The Story of The Forgotten Universe | Teen Ink

The Story of The Forgotten Universe

August 2, 2012
By T-Camacho SILVER, New York, New York
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T-Camacho SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When the Rich Wage War, Its the Poor who Die"
"Untied we Stand, Alone we Fall"
"You will find that the obsticles you face dont have as much strength as you do"
"Join or Die"

Author's note: I was inspired by the stories of star wars and the lord of the rings books

In A Universe far far far away, lays a People who at first lived in peace under one power The Republic of the Animals. Then after 400 years of peace a force that will be soon unstoppable to defeat rises to power when a future king was born named Alexander and his bother also a future king named Nickolas. These brothers will soon shape the fate as the Universe and many others to come.
The year is 2034 and Alexander has grown up as a young warrior, when his home is attacked by the Feared Evil Army and he is taken from his family. His brother Nickolas was given to the Good Army 1 year later. This date will be the date the universe will never forget because this is the day that Alexander was transformed in to Seth A Evil Dictator of the Evil Army. His brother Nickolas keeps his name, but is also transformed in to the Leader of The Good Army.
The Evil Army started their rain of power when their founder Luther gathered followers to rebel against the Republic. The Good Army was created by the leaders of Republic to prevent the Evil Army from destroying the universe. Both these Armies will soon change the Universe for The Worst and Expand into the World of others like The Humans, A World Formed by The Lego Nations and other nations far far away.
The year is 3010 and A Civil War has been raging in the Universe between the Evil and the Goods. The war has taken them to every one of the 70 planets in their universe. On the Planet of The Bear Nations lays an elite fighting bear called Stinger. He sleeps and hunts by himself away from the war and civilization. He lived in peace until Seth brought his army to the planet to us it as prison world for and soldiers captured by the Army.
Seth marched his army from one point of the planet to the other. Half way through the march the 4 Elite Squads become under attack at what they think is a Militia force. When Seth shoots at the target he is left to fight by himself because the rest of the squads are dead. Seth Talks to Stinger and says:
“Young Bear what is your name mine Name is Seth”
“The name is Stinger, What are doing on my planet Seth there is No War here.”

“Not now but my brother is on his way here to destroy the area in the search for me. If you want to live come with me and join my army as Elite solider under my rule.”
“I can defend myself I don’t need no place to be powerful and I’m not going listen to these lies because I know your story and you will destroy the areas you don’t need when you find a site for your prison. So leave now before I kill u like I killed the rest of your troops.”

“Fine, but you’re making a huge mistake Stinger that you will soon regret.”
4 hours later Nickola arrives and greets the fighter and asks that he joins his army as the new leader of the Goods because of the declining health of Nickolas that his brother did to him on the planet of Peace 2 years ago when Seth invaded it and destroyed the goods on the planet. Stinger joins the Army and teaches the young solders to fight with no fear and fight to the death a lesson the Stinger was raised on and lives every day.

As the War waged on for over 400 years, Stinger and Seth fought in close combat fighting on land and in space all over the universe. Seth took his elite ships and chased Stingers armies to the edge of the universe where a space bridge waits to bring ships back and forth between animal universe and the human universe.
Stinger opened the bridge and raced to safety. When Stinger and Seth entered Human space there was only one planet named Earth. Stinger contacted the human ruler and asked for support. The human ruler was shockingly Obama (The Current President in the Real World). Obama told stinger that he will have support when he enters the atmosphere. Seth saw that Human ships were helping the Goods so he stopped the chase and prepared his troops to invade earth and destroy everything on the planet.
On December 14, 3050 Seth and his armies invaded Earth. The frit city to get hit like all the other planets back home was the Capital City. Seth destroyed the city can took Obama hostage. He asked Obama where the Good Army was. Obama replied:
“I will never tell you where they are”
“Either you tell me or I will destroy the rest of the humans on this pitiful excuse for a planet.”

“Never, anything you do will make me tell you where they are”
“Fine you made your own faith”
“Commander, Activate the Torch weapons and bur the cities to the ground”

“Yes My Lord”
As Stinger watched the Planet burn he readied the armies to strike back from the secret base on the Moon orbiting the planet. Along with 3 million human troops Stinger attack Seth’s forces on the planet. The Battles waged for 3 years until yet again Seth was victorious and Stinger raced back to Animal universe to find the entrance to the Lego universe. The Humans never stood a chance against the forces of the Evil Armies.

Seth chased Stinger through the Space Bridge and through the Orbits of the planets of Animal world. Seth has 2 Mega Destroyers equipped with; 5 Mini-gun positions both inside and outside the ships, 6 Hanger bays that hold over 30 fighters and bombers, 10 EMP launcher surrounding the exterior of the ships, 30 rocket positions both inside and outside the ships and 3 Super Weapon guns. Following the Mega Destroyers are 25 Capital ships, 4 Destroyers and 100 Transport ships.
Stinger has a much smaller force with 1 Mega Destroyer, 2 Destroyers, 5 Capital ships and 50 Transport ships. Every now and then the 2 forces stop and battle over a planet. Every time they stop both sides get an equal amount of damaged done to the forces. Each side has elite trained forces leading the attack under the command of the kings.
Stinger radio’s a militia force that is hiding on one of the moons surrounding the Middle Planet known as The Capital Planet.

“To All Militia units, this is stinger requesting Support from the ion cannon; I repeat this stinger requesting support from the ion cannon”
“This base commander we see your ships and the enemy’s ships requesting that you light your ships to identify your forces fire rate approved call sign danger close.”

“Lighting ships now open fire when ready”
The ion cannon opened fire and Seth’s ships were disabled for a moment until the moon was destroyed. The shot that destroyed the moon came from a secret weapon on the planet surface.
Seth told his forces that are defending the Space bridge leading to Lego World to move away and let Stingers forces to go through. Over 4 billion miles away from the bridge this message is sent. Stingers elite communications forces intercepted the message. The message read this:
“Spacebridge commander, this is Seth, requesting that you and your men move away from the Space bridge until further orders are given.”

“What position do you hold Seth?”
“High King Commander of the Evil Forces in the Galaxy”

“Oh Sorry, My lord it protocol, your request is approved moving from Space bridge until further orders are given”

“High To Evil”
“And don’t engage enemy forces if spotted.”

“Yes My Lord”
The ships arrived at the Space bridge and escaped to Lego world. Seth halted his troops at the entrance to Lego world to regroup and prepare to invade the Lego Universe.

Stinger entered Lego Universe to be not so happily greeted by the Lego Armada. A transmission came through from the Lego king to Stinger;

“Entering ships identify yourself or we will fire”
“This is Stinger of The Good Army, requesting support against the Evil Army”

“Request approved, Stinger please make your way to The Capital City”
“Thank You Lego King, Also Tell your men to prepare for war, Seth’s forces are preparing to enter this Universe.”

“Who is Seth?”
“The king of the Evil Forces”

“My units are ready for anything.”
Stinger headed to the Capital City. He arrived to meet the Lego King. They discussed a Plan of Action against the Evil Army forces that are preparing to invade the Universe.
Meanwhile……….Back in The Animal Universe………..
Seth rebuilt his ships and army ranks. He loaded all his ships with troops and with ammunition. He prepared the last of his troops to invade. On February 13, 3054 Seth and his Army opened the Space bridge and moved into the Lego Universe.
Now back to Lego Universe……………
Stinger sees that the Space Bridge has opened up and alerts the armies. In a matter of seconds all the armies from The Good forces and the Lego forces arrived at defense positions near the opening of the Space Bridge. At the first sight of the enemy ships they opened fire only to be tricked by Seth.
Seth had hacked the Space bridge controls to make a fake entrance a make an illusion of a ship entering the space. In fact Seth and his army appeared at the other end of the universe. Stinger and the Lego King raced to the Capital City Planet to protect it.
Seth gave these orders to his troops;
“All commanders gave your squadrons and head for the middle planet and take your positions in the orbit of the planet.”

“Yes My Lord”
“Prepare to release the beast and prepare to drop the Robots”

“Yes My Lord”
Stinger and The Lego King sent out troops to every part of the Middle Planet and defended it. As the Air battle Waged on over the planet, a secret force lead by Seth invaded the Communication base on the planet surface. As The Good and Lego forces retreated to the surface, Seth’s forces chased them to the surface and destroyed many ships and unit on the way down.
Stinger told The Lego King this:
“Lego King evaluate the other planets before Seth gets there”

“Stinger I must stay and fight with my Army, take my troops and units from the other planets and escape through the Space Bridge while we hold Seth’s Forces here.”
“Are you sure”

“Fine, do whatever you can do to hold them back”

“I’ll try Go Go”
Stinger and the rest of the Lego Army escaped through the Space Bridge back into Animal Universe. Stinger and the Legos formed in to 1 army known as the Good Army. Stinger took his forces to a secret base for the rebellion on the moons surrounding the Power Planet in the Outer Rim. Seth Destroyed the Lego force and Executed the Lego King. He then followed Stinger and his forces.

As The Universe stays in civil war, we look back to an old Ally to both sides from the very beginning. We the Universe was first created The Republic put together a team of kings from every power and element in the known Universe known as the Council. They also created an army that would protect the Universe in case of an invasion by a forge in force.
The council was made up of 30 kings and 1 King of the Council. Each king in the council got a pass from the Heart of the planet that they were from. The King of the council got the same passes, but from every planet no just 1.
Each King also got a personal body Guard Squad. Each Squad was equipped with 5 Rocket launchers, 20 Machine guns, 30 radios and 1 mobile command post. The king was assigned in command of each force and he had his own Guards. His guards were from the planet Elite that trained day in and day out.
When the war started it was the council who gave the orders to build a good army to protect and defend the Republic. Stinger was not found by accident, the council king of the Evil forces told Seth where to go and what to say. Also the council King of the Good forces told Nickolas where to go and what to do.
Other than the Civil war, the council is in a secret war with itself. The evil and good kings and the dark and light and the war and peace and other kings are fighting with each other. This secret war is destroying the peace and balance of the universe that the council was created for long ago.
Now the Council’s Army is made up of;
3 Mega Destroyers equipped with 20 min-guns, 50 rocket launchers, 5 super weapons and 25 hangers
5 Destroyers equipped with 10 min-guns each, 4 hangers each, 25 rocket launchers each and 2 super weapons each
25 Capital Ships filled with 30lbs of ammunition and food supplies
Also 90 Transport ships equipped with 10 mini guns and 15 rocket launchers.
This army was onced the most feared force in the Galaxy, that was before Seth and his forces were created. Now during the War Stinger calls to the council for help, but receives not answer until they enter the secret base on the moons.
Stinger final gets help from the council and waits for an opening to attack the Capital Planet in hope that he lives to kill Seth and End this war before more people die. A War nobody wanted!

As Stinger headed to the base on the moon orbiting the central planet he readies the troops for a full scale invasion. Each squad has it objective. First as an Army they will attack the blockade and the ships defending the space above the planet. When that is done and the space is secured, then all ships will lower down to the surface and surround the capital city. The they will attack the city and capture it. Finally they will move out of the city and secure the rest of the planet.
Seth and his force return to the Central city to find that the people have started to rebel, but have been stopped by the royal army on the planet. The people of the planet have seen the images from the past battles and are not happy by the sight and loss of life. They applied to the royal government, but were denied and were sent back to their homes. As a result of this Seth has made all civilians surrender any and all weapons in and around their home.
As tension mounts in the Evil Army and the Good Army, One looks to see what the war was truly about why it was started. But we will find that out later in the story. For now let’s get back to the Invasion soon to come. The date is July, 12 3060 and Seth’s forces are on the defensive with the sight of an enemy scout ship days earlier. Stingers army is waiting for the right time to strike.
Stinger gives these orders to his troops;
“All units are to meet at their designated checkpoints around the city once the space is secured. Remember we must be 10 miles away from the city for the second part of the plan to work”

“Yes Sir”
Stinger orders the attack the next day and pushes through the Blockade fast and prepares for the ground invasion. What he does not know it that Seth has a extra force coming in from the front line in 20 minutes, so Seth has to hold out until the extra force arrives.
Stinger sets up around the city and is meeting by heavy tank and artillery fire from the city. Seth gets a transmission from his extra force;

“My lord, we are entering the air space do we have permission to danger close fire on the enemy”
“Yes commander open fire call sign danger close, but don’t damage the city.”

“Yes My lord”
The extra force shocks stingers forces and destroys most of their troops. Stinger is known not to give up in a fight, but this time he has no choice so he orders the Elite weapon ship from the Lego army these orders;
“Lego ship commander open fire with the EMP canons on enemy ships call sign Danger close”

“Yes sir, call sign danger close, order approved, firing now”
“Also give us cover fire while we evacuate our troops into space”

“Order approved, cover fire, call sign danger close”
Stinger and his troops escaped without damaged, they find refuge in a another universe that has not been charted by Seth and his army so they are hopefully safe. This universe I populated by Some weird looking aliens known as Hastrow. Seth rebuilds his city and relaxes for months to regenerate his Army.

We all known that every story and in every war that there is a master plan that nobody can find and nobody and understand. Well this story/war is no different. In the Beginning when the first animals ruled the planet a prophecy was found in the ashes of the destroyed city. The prophecy said this;
“In every generation a war is fought and a person is victorious, but soon a person will come and he will wage war on the peaceful government. He will never lose a battle and he will lay waste to the planets he invades. Then a man of the blood-line will rise to try to stops him. These men will fight in many wars with each other and leaving no 1 person in power when they are gone. In the year of the Dark King these 2 men will fight the final battle on the Home Planet of The Animals and this battle will end in the destruction of the entire Galaxy. This has been seen by the most powerful person ever known to the Universe. This site was the fight from the last generation and out of the ashes raised another civilization and history will repeat itself no matter what”
The Council saw this prophecy and quickly looked for the men that are spoken of in the prophecy. This was thought to be Alexander and Nickolas, but was reclaimed to be Seth and Stinger. And the Home Planet of the Animals is the central Planet. The prophecy is coming true and the council wants the battle to happen.
They thought of a master plan to make this battle happen. They looked at the phrase that says “In the year of the Dark King” and discovered that the year of the Dark King refers to the year 5000. In over 2000 years this battle will happen. The Council used their powers to gain control of the first Evil King Luther and control of the First Good King Paul and makes them start the war over 4000 years to early. They want a relationship to happen the 2 Men before the year 5000. Soon a new power will arise to bring the 2 men together under 1 thing the Pride and Glory of being an Animal. I won’t say what or who comes just that it will shock you for the rest of the story.

The year is 4021 and Stringer and Seth have been jumping planet to planet in a never ending battle. Stinger has found more supporters to the Good Army and Seth has transformed himself and his army into the Ultimate Dark Army. The light world armies have sent troops to stinger to help them against the new dark forces.
As Stinger and Seth entered Dark World Territory and Explosion went off from the planet surface. When they landed they found that one Man was standing at the entrance to Dark City. The City was destroyed. This Man Said this to Seth and Stinger;
“I Am the Dark Lord, and it’s time for all of you to die.”

Seth: “What is this, why have you destroyed Dark city”
“They were unworthy of living and who are you to take to me in that tone”

Seth: “I am the Evil King”

Stinger: “Dark Lord, listen me and my army don’t trouble just let us leave and you can deal with Seth and his army.”
“Stay because you’re both going to die”
Stinger and Seth looked towards each other and gave this order “Open Fire” and both forces opened fire on The Dark Lord. The Dark Lord stopped the Ammo and turned it on Seth’s and Stingers Armies. Then out of the ashes of the destroyed city raised an army. This was a true Dark Army forged from the death of People and the Ashes of War.
Stinger and Seth got to their ships and evacuated to the nearest planet which was The planet of War. Stinger and Seth discussed trues until the Dark Lord is killed. They also discussed a plan of action a prepared all there forces and some slave forces to attack the Dark Lord.
On October 23, 4021 The United Animal Armies attacked Dark World. They first destroyed the Dark Lords ships defending the space above Dark World. Then Stinger and Seth attacked the Dark Capital with their armies. While The Animal Armies attacked the city, Seth and Stinger looked for the Dark Lord and found him hiding in wait at a secret military base on the other side of the planet.
Seth and Stinger met the Dark Lord;

“Dark Lord you have nowhere to run give up or die trying”
“No, No You will die with the rest of your armies”

“Seth Remember United We Stand, Alone We Fall”

“Let’s End him”
And Stinger and Seth combined their powers and for the first time since the war started the god powers inside the bodies of the animals were used to defeat a common enemy. After They Killed the Dark Lord, they went their own ways, but met again on the same battle field, but fighting each other once again.

Now The Civil War has been ragging for over 4000 years. Both sides have lost and gained lots of both territory and soldiers. Seth retreated to a secret planet outside the outer rim of the universe. Here he has brought any and all of his captured scientists to create new weapons, ships and use the dark energy to build the ultimate strike force.
Seth tells his scientist commander this;
“Make sure that these troops know how to use the new weapons and ships and make sure that they can’t be killed unless by another super weapon”

“Yes My Lord”
“Good, Soon I will destroy the Good Army and finally take my rightful place in the Thrones of The Gods and rule all. HA HA HA HA”
As Seth built his New Army, Stinger retreated to his home world of Thraxes. This planet is unknown to Seth. Here Stinger re trains his troops and calls all the worlds to send support and all the kings to come and fight for the Good Army. In less than 1 year the good army gained over 20 million troops and world to their cause.
With each side building their New Armies, we look to the history books of Animal world. In these books it says;
“Out of the strength off the gods this army was created to protect and serve who ever finds the temple of the Lost Jewels and captures the Heart of The Middle Planet. This army that was created was known as the Infinity Army. This army was the strongest army known to animal, but was destroyed by the Dark Lord when he rose to power. They will soon rise again and they will decide the fate of a Galaxy.”
Both Seth and Stinger know of this story and are determined to find the Jewels and Stinger has been given the heart of the Middle Planet by the council 100 years ago. They are to find each other once again fighting for power tis time on the planet of History in the Core systems.
Seth and his army arrived at the planet 2 days ago with Stinger not far behind. Seth finds the Jewels fast and waits for Stinger to come with the heart and his army. A battle breaks out above the planet and surly enough it makes it way to the surface where Seth has been waiting for 2 months.
Stinger arrives on the planet surface to find that Seth is already here.
“Seth what are you doing here”

“The same reasons that you’re here Stinger, to unlock the Infinity Army and use it against your enemies”
“I’m not going to give the Heart”

“You don’t need to give it to me, I already have it”
“What are you talking about?”

“He is talking about the deal he made with me Stinger”
“What, you of all people you Blue Bear”

“Yes I was scared for my people”

“He brought it to me 1 month ago and I was just waiting for you to get here so I don’t have to search for you.”

“Well what am I waiting for; let’s end the good army right now”
Seth combined the Jewels and the heart and gave it to the core. When this happen an army rose up from the fire of the nearby Volcano. What happen next will shock you. The Army did not attack Stinger they attacked Seth. They attacked Seth because the army attacks the forces of evil not the forces of Good.
So Seth retreated again to his planet, but this time he left to the Central Planet where he readied every part of his army for defense while he rebuilt more of army. Stinger took the new Army to his planet where he called on old friends from the Human world, Lego for and the Alien World that he visited 30 years ago. Together they all formed the United Federation Of Goods.

Throughout this story I have told the legends and the lives of Stinger and Seth. I have showed you the reasons of the war and the future of the war. I have told you the history of The Animal Universe and the Galaxy around it. I have brought into the battles themselves. Now that all comes to end here. The Final Battle Will Decide the Fate of the Galaxy
Seth waits on the Middle Planet for Stinger to Attack. It is final the Year of The Dark King and Seth is at his most powerful. Stinger readies his troops for a full on invasion of The Middle Planet.
The Super Capital City is where Seth waits for the attack. The city is protected by 3 Large Walls. The first Wall protects the entire city and has 30 rocket launchers, holds over 200 troops and has 20 tank and artillery positions. The Second Wall protects the middle of the city and has 50 rocket launchers, holds over 100 troops and has 15 tank and artillery positions. The last wall protects the Middle Place where Seth waits and has 50 rocket launchers, hold 50 Elite troops and 10 tank and artillery positions. Also protecting the city from the outside are over 2 billon troops, tanks and aircrafts
In between each wall a Set of 20 Squads waits for the attack. Each set holds 150 troops and 50 tanks and artillery units. Protecting the Skies is a Dangerous storm created by Seth himself. Protecting the space above the planet are 5 Mega destroyers, 20 destroyers, 2 blockade stations, 100 space stations, 50 capital ships and 300 transport ships. Each designed to protect the planet from any kind of attack from any side.
Stinger’s Army is like this; over 10 million troops, tanks and aircrafts. The space attack contains 3 Mega Destroyers, 15 destroyers, 40 capital ships and 50 transport ships. Leading the attack is the new troop commander General Thomas A. Miller. The ground invasion contains 5 million troops, tanks and aircrafts. Leading the Ground Attack id High King of the Good Army Stinger.
The stage is set of a battle like no other. Stingers attack plan goes as followed; all the units and ships will attack the ships protecting the planet, then when there is a clear opening send all units to the ground and set up bases 20 miles from the capital city. We all the units are ready and stinger gives the order all units will charge the city and destroy everything in their path to the Middle place. The stinger and Seth will engage in fight and a winner will be crowned as the New King of All.
The Date is Friday October 13, 5000 and Stinger has given this order;
“Listen up, today marks the day that Seth will final lose a Battle and the War will end with the death of Seth. Prepare to Attack the Middle Planet”

“Yes Sir, To Freedom”
At 12:00 Stinger attacked the Planet. Ina matter of minutes the skies above the planets were filled with both armies destroying each other’s ships. After Stinger destroyed the 2 blockade Stations, his ships headed down to the surface and continued with the second part of the attack plan.
As the ships headed to the surface they were hit with anti-air gun fire from the Cities surrounding the Capital City. Seth woke up from his sleep and gave this order to his Elite commander;
“Once they land aim all weapons at them and prepare to fire at full levels”

“Yes My Lord”
At 5:00 Stinger gave the order;
“Charge the City; Leave no enemy left standing, For Freedom”

“Yes Sir, For Freedom”
Stinger charged the city and was met by heavy weapon fire and was mostly destroyed, but was able to make it to the wall and invade the city. Only to meet by more fire. Seth watched from his watch Tower and was happy to see the goods fall.
All of a sudden a massive shot from space hit the Watch tower and destroyed the tower. Seth flew out of the tower and survived the shot. Then a on the other side of the city the goods were entering the city. Seth orders all troops to retreat back to the second and third wall to defend the city.
Stinger pushed through the first wall and made it fall to the floor. He then pushed to the second wall and did the same. Seth was angered by this and ordered the orbiting Super Ship to prepare the Final Shot. This operation is a plan to fire 1 mega power shot to the surface and destroy everything in sight both on the ground and in space.
Stinger had reached the Middle Place at 9:00 and in the darkness of the night fought into the place. What he found was Seth waiting for him there. Seth gave this order;
“Activate Operation Final Shot”

“Yes my Lord, Activating Operation Final Shot call sign Danger Close”
“Orders approved”
In a matter of minutes everything was destroyed. The only 2 people that survived were Stinger and Seth. They engaged in horrific battle and then Seth destroyed the other planets by activating the bombs that were placed in the core of each planet.
Stinger and Seth Used their God powers and destroyed each other. And At once they both said this before the final kill was given;
“Die Brother, Die!!!”
And at that point nothing was left and the Middle planet was destroyed right there and then. The War of The Galaxy ended in the destruction of that Galaxy. That’s the end of my story and This is no happy ending.

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