. It split with a slight squeak.
I looked to the house, expecting to hear the calls, the yells, any time now. The smell of the rye bread filled my nose. Caelon and I knew we may not get any of it…. A constant feeling of an ache never left me. It did not want to and it wasn’t going to.
They did not care; only Caelon did… he knew the same pain as I. He was all I had, my big brother.

“Willa!” I heard my mother’s screams. Dully I came back inside our small home. The fire was dying out into coals, burning red. Wood sat in a stack beside the door. On the right side of the fireplace were boxes of wool from our sheep. My mother’s spinning wheel sat beside the bed, polished with oils and quite clean. It was the most prized possession she had, and the way we ate, but I still hated it. In attempts to learn I had failed multiple times and had gotten beaten because of it. To Mother, I was a useless child, no man would want me and because of my lack of skill in anything, I would probably starve, and she said she would not care. Like an animal, if it cannot work, then do not feed it.

Then she’d laugh and say that Caelon would probably die also, all he’s ever done is care for our sheep. Maybe that is all he has. Hah, we sleep in the barn in our own little home. We are animals just like those sheep…. And I do not believe that is a bad thing.

Mother placed her hands together and pressed them against her lips. “Willa, grab the wool from behind the barn, then I need the rugs beaten,”
“Yes, ma’am,”
“And hurry up; I am tired of waiting,”
“Sorry, ma’am,”
With an angered huff she walked into our only other room. I took in a heavy breath, feeling tired and weak, but like I had no other choice. The barn was only a few steps away; its mossed sides blocked the sun. The rush of cold, damp air was nice, relaxing. Caelon came from the door, rope hanging over his shoulder. The small pasture was full of the sheep, their cute eyes dumbly looking at me. I wondered how a lamb, which seemed to somehow have so much wisdom, could then grow into something so… slow and empty. The truth though is that they were not empty, they knew everything that they needed to know.
“You need the wool?”
I nodded, “Did you get it all cleaned up?”
“As good as I could,” He scratched behind his head.
“Alright, alright,” I said, grabbing the large bags. Mother did not like the bags, she said they smelled foul. I had to transfer them in boxes that Father had made weeks ago.
Father was an odd man; he was submissive to my mother. He hardly spoke, but she was terrible to us all. It was an odd fact that we all still stood as we did. Father, though, was weakening by the day but that could just be age. Mother was difficult to manage.
I transferred the wool to the boxes and put the wheel in the second room with them. I closely beat the rugs, making sure I did not miss anything.

I ran inside.
“What did you do? Why did you move my wheel? The damn pedal is broken! How dare you!”
“It… it was fine when I set it in here, really. Mother I thought you wanted it there,”
Her face was flaming red, sweat crawling down her neck. I stood frozen, expecting a blow to soon come.
“Did I say to move my wheel?” She screamed aloud, barely away from my nose.
“No, ma’am,”
“Then do not do it if I do not say so!”
“Sorry ma’am,” I mumbled, my stomach sinking down. Her beating hardly lasted before she tired and sent me to clean out every inch of the barn. I had become numb to the attacks as I expected them, although my attempts at avoidance were good. Caelon, though, could not help messing up, it seemed.
We went to bed without food that night.

Caelon and I sat in the ally of the barn. The sheep were quit in the pens that I had cleaned. “I want to leave,” Caelon sighed, no hint in his voice said he was going to.
“You should leave, find someone you can work for,”
“I am not going to leave you here,” Caelon was not an extravagant young man, but simple to the point of fault, but he was good. Like the sheep, he knew what he needed to know. He was just fine the way he was, but I knew he wanted to get away from this place and Mother. I believed she had more contempt for him than even I.
Caelon had calm dark eyes, which sparkled with the fire. Oh… my odd brother. “I’ll be fine,” I stated, unsure about the truth on my part, but I did not care, I will be fine in the long run. Or maybe he could find a way to get me out of here too.
“You’re lying,” He smiled, and he lay back against the old water barrel.
“Not completely,” I said, taking in a deep breath. The wind howled outside and with it a deep sounding crack. Caelon stood and looked out the door.

Caelon “re-fixed” the door, “I do not want any more drafts,”
“I know what you mean,” I looked to him, “Do you believe that Mother is right?”
“About what?” He moved around his blankets and swept an empty area.
“Everything, about how we are not skilled enough to live outside of here, how I will not be able to get married, how you’ll starve,”
He chuckled, “She’s mad, you and I both know that. We do not go to be skilled out of here. People always need others like us. Besides, they pay, little maybe but enough to eat. You never really listened to her much before,” The restless young man stood and entered his stall that was covered by old bag cloths, he continued to talk, “You know how to tailor, you can do that,” He poked his head out, pulling a different shirt on, his only other one, “And to cook. I can shear sheep, hah, not much but it is something,” He now was behind a white cloth curtain, his bare feet visible, “And about no man wanting you, I doubt that is true. She is just not looking and you have not been out, so that may be it,”
I nodded although he could not see me, “Caelon,” I said.
“Why are you so good?”
There was a pause before he came out of the room, “Huh?”
“There is so much hell around here, but it does not seem to be getting to you,”
“Hell’s life, and life is life, I cannot change it. I think things are fine enough. We’re alive, are we not?” I smiled and hugged him tightly. The young man was so thin, he was a lump of bones with a tummy, a little bit of one with big feet, but he had no more strength. He was not strong, but had enough to keep going. Caelon tried so hard. I was proud of him.
“We need to get out of here,”
“Willa, we just need to go day by day,” His voice was caring, deep, it was a shy voice. I still believed what I was going to believe.

My whole back ached from the days’ previous happenings. I could hardly stand without tears trying to push my eyes out. I feared more would come now that I could not easily move, much less to do hard work.
I decided not to move from my makeshift bedding after a few tries, Caelon’s help included. The yelling was brief and instead I was given items to sew. She rarely gave me these tasks as I “could not be trusted”. A long with that she gave some other cooking things, but the pain was terrible still. Caelon tried to keep my mind off of it by talking but nothing helped.
Because of my slow working, Mother once again became angry and I was beaten once again, this time with a nearby stick. I had curled up into a ball and had blacked out soon after the third blow. Was she trying to kill me?

I was dreaming… that I was running, running as fast as my legs could take me. Caelon was running slightly behind me, telling me to keep going. I did not feel like I was making any progress, that I was stuck. Then I stopped and began to scream.

“Willa, Willa,” I heard, Caelon’s quiet voice. I was unable to move but I heard him. My head was spinning in circles. It pounded and I felt like smiling. I was alive. So I was fine. Caelon was so smart, in that respect.
I could feel Caelon’s hand on mine. MY eyes got the strength to see and the rest of me followed. I could see the relief on my brother’s face. “There you are,” he laughed, “Come on, sit up. I thought I lost you, gosh, um, here’s some water,”
“I do not want to,” I mumbled, I did not want to make my body angrier.
“Well, then I will do it,” He pulled me up so I rested on the wall and sitting up on a pile of blankets. “There and I have some food, but you need to get to thinkin’ clearly,”
“I am fine,”
“Of course you are,” He stood up, “I need to get a fire started. Are you cold?”
“I am fine, Caelon, stop doting,”

“Willa,” Caelon said, it was the deep of night, his face soft. I felt like I should be sad, racked with crying. I felt very little… no sadness, grief.
“How is Mother?”
“She is pacing,” That is all he said, “Come on, he is put away in a shroud. You do not have to see him,”
Still feeling sore, stiff and uncomfortable, I fought to stand and walk from our tiny barn to the house.
The fresh air was quite welcoming, although unsettling. I was imagining what my mother would do, what she was saying to herself under her breath and what she would do to us to get out the frustration. She was alone with two children she absolutely loathed… hum, not a good thing… I did not want to feel terror now because she would then win… and everything would go far down hill. I could not lose this morning… I had lost too many times before and I was tired of it.
Mother was still in her nightgown, her hair in a tight, clean bun. She now sat in her chair beside her spinning wheel. Father lay on the table, shrouded.
The fire was calming, but I was not sure about Mother.
I almost felt relief for Father, eh was away from Mother, he could rest now. The thought of never seeing him again did not make any emotion awake in me.

Father was buried near the chapel down the road in the graveyard. Mother did not spare expenses; she wanted it to look good although I knew she really did not care. I placed some flowers near the headstone and said a small prayer. I never thought of him again, it was not necessary.

Mother was quiet for a few days and the rest of were nice. I had to revere with the short but new found leniency. Caelon and I went to the town and market for the first time in so long. He sold some extra wool he had been stashing, hoping for a moment like this to come. With the money he gained, and a great deal actually, he bought himself a new shirt, as his shirt was near destroyed, a new pair of parts, and a sweet cake for me. Also he bought a knife and started to whittle a branch into a cane for me to use to walk.

Mother did not stay as lenient as I hoped. She caught up with time and with such wanted to make up for our lost time. She thought brought pain to me anyways. With her screams she just about ripped us to pieces. “You both are useless! I want to be rid of you! I want to start over, and when you die it’ll be like you never lived in the first place,”
So she was going to kill us once we have spent out our labor. That could not be long because I was still learning to walk at a normal pace again. I had lived out my usefulness, but I did not want to die. I have hardly lived!
And Caelon… he had so much potential.

Again it was the deep of night. I was curled up on my bed, my pillow being Caelon’s old, torn up shirt he almost discarded.
Caelon shook me, “Willa, wake up,”
I grumbled and sat up. He had a pack on his back, and wide, nervous deer eyes. “We have to leave now, Willa. Stand up, Mother is asleep.”
He helped me stand and handed me a pack. I slung it over my shoulder and we left the barn. His hand stayed on the middle of my back, and kept me steady.
I looked at our damned house, my stomach burned as we left, “Come on,” he said softly.
“Where are we going?”
“I do not know yet, but we’ll find out when we get there,”
I nodded and clung onto him as we left the farm. I felt very weak, melancholy also. I should be joyful that I would never have to go back. I was going to be away from Mother, but I was not very sure about that. She could find us and kill us so we could not tell anyone about how she had treated us.

We walked until day break. We were far into the forest now, following a small brook. I was exhausted but continued.
"She knows we are gone," Caelon said, "And she will look,"
"So where do we go?" I asked but he was very calm. "I'm tired,"
"We don't have time to rest, she'll poison the water; drink it now before she does,"
"The water in the brook?" I asked.
"She has the powder and if that doesn't work she'll try finding us," He bent down at the brook and began to drink. I followed, we filled up the bottles. "But it will only last a day,"
He sat up against a tree, pulled his pack onto his lap and closed his eyes, "Caelon," I said.
"Uh-huh," He nodded eyes now closed.
"We cannot live our here,"
"Who says so?"
I chuckled, the king, it’s his land, technically if we ill anything for food we will be poaching,"
"We won't stay this close and he'll never know," Caelon had an odd smile on his face, a smirk that help impish qualities. He had a little plan being laid out in his mind, "We should probably keep walking, there's another good place down the brook,"
"How do you know?"
"I... used to run away at night and be back by morning,"
I nodded and he stopped to wait for me. I jumped onto his back so he would carry me, oh he was so bony but he did not complain. He was so selfless.
"Can I put you down?" He asked when we had walked quite a while. I knew I wasn't large, but we both were exhausted. He was being so kind.
"Yeah, that's fine Caelon," I said softly and I stood. A crazed ache attacked my neck and lower back.
"Are you alright Willa?"
"I'm fine, let’s keep going, but you need to eat,"
He shrugged plainly, "I don't need to, I had some bread last night, and ate some eggs before we left. The food is yours,"
"Stop that," I said, feeling actually a bit angry.
"Can't you worry about yourself?" I snapped, "I worry enough for me, I don't need more,"
A large smile was pasted on his face as he turned to look at me. He warmly embraced me and started to laugh. I did not know what was so humorous, "But I cannot get out of this,"
He let me out of the hug, "I love you," He bent at the brook and drank. He fell into a limp position... and turned into a deer. A deer. He still ay on the ground, his clothing ripped. "Caelon!" I screamed and ran over. He was awake, his legs kicked until he could get onto his feet, his hooves.
"Caelon..." I mumbled, I ripped a strip of cloth off of Caelon's torn clothing and tied it around his neck.
'I'm fine,' I heard in my head, it was Caelon's voice.
"I feel mad," I stated out loud. The deer began to bounce and hop around playfully in front of me, "Caelon, hon, stay by me,"
'I know where I'm going, follow me,'
So I did, walking behind him. My mind was just plain spinning in amazement and confusion. I could hardly believe what was going on. I did not see how this would work, I wanted my brother back, and I don’t want a deer in his place... I needed to truly hear his voice, not just in my head... but he wanted this. We walked through a clearing into a brush like area. The trees were small and sparse and bushes and small plants took their places. It did look like a deer's haven. A large hallow tee sat in the middle, it was dead and clean, and I opened up the bark to go inside.
'See? I found this a few months ago,'
"Why did you not tell me, Caelon?" I huffed, looking inside.
'Go in there,' He said, 'I did not actually think we'd ever get out of our home.' The space was comfortable and light escaped through a few cracks. I lay out some blankets from Caelon's roll. I noticed he had not brought his clothing. He knew t would happen. Why? Did he not like himself to that extent? He had always been insecure of his physical nature, how he had always looked a bit sickly. He said that no girl would want him, hah, exactly how I thought, 'Stay here, there's food.'
And he ran out, he acted so happy. His ears went back like a puppy. I should be happy, not selfish about this and it made me sick. I looked in the bag there were apples, dried meat, bread, potatoes and also a pot to cook in he must have taken from Mother.
I stepped out of the tree hollow. My brother was grazing the brush, 'Is it good?' I asked.
'I do not mind it actually,' He ran over to me, and I pet his head, the part above his cute nose.

Things were happening too fast. I did not want to live in the forest like a mad woman but also did not exactly want to be killed. I had hopes too... just like anybody else. I wanted a life, a home, children, and a husband. I wanted to feel like I was worth something but... I had never seen my world. Outside of the small farm.
I wondered what it was like... I saw the market occasionally, when I was fortunate. Other than that, my world consisted of that barn, the house and my messed up head.

That first night was odd, the sounds of the forest kept me awake. I was scared; I believed I would not wake up if I fell asleep. Maybe my mother would find us; we'd both be dead meat then.
Caelon lay in the stump, he also was quite restless, but he kept his cool. Caelon was still himself, his calm nature still resided in the body of a deer. Even the deer was thin, lean, but it was quicker than he. It was like he was meant to be like this.
I thought, instead, the whole night of how to gain food. I needed to learn the land, the animals, and the plants. I had to live. I could not give up.
The next day I walked around the land, Caelon walking beside me, at ease. He began to lead in front of me and I followed, 'Hurry please,' He said, 'We have a lot to cover,'
"Caelon," I complained feeling still tired and groggy.
There was a grove besides a small clearing, filed with fruit trees and berries. Caelon continued to walk into another brush area and dug into the ground with his hooves. "What?" I asked, bending down. There were edible roots, and I picked them.
'See?' Caelon said, I hated the feeling of his words inside of my head instead of outside where they belonged. I felt like I imagined everything.

Days went by. I had learned to hunt and killed a few rabbits. I taught myself to skin and dry the fur and meat with salt, but not without a queasy stomach at first. I wanted to go back to Treanne and buy a bow and some arrows, so I could hunt for real. I knew that fall was approaching and following fall would come winter. I was not aware of how to prepare for the cold and it was a scary thought.
Caelon seemed like he hadn't a thought in the world, as he knew exactly what to do and when. He was carefree and maybe I should be glad about that but for some reason I was just selfish and wished to also be that happy. I should have taken a drink of out that stream also.
Caelon would leave and not come back for days at a time and only then did I even think of hunting a deer for food. I was careful to make sure each animal was not my brother. The guilt, though, of killing an animal was just so great... but I needed its life for mine.

I heard hooves running around the tree stump. I laughed and opened the door. Caelon was play pouncing and shaking his head happily. We chased each other and he ran around me in circles, his limbs long and athletic.
Finally we stopped, he lay in the long grass, his legs stretched out. I pet his fur, feeling sleepy. I lay my head on his shoulder and slept. I felt safe.

Winter was brutal, I was amazed that had made it through this entire thing. The wind and the cold and especially the snow. I had food stocked up and wood but I felt so... hibernated. I could hardly move, nor think. Caelon, though, was free and healthy.
I would watch him for long periods of time while he was with the other deer. I knew then I would starve, I could not kill the animals...
I had only a few weeks left of meat, and I'd have to wait until spring to forage. I was doomed and I did not know my way back to Treanne.
I went outside occasionally and would watch the wolves. They had a large pack with four new puppies and a lame wolf that seemed to watch them. He was a beautiful, caring creature. He was not afraid of me, and would come over and lay his head on my lap. His eyes were deep and soulful, there was nothing more beautiful than the innocence of some of these animals. They were pure of heart and mind, they did only what they had to, to live.
There was such a balance to the wilderness, everything had its own unique place. It was very fascinating.

The lame wolf scratched at the door of the hollow stump. Caelon's head lifted up and he looked to me. I opened the door. The pup had left me two rabbits. I smiled and yelled thank you out the door.
I cleaned and cooked the two rabbits and ate. It was such an odd feeling to be full but it was very nice. It was the wolf's decision so I must accept it.
That was how things would work, the lame wolf would bring me small prey and willingly give it to me. I felt loved, or at least accepted.

Spring did come, the sun was very welcome. The snow began to dissipate into the streams, leaving green grass to grow and the tress to become alive again.
I had always loved spring, how life was so abundant. There was so much hope in this season. The berries began to blossom and I created nets to put in deep parts of the nearby river to catch fish. I was proud I had made it this far. I was proud Caelon made it this far. We were still alive, and a good year was ahead of us.
I taught myself to garden some of the roots that I had previously foraged for food.
I felt self sufficient, and it was a great feeling. I would spend hours climbing trees and swimming in the river as if I too was an animal. Being surrounded by them I felt so out of place and unlike either human or animal. I needed to find a place one way or another... I wondered how Caelon felt, he had almost ceased, speaking to me as if he had given in to this curse. Oh but a blessed one, in a way. Hah, I wished I could understand!

I had dreams, or nightmare, of Mother, her cruelty and how I wished she could feel how I felt and how Caelon felt. I had wondered all my life. What Caelon and I did to make her so wicked to us. Why did she hate us? What in her life could make her take her anger out on her children? It was sick but so true! I wanted revenge, but revenge is not good but it sounded so sweet! So, so sweet...

The wolves lied outside of our home in the brush area and the miles surrounding the forest. The lame wolf was so kind, the pups followed him around carefully. He played with them best he could, but Caelon kept his distance from them, understandably. He is their prey, but oddly enough I had not seen them go after him.

It was deathly quiet, my fawn's ears were pricked his eyes fixed on the door of our little hollow home. From a small crack in the wood I looked out and saw the royals. The king and a group of his huntsmen, 'I want out,' Caelon said.
'No,' I thought back, 'You'll get killed.'
'Oh no, Willa, I won't. They can't catch me. I know what to do, let me out,'
'Come back before dark,'
I opened the door and he ran out. The hunting group moved on. I found a place in a tree to keep a watch on my animals. I prayed that the lame wolf was out of sight to the group or surely he'd become the queen's cloak. I knew very little of her except she was called the slave bride, because she was a slave before their marriage. It was clearly unheard of and the people of Treanne, I guess, had a problem with it. Especially Mother... she had no room to speak, but I did find it new. This very young king was trying to break tradition and to get people to move forward. According to Mother, he is all but being burned for it.
The king was handsome, very much so, like anyone would imagine. He had a soft face and eyes to match. He seemed sure of himself without arrogance. His cloak was of a deep navy blue and of rich cloth. He lived a nice life, but so much stress covered his face so he decided to take it out on these animals, but yet I could not hate him.
I did not see Caelon at first. Until he ran right in front of the group leading them off on a chase. I could just see the brightness in his eyes, the pure excitement was evident. He was so happy. This, though, could get him killed. I moved from tree to tree, attempting to keep up with all my might.
How long could they follow him? How long could he keep his stamina going? 'Run,' I kept on thinking, 'Do not let them get you Caelon. Please,' I wanted to scream at both groups when they got close... when the arrow was almost shot.
With quick thought he bolted left, leaving the group to try regaining their thoughts. And I too followed, going after them. The branches rustled beneath me, but they were too concentrated to notice. I felt I was not being safe about my actions but I did not mind.
Soon, I lost him when the sun began to go down. The sunset shot red through the trees like a cascade of blood. I begged to God for Caelon's safety

I sat in our tree home, clutching my blankets my heart racing. I closed my eyes, examining the sounds around me. I heard no horses, no life. Only the trees, still sparse leaves rustle against each other, the brook's water and a couple of buds.
I had gathered some food for Caelon to eat when he would arrive back.
Then I heard the scratches at the door. I took in a deep heavy breath of pure relief. Caelon came in and lay down in exhaustion. I pet his belly and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad to see you,"
'They will be back tomorrow and I will meet them,'
'Caelon,' I said, 'Do not be ridiculous,'
'I am not,'
The deer was stubborn, I could not change his mind.
We slept that night and at morning I encouraged him to continue his rest and eat to regain his strength. I massaged his neck and told him to take it easy. 'I am still meeting them,' Caelon said.
"I know," I sighed.
There was a scratch at the door. It was the sweet pup. I opened the door, he had grown. I pet his back and said thank you for the fox. He seemed to smile and walk away satisfied.
"He's a good pup," I said to Caelon and cleaned the animal, preparing to cook it before the royal's found out campsite.
'They are mad,'
"And you are not?" I huffed, "He is good,"
I was able to eat and find a place in a tree, waiting for the royals as did my fawn. He was prepared now... Caelon, I thought, please be safe. Once again the wolves were out of sight and I was glad. They must be on the other side of the river because he crossing is nearby.
I became tired following and sat in the tree, the tree that Caelon and I lived in. My bow hung on one of the branches, the quiver beside it.
An old pig came out of the brush. I tightened my grip and moved silently. It dug at the ground, clueless to the world around it. I aimed, praying I could kill it. It did not need to die... but it was going to anyways. We all will eventually... so why not now?
I shot the arrow, and it landed in the creature's side. A terrible speak was let out, "I am sorry," I cried out, calmly. I pulled the animals into a tree and hung it. That way the royals would not see it, "Sorry," I said again to the wild hog, and climbed down from the tree.
It was long before Caelon returned. I had put the food inside our little home and some water. Just as last night he fell right asleep. I did not want him to get in the habit of this, it is not good or healthy for him. He is no animal but a man.
Caelon ate in the morning, still lying down as he was like a pillow to me. 'They will be back again today,' He said.
I did not argue. I just wanted him to rest and to eat and regain his strength. If not, he'd exhaust himself to death. I changed the collar around his neck so it was now of clean, soft, rabbits' fur. I would know which deer he was, now that everything changed. He, also did not argue, he knew I had good intentions.

I left Caelon to go to Treanne's market. I needed to sell the skins and buy a new dress, or two. I had also spent time whittling canes, like Caelon had done for me.
The walk was long, and I hardly knew the way but guessing was an option. The hunting group would not be on their way, I could not walk straight along the river because that was their path. I felt almost scared by myself and scared to be up close to so many people, humans... I was afraid to be seen by my mother, but I imagined she would not recognize me either way. I should be safe... how hard is that to believe?
I had a full stomach from the pig, and a stew of roots. I felt good and healthy. My wounds had healed and my limbs were moveable.
The trip seemed easier now that I was not in so much pain. I did not need to rest more than two times. I wanted bread, I told myself. I missed the taste of it, as bad as it may have tasted.
I reached the outskirts of the kingdom, the first of the three Treanne markets would be in sight soon. A few sparse farms sat along the green hills. the forest lined their borders, along with crude fencing, often damaged. At one house a child stood around a group of geese. I said hello but the child only looked at me scared cold. I continued to walk, trying not to feel like a mad fool. It was my first time out alone, something ought to happen. That includes both the good and the bad.
The closer I came to the market, the more buildings there were together. A sign came up for a blacksmith. I could almost smell the fire mixed with the metal. The clanking of the metal was loud and hurt my ears.
The chatter followed, and it felt so new! It was like a wall, and in a way, it was scary. There were so many people, children, elderly, everyone, as if they were waiting for me. The pack on my back was comforting in a way, at least, reassuring. The open market was in front of me, surrounded by tall, thatched homes and workshops. Everything I could imagine was there. Everything except Caelon standing by me as a healthy man, not a mad deer. But he was what he wanted to be. Maybe I should buy something for him.
I found a way to sell everything that I had with me. I was handed the gold coins. I brought two dresses, some shoes and food. Oh food, I had bread, so much bread!
I found my way to my old house, to see my old world. I stood outside the fences. My heart beat faster and I felt so sick. Hate took me. I knew that it was bad. But I just wanted to tell her that I was alive... then I realized why Caelon drank from the stream, to keep Mother from continuing to look for us.

Caelon ran fast, as fast as his legs could take him, jumping across the stream, turning and looked at the royals as they came closer. He made a sprinted circle and continued on. The king would not end his pursuit until Caelon was his.

It had been ten days since the hunt had begun. All other animals had been ignored. Only Caelon had the king's mind. I had never seen Caelon this passionate or healthy. He could just keep going and going.
I thanked God that the weather was soft and mild. The least damage would be done, I hoped. Caelon would give everything he had, just running, turning, jumping. He did not give up, in a way. I felt that he did not even think! None of them did. I was prepared to do anything to protect my unruly brother even though the mess could become his.

It amazed me how swiftly his legs moved compared to the heavy thump of cob horses. His breaths were calm and even as that of an athlete. His favorite trick was jumping across the stream and turning around quickly. He then ran around at patch of large rocks the horses could not maneuver as well.
The king then resorted to different hunting methods. He left his group behind and heavy equipment and horses. He wanted to hunt my brother alone in a more stealthy approach. This is what Caelon was expecting, hoping for. This is what he was good at. He now knew the terrain now like no human. He knew the feel of the earth, the touch of stone and clay. He had studied it so closely and he wanted to win.
I could just see the added excitement in his eyes. He was truly wanted. The king had not missed a date. I wondered if this war would ever end, and if it did, who would have won. What would the winner do without the other? They loved each other, and even in 20 days they knew everything about the others mind. I knew it would keep going until one of them had taken the other.

I had trouble following from the trees, but I had faith in Caelon, now. The problem is I had faith in the young king. Both of them had the will and the skill to get each other. In the end they may just kill the each other...
The action was slow now and the pair had taken great time just to get eyes on one another.

I wanted to end it, all of it and I was tired. Life had no peace, the routine never did stick. And yet it was so still like I had no place, no nothing. I was just there now.

Caelon was far hidden now; the king was acting in desperate measures. He did not want to come home empty handed, which concerned me greatly.
It was a cold, grey day. The sun was not shining, the birds were hardly singing. The wolves were scattering all over in a terrible attempt to get away from this mad king. The lame wolf was not able to run as fast. Then the man shot at him. The arrow hit. I ran out of my little home and went to the wolf. He was whimpering in pain. I pulled him gently onto my lap and rocked him back and forth.
“How could you do this? How you kill this little pup! He did nothing to you! Nothing! How could you! You are sick, sick!”
The poor pup was shaking now; I caressed my fingers through his fur, and went around the arrow. I could not pull it out as it was only going to cause more harm. This poor little pup was going to die because of a man’s greed.
“Who are you?” he asked me with a gruff tone.
“What does it matter to you?”
“It matters because you are living in private property and poaching,”
“Poaching? You are the one killing things out here too!”
“It is my land,” He dismounted from his horse. The pup took its last breath in my arms and fell limp. The king took it and threw it into a bag that was hanging on his horse. “You must come with me,” He tied my hands and put me on his horse. I was a bit dazed and then fought him to let me go.
“I am doing nothing wrong! No! Please!” I could not tell him I was out here because my dear brother had been turned into a fawn and he now lived out here and I could not leave him. I would sound madder than he and I would surely be killed although I believed that fate applied to me anyways.
I squirmed the entire time and he was getting frustrated. The ride seemed short though and he took me into the large palace. “This is not right!” I said loudly enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear me.
“Oh shut up,” he said and a lady walked by.
“Luke what are you doing?”
“Taking this… girl to the dungeon, she was on my land,”
“I was just living there!” I screamed, “I had to get away from her! She was going to kill us! I swear!”
The lady looked at me with comforting eyes, “Who were you trying to get away from, dear?”
“My mother! She treated us like slaves and she was going to kill us! She beat me almost to death so I had to leave!”
“It is still a crime poaching on private land,”
“To eat?” I spit in his face, “I have to one way or another!”
“Luke,” The lady scolded him, “Let me talk to her, bring her upstairs,”
With a knife in her belt she cut the binds on my arm and brought me up the stairs and into her bedroom where she sat me on a chair.
“I need someone to talk to,” She said, “The maids are too busy to listen and well I have told my husband everything now more than once… and Britta, my daughter is far too young.” She looked at me and said, “I am very sick, I am dying actually. It is better I tell you now than when Luke comes up here. He hates it when I say that whether it is the truth or not, and it is.” She smirked and said, “So where we you living in the woods?”
“In a little tree, it was hollowed out and by a stream. There were a lot of deer around…” I said, “So there was plenty of food. I had been trying to hide from the king for almost a month now but he would never leave that one deer alone,”
“Yes he has told me, almost obsessed with that thing for some reason. He says it must be smarter than him as he is a very good hunter.”
I nodded, wishing that she did not call my brother a thing but I was not calling him my brother just yet. I did when the king entered. “That deer,” I began, “You wanted to kill so bad,”
“Yes? What about it?”
“He is my brother. My mother turned him into such, hoping he would be killed. He has been that way for a while now…” I mumbled, feeling like I should be thrown in the stocks now for saying such an absurd thing, but not unheard of.
“Oh, well that explains it,” he said in a solemn tone, “Now I am happy I do not have him mounted on a wall.”
“I am happy too,” I said, “He was all I had… he’s a very kind boy, nicer than anyone I have ever met,”
“He must be smart,” the king said.
“No, not really,” I laughed, “Not for a human, I did not think. He said that he knew enough to make it by and that was all he needed. We were never educated on anything… our mother thought it would make us want to leave, not that that beatings helped at all,”
“I understand,” Bridget said. She was the slave bride… as I had heard. “You cannot be so bitter about it. It will only make things worse.”
“I do not feel bitter though, truthfully. I just feel like I should explain myself before I get thrown in the stocks and forgotten about,”
Bridget looked up to her husband and said, “That will not happen,”
“I cannot just let a criminal go, Bridget,”
“Yes, you can, I said so,”
I held back a laugh as he sighed and walked away, “You are difficult when you have your good days,”
“Yes, yes I am,”
“Alright then, she can stay,”
Soon things were set up for me to stay, I was very surprised, a room and everything. I had a maid too, which I did not expect although I did not plan to treat her as such, or I hoped I wouldn’t.

The queen was a sickly woman, but still as dignified as any. She was stubborn and stern but kind and loving. She stood with pride when able and did not allow anyone to look down on her, in any sort of way unless they were helping her stand.
The king looked at me, his eyes sparkling with joy. “So I brought her to the palace, unsure about what to do with her,” He smiled softly, “So I just spent days upon days talking to her, trying to make sure that my father did not know she was there. My father is a strict man, and he was even more so at that point. My two older brothers, I imagine, were not fit for the crown. Varsh, the eldest of us is a viscous cruel man. My father was never sure of giving him the throne, so he thought of Carlson who is the opposite of Varsh, as quiet as quiet can be. He is like a pacifist yes that is the word! But at that point nothing had been said of me. I wanted to tell him I wanted to marry Bridget but he had been locked in one of his many moods which equaled no yes on any terms. I asked anyways. Bridget began angry with his answer when told him she was a servant, not a noble daughter,”
I smiled, “She was very plain about what to say. She told him straightly what she wanted and the respect that she knew she deserved,”
And in came Bridget, a fur cloak on, “It’s new,” She radiated. I recognized the fur; it was the pup’s skin, well with that of other animals. Lucan knew and looked to me. I said nothing, “What is it?” Bridget asked.
“Nothing, Bridget,” Lucan said.
“Luke,” She began, “Those paintings in the painting room, I want to move some of them in here, I need something to look at. It is driving me mad, and I need some more light,”
“Of course, I will get one of the servants,”
“Where you in the middle of talking?” She asked, “I apologize, if so,”
“It was about you,” Lucan said, “When we met, actually,”
“Oh yes, what part are you at? When I yelled at your father, I imagine? He is not a kind man, not at all. We did not get his father’s permission after that so we just found a way to marry regardless. I am surprised he did not kill us both or at least disinherit Luke,”
Lucan interjected quickly, “He had to keep in mind Treanne after he was gone and that my brothers could not hold the throne, even though I was not trained well in combat or arts. I had only taught myself and Carlson helped also,”
“I like Carlson,” She Bridget, “He is very nice,”
“Yes, so we married and my father soon found out. He came to me in the morning to tell me that he decided that I was soon to be the king. He wanted to give up the throne and his reasoning that I was passionate and that I loved humanity and that was better than a mad murderer taking the throne, instead,”
Bridget blushed, “His father came and was mumbling under his breath about Lucan’s eldest brother,” she pulled Lucan to sit by her.
“Yes, yes, that was an interesting morning, all day instead, really,”
I appreciated how they cared to tell me, how they trusted me. Especially Queen Bridget, thanks to her I was not thrown in the stocks by her husband. I found myself spending hours each day listening to their stories, peering into the depths of their lives, and it amazed me how in love they were, it was so rare in this world to see such, and they were both such great parents. Britta was very well brought up and very calm, she understood she was no fool and Bridget would die and roll around in her grave screaming before Britta would become a fool.
The story was that Lucan was told he would become king; his father gave him one month to prepare to be coroneted. In that time Bridget had a beautiful dress made for her and Lucan had armor made for him. Lucan explained that Treanne really was not a warfare based country but it did have to defend its borders as some places deem it weak and the king dumb. Lucan laughed at that and said, “I’ll show them,”
Lucan talked about the coronation and how during the after party Bridget drank ale for the first time and became a bit loopy. She could not hold down her drink. She said the next morning she was so sick she told Lucan to never give her anymore ale, wine or mead, ever again. Bridget said she wished Lucan would not take the wine as if he needed it and there came a small bicker between the two about the entire subject.
I sat in the corner, trying not laugh at these instances.
That is as far as we went for a couple of days. The king had gone out to be among his people.
I felt concerned and guilty that I had not thought of Caelon. I wondered if he was all right, if he knew what had happened. It is too late to leave now. I have the royals looking to me.

I had to admit that my life is not as interesting as many but I am also more human than some. I believed, before I arrived, that the king was fake. I thought he did not understand the lives of his ordinary people who work to live. But I think he did actually. His wife was a slave and slaves are not treated well in Treanne. Lucan had taken a personal initiative to be a part of his people’s lives, not just a basic figurehead. I was proud and I had been here but seven days. Only a week and I felt a part of these people, especially the queen. I tried to keep her entertained but I could not read, write or sing. So instead she asked about my family, my life… I laughed at her request.
“What is it? It is an acceptable question, right?” she smiled happily, almost embarrassed.
“Oh yes, it is, it is, but my family… I do not know much about them I do not even know my parent’s names,”
“I do not understand, are you a slave?” Bridget’s face fell a bit and she placed her hands on her lap. We were sitting out in the hallway on quilts. She sat against the wall, a goblet of water beside her, Britta and a few of the other children who lived in the palace played. I had been told that the nursery was being remodeled slightly.
“No, no… not really, at least. My parent’s treated us as such,”
“My brother and I,”
“Oh yes, the deer?”
We both laughed lightly, but I truly did miss him badly. This was the longest I had been away from him, “He was not always one!” I giggled, “But yes, the deer. We lived with the sheep. My mother, she was quick of temper, and when she got angry it was normally terrifying unless she was feeling sickly,”
Bridget nodded, “I understand the feeling,” I did not doubt it, “The… family I was with before I came here was not kind either, but they were not the worst I suppose. I was just a bit too much of a handful for them,” she smiled proudly at that fact, although I was surprised.

And I saw the scars that night. I went to the servant’s washroom to collect Lydia, and I did find her in the adjacent room but with the queen. The queen was getting a back massage with sweet smelling oils. Lydia was holding an embroidered cloth and the queen lay on a massage bed on her stomach, back open to the air and open to view. She did have the marks of a slave, the sick scars of a whip of previous punishments. It almost shocked me in place, but then I wondered if I appeared the same, Caelon’s were not even that bad. I held back a squeak.
The queen was partly asleep. Immediately I said, “Excuse me!” Bridget’s eyes opened and looked at me, then dimmed.
“Oh its fine,” She said.
“Why are you-“
“Not in my washroom? Lucan’s anxiety has gotten to him. He’s a bit mad right now. I thought it would be nice to give him some space and time,”
She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Lydia looked at me and said, “Do you need something, miss?”
“No, no, not really,” And left.
I passed by the king, his fist was on the wall, I thought he would scream. I had no clue what the look on his face was except pure sadness and horror. I thought that I would begin to cry also.
Lucan looked at me, “Willa, go to your room. I want to be let alone. I beg of you,”
I found out later that night he had gone hunting to take out his anger on a poor animal. I only prayed and hoped the animal was not my brother.
Bridget came into my room, “The day I have a good day he goes absolutely mad. It makes me so frustrated,” She crossed her arms then smiled at me, “Sorry you had to see me. It does not hurt any longer but Lucan does not seem to understand that well. He’s an interesting man…” She sighed and pulled the cloak together around her, “It sure is chilly, you may want to get the fire going,” I was right beside the kitchen so normally it did not need to be, but the air had frozen. I almost imagined some snow although it was not all that common, especially not in late November. It would normally take until deep winter before the grey turned to white, but it was oddly frigid.
I knew Bridget often had the chills, and this did not help.
“Can I go tomorrow? I want to visit my brother,”
“Of course, yes, yes, you are coming back, right?” I nodded, although I wished the answer to be no. I did not want to watch the queen decline to her death. It was too much. The longer I could hold off the better for me but… Bridget, she wanted me in the palace with her. I did not understand.
I had requested a horse to ride to my little hollow home. I decided to take the chance of finding my way, I had only a small amount of food and knowledge, but it could be stretched to a point.
The stable seemed so quiet, dead in a way. No animal stood in the adjoined pens and pasture. The trees were void of life also, the leaves brown, lying now on the ground. I opened the door and entered the barn. A stable boy was lifting hay bales in the stalls, wearing old leather gloves and a half buttoned tattered shirt. “Can I help you?” He asked, taking the gloves off of his hands.
“Yes, I requested a horse the other day,”
“I did not get it, sorry, who are you?”
“A guest of the queen’s,” I stated, “My name is Willa,”
“Then I guess I can help you out. Oh!” He ran to the head of the stall, “How about her? She’s real good and real calm and if you can get her to, she can run fast. I trained her all myself. She’s young, and her sister is the princess Britta’s horse. Her name is Willow, sort of like your name,”
The blue-grey horse had a white rope halter, and he led her out, “She’s beautiful,” I said, unsure about what else to say.
“Do you want to see her sister? Her name is Asher, also sort of like a tree. I did not name her,”
“Sure,” I said, this poor boy just wanted someone to talk to, a person, anyone who would listen, “What is your name?” I asked.
“Jove, do not know my father, so I cannot say his name. My Ma said he was gone when I was born. Something about a war,”
He walked down the hallway of the stable to the back where four horses had their own little place. They were the royal’s personal horses. The “Asher” Horse was a bright white like grey horse, black mane, black muzzle, “Isn’t she lovely? I am also giving the princess oh… her lessons, yes; she and Asher adore each other.” He paused and looked around, “Oh, um, the tack, yes, you need that. Willow,” He took the rope from my hand and tied up the horse to put on old, leather made saddle, and putting the bridle over the rope halter. Soon she was ready and I thanked the kind boy and left. He was far from an adult, although those years were now clinging to him. He was so childish, in a way but he was cute in sort of a sad way. He was so lonely and had so much to say and only animals to say it to.
I left the palace grounds, the tall black gates were behind me now. An expanse of small, thatched homes stood. It was a strange country to me; I had gone through it once, when being dragged to the castle to begin with.
Some children played under a large tree in the middle of a field. A red dog lay by them panting and proud.
A circle of small huts stood on dirt ground surrounded by a makeshift fence of sticks, limbs and hair ropes. A large fire was burning in the middle with people feeding it and cooking an animal for food.
The forest engulfed Willow and I. Jove was correct, Willow was very well tempered and sweet. We stopped when the forest was still sparse. It was about lunch time. I ate some bread and an apple and left. I was following the stream that had been poisoned a while ago.
It would be a little while more I would have to stay the night over if I wanted to travel only by day.
I found my tree and outside of it, built a fire and sat, waiting for the fawn to show himself to me. I tried my best to be patient but it was not the easiest thing to do at this point. I was exhausted from the journey and hungry, but careful not to eat too much.
I heard rustling behind me. It was difficult for any animal to be quiet with nothing to cushion the noise of the leaves. It was Caelon. He rested his nose on my shoulder. “Hello,” I said softly. I reached over to him and pet his neck.
“You left,” He thought to me.
“Not on my own will, Caelon,”
“The king?”
“Of course,”

He walked in front of me and lay down at my feet.
“Are you going back?”
“Yes, will you come?”
“No,” Sighed Caelon, who stood again and ran to the stream to drink, “I am staying here, Willa,”
I knew he would not talk much since he did not when I was here before I went to Treanne. It was just nice to be in his presence, to know he was alive and well. I slept with little rest that night, worrying. Something was wrong, but I did not know what it was.
I woke early, so I could leave. Caelon was outside of my little home. I packed up all I had, all of the skins, the pots and pans and blankets. I attached them to Willow once I tacked her up. She spent the night near the stream in a grassy area. She was happily rested. I put my knife back in my dress.
Caelon rubbed up against me, “So you are going?”
“I must, I do not belong here, honey,” I sighed and pet his head, “The queen, she wants me to be with her, she is dying,”
“The queen, alright, good bye,”
That was all he said and I left.
Willow kept a nice even pace but we both soon tired, as it was an oddly warm day and the sun had hit us directly. So we took a small break under a large old oak. I could see Treanne off in the hills in the distance. I ate some more of my bread and another piece of fruit to quench my thirst.
Suddenly I felt stuffed, not just stuffed, bound. A bag was over my head, my hands tied. I could only feel hands on my arms, rough hands and mumbling above me. I stumbled and was yanked up, over and over again, “Keep moving,” I heard.
I could not just let this happen, so I fought as best I could, kicked, pulled off my bag and screamed. I scratched and punched, ignoring my pain and fought. Something had to be done. The man was thirty or so, gruff and rough and yet it looked like a rich man. He was a slave trader and I assumed that this was his away home.
I didn’t even want to look at him.
The man seemed not to notice my many attempts, my running went only down a large hill before I tripped over a rock and fell. I got back up as fast as possible and ran straight into a tree. Dirt and blood mixed in my mouth and I spit out.
Inside I laughed at myself until all went dark.
I knew what happened, I was not dumb. His voice had burned itself deep, deep into my mind, his face in my eyes, his taste in my mouth. I shuddered at my new memories, and I thought my mother was bad… how stupid could I be? I am broken, ruined! I must be nothing now, what Mother said is true, it had to be. No man will want me now, not that they did before.
I sat in the corner of a room, a bare room with a door and a barred window. My binds were undone but I slumped, partly unable to move. I barfed in the close by separate corner. The cold seemed to take over and I slipped away again. A loud bang woke me, “Oh damn!” Evil’s voice calmly. I struggled to stand; I looked outside of the window. Willow was tied to a tree, her pack and tack sitting on the ground. I had to get out, but there was absolutely no way! Standing was a challenge. I wanted to scream and cry but I was too terrified to make a simple sound. Any sound, I almost wanted to hold my breath, maybe I could pass out again and it all will just go away.

Where we were was a question. The only thing I knew was the woods, away from the river and an extensive walk from where I had taken my break. How stupid could I be for doing that? It was not necessary, damn it! I could just get myself killed and Willow because I did something dumb.
How much time passed also was a question. But I had not eaten, and I was sick so I did not mind. I had not had any water and my mouth had dried, my throat was rough and painful. Even my eyes did not feel at all normal. Every sound Evil made hurt, the sound of his heavy boots, his hand on the wood outside of room I was in. I had to find a way out! I could hear his laugh and could smell the ale, I only hoped that he was drinking enough and would do something dumb. I knocked on the door, “Yesh…?” Evil slurred.
“Open the door,” I said softly, trying to stand now. I needed strength.
“Why should I?”
“I have something to say,” I got onto my feet. I heard the key enter the door’s lock. Relief and terror rushed into me. Evil stood, in a half cocked stance. The ale was strong, putrid. “I’m hungry,” I said, “And thirsty,” Confused he looked at the drink in his hand. “Have a sip,” And I did. I coughed from the deep burn. I searched quickly for my knife and I jabbed at him. Stunned, he fell over and I ran. There had to be something to get him with, he was standing back up. A fire poker sat in the lit fireplace, I plucked it up and Evil ran at me. I held it by me, he did not seem to notice, I hit it against his face, he shrieked again and fell over, lumbering. That was what I needed, besides the key. He dropped it by the door, and I found it. Against the door I propped up some wood and then prepared Willow as fast as my injured arms would let me. She felt my urgency and ran. I heard Evil’s yells his screams. But I did not care for his pain, nor mine although I knew all would come back at me later.

My mind did not work straight, not even close to straight but I found my way back. The stable seemed so oddly welcoming. I raced for it, falling at its door in exhaustion. I could not move anymore, nothing would listen to my requests. Jove came out and quickly helped me in. I fell asleep by the fire.
I was safe, and it was such a nice feeling. The ordeal was so fast, it should be nothing but it was not. I wanted to go away. I wanted it out of my head!
Jove handed me a bowl of porridge, his blanket around my shoulders. He stared into the fire, concerned but bored silly. “How are you?”
“How is Willow?” I asked.
“Oh she is good, I got her brushed up and resting but was asking you about you. Are you alright? You sure do not look like it,” I shrugged, wishing not to answer. “Can you tell me what happened?” I shook my head no,” Um, alright, uh, hmm,” I smiled, he was so funny, “What?” I shook my head again.
“How long has it been? Since I left, I mean.”
“Five days,” He said quietly.
I ate the tasteless mush, my stomach strangled it, ”Can I stay here for a little while…?”
“Yes, sure, whatever you need to do. I will be right back; I need to get some more wood. The winter sure is picking up,” The weather never had a regular pattern, and it baffled me. The field boys were bringing in the true last of the harvest.

Everything had died, at least in my sight, and the palace walkway was being swept from the leaves. I wanted to tell the lady that they would all be back in her way in but half a day, but if it pleased the queen, so be it. I wanted to see Bridget, but I was dirty and ashamed. I would be thrown out if I could not put myself together real soon, she may think I am dead now… oh, I do not know… there is just too much, I only need to calm down and breathe. I can do that, right? Yes?

I slept more, I did not like waking, but Jove was so kind. I could trust him.
I visited Willow, to ensure she really was fine, and she was mine, and I felt loved. One night I spent lying beside her, she was so warm and gentle.
The next day I rode her to the market to sell my bundle of things from my hollow home. I planned not to keep the money, as I would not know what to do with it, but possibly just give it to Jove for housing me for three days and showing me such kindness.
I tried to avoid large crowds, fearing Evil was there. He would be noticeable now, a big ugly scar would grace the right side of his face, possibly blinded his eyes. He must want revenge for that, but I wanted my own revenge.
I got a significant handful of coins. Jove would be so happy. I hoped so at least. I would leave after I gave him the money. “Jove,” I said, the money in a small white pouch that was once Caelon’s. “Here,” I handed it to him.
“What? What is this for?”
“You, thank you,” I said to him and left. I entered the castle and went to my room. Lydia was setting out the linens on my bed.
“You are back!” She cried happily. I nodded slowly, wanting to comfortably sleep wrapped up in my woolen blankets and down pillow. “You should visit with the queen, she wishes you to,”
“Of course,” I put on my ‘I am fine’ face and had clean clothes put on me, my hair redone, my face washed. I headed over to her bedroom and I knocked on the door, and then entered. She was carving a small block of wood.
“Willa, there you are! It has been a week!”
“Yes, I am sorry, Bridget,”
“Do not try to hide Willa, you look wretched. What happened and no lying. I will be able to tell. You cannot fool me,”
“I was attacked and kidnapped,” I wished not to divulge anything further.
“I can see that Willa,” She sighed, thinking carefully about what to say. “I will send a maid to fill up the bath. It’ll make you feel better, I bet, or I hope. Talk to me tomorrow during the morning meal,”
“Lydia had a warm bath put together with soap and oil. I asked her to leave me be, I needed this time to be alone with my head and make some sense, but sense really did not want to be made!
I removed my dress, the under dress, hanging it on the hooks that hung on the wall. I carefully placed my boots at the edge of the door. Many candles lit the room. I did not want to be seen, the bruises, the scars seemed to be more illuminated to so much more reality. This is the time that I needed Caelon the most, my brother…
I cried as I stepped into the bath. I cried as I scrubbed my skin with the soap. I wanted everything to just stop and go away. As clean as I may have been I felt far away from clean. I almost tried to drown myself but the thought of Bridget and Britta stopped me. I knew Caelon would be just fine out there, without me involved. And I knew that there truly is no one else, but it was Bridget’s wishes. Her eyes told me she understood how I felt, every bit of it. That at the least was comforting.
I stepped out of the bath, I was not cold, I tried to dry. Slowly I pulled on my under dress, it was tight against my skin. All was covered; I sighed and unfolded my stockings. I sat on the bench and put them on. I looked at the over dress. I touched the purple cloth and closed my eyes.

Breakfast did come. Bridget was in the nursery eating. Britta played with four other children. Bridget looked at me, almost happy but sad at the same time she told me she was with child. I explained to her I believed that was great news and she did not respond.
It was quiet, between us at least, the children were energetic and rambunctious. Britta was easily holding her own.
“Will you tell me where he lives?” Bridget asked immediately.
“I am not sure where he lives,” I truthfully mumbled.
“That is fine,”
Bridget then asked me if I would come to their Winter Ball. I had never been sent to have a dress made. The queen watched proudly as the seamstress did my measurements and asked me about fabrics and colors.
Tentatively I chose a dark purple and cream dress. I thought the whole day passed in the tiny elevated room.
The old woman was kind, but straight forward and told me to come back in two days to have it formed at bit further.
And so I did as told, feeling like I was once again at the will of others. Though, in this case, was no all too terrible. Instead I felt recognized as alive.
The king continued his story almost a month after he began. At this time the first snow had fallen, a light dusting that put us all in a merry mood.
“After our marriage,” The king began, “My father became increasingly bitter, I convinced him to abdicate and Varsh was locked up so not to harm anyone. We were all concerned by his anger.”
“Where is his now?”
“Still locked up like an animal, I doubt that he will ever calm down. I would be amazed if he did. I have visited him over at the jail, trying to be friendly,” Lucan smiled and stood. “Would you like to walk?”
“Sure,” I said.
“I was so terrified to become king. The people were already angered about Bridget and this would not help, and it did not. Bridget was quite often threatened by some of the citizens. I was scared for her and tried to keep her safe in the castle but that is when she first became sick. I blamed myself and she told me not to worry. We had been together a year when Britta was born. Bridget did not get really sick until Britta turned two. She never told me what it was causing it but I am sure she knows what it is, but I am sure she knows something she will not tell me,” We passed by the stables. Willow was against the fence, Jove nearby.
“Hello, Willa!” He called. I had always wanted to learn to properly ride a horse. Everything previously was guesswork. I neared the two, resting my hand on her soft, warm muzzle. Jove bowed to the king. Jove was only in rags as the king was comfortably bundled. “I hope you did something with that money,” I said.
“Oh yes, I had someone get leather to make a saddle, Britta’s is water damaged,”
“I gave you the money so you could get something for yourself,” I said plainly.
“Like what?” he asked both confused and amused.
“Some clothes?”I pointed to the rags he wore.
“Their fine, holdin’ up well at least,” His eye widened, “Well, is there anything I can do for you?”
“Just passing by,” Said the king.
“Have a nice day!” He jeered as we walked away.
Lucan smiled and adjusted the soft gloves on his hands, “He’s a nice boy,”
“Yes he is,” I said, “Very, King. He helped me out,”
“Oh, what do you mean? Escaping?”
“No that I did all on my own,” And I explained to Lucan what happened. I did not know if, or expect, Bridget told him. She understood the need for some confidentiality. I also said it would be a good gesture to have Jove some new clothes made so he isn’t found frozen at the end of winter.
“I assume you are not asking but telling,” The king stopped, also amused at my words.
“I am asking, but I am also being serious,”
“I shall think about it and see if we have the resources,” He began to walk on, angered I did not move and crossed my arms.
“Think about it? My king, look at what you are wearing! Think about what you have and what you eat! He has that and only that! You have everything!”
Surprised that he was being accused by a woman he spoke back, “Some of us are born into privilege,”
“And he works just as hard as you, Lucan. He deserves something in return. Did you hear? The money he did have, he spent on your daughter, not on what he needs. What is more pure than that?”
“Fine but I cannot, and I will not give up all I have for slaves. Many of them are slaves for a reason, criminals they are,” A look of distain tainted his face, anger really.
“Is Jove?”
“Yes,” Lucan said a matter-of-factly. “Would you like to see?” He began to march back to the stables; Jove was hanging up some tack. The king grabbed his right arm and pulled up the sleeve. A branding mark set on his skin, “Do you see now? He worked for a kidnapper,”
Jove spoke up, “Yes, because I was sold to him and I turned him in,” He yanked his arm back and pulled down the sleeve, “I helped them escape, I wish not to show you disrespect sir but you do not understand. I do not blame you because it is difficult to understand unless you have been a part of that life. I was a thief so I could live and I would pay those people back if only I could. Do not judge if you do not know,”
Lucan did not appear like he knew what to do, “Alright,” He said, “No more,” I sighed. “We need to go back,”
Quietly we walked back. Few words were spoken.

It was six days away from the celebration. Bridget laughed at what I had done, “Sounds like me,”
The dress was being fitted; Britta and Bridget sat on the bench. Soon I was able to see Bridget’s dress. It was most beautiful dark green I had ever seen, with silver embroidery and pearls. “It is lovely,” I told her, “We are having a portrait done soon, while I am well,”
“That is great,” I had already seen a portrait of the young couple.
Two adjacent kingdoms royals were invited to the ball, Krea and Liesta, both small like us. I had heard Liesta had a small family with only one young son, but was quite military based. They were strong so Treanne did not want to be an enemy. It was early morning when they arrived by carriage. The king of Krea and his queen arrived with their only son. The pair was aging, around the late 50’s. The king had all the signs that he was a king for life, his face was squished by wrinkles and pride. The queen was highly dressed, Bridget looked inferior beside her. They had more riches, I imagined, I could see, even by the stock of their horses.
The maids had spent the entire night preparing for these two days. The guest rooms were spotless and well furnished now, the library had new tapestries put up. It was great to see the beauty of this place as it should be. I almost forgot about Bridget’s sickness, she put up a good front.
The three kings hurried away to talk about their kingly business. Bridget had me follow her around with the queens.. I felt out of place although I looked the part. Nothing could change that I was no royal, I was just a peasant who was mad enough to live in the forest and stupid enough to end up in the situation I had found myself in.

I was whisked away to be prepped for the ball after the feast. I had hardly eaten though every food imaginable was sitting in front of me. Nerves had taken away my appetite.
Lydia was waiting, smiling, “I have always wanted to do this,” She said.
“You should come,” I said.
“Oh no, I cannot,”
“I doubt Bridget would object,” I said, opening up the chest. She was a little smaller than I, and I believed a light dusted rose or blue would look great on her. She deserved this. I knew how hard she worked, what she I did for Bridget and I. And there at the bottom of a chest was a perfect dress, not extravagant but beautiful enough. “There,” I said, holding it up to her. She took the dress in her hand.
“Miss,” she began, “you must be prepared also,” She was smiling and put me in my dress. She sat me down and braided a white ribbon into my hair and then pinned it up. I did feel beautiful, oddly, it was a different feeling.
“Now your turn, we have time. Please,”
And so I helped to ready her. I felt proud although she could only be a year younger than me at the least. Her hair was cut at her shoulders, I questioned why the rough cut. Her lips were soft pink, they spoke for her. She seemed a bit awkward in the dress as she was not comfortable in the realm of those who go to balls.
I asked Bridget to allow her into the celebration. Bridget smiled, giggled and told me I was bold but that it was fine. Lydia did look the part. She amazed me; she was so plain and yet so beautiful. There was no way that she could stand out, but to me, she did.
Lydia and I headed to the great hall. It would be just us until the royal pairs would find their way there. We sat at the tables, our eyes greedily fixed on the food we could not touch until we were allowed. Lydia seemed to have a bit more control over that than I.
Then the king and queen of Krea entered with all of us bowing. Soon after, the royals of Liesta and their son entered. The prince of Krea, who could be my age, was looking straight at me. I blushed and felt like I should hide. I am just a peasant nor anything above that matter. Lydia whispered to me that I should take the chance. I almost laughed.
Then Lucan and Bridget came in. I smiled, Bridget was absolutely gorgeous. I had only seen her sickly and even then… Lucan was radiating happiness as little Britta grasped his hand. Bridget nodded to Lydia and I.
The night was going to be good, I thought. I could really feel it. I need that lift from what had happened in the past. This was amazing…
We ate; once again, I wondered how the feasts were able to be put together. I wondered how some people could eat so much, also, it was amusing, and how much others could drink, especially the mead, which I imagine is quite filling. I did not drink anything but the tea and water.
The musicians played their instruments and a bard sung. The royals had this first dance. Britta sat beside me. She urged me to dance, “Please, Willa! Please!”
“Alright, but I do not know how,” I told her. She giggled and pulled me onto the dance floor. Only the royals were still there. People were watching, I could not pass the child off now. So I danced with Britta, as smoothly as I could manage, but it was very experimental.
Then the prince approached Britta and very nicely tapped her shoulder, bent down, as he asked if he could step in. She nodded and ran over to Lydia to get her to dance.
The prince bowed to me, I curtsied, “Hello,” I said kindly.
“I have not met you before,” He said, now he had my hands.
“No I do not believe so,” It became silent between us, just smooth dancing. It was perfect, I was finally learning to dance and it did not end. It just kept going and going and going. The whole world blurred around us and I forgot everything. Nothing mattered, it was a relief.
The night did end eventually, but all too soon. The prince kissed my cheek goodnight. I felt very light and airy; my head clear as a bell.
I slept well that night, but morning was only a few hours away. Lydia and I spent the morning talking. I told her exactly what happened during the time I was gone. I felt like I could also trust her. Nothing about her said otherwise. She accepted me.

The prince left the next day. I did not imagine I would ever hear from him again. He had his life to live, to go on and become a king. A king, and yet he was so young, but Lucan was so young when that crown was first placed on his head. He is still young although the stress is getting to him, unnaturally aging him. It had him in a death-lock; I did not want to imagine that fate for the prince although the inevitable is inevitable.
That made me ask, is life ever easy for anyone?
I wanted to know my family. To royalty it was so important. I knew nothing of mine, not even my parent’s names, sur or main. It was a void, and yet I did not want to be associated with them. My mother’s cruelty and my father’s dumb cowardice.
Bridget even knew her whole family history, mostly due to Lucan’s detailed records of his peoples’ lives. She had shown me a file.

“I set up a system for the farmers,” Lucan said, now resuming his story. “And once again. It was shocking to see people’s resistance to change, even a good change. It took me four days and nights to perfect a speech that was able to convince the farmers. I did not sleep by will but had Bridget wake me if I did, or my maid. I finally was able to have the laws put in place,”
I smiled; glad he pushed through that last tiff we had.
“And I opened up my library to the public, and my family’s tutor to work there. To keep up with the other kingdoms we need to have more literacy,”
“I agree,”
“Can you read?”
I shook my head, “Of course not. Only nobles can,”
“I did not know your family’s status,”
“Poor farmers on the edge of Treanne,” I said plainly, surprised that I was almost proud of that fact. I was angry about wealth, I could hate wealthy people and yet I respected and liked those royals. It was the lazy landowners that made me want to scream and run. Run and yell and jump, which is what I almost did.
“Ah, understandable,”
There was so much I could say to that statement. But Lucan wasn’t a bad man. He deserved his position and his respect.
Bridget’s health began to decline quickly. This hit Lucan hard and he was absolutely terrified, she was not. Her strength amazed me, no fear at all. Lucan didn’t know what he’d do without her. She was what held him together. We all knew that soon her ordeal would be over but a whole war would just begin. Her war would not really be lost, as she planned to die on her own accord and finish her life with all that needs to be done.
Britta was coming to know that something was wrong and with her. We went to the market, despite the late January weather. She loved the cold, mostly because of the hot drink that she received when she came home. I did not even know what the drink was, but it was very sweet. Britta then would have Lydia and I come into her father’s den with her and sit on the couch to talk and Lydia taught her to sew and embroider. Britta liked it because Lydia did. I still had no talent in that field.
What I wanted to do is to use my bow. I had hidden it with Jove, so it was safe. I had a want to hunt, but not to kill.

I spent time outside shooting bags full of potatoes and carrots. I had drawn dots on them, where I wanted to hit. Then I’d look for a rotten one, stick it up high and try to hit that. I always hoped to see Caelon come up and say hi, but to no avail. He was out in the forest, hopefully alive. I knew that living that way was not healthy for him, he’d get himself killed. He’s too good to die, as corny as it sounds. I needed him back and I had no hope of convincing him.
Bridget sipped at her brother and held her bread in her hand. Lucan was out of the room, probably to drink wine in his study. Lydia had Britta occupied elsewhere. So it was only the queen and I.
I tried out my patience; I did not want to be the listener to her sad words.
“Will you tell Lucan something? Wait… no… never mind,” she began. I could see such determination on her face. “I’ll tell him myself. Later, though, once he is done telling his stories and I, mine,” I was confused, “He is writing down my stories, Willa. He could read them to you,” I nodded, wondering what plan she was working up in her head. Something about her told me she wasn’t always that way. She used to be one of those dolls, a live one, so placid and quiet. Then something happened and all changed.
The story Bridget spoke of was bound in the library, written in the king’s script scribe opened it to me. “Will you read it for me?” I asked. The man nodded and began.
‘I sat in the dark room. Only the sounds of shallow breathing were evident. I was so confused; my head was throbbing like the waves of the ocean I had once seen, a year ago. That year seemed so far away. A day I was almost free, but I am not now. I am only an object passed around like a rock. This rock, that I am, does not move by its own will, it cannot.
The smell of defecation was overpowering I thought the man sitting in the corner would go crazy very soon.
At this point I was in-between masters, which was a loose word as the last one was very weak. He did not even keep me for himself. He was so pale and coughed often, only dulled; it seemed, by strong liquor he had brought in by the crate loads. He did not like wine, as he said it was too delicate and he did not like delicate things. That statement was very true.
His skin was like a paper, I believed it could break off, so white with no color left in it. His eyes a deathly black, like he had given up his soul for money, and money he did have. He brought in revenue for Liesta; the king’s first hand man when it came to breeding and buying slaves. He was partial to me but had a look of terror in his eyes when he looked at me for long periods of time… he’d say in his wiry voice that I was too beautiful. I should be kept clean, for the right person and the right price. I wanted to tell him that it was too late. I have been property too long I was not clean.
The man got his wish when the right price did come to an elderly man and his son. I was to be a house maid, but a fever took the old man and in a month he had died. His son took over the manor. They also had many assets, gold, silver and jewels. The son adorned me in them and treated me with affection if I was good and did as he wished. If not… there was punishment. That punishment was not what made me want to please him; I wanted him to love me. It was a desperately
sad want. And yet, I was always scared of him, despite his soft feelings and gifts for me.
Soon the son let me out of the manor to go on errands and mad him embroidered clothing from the beautiful cloth I bought and soon he allowed me more freedom. Then a new maid came to the household and I was rid of. I was beyond furious, broken and confused.’
Shocked by what I heard, I felt guilty that I did not want to listen. I thought my five day ordeal had wrecked me. She was all but destroyed. It amazed me that she could still trust so much, and she had been able to stay together.
I sat in the back of the library, clutching the book, wishing I could read further. I held back tears. My heart had dropped and it was new in a vice grip that was painful. I closed my eyes and tried to collect myself wondering how the queen had survived. She really did used to be a moldable person. She had finally earned her freedom giving that up.
Lucan had not failed her; he’s been the only one who hadn’t.
‘Lucan was different although when I stood on that stage waiting to learn my fate. I felt so strong. I had decided to be here this day. I made it evident that I would not give up now but I would go with who ever paid the son. I had to allow him that money as his business was failing.
The prince, that he was at the time, stood wide eyed, dumb really, and then took me away. Happy I would be working in a reasonable environment I went along easily.
He was glowing; his brown eyes deep and clear. They enchanted me. Soon I realized I was not to work. Terrified that he’d be like anybody else I was about to turn down his request of marriage. Soon, though I let my guard down, I had to and soon it was too hard to keep it up.’

Nervous I sat in the kitchen, my hands on a warm mug. I shivered, too scared to open my eyes to see the king or queen standing before me. Even poor Britta, the child was lovely, but was a reminder of Bridget.
The workers were kind but said I could not hide out in the kitchen forever.
Soon Lucan found me, “Where have you been?” He smiled and sat beside me.

“The library,” I said. Because of what was written of Lucan I really did look at him. The smile was not fake on his smooth face. He was no all that large, not strong, but he was not weak. He’s clothes draped over him. He had a small, sharp nose, childish really. He had become so pale, in a ghastly way but he was still handsome. His eyes, as Bridget said were as she said, and matched his hair exactly in color. Lucan did not resemble or represent bad.
“I thought you couldn’t read,”
“I can’t, I had someone read to me,”
Shocked by what I had heard, I felt guilty that I did not want to listen. I thought my five day ordeal had wrecked me, she was all but destroyed. It amazed me that she could still trust so much, and she had been able to stay together.
I sat in the back of the library, clutching the book, wishing I could read further. I held back tears. My heart had dropped and it was now in a vice grip that was painful. I closed my eyes and tried to collect myself, wondering how the queen had survived. She really did used to be a moldable person. She had finally earned her freedom giving that up.
Lucan had not failed her, he's been the only one who hadn't.
Lucan was different, although when I stood on that stage awaiting to learn my fate. I felt so strong. I had decided to be here this day. I made it evident that would not give up now but I would go with who ever paid the son. I had to allow him that money, as his business was failing.
The prince, that he was, at time, stood wide eyed, dumb really. Then he took me away. Happy I would be working in a reasonable environment I went along easily.
He was glowing, his brown eyes deep and clear. They enchanted me. Soon I realized I was not to work. Terrified that he'd be like anybody else. Soon, though, I let my guard down. I had to, it was too hard to keep it up.
Nervous I sat in the kitchen, my hands on a warm mug. I shivered, too scared to open my eyes to see the king or queen standing before me. Even poor Britta, the child was lovely, but was a reminder of Bridget.
The workers were kind but said I could not hide out in the kitchen forever.
Soon Luan found me, "Where have you been?" He smiled and sat beside me.
"The library," I said. Because of what was written of Lucan I really did look at him. The smile was not fake on his smooth face. He was not that large, not strong, but he was not weak. His clothes draped over him. He had a small, sharp nose, childish really, he had become so pale. It was ghastly, in a way, but he was still very handsome. His eyes, as Bridget said were as she said, and matched his hair exactly in color. Lucan did not resemble or represent bad.
"I thought you couldn't read,"
"I can't, I had someone read to me,"
"Oh, what is it you read?" I understood he was trying to make polite conversation, and the truth was that I did not want to tell what I read, well sort of.
"Ask your scribe, please," I said, "Part of Bridget's story," I later admitted.
"Ah, so you don't want to speak to her, I assume. It's understandable, really, it is..." He then said, "Come on, come on,"
"To where?"
"Not yet," I said, "Will you please get Lydia for me?"
HIs eyebrows raised, "You cannot even go into the hallway? That is a bit extreme,"
"Please," I then said again.
Soon Lydia came with my cloak, and hers. We went outside. My plans were messy, as was mine, but I missed Jove. I'd like to talk to him and poor Lydia needed to get out of the castle. I knew she was not partial to the cold, but she also was not one to complain.
Jove was waiting, his little home filled with dry wood. I told him that could be dangerous and he covered it with animal skins he stored in a little box. "There," He smiled and hugged Lydia and I.
"Sorry about that last little tiff," I said, my eye fixed on the branding mart on his hand. He noticed and moved his sleeve down. Lydia stood nervously behind me.
"I guess that it had to be said eventually anyways I was actually surprised that he knew or cared to know,"
"Know what?" Lydia asked, wanted to find her place in the conversation.
Jove looked at me and moved his sleeve down A ragged, scarred T with a bar through it marked him. The sight had no real effect on Lydia. "I don't understand," She said.
Jove was so much quieter that was normal for him. We never explained, Jove could have been ashamed but did not make it obvious. Maybe memories he wished not to come up, came back to him and it either scared him or hurt him. I had my plans and my plan was that Jove and Lydia would become friends, as both are terribly similar, the hope and optimism. They both could talk others ears off. I was proud of that and they needed someone else like that around them.
Jove had us assist him with the grooming of the horses and we ended up hearing complete family and training history of each, but he enjoyed telling it so we listened.
I stayed mostly with Willow, as I was very much partial to her. Jove said that she was still very good and if so I wished she could be bred. I said not yet, maybe another year. I decided I must stay, even after Bridget's death, I could not go back. I had never felt like I had such a place than I did here, even though it startled me.
Lydia and Jove did get along very well. I could hear his voice and her giggles from down the hallway. Amorel, Bridget's horse had not seen his master in a great deal of time. I tacked him up and rode him, to cheer him up. He was an elderly gentleman, very good and polite, not fast nor agile, but careful. Jove said Amorel was a favorite, actually, of his and as the queen had relinquished the horse to him, Amorel was his. The animal was retired now, to the normally green pastures that are now deadened by grey.
Bridget only became worse and worse. I couldn't stand watching but Lucan had given up his anxiety for his family's sake. It was now early February, still as cold as death itself. Bridget would not see spring come. She already had plans Lucan knew, Lydia knew, I knew, I just hoped poor Britta did not. It is a part of life, that death happens, and it is very well known that Bridget is a stranger to this fact.
Bridget was waiting. She only wanted me to finish her story. I had the scribe jump around in the book, sections easy enough to decipher So Lucan, under the queen's wishes decided to read to me, starting all the way at the beginning.
‘It did not always use to be this way. It used to be good, I lived with my mother and my father and my four brothers. We were at a good house with a kindly family. Father had good work and Mother was talented. I was taught to cook and sew and butcher chickens and wash clothes. I did not mind at all. I thought that this was life.
There was a small little village that all of us lived in, all the servants. Mother told me that because was so pretty, I'd be saved. I still wonder to this day if she was right. I did not believe her, as I had never seen my face. I was 14 before I did and I remember that day.
My mistress stood me in front of a mirror, she told me to look. She smiled and told me that I was too pretty to stay at her home, I'd go better somewhere else, and the money could buy some better workers. I was crushed, but by that time I understood the system. It was unforgiving and harsh, but unfortunately, needed. If this world is to work, some must be rich and others poor. Some need to own and some need to be owned. That was how I was raised.
I left the lovely little village and happy life to be a little less than just an object and yet a little more. I was cared for by the others at my new place of work.’
In a polite way, I do not know how to explain my turning into a woman, as it did not take long at was treated as one, and I was paid as one. There were those who did give me a for myself. It was a great reward. I had a dream of becoming a free person that way, an old, vainful dream. It never was obtained on my own doing. I still do not feel free, even today.
Oh now I wish that all would be easy and smooth. I dreamed of a nice large house, soft bedding, wine, butter, milk and honey.. to be able to rest and eat. I did not like the crowded bunkhouse and the terrible food. The stew-holder was not always the nicest. Occasionally she could be nice, but her punishments were harsh. Especially if one of the girls found herself with child and she could not track down the mostly unknown father. We were supposed to be careful and make sure we were clean. I could truthfully say I made sure I was clean, but I am not so sure now.
I could say I did not last long there, if three years is not long, although they were the longest to me. Then my year with the old man, and my months with the son...
I did wish for death, more than once. Something always stopped me, something that told me all would eventually work out. The pain would eventually end, it would dull possibly.
I feared that dulling, though... I feared that I would become numb, that'd I die while still living. I knew that if that would happen, then I'd wish for the pain, I'd beg for it back. I could not let that happen I'd like to die for real before that.
Time seemed to be slow in Bridget's world, a world I wished that I did not peer into. If I could only forget, I would be happy.
That was Bridget's life, her story, and it was told. Once her story was told, and Lucan was ready, Bridget had her plans.
I entered the king and queen's bedroom, Britta holding my hand. Bridget clutching her daughter's face and kissed her, "Oh sweet, precious, Britta, I love you so dearly,"
"I love you to, Mama," She said quiet, until she was led away swiftly.
"Lydia," She called, "Get the tea,"
I watched poor Lucan's face drop as Lydia left. Another maid lay out a cloth, soon to be a shroud. Lucan gently picked Bridget up and lay her down, her head on his lap. We waited as Lydia returned with the goblet. She drank deeply of the steaming tea. She comfortably found her place on the cloth. Lucan, holding back his painful grief, caressed her face, combing through her loose, long hair.
"Honey," She said, "Luke please, please, keep your eyes open. Do not dwell, I know you dwell. Do not hold back, do not hide,"
"Why are you doing this?"
"It is too late, Lucan," She yawned and closed her eyes, "It's too late... I'm gone," Lucan bowed his head and bit his lip. I could almost hear his heart just break in half, poor man. "I love you,"
I cannot fix this nor cannot I stop this terrible grief.
Soon he would not be able to even speak and I knew it was over.
Bridget was taken away and prepared for the funeral the following day. Immediately I
I woke as instructed by the king. Lydia and I dressed in black. I knocked on the king's bedroom door. "It is open, Willa," He said in a wispy voice. I entered the room. Lucan was facing away from me, sitting on the bed. HIs back was bare, different than Bridget's, but skinny and spotless. He was sickly thin, now.
"Lucan," I said, "Have you eaten?"
"No, and I do not plan to, not now at least," He stood up immediately and thrust on his shirt. He grabbed his cloak and rushed past me, "Come on, Willa, hurry now," Lydia came behind me. The horses outside were in a long line, all of black stock. Bridget was prepared, in a glass coffin, in sight of all to see Her eyes were closed, peaceful but that of a ghost. Her cheeks were shallow, and sunken now, her body covered in a gown like that of a bride's gown. She stood out in the white against the mass of black painted on the streets, a solemn her of careless rats.
Large black flags hung from the caste's windows. The horses came along, "You should come with me, Willa, for Britta, please," I could not deny the king.
The air was still frigid, unmoving and its hold showed in the faces of all alive. Their queen was gone. The queen they all once hated but now showed their love. The queen w used to be below dogs, now higher than all alive. She now had all the respect in the kingdom.
My own war had passed one battle and into more than one following. I wanted my brother more than anything else. I was too afraid to ask. The kind needed a friend, someone to cry to, vent to and I was that person.

It was four days after Bridget's death. I wanted my brother more than anything else. I was too afraid to ask. The kind needed a friend, someone to cry to, vent to and I was that person.
It was four days after Bridget's death. I sat with the young king in front of Bridget's grave. The expanse of cold hard ground sat surrounded by the tall metal fence, the jutting of stone heads brought the climate to that of stillness. The king could not get away.
"She said she faced Hell, she saw the devil, and was caught in the battle between good and evil,"
"I could say with a clear conscience that we all have tasted Hell, touched the devil and fought in the war,"
"That is agreeable..." He looked up at me and said, "Let's go inside," He sighed, helped me up and said, "I need some mead,"
"You need to hold back the ale," I said to him plainly. He laughed and he hugged me warmly. A burn began in my chest. This was not all right, but I did not care. I loved the king, he was my friend.
"I choose not to," He said.
"I see, then you must give me a cake if I find you with any ale, mead specifically,"
We entered the castle. Heat hit us like a wall, the heat was a kind thing, something that promised life.
Spring approached swiftly now that each day was the same. The green pushed through the ground and the trees. The river melted, the animals now moving outside.
The king awakened, now we went outside on walks, talking. I did anything that I could to help the poor man. I spent time with Britta, everyday she had her horse lessons I was right there with her. The sweet girl had quieted from her dear mother's death. She had become quite grave.
It had been nine weeks now. Treanne would have completely forgotten about her. Lucan and I sat outside in the garden. He was looking down at the green ground. His hand was on mine. "I should through the spring festival soon,"
"Do you want to?"
"No, not exactly,"
"I'll do it," I said immediately, "I’ll plan it at least,"
He looked up at me, a shy smile on his face. He reached over and kissed my cheek, "Sure, if you may," I nodded and stood. "Are you starting now?"
"Sowing is very soon. It must be at the right time, Luke,"
"Well, alright, I guess so," He followed me inside.
"Lydia!"I called, my voice echoed in the roomy lobby. She ran down the steps and stopped at my feet.
"Yes, miss?"
"We have a festival to plan,"
Her face brightened. Soon I found myself running excitedly with her to the stable, "Jove! Jove!" I yelled into the doorway.
"What?" His eyes widened, he looked startled. I explained and we all looked at each other. We started to throughout ideas, for food, for fun, for all of it. I knew like for the harvest celebration was a ball. I wanted to get it squared away. Jove said he could talk to all of the farmers for me, and say what meat was available. "Now how about your dress?" Lydia asked, bumping playfully into me. I shrugged.
Jove laughed, innocently, really, "You're the mistress of the king, you should get something,"
It became very quiet, Lydia and I looked at each other, "I am not," I said, "I am a friend,"
"I have seen him kiss you," He said, confused, now his face red with embarrassment.
"Yes," I said, "And I do love him, but we are friends, nothing more," As far as I knew.
Excitedly Lydia and I went to Lucan. I had all of the tapestries taken down and replaced by brighter, spring-like ones. I had the kitchen cleaned and restocked Most of the rooms cleaned and I also brought all the tables into the great hall.
"The festival will start in four days, it will last three days, the first day, the fair, the second, the parade and the third, the feast and ball," I smiled. Lucan nodded happily.
"Yes, good job," He stated, "And about the food and guests,"
"Food is covered and I will have the old bull slaughtered for the servants, as their food is becoming slimmer than they. Guests, no, I do not know anyone,"
"What about the prince you danced with, from Liesta,"
"They are quite arrogant, anyone else?"
"Come to my study and we will see," I walked with him to the cared cherry door. He pulled out a heavy scroll and a book, bound similar to that of Bridget's. His finger went down a list, "Kenna? How about them? They are no enemy of us, a very sweet old couple. There late son had many children Britta's age. She'd enjoy them," I nodded, "Then I shall send for them,"
"How did he die?" I asked.
"I thought they were peaceful,"
Lucan turned, "They are, but it was a siege that got him. It almost had the king killed also, but he recovered. His neck got burned though,"
I shivered, Evil's burnt face had a lasting impression in my mind. The burnt face of him, smoldering eyes.
"It is rather hard to look at,"
"Lucan," I said, "Jove and Lydia helped planned this and I put them in charge of many things. Will you allow them to come? Please, Lucan,"
He nodded with a sigh, "Sure, but only because they are helping,"
Lydia was hanging up my freshly washed clothes and said, "You're already like the queen. People here look to you for direction. That's the queen’s job. The king controls the kingdom and you control his world. Are you planning marriage?"
"No, of course not," I stated harshly.
"I am sorry ma'am," She bit her lip and quickly shut the door to the washroom, "I just assumed,"
"Assuming isn't going to get you anywhere, Lydia."
"It sure could get you into the crown,"
"I am not here to win the crown or the king," I sat down, "I do not wheedle into things,"
"Seems like you already have, the king sure does like you,"
"Please leave it be, you are out of line, Lydia,"
I lay down wanting sleep to come. The moon still sparkled through the light curtains. Winter's cold had its hold at night. I could not sleep as hard as I tried. Frustrated I stood d pulled on a warm robe and my boots I went into the hallway, paced a bit to calm my nerves, and then to the kitchen for wine.
There voices leading the way in the dark. I could hardly see, even with the candles. Suddenly I hit someone, "I am so sorry!"I called out.
heard a man's chuckling, "It is fine," Lucan's voice said. "Willa? What are you doing up?"
"I can't sleep and if you are here for wine, you owe me cake," I said plainly, "Or you could just give me your drink,"
"Seems like you caught me," He chuckle again, I felt go into my hands. "Would you like to walk, Willa?"
"Why not..." I took a drink of the wine, the heat rushed into me swiftly.
"Thanks for all you've done for the festival," He said and we stopped at a bench indoors near a fireplace. I could now see him, "It's been a big help, I apologize that I'm still a bit slow, I’ve been trying so hard to get things to go smoothly again and for me to spend more time with Britta. I just want things to go back to normal."
"I understand,"
"And thank you for helping with Britta especially. She adores you. The servants do too,"
I nodded, feeling nervous, Lucan was very close now. He touched my cheek, and I closed my eyes to calm myself. His lips touched mine. He was gentle and soft. But the lights... they seemed so blinding and pictures of Evil entered my mind, flashing and swirling. I felt that I was dead locked, unable to control myself. I couldn't do this, no, no, no... I could feel my heart in my stomach and my stomach in my throat.
I ran off crying, huddling y a bench, shaking.
Lucan was close behind, "Honey, honey," HE said, "I'm not going to hurt you," He sat beside me, I lay my head on his shoulder and cried, I believed him. HIs arm wrapped around me and I did not move. "It's alright," He said over and over again, until my heart could not be heard any longer, "Are you good now?" He sat myself up, feeling that I must look absolutely terrible, "You need to get back to your rest, come on," I had little in me to say otherwise. He kissed my forehead to say goodnight.
"Lydia," I called, and I knocked on her chamber door. "Lydia!"
"Yes ma'am?" She yawned, blinking from the light.
"I need a bath drawn, please, I look wretched,"
She complied and left, heading down the hallway. Why did Lydia have to be right? It's too complicated now,"
"Did everyone forget about Bridget? It has been only but a few months! Even Lucan!" I cried to Lydia.
"I have not," Lucan entered the room. "I will never, Willa," He said frustrated, "Never," His eyes met mine "No matter what may have happened,"
"Yes, I did not want to doubt you Lucan,"
"So why did you?"
"Lucan I am sorry... you have not brought up her memory for a very, very long time,"
"It is painful Willa, and I know you understand." He took my head and wandered off. I followed, my chest filled with severe guilt.
The festival had begun with the fair. The market inflated with bards and jesters and vendors. It was like life had been knocked into Treanne again. A painter urged the king to have a portrait made of he and Britta, he complied. I watched the talented man as he worked. I tried to keep Britta steady but she was very rowdy. The painter said he'd have the finished painting sent to him as soon as it was finished.
"Willa, will you take Britta over to the cobbler? I need to have her some shoes made. I'm going quick to the jeweler,"
I nodded and Britta led me to the tent. She wanted to go in herself so I watched a bard play. He was far away so t sweet music was faint but smooth. Britta's giggles shrilled their way down the close aisle of the fair. A magician was at the opposite end doing his little tricks, the crowd stood and cheered. They sat on hay bales covered by old, tattered blankets, sipping drinks of all kinds and eating food. It was a good time that everybody could be themselves, the peasants and those who worked them.
Britta ran out, with a bag, and went past me to her father who was now handing money to the jeweler.
He motioned for her to be silent and came towards me, "I'll be right back, again, He smiled, "Britta came along with me," He stated, going to the magicians tent. He is a wreck, but just barely went Lucan went to him. IT was opened to the air so I could see them speaking. Lucan then motioned for me to come, and so I did. The magician was a tall, thin man, stretched out completely. He began his show.
"My lord," He said the Luke, "Would you like to be a volunteer," Lucan took my hand and stood me up next to him.
The magician pulled a rose out of his sleeve, it was a dark, dark velvety read, I could smell it even. It wilted right before his eyes and it fell to the ground in ashes. "Sir," He said to Lucan, he pulled a very identical rose from his pocket and he did something I never expected. HE bowed to me, and gave me the flower, on the stem was a silver gold ring.
"Willa, would you be my wife?" He asked, eyes sparkling as if he captured the stars of night himself.
"Of course," I answered, not thinking, my face breaking out into pure joy. We hugged and he twirled me around, and then Britta. The crowd cheered behind us. I felt guilty still, the queenship was not mine to take, but Bridget's, I did not deserve it as she I had won the king and his crown.
I felt Britta's arms hug around my waist. I kissed the top of her head, boy did I love her. Such a sweet good girl. She understood everything, everything that she could. I was proud of all she had done and just like her mother, she was terribly strong. I had very large shoes to fill and it would be a challenge
Lucan seemed to go into a frenzy for wedding preparations. "Lucan!" I yelled, "Not until Caelon is found,"
Lucan quieted and sat down in his large, plush chair.
"Alright," He said softly, "Do you have a plan to get your brother?"
"No, I have not exactly thought of how to, Luke... Possibly I can sit and have him come to me-"
"And I'll have huntsmen in the trees to bind his legs to catch him,"
My eyes widened and I clutched my hands together. "Do not hurt him!" I urged.
"He will not be hurt, Willa, trust me,"
"Fine, fine, fine,"
I looked above the fireplace to Luke's painting of Bridget. I felt like every action I had done and will do is watched by her, like I was judged by her. She trusted me and I was close to taking her husband. "Willa," He said, "What is it? Answer me, please,"
I shook my head, trying to get myself together, "Nothing, I wish to go to bed,"
"Willa," He said, now looking a bit torn. He took my hand and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, please rest. We still have the parade tomorrow. Lydia will wake you,"
"Yes," I said and left.
Lydia was entering my room as I did, "I am so frustrated," I truthfully said, falling down in my chair at the bureau. She took my hair down and brushed it through with a comb. "I do not know why, but I feel that I am going against the... qu--... Bridget,"
"Ma'am, the queen, she is gone. You cannot keep her alive when she is gone. The king must move on as she had said herself. I know that you understand,"
I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to relax. There was a knock on the door, I did not open my eyes, or move. "I brought the cake I owe you," Lucan said. He came over and said, "Willa, you must learn to accept, otherwise this'll kill you,"
I opened my eyes, he was kneeling next to me. I felt ashamed as I was only in my tight fitting nightgown. "I'll see you tomorrow," I stated, "Goodnight, again, Lucan,"
The parade moved along. I rode Willow beside Lucan and Britta and Lucan formally announced our long awaited betrothal. I felt better then, a bit light, but not s if I was doing the right thing. Nothing would be alright without Caelon, which was partly what was wrong. I had to tell him the news but I also had to help him. Caelon could not stay like that his whole life. Only after the festival would I know about my brother... Lucan and I both wanted something small, inconspicuous. Lydia, though, and we, wanted something a bit more. I was set on few people and a priest. A few minutes and all should be done and good. Maybe I'd get my wish, and Luke’s wish. But I wanted Lydia to be happy also.
The ball approached steadily. Jove was given new clothes by Lucan, especially for the party and the wedding.
"Willa, go see the dress," Lucan said. I entered my room. Lydia stood my it... it was Bridget's dress, the hunter green one.
"I can't wear that,"
"She told me to," Lucan said, "Bridget did after the Christmas celebration, you said you really liked it,"
Confused I went up to it and touched its soft fustian. "Alright," I complied.
"Yay!" Lydia cried, "You out," She said to Lucan playfully. "Please," Lucan laughed and laughed quietly. I was made ready by Lydia. I was glad that she was always there for me, she was a good girl. Soon I sent for Jove to come, and when the boy did, he looked odd in his nice, new, spiffy clothing. He cleaned up very well, surprisingly so. He shone with brightness and happiness, to him, nothing could go wrong right now, but it would be nice he felt a bit more comfortable.
"You look great," He said to Lydia, kissing her hand. She swiftly blushed.
"Thank you," I bid them to sit together.
Soon the beautiful couple came. She had long white hair, all the way to the bottom of her back, in a braid with silver ribbon and crystals with a headpiece. The king stood tall, a coat covering his scarred neck.
Lucan I stood by each other and bowed to the elderly couple. Their family also came in, five children in all. Two girls, twins, and three boys. The twins were about Britta's age.
Lydia had Bridget with her and I asked her to take Britta to play with the children.
"Hello, king Lucan," The king said.
"Hello, king Aramae," Lucan smiled, now shaking his hand, "Queen Leah,"
"And who is this?" The queen asked in a smooth, golden voice.
Lucan proudly put his hands on my arms, "My fiancée, Willa," He smiled.
The musicians arrived and so did a good portion of the wealthier people of Treanne. The maids brought in all of the food, flooding the tales with meats and fruit of all kinds. People seemed to enjoy the celebration, which brought me pride.
The atmosphere was amazing, like a rush of perfection. I did this, I planned this festal and it happened. People were having fun and living.
Lucan took my hand to dance. Excitedly I raced into the center of the floor, him following. I giggled, just like a child, like Britta almost. I put my arms around him and him I. "I love you," Luke said softly, resting his head near mine on my shoulder. We rocked back and forth comfortably until the music changed. We moved to the music, not caring about the others around us, nor what we said, how we acted. It was all too late for that. What we had wished didn't happen had happened. And we were happy for once in a great while. Things could settle down, Lucan could now really focus on his rule. I could have a family. Britta could have playmates and truly be a child.
We still had an obstacle to overcome, we had to get Caelon and we had to change him back. I could not do this without him, and Caelon deserves another chance at being a man, not a wild beast.
The nights festivities ended and I ran out with Lucan. Both of us laughed like we were young again and in love wishing not to be caught by our parents. I did not think, Lucan did not think, thinking at this point was just a waste of time and energy. Exhausted we sat in the hallway, a smile on both our faces, I had not seen a smile like that on Luke ever before... I lied, when he talked about Bridget, that was when he had that smile, but no time else.
He was looking up, as if asking if this is what was supposed to happen and as if to thank God, as I so fervently now did but never done before.

"We will go today. I have four huntsmen on call," Lucan said. I was eating in the kitchen. He paced, thinking, fully dressed in hunting attire. “You need to sit by your old little camp and wait for him to stand by you. He’ll be taken down quickly, unharmed, I hope.”
“You hope?” I muttered again, my nerves getting to me now. I sat back, looking at my biscuits. “Is there a place for Caelon to stay until we can have him changed?” I asked.
“Of course,” I have Jove prepared in the stable for Caelon to arrive. He’ll take care of your brother.”
“Good,” I answered, yawning with sleep. Servants still cleaned out the hall, but were finishing up now. Lucan wanted it back to normal when we returned.

On Willow I followed behind Lucan. The forest swallowed us up. I closed my eyes, shivering. I feared that I would see evil, and I hoped, though, that Evil would die because of it. If we could find where Evil lived, I would kill him myself and think no more of him… if only, if only.
I felt full of spite and hate, and terribly enough, it felt good. I hurried over to Lucan; the smell of the trees was familiar.
“I need to go do something,” I stated, reaching for Lucan’s sword. He put his hand over it.
“What are you doing?” He said, stopping his horse.
“Please, Luke,”
As if he had no choice he gave it to me. I rushed off, following a familiar path. I held back painful tears, but oh it must be done. Evil does not deserve to live any longer to hurt anyone else. I cannot risk it. Luke cannot stop me now. No one can, not even Caelon.
The house stood hidden in the brush, seemingly quiet. I felt Willow and opened the door. It had no sound, nothing did. All was dead, Evil kills doesn’t he? Doesn’t it!? That is all he is, he does not deserve a name, or his life, or is dignity.
The only life in the home was a fireplace, alive with flame, jumping and burning. It consumed the wood, sending orange and yellow flames into the air.
I could finally hear something, cursing, under breath. I entered the next room to see Evil standing over a killed rabbit. I wanted to stab him right now, but that would not kill his dignity, only his body.
“Hey,” I said, he turned quickly and searched blindly. A purple grey scar crossed his right eye, fused shut and the other lolled in its place. “Do you remember me?” I asked as lightly as possible, walking toward the blinded man.
“Yes,” Said Evil, his face twisting sinisterly.
“I wanted to visit you again,”
“You did? Couldn’t say away? I am surprised,” I walked up to him, touching his face with my hand as I sneered. I held onto the sword behind me.
“I have news for you. I will marry the king,”
“A girl like you?” He smiled, “Even more of a surprise. I imagine you can see what you have done to me, but I cannot,”
“Oh yes, I apologize for that,” I said, touching the scar, holding the sword even closer. “But I do not apologize for this,” I cried out stabbing him. I pulled away and I through hot coals around the house and then tried to scavenge what I could from the flames. I ran outside as it went up in fire.
I fell to the ground and cried in both relief and terror. I was a murderer… I should die for this and yet I knew I will not.
Caelon had come up to me and stood by me, I hugged him. Lucan then came and said, “Oh dear,” he said, “Honey…” He began and the huntsman came over and captured Caelon.
“Caelon,” I sniffled, “It’ll be alright, I am trying to help you,”
The huntsman tied him to a horse but he went ballistic. The man hit him with a rock his head and he fell down unconscious. “He’ll be fine,” Said the large man, “He’ll wake up, just a bit groggy,”
Still in hysterics, on my part, Lucan helped me onto the horse. Billows of smoke rose above the canopy of the forest. The huntsmen doused the fire but only rubble remained in the place of the house. A black coal stood a monument. I never had to see him again, nor the house. It was all over.

Night came, Caelon was hardly moving, but against the wall, looking at me like I had betrayed him in the worst way possible. I was crying, I couldn’t help it, my brother was mad at me. I must have ruined his life and he wouldn’t speak, not once although and tried and tried and tried for him to talk. He never did… and it made it all worse. Guilt was building up in me, not just from Caelon but the idea that I was going against Bridget, which Lucan was too, that I was doing nothing right and that I couldn’t do anything right because I wasn’t good. I was a waste of life. That was how I felt and I knew that it was bad, I knew that I shouldn’t think that way.
I thought about what Lucan said, that I should invite my mother to the wedding. He knew what she did, I had told him multiple times and I told him that it was a bad idea… I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing her again and yet I knew I should forgive her. No matter what she did I had to… it was the right thing to do, the only right thing that I think I could do. The concept of forgiving was quite easy to grasp but the actual execution… not so much. She was evil, just as evil as Evil himself and I couldn’t forgive him. My rage in his case was so bad that I killed him, I burned his house down. I couldn’t be forgiven for that. Evil didn’t do nearly as worse of things as my mother. He may have ruined me in some sense, but she in more… and how could I even look at her now? I could hardly look at her when I left.
But if that is what Lucan wants, I will do it. The guests will be few, Lydia, Jove and my mother… for me and for Lucan his brother Carlson and that would be it. Nobody would know and it wouldn’t be as if Bridget never existed. That was one thing I was absolutely terrified of, that Bridget would disappear.
Nobody had ever touched me in the way she had, and there was no way that she could disappear, at least to me. She had gone through so much, what I had seen was nothing… I was pathetic compared to her strength and her endurance. She needed that recognition as the one who had beat everyone’s expectations as a slave and as a human being. She overcame everything to become such as good mother, wife and queen. She had exceeded everything humanly possible. She needed something more, a statue, a date, something… anything… anything…
I fell asleep quickly on Lucan’s cloak he had left. I hoped for the best of the next day. I hoped that I would see Caelon again, as himself and not an animal. I couldn’t let him die to for something my mother did.
Forgive, I said swiftly in my head.

I was in the forest again, the trees surrounding me, kissing the clouds of the heavens. It was peaceful, the water in the brook beside me trickling softly. Caelon sat next to me, talking, he was himself. His smile was there… his beautiful, humanly smile. Oh how I missed him. We were talking, but I could not hear the words. Then he stood and drank from the stream. I asked him not to, for I knew what would happen when he did. He turned back into a deer, and fell down. He did not move, I cried out, trying to move him. Blood trickled from his mouth. “Caelon!” I finally could hear myself scream, but to no avail. Caelon was dead. He would not come back now.
I could smell smoke, heavy, black smoke from behind me. I turned quickly to see Evil’s house burning down to the ground. He ran out from its door, coming at me. He was not burned any longer, strong as any man in the prime of his life and he was going to get back at me. Lucan’s sword sat next to me, rusted and useless, dull as wood. I ran, as fast as I could, hoping that it was enough.
Evil was behind me, so close, I could smell his blood as if it was my own. I was screaming, without thought, and I could not stop. I did not know this part of the woods, there were no landmarks to help me escape. I thought of climbing a tree to get away, but he would climb too and I would have no way out. I would be dead too, just like Caelon, and I would never be able to see Lucan again and tell him I loved him. I had never said it to him, for fear… of who knows what.
So I wanted to fight, I know that I was not weak, but not strong. I could not run forever, I would die that way also, but Evil could not run forever either. I had no choices. I stopped right in my tracks and turned. Evil was no longer behind me. Relieved I sat down and breathed, I could not see him, nor hear him, nor smell the blood he reeked of.
“Willa,” I could hear, the voice was sweet, loving, it was a woman’s voice. “Oh Willa, come here please, I must speak to you,” I could not see who the voice was coming from but I did want to go to them. “Willa, please,”
I saw a woman, now, in white, sitting on a tall rock. She was young and beautiful, with long black hair, just like me. She was smiling smoothly, motherly. A good mother, not like mine. “There you are Willa,” She said as I walked up to her.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“You do not know?” She said, and lifted her hand to her mouth like a fool, a very beautiful fool.
“No, I am sorry,” I stated, “I do not,”
“My name is Jamie,” She said, “And you must recognize me, correct?”
I shook my head no, “I do not, I am sorry, miss,”
She became quite angry, “How come you do not? You are dumb? Are you blind? Are you deaf? Do you not recognize my voice?” She was screaming, her fast twisting, wrinkling. She suddenly aged.
“Mother,” I said, now recognizing the voice and face of the woman I so despised.
“Why do you say that with such hate? I gave you life! You must love me!”
“No,” I said, “I do not, Mother,” There was nothing more to say, I would not lie to her. She could smell a lie, whether or not she was dumb. She was, though, not dumb, but very intelligent, maybe that was what made her bitter. She was not appreciated, but this was not my fault at all.
“You and your brother are insolent, you are dumb, not I,” She said, as if she was reading my thoughts, which I had always feared. “I cannot believe you did not recognize me,”
“I cannot remember the last time I have heard you speak with a soft tone…” I mumbled under my breath, turning away. I wanted to leave, I would continue to run if I must to get away. She was mad, as I always thought.
“Please, Willa, do not go,” The tone was soft again, and it confused me much. I turned back to look at her wishing she would always stay this way. I wanted a mother so badly… but it wouldn’t happen. I couldn’t believe this illusion and I ran.

Maybe in this chance she would not recognize me, I thought in the morning. Jove had wakened me, Caelon was not in the stall. “Where is he?” I asked.
“I put him outside, he is tethered, so he cannot jump and run away, but he needed some fresh air, the king told me to bring you back to the palace so you can get ready.”
“Did he say for what? And when?”
“You are going to see your mother to get the reverse for your brother,” He stated, sleep pasted all over his face.
I headed back to the palace, feeling filthy again. I wanted so badly for her not to recognize me I wished to dress richly. I told Lydia to get something fit for a queen, she laughed at me and said that in two days I could be one. I closed my eyes and wished it wasn’t so, although I did love Lucan. She dressed me in the dress that I felt completely out of place in. I could not let my mother badger me so, especially with Lucan around. I knew that she would if she knew it was me, no matter if the king was in the room or not. That was how she lived and I hated it. I hated her but I knew that I only had a little while to get in my head that I was going to forgive her.
Lucan had his own little plans, which I despised in a way. He was going to get the reverse from my mother and then invite her to the wedding. She will ask why she is invited and then I must tell her that it is me that the wedding ids for. I feared her reaction but I would have to wait and see what would happen.
Lucan and I left the palace, it was still early morning. I was hungry but there wasn’t time. She always was in the best of humors in the morning, the worst around lunch time. Lucan was set on what he wanted to do and he told me to be quiet until he revealed to her the wedding plans and who I was and that Caelon and I were still alive.
I could see the farm right ahead of us. It was lovely to see. It was serene, maybe she had changed, I thought. “Is this it?” Lucan asked, I nodded. We dismounted the horses and Lucan knocked on the door.
My mother answered, she had aged greatly since I had last seen her. Her hair had gone from black to grey, and had been shortened as if cut roughly. She was wearing a heavy apron, and held a cloth in her hands. “Yes, my lord?” She asked and bowed swiftly to both of us. I wanted to laugh, she did not know who I was… her own daughter. Hah, that was just great.
“Yes, ma’am, Jamie,” He began, “I have a request for you,”
“Yes, anything, sir, anything,” He voice was not like it was in my dream but was still harsh, but subdued at this point.
“I was told by one of my servants that you know how to change people into animals, and I need that service, but I would like to do it myself,”
“Oh? Really, um, it is a powder that I have, it is a family recipe really, but I would trust you with it-“
“And I need the reverse, in case the wrong person gets changed, I would be devastated if that would happen,”
“Well, yes I imagine, sir, I will give it to you, let me go get it. Please sit, please,” She led us to the kitchen and she served us tea and left for the room she called her own. I could see her spinning wheel gleam brilliantly. Oh how I hated that thing although it kept me fed. This woman was a terrible human being but I could not hate her anymore. She was my mother, I could not say I loved her but I could not hate her.
She returned and handed the king a glass vial full of the powder and a card with the reverse on it. I could not read, obviously, but I was surprised that she could. “Is that all, my king?”
“No, actually, I have another request of you, actually an invitation,”
“Really? For what, my lord?”
He smiled and looked to me, “Why don’t you ask her, my dear?” I gulped and shook my head no. “I guess not, I will ask then. Miss Jamie, I would like you to come to my wedding,”
“I had heard you are getting married, but why would you like me to come?”
Lucan looked at me and he was just about screaming at me to do it.
“Mama,” I said, “I am getting married. I would like you to be there for me,” I wanted to sound as innocent and as little as possible. I wanted her to love me… I just about cried.
Her eyes widened in both terror and surprise, “Willa?” She screeched.
“Yes, Mother,” I stated again, “It’s me,” I stood with Lucan and his arms went around me. “I guess you were wrong,”
“I assume so, but he did marry a slave, you are better than that,”
Lucan and I both closed our eyes, holding back that anger boiling inside of us. She could be killed for this, I almost wished she was, but in a way I did get a compliment. I was better than a slave… that was a plus.
“You look… nice,” She said swiftly, trying to make up for the comment she could see hurt the king greatly. I would hear about this later.
“I am not better than her, mother, and you know it,” I stated, “I do not know why I wanted you to come, but please, I expect you to be there,”
Lucan and I left with no more words.
“I am sorry about that,” I said to him.
“Do not worry about it, Willa, dear,” He said and hugged me, “It’ll all be fine soon and you can forget about her.”
“That was her way of being nice,” I said, “And it is terrible.”
We left, I was feeling both down and excited but I could not get that dream out of my head. I hoped that Evil was dead and yet I felt such guilt against it. I had killed a man, I was a murderer, and I could say that I couldn’t stop myself but I would be lying and yet telling the truth.
Once we stopped at the stables I ran to Lucan. Tears were streaming down my face, “I saw Mother,” I told him.
He turned from me.
Jove led him inside into his little stall. He tied his legs together so he would not run. Caelon screamed, he was so angry, he was in such pain. I felt terrible for him but it must be done for his good. Lucan poured the entire vial of the powder on Caelon’s body. “It’ll be a little while now,” Lucan said.
Jove walked off and got a blanket and through it over Caelon. Caelon shrieked some more and twisted and cried and attempted to kick. I worried he would break a bone. He shrunk under the blanket and changed. The rope fell to the ground and Caelon pushed himself against the back of the stall wall. He looked down and did not move. I sat next to him, so happy to see his face, his eyes. I hugged him.
He did not move, only his eyes looked to me.
“Caelon,” I said, “I am so happy to see you,” I hugged him tighter.
“Leave me be,” He said, his voice shaky and cracking, “Go away, I don’t want you here,” I moved back and looked at him. How could he say such a thing to me. I was his sister, he was all I had and I was all he had. That was how we grew up. How could he think that? What did he do? I am just trying to help him!
“You heard me, Willa, please go, leave me be, I don’t want you around,”
I stood and went to Lucan. Lucan took my hand and we walked out.
“Why… why would he say that, Luke? What- I… uh…!”
“Honey,” He began, “He just needs to adjust Willa, dear, he will be fine, with time,”
“He may try to kill himself!” I cried to Lucan.
“No, he will not, and I have Jove watching him at all times, and another slave boy so they can take shifts. That way your brother will be safe,”

“Lydia,” I said, “Please move my things to the king’s room, and have the room cleaned, the linens changed and the washroom restocked. There will be another guest in this room, my brother,”
“Of course, ma’am,” She said, “Will I still be your maid, or the guest’s?”
“Mine,” I stated, “And the king’s. The nurse is becoming elderly, she may need to step down from her position, and you will take her place,”
“Thank you!” She smiled and went to work. I entered the king’s room, Lucan was organizing his bookshelf, looking for something in particular.
“What is it that you want?” I asked him, wrapping my arms around his middle.
“Oh, there is a book here, I think about your family, your mother has powers, you know. That is how she made the mix.”
“Don’t be absurd, if it is any kind of power it is dark and it is made all on her own, not a family thing,” I said, hoping I was right. I should listen to my own advice, assuming isn’t going to get me anywhere at all.
“Maybe, maybe not, I have to find the book, and I know that it is in here if it anywhere at all. Please, go get some rest,”
“I have not had the evening meal yet, it is early,” I laughed, “Come on, let’s go eat, take a break,”

We ate, I wanted to leave Caelon to himself until the next morning where I would try to convince him to not hate me. It became night quickly, the day passed with little time and I felt like all was rushing past me. My wedding was the day after the next. I had to get things figured out and formed before then. If not, all would just be a royal disaster, hah… I make myself laugh.
“Good night,” Lucan said when we reached the hallway.
I laughed at him, “You do not need to tell me now, Luke,” I opened the door to his room, all of my things were in there, my linens on the bed, my clothes in the bureau, the wine I liked.
“What? I’m confused, you didn’t ask,”
“I didn’t think I needed to, but alright, now that everything is already in here, can I stay?”
“Um, sure?” He laughed, “And Lydia, I have already told is going to take over for the old nurse,”
He chuckled and circled his arms around me and gave me a kiss. “You are a lovely woman, Willa,” He said, “Anyone should be proud of you,”
It was an odd feeling, to be wanted this much, to be appreciated, but it was a good feeling and it was very welcome to come back anytime it wanted. Lucan and I would marry and all would be good again and I would be happy and Lucan would be happy and Britta. I could have a family, and a functioning one at that.
Lucan was still functioning as we stood near the door. “What is it that you find so funny?” I asked.
“I never thought I would be happy again. But I am,”
I hugged him and he kissed the top of my head. We were best friends and that was a lovely thing, and a rare thing in this world. “I need to speak to Caelon,”
“Would you like for me to come?”
“No, I think I can do this one on my own,” I looked up at him and he smiled with that proud look on his face again.
“I’ll wait right here for you to return,”
“Then you may just have to wait a little while,” I walked out and collected some clothing to give to Caelon as he was only living in his skin now and he must be terribly frozen solid. I hoped he would forgive me…

I sat beside Caelon, “I miss you… so much has happened since I last saw you. A man attacked me… I saw the queen die and I listened to her stories. I watched the king completely break down and I was the only one who could build him back up. That poor man only wants to help and no one will listen. I am marrying him tomorrow and I want you to be there,”
Caelon was asleep but this was the only way I would get him to listen to me,” Caelon, I love you more than anybody and I just wanted to help. I want my big brother back…”
I could see a smile from him on his face and he pushed me gently to his chest. I hugged him tightly.
“So you don’t hate me?” I asked him with glee rising up in me.
“I could never hate you Willa,” He mumbled, his eyes still closed, “I just thought you would think about me… I had a life out there, here, I have nothing at all, hardly a name.”
“Oh Caelon I am sorry, but you can have anything you want now. I am going to be the queen,” I said, trying to be positive and reassuring, but I was guilt-ridden beyond belief and still surprised that he had forgiven me, “We need to get you into some clothes,” I then said immediately. From the bag I had brought I handed him some nice clothing. “Jove!” I called out.
“Yes?” He poked his head into the doorway.
“Tomorrow morning come to the palace, please, to get ready. Go to Caelon’s room, the maids should direct you,”
“Um, alright, can do,”
“I’ll have something for you to wear,” I turned to Caelon who was now finishing dressing and said, “I want to show you our home,” I took his hand in mine and ran him all the way back and inside the home. He stopped at the lobby, awing at the crystal chandelier, black polished tiles on the floor and carved benches.
“Whoa,” He said, “This is pretty amazing Willa,”
I brought him to the library, which I had always been awed by. “I’ve never seen so many books in my life,”
“You’ve never seen them to begin with,” I said and I lifted Bridget’s story up out of its place and told him about it.

“This is your room,” I said, as he stepped inside. I had added color by changing the blankets and adding a different rug. I now thought it was delightful. I felt a tap on my shoulder; Caelon looked at Lucan and did not bow, but acted dumbfounded.
“So I can formally meet you now, Caelon,” Lucan radiated, holding his hand out, Caelon shook it. “You are a very good opponent,”
Caelon nodded proudly, “Hello, I am glad such a good man is marrying my baby sister,”
Lucan smiled like that was all he needed to hear. I hugged them both. “Thank you,” Lucan said, “I believe you will be walking Willa to me,”
I nodded, “Oh yes he will,”
Maybe this would not be too terrible. My mood lightened up and I was excited for my wedding and the idea that I’d be the queen. So much change could be brought up to help the people.

We had a lovely evening meal in the great hall, Caelon talked to me like he always had before. It was as if all was good. Lucan and Caelon seemed to like each other, talking about all the stuff men talk about, to certain limits. Caelon never hid anything from me but kept his mouth clean.

That night I entered my room, eyes exceptionally heavy from what happened today. Lucan was out, planning to get a book to read, he said he was antsy and all. I did not blame him, I was nervous too, especially about my mother. I did not fear I chose wrong about Lucan, nor about staying here in the first place. All was well and after tomorrow I’d have a completely fresh start. I would no longer have to look at what has been, but instead what will be.
Lydia, I knew, was busy, the seamstress had asked for her help with multiple last minute things. I set out my night gown and continued to change. It was warm and plush, not heavy, but comfortable.
Suddenly I felt two arms wrap warmly around me and Lucan’s lips on my cheek, “Hey, hey, hey,” I said, “Let me finish,”
I could hear his deep chuckle. I wrapped my cloak around me and turned to see Lucan. He sat on out bed and I sat beside him, collapsing playfully, “You look happy.”
“Why not?” I said, “All is well,”
“I am glad,”

Early in the morning, Lydia chased out Lucan and lit all the candles for good lighting. She called one of the nurses in and I had a hot bath, dried and received as relaxing back massage. I fell back to sleep, but was waken to be put in my gown. It lay on the bed, a beautiful off white color, with silver and gold embroidery on the arms. It was made just for me, and only me.
Once in the dress Britta was brought in. I stood awing at how well the dress fit me though. Britta hugged me, “Hello little dear,” I said, she was in a dress similar to that of mine and a cute wreath of daisy flowers atop her head.
She plopped herself onto the bed and I was sat down to get my hair done. Lydia took her time, extremely careful… I asked for a simple bun, but I imagined that I would not get my wish, instead a compromise. Something much more intricate and lovely was given to me. “And your veil,” Lydia began, opening a polished wooden box. It was lace with a hint of metallic silver thread.
Lydia covered me in a cloak and led me to the king’s den. “I have to show you something,”
Lucan was not in the den as I expected, but instead I saw a case and in the case a pair of crowns. I had seen Lucan’s crown only once before, but it seemed less imposing now but instead a sign of decadence in both senses of the word. It was but a band of silver metal, no points but engraved artistically and encrusted by rubies and crystals. The tiara, soon to be mine, was silver with bands of cold and dots of diamond. It was a precious sight.

I could see in the corner of my eyes a painting covered by a burgundy cloth. It sat on a table surrounded by foliage of his plants. I lifted up the cloth, and looked at the art, a crisp and life like painting of Bridget. She had her back facing the front, her head turned to the right, looking away, a sense of strong despair in her eyes. Her back was bared; the lower part was covered by a light, shiny cloth. Her back as scarred and human as any worked slave. All of her memories of her stories came rushing back, those that I had tried pushing away.
I touched the painting and covered it up. Its image did not want to leave my mind. She was a beautiful girl, unreal I believed….
“Bridget,” I thought, “Thank you for everything,”

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