Even as the Sky Falls | Teen Ink

Even as the Sky Falls

October 27, 2013
By DanielShepard BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
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DanielShepard BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. –Henry Ford

Author's note: I wrote this because four years ago I met a girl in school and haven't stopped thinking about her since. I hope you can get out of this book that the world changes and changes but love will survive anything life throws at you.

The moment I woke up that Sunday morning I had no clue I would arrive here. Blood was trickling down my cheek. I could feel the tears welling up inside of me. I was hopeless. We all were hopeless. I did everything all I could. I tried…….I tried.

I opened my eyes to the bright sun shining into my room. It cast its light onto my far wall. Dust particles swayed as they fell to my bed. Slowly, I turned to the clock resting on my nightstand. It was only 7:30 meaning I could sleep for another thirty minutes before having to get up for morning classes. I lay back down and closed my eyes.

Ring! Ring! My alarm clock screamed for me to begin my day. Drowsily I rolled over and turned it off. I groaned but proceeded to get myself up. Sluggishly I walked to my bathroom and turned on my shower water.

After getting ready for school I walked over to my kitchen table. I grabbed my keys and wallet and started to turn when something caught my eye. There was a napkin with writing on it. The words read:
Hey Max I had a great time yesterday. Call me again sometime,

This girl was nuts. I didn’t think I would be calling her anytime soon. I turned away from t he table and began to walk out my door.

It was getting late and my bartender shift was about to end. I was cleaning shot glasses and putting them away when I heard the front door open. I was the only one still here and I thought I had locked the door. “I’m sorry we’re closed,” I said towards the front of the restaurant. A girl about my age walked into my sight. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair fell perfectly down her back to about her elbows. It looked as if she had worn makeup today but it was washed away from tears. “Oh, I was just looking for a drink,” she said. I heard a light sob come from her throat and immediately gave in. “Well come take a seat,” I replied. She walked over and as she got closer I began to be able to see her clearer. She wore tight jeans and converse. A black light jacket was her only source of warmth for the night.

She took a seat right in front of me. “Is there anything specific you would like?” I asked. “No thank you just a Budweiser,” she replied. I turned and grabbed a glass for her. “You’re not going to ask for my I.D.,” she asked. “I trust you,” I said. “You don’t even know me. Plus, trust isn’t very safe. It’s what got me here,” she said back. “Well it takes a bit to drink a beer so maybe I could get to know you. My name is Max, what’s yours?” I asked. She chuckled and took the glass from my hand. “Samantha,” She replied and wiped a tear from her eye. “Uh here,” I reached for a napkin behind my counter. I retrieved one and handed it to her. She smiled a bit and took it. “So Samantha, if you don’t mind me asking, why is beautiful girl like yourself her in a bar at midnight instead of out with friends?” I questioned. She sniffled a bit and wiped her eyes. “I’m surprised,” she said completely ignoring my question. I was a little puzzled but replied “Surprised at what.” She wiped her eyes again and looked at me. “You think I’m beautiful and you haven’t even seen my ass.” She said. “Guys will only think I’m beautiful after they have seen my ass,” She continued. She took a sip of her beer and looked at me waiting for my reply. “Well I think you’re beautiful because even when your makeup is running and tears are streaming down your cheeks I can’t look away, because I’m afraid if I do I won’t ever see you again,” I replied. She put on her biggest smile I had seen that night.
We continued talking for the remainder of the night and when she finished I walked her out to our parking lot. “Well I ought to get home,” She said with a smile. “Well you have had a beer so there is alcohol in your system. Maybe I should drive you home?” I replied with a smile and a shoulder shrug. She laughed and nodded her head.
I locked up the front door and walked her to my car. We talked as I drove her home. With every word she said I started to realize that I don’t want this girl to leave. After about five minutes we arrived at her dorm building and I parked as close to the entrance as I could. “Thank you for the ride home,” she said. “Thank you for the company,” I said back. She chuckled and got out of the car.
Just as she started to walk away I got out and ran after her. “Samantha!” I yelled after her. She turned puzzled but then started to smile as she knew what was coming next. “Well I was wondering if maybe we could do this again some time?” I asked. She chuckled and grabbed a pen from her purse. She reached for my hand and as her skin touched mine I could feel my skin warm up and I felt as if no blizzard on God’s green earth could chill me. She wrote down ten numbers and recapped her pen. She began to let go of my hand and I could feel her warmth start to leave. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her close. I wasted no time as I closed my eyes and kissed her. At first she was tense from surprise but she soon relaxed and began to kiss me back. The world could’ve ended right now and I wouldn’t have cared. I placed my other hand on her back and held her throughout our kiss. Our kiss felt like it lasted forever but at the same time as I broke free it felt as if it had ended too short. I opened my eyes and looked Samantha in her eyes. They were brown and looked as if they went on for an eternity. I smiled but couldn’t find any words to say to her. “Goodnight Max,” She finally said. Again I couldn’t find any words to math hers. She grinned and turned to walk away. After a few steps I found my words. “Goodnight Samantha,” I said back. She turned and waved but did not stop walking.
My heart beat was fast and I felt both elated and struck with sadness. I couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful and amazing she was but at the same time I was sad that I had to say good bye for the night. My drive home was fast and when I arrived home I walked to my room and flopped on my bed. I stared at my ceiling and thought about the events of the night I just experienced. Samantha. I thought the name in my head over and over again.

I woke up the next morning before my alarm clock could sound. My first thought was her name. Samantha. Just thinking of her made my heart race and put a smile on my face. I looked at my hand to see her number. I pulled my blankets off and grabbed my phone. I put the numbers in and made it a contact. Once again I thought of her name and smiled.
I quickly took a shower and got ready. Her name was on repeat in my head like a song I never want to end. I knew I would have to wait most of the day just to speak to her but she was worth it.
I had to go to class in about an hour and I was already ready for it so I sat at my table and thought about last night. Before I knew it an hour had past and I was almost late for school.
I couldn’t pay attention in class. Everything on the board looked like her name. I finally just got up and walked out. I had to see her again. I looked everywhere I could. She was nowhere to be found so I took out my phone. I sent her a text message. It read:
Hey this is Max. I was wondering if I could see you?
After about a minute I got a reply. She had told me to meet her at the courtyard on the west side of our campus. I dropped my bag and started to run. I sprinted the entire way. The world blurred past me as I made my way to her. Her face was all I could see as I ran. I had met this girl one night before and I haven’t thought of anything else since.
I rounded a corner going a thousand miles an hour and saw her sitting on a bench. When she saw me almost slip and fall she laughed and smiled at me. I tried to play it off but it was no use. “Hey there,” I said to her. She just laughed and waved me over. I walked to her and sat next to her. She put her hand on mine and I felt that warmth overcome me again. “Why did you want to see me?” she asked. I looked at her but I couldn’t make any words. “I just wanted to see you,” I replied eventually. She smiled again. Just seeing her make that smile stole my breath and threatened to suffocate me. “Well is that all you wanted or did you want to go get some lunch too?” she questioned with a grin. I just nodded my head trying to regain my breath. She stood up still holding my hand and helped me to my feet.
The entire time we walked to the sports bar I felt as if I was ten feet above the ground. She was talking but I couldn’t hear anything other than my heart beat.
We reached the sports bar and I held the door open for her. “Table for two,” I said to the girl waiting for us inside. She put on a big fake smile and led us to our seats. Samantha sat across from me and said something to the girl. She looked back at me. “This is my favorite place on campus to eat,” She said. “I’ve never eaten here before. I’ll take your word for it,” I replied. I gave her a smile and looked at my menu. That’s when I heard something that caught my attention. The television was talking about a meteor. I couldn’t hear the rest because Samantha said something to me. “What?” I asked. “I have to use the restroom,” she said. I nodded and gave her a smile. On her way to the restroom she gave me a quick kiss and continued.
Just as she left my sight I heard a glass smash into the tile and I snapped my head around to see. People were going crazy. I didn’t understand what was happening until I looked at the TV. It read on it that a meteor would be crashing into Earth at 11:37 tonight. People began to rush out of the building and pushed people out of the way. I stood to try to fight to the restroom. They were all too strong and I was swept away in the current of panicking people. They pushed me out of the door and down the street to the courtyard where I met Samantha. Finally I fought my way to the side of the rushing stream and jumped into the grass of the courtyard. The entire campus was in pandemonium. My only thought was that I needed to get back into that building for Samantha. The doors to it were almost clear so I started to run back for it. Just as I was crossing the street I saw her. She wore a face of worry and relief when she saw me. I started to run faster to her when something struck my head and I hit the ground. It was another river of people. My vision blurred and the last thing I saw was Samantha screaming and being swept away in the crowds. Then my vision when black and I lost consciousness.

The author's comments:
Thank you for reading this far. It means a lot to me. Just...thank you.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around me. My head throbbed and I could feel blood trickle down my temple. I put my hand beneath my body and slowly raised myself off the ground. I couldn’t see anyone around me. Then it hit me. Where was Samantha? I got to my feet and scanned around me. Broken glass littered the road and bodies that were trampled lay dead. The fact that I had survived was amazing.
I pulled my phone out and checked the time. It was 11:00. I had to find Samantha and get her to safety. I stumbled in the direction the crowd took her. I put my phone to my face and dialed her number. Her phone rang and I prayed to God that she would pick up. The phone continued to ring until her voicemail picked up. I slowly regained my balance and started to run down the street.
I couldn’t stop worrying and eventually I completely forgot I was running in a street. A car honked and I woke back up. It slammed into my body and I fell back. No one stopped and got out. It simply backed up and drove around me. My head began to hurt and excruciating pain stabbed at my brain. It didn’t matter at all to me because I needed to find Samantha.
I ran around the sciences building and ran towards our main courtyard. I stopped for a moment to check the time. 11:20. Tears began to roll down my face as I began to lose hope of ever seeing her again. Their salt water touched my lips and continued down my chin. I had let her go for one second and lost her forever. I could remember touching her skin. It was so smooth. I remembered looking into her eyes and wanting to be locked there forever. My tears blinded me and I ran through the courtyard without my vision. I had to give up. I would never find her in all of this. I leaned against a tree and slid down it’s trunk.
I looked at my phone again. 11:30. I wiped my tears away and stood up. I couldn’t give up on Samantha. I needed her. I couldn’t live without her. I continued through the courtyard shouting her name. “SAMANTHA!” I screamed. “SAMANTHA!” I heard no response and my heart dropped. I fell to my knees in defeat. “SAMANTHA!” I yelled one more time. I began to sob as I realized I had lost her forever. I cried for a few minutes and stood to walk for my last few minutes.
Suddenly off to my left I saw Samantha lying in the grass unconscious. “Samantha!” I screamed in panic. I ran to her side and raised her upper body next to mine. “Samantha! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” I cried. She didn’t respond. “Samantha wake up we have to get to safety!” I sobbed. Still she did not stir. I placed my head to hers and began to cry. Then a miracle happened. Slowly, Samantha’s eyes opened and she looked at me. “Max,” she said weakly. “Samantha hey,” I replied. “Nice way to wake up on a second date,” She joked. I chuckled and kissed her. She sat up on her own strength. She looked at me then down at my hand. She grabbed it and held it tightly. “Samantha we need to get to safety,” I said panicking. I tried to stand. She pulled me back the ground. “Or you could sit and watch the show with me,” she said with a smile. She smiled that smile that melted me inside. I checked my watch. 11:36. I wrapped my arm around her and held her hand. She leaned on me and hugged me back. It was then that I saw our doom. It was a blazing red meteor barreling straight for Earth. Samantha saw it too and held me tighter. I held her tighter back and watched in awe as is came straight for us. The moment I woke up that Sunday morning I had no clue I would arrive here. Blood was trickling down my cheek. I could feel the tears welling up inside of me. I was hopeless. We all were hopeless. I did everything all I could. I tried…….I tried. That did not matter now. I had Samantha by my side and I couldn’t ask for more. I looked at her and she looked back. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you Samantha,” I said as I looked into her eyes. “You’re about to,” she replied with a smile. “I love you so much,” I said. “I love you too Max,” She said. Those were the last words I would ever hear. They were all I ever needed to hear my entire life. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. We kissed there. We waited for death but we had each other and that is what counted. People screamed around us and I could feel the temperature rising drastically. But even with the world ending around us we kissed. It was a kiss that would last eternity.

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This book has 7 comments.

on Nov. 7 2013 at 11:56 am
Boybridgman BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
eh, i hve strories that out do this ione. evber heard of avatar... thats my engineious and jms cameron took my ider

on Nov. 6 2013 at 9:18 am
Oh, definitely repost it here. :) Good luck!

A Proud Mama said...
on Nov. 5 2013 at 11:56 pm
Wow!!!! Is ALL I can say......

on Nov. 5 2013 at 10:10 pm
DanielShepard BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. –Henry Ford

Should i repost it on here or should i put it somewhere else and send it to you?  

on Nov. 5 2013 at 9:19 pm
Yay! :D Can't wait to read it.

on Nov. 5 2013 at 11:34 am
DanielShepard BRONZE, Dugway, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. –Henry Ford

Thank you very much. I will try to fix the ending a bit and make this a bit longer.

on Nov. 4 2013 at 5:33 pm
The plot twist about the asteroid was very abrupt and unexpected and I don't know if it fits with such a short book like this, but I do like the idea of this couple being in love and dying together. It's very sad and romantic. I seriously see a ton of potential this story and I wish you would take it and make it into something really big! I think it would make an excellent novel. If the readers knew the characters better and got really involved in the story, the ending of Max and Samantha dying together would even more emotional.  Anyways, I definitely hope you write more of this! And good luck!  :)