Abused and Loved | Teen Ink

Abused and Loved

April 15, 2013
By yourlove-mywings SILVER, Yuma, Arizona
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yourlove-mywings SILVER, Yuma, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.” Luke 17:3-4

Beep! Beep! Beep!
I slapped my alarm off. I turned over and tried to go back to sleep, but failed miserably. I sat up after about five minutes of a failed attempt of falling asleep, and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I threw off my blanket and went to my huge closet. I chose my favorite bright pink lace tank-top and black under shirt, with some bleached jean daisy dukes, and pink converse.
I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on my favorite outfit and put on some makeup. Light pink eye shadow. I thought, perfect with my light blue-gray eyes. After I put on some mascara, I pulled up my black hair into a long wavy pony tail. I straightened my side swept bangs and headed out of my bedroom.
I sat at the table in my small dining room in the small apartment my parents have had since they got married. The house is what you would expect a normal family to have, a small, quaint little apartment with family pictures as far and wide as the eyes can see. It was what I always imagined home as.
I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to grab my backpack.
“Bye sweetie,” my parents called from the living room.
“Bye!” I called back.
As I was about to head out the door, my cell rang.
“Hello?” I picked up.
“Is this Kaitlyn Rowe?” a masculine voice asked.
“Yes.” I replied tentatively.
“Your parents just got in an accident and they are going to the hospital now.” He replied sadly.
“Okay. I’m on my way.” I said, and sprinted out the door towards my car.
I was at the hospital by my mom’s hospital bed, praying silently, to whoever is out there that will listen, that she would live.
“Kaitlyn?” my mom asked with a hoarse voice.
I started, and looked over at her. I leaned forward and took her sliced up hand in mine.
“Yes, Mom?” I asked.
She was quiet for a moment. “Whatever happens,” she started, “remember we have always loved you, your dad and me. No matter how many times we fought, we still thought of you.” She smiled weakly.
A tear started to form in my eye. I didn’t want to think about what will happen all I knew is that she would live. “It’s OK. I love you too, no matter how mad you guys have made me.” Then the tears started to roll over my cheeks as I watched her chest rise and fall slower and slower.
“I love you honey.” She barely raked out before her heart monitor beeped long and loud.
“NO!” I yelled. “No, no, no!”
The doctors ran in and tried to shock her heart back to life. The ushered me out of the room as they did this. I sat gingerly in the uncomfortable hospital seats and silently sobbed into my fisted hands. Not more than twenty minutes did the doctors come out and told me that she had passed. I started crying even more violently, shaking and gasping for air as I started to hyperventilate.
I saw black spots in my eyes as I was fainting slowly. I don’t know when it happened, but I eventually passed out.

I woke up to sunlight streaming through an open window. I opened my eyes slowly to an unfamiliar room and a major head ache. I looked around and realized I was in the hospital.
“Hey honey.” A nurse said as she was walking into my room. “Are you feeling OK?”
I looked at her stonily. “I would feel better if I was out of this place.”
“Well, I guess you can. You seem to be fine so I will sign this and you may leave.” She said, shocked at my harsh tone.
I sat up, a little dizzy, but I didn’t show it. Memories of what happened the night before came back to me. I started crying again, tears slowly falling down my face. The nurse gave me a concerned look but I scowled.
“Where is my dad’s room?” I asked. I needed to see him and ask if it was OK if I could go home.
She checked her list of rooms and patients, and said that he was in room 206. I walked over to 206, getting lost twice, and eventually got there. I walked over to his bedside to see that he passed too. I didn’t even cry. I already spent my tears.
As I was turning to leave, I see a note on his medical desk. I walk over there and read it.
I heard you passed out and I was concerned. I wasn’t sure when you were going to wake up, but I figured I’d be gone by then. I wrote this and gave you some instructions so you know what to do when I pass.
You have an uncle in South Carolina; you are to live with him since he is your only living relative. Since you are my daughter, the bank already knows that you can get the money you need for a plane ticket. Your uncle’s name is Fred Winston. Go OK, and let us go. I love you baby girl.
Love you always,
Winston? I thought. I kept thinking about who this Fred guy is on my way out. I got in my car and drove back home, well, what’s left of it anyways.
As I pulled into the parking spot marked 423, our apartment number, I saw a squirrel. It was so free and happy, that only made me feel worse. I know, and insignificant squirrel, whatever. I started to cry again, and I fell as I walked to my apartment. I skinned my knee, and I didn’t even feel it. I could feel the blood dripping down my leg as I walked into the now cold and dark apartment.
I put my backpack down on the ground and walked to my bedroom. I went online to our local airport and checked the price for a ticket to South Carolina. It was seven hundred dollars. I was hoping that this uncle was nice, and that he wouldn’t care if I moped around.
I purchased the ticket and printed it. My flight was at 9:00 P.M., I only had four hours, so I decided to pack my suitcases. Only two hours later, I was done taking what I needed. I threw my suitcases in my car, and headed to the airport.
I was there with an hour to spare, so I went to the little café. I ordered a small Caramel Frappuccino, and sat quietly, thinking to myself. I barely heard that my flight was departing in thirty minutes. I decided to go and board my flight.
I boarded my flight, and immediately turned on my iPod. I put on ‘Thrift Shop by Macklemore’, and within ten minutes, I was asleep.

I got off the plane and went to the baggage claim. I waited for the luggage to pass by, when I saw mine. I grabbed my suitcases, and looked for a sign that said Rowe. Not seeing it, I decided to grab a rental car. I headed to the rental car area, and ordered a Toyota Camry. I didn’t care what year, all I wanted to do was get to my uncle’s house and sleep.
I got my car, and drove to the address. I was super tired, and the house was about thirty minutes out of town. As I was driving, I saw a local high school I could go to. It was Myrtle Beach High. I kept the name in mind, and I arrived at the house at 3 A.M.
I knocked on the door, and heard an annoyed groan through it. A man at about 40 years old opened the door. He was balding, and had brown eyes. He had a round belly, and smelled of pot and alcohol. Great. I thought.
“What do you want?” He asked grumpily.
“Um… I’m Jake Rowe’s daughter, and he and his wife recently passed away. I was told to come to you, since you are my only living relative.” I said matter-of-factly.
He looked me up and down, and opened the door. I walked in and asked him where my room was.
“First door on the left, ass.” He said.
Confused, I looked at him. “My name’s not ass, it’s Kaitlyn. Thank you.” I said and huffed to my room.
I shut the door, and was amazed to find a clean little room that didn’t smell like that pot. Happy to finally be somewhere I can relax, I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

I tossed and turned. I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to get up, and opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room. The walls were off-white, the scene outside my window unfamiliar, then I recalled the night before. Sad, I started to cry. I was there by both their bedsides, one I watched die, the other I saw him dead. I felt like I had a wound where my heart was, ripped out of my chest.
Depressed, I got up and slumped to my suitcase in the corner. I put on a dark blue scoop neck T-Shirt, and some white skinnies with light blue Vans. I went to the bathroom and brushed out what I thought was my hair, but looked like rats nest. After I ripped through my hair with a brush, I grabbed my straightener from my bag and straightened my wavy hair.
Hair straightened, I walked out to the dining room. The place still reeked like pot and alcohol. EW. I thought as I walked passed my sleeping uncle on the couch. I decided I would go and get enrolled in the high school I saw on the way here. I grabbed my keys and purse and headed out the door.
I got in my car and was relieved that it smelled like home. I put the keys in the ignition and punched the gas. I already didn’t like my uncle, and the thought of being away from him was relieving.
I pulled into the parking lot, and started to walk towards the office. I was surprised to see all of these cars and realized that there was school today. I walked into the office and heard a little bell tinkle somewhere in the building.
“Hello. What can I do for you today miss?” A desk clerk asked me with a bright smile on her face.
“Oh. Yes, I would like to enroll in this school.” I replied.
She shuffled through some papers and typed in her computer, and eventually gave me a thick packet.
“Here is the handbook, just basic rules. There isn’t a dress code, so you can wear what you want. And then there is normal paper work, name, address, number, and etcetera.” She said kindly.
I skimmed over the paper work and said, “Thank you. Do you have a pen?” I asked.
She handed me a blue ink pen and I sat in a chair. I filled out the paper work and handed it back to her. “Here you go.” I said, getting her attention.
“Oh. Thank you. I will tell you tomorrow when your first day will be, OK? I just need to get it approved.”
“OK. Thank you.” I said, and walked out.
I got back in my car and headed towards the mall, if there was one. Once in the city, I looked up and down, left and right for the local mall. After about an hour, I finally spotted the mall. I parked, and walked into the mall.
It was a pretty big mall; especially since it was a pretty small city. I walked around for a while, window shopping, until I saw a Papyrus. I was so excited. They had the cutest skinny jeans ever and the prettiest tight shirts ever. I was pretty confident in my figure, so I didn’t care how tight, or short my clothing was.
I walked into the store, and came back out about forty dollars poorer. I smiled. I bought two shirts that were the same style, just different color. I also bought a pair of skinnies and daisy dukes. I was so happy. I walked around for maybe about an hour or so, and left the mall.
I realized at around noon that I hadn’t eaten all morning and decided to go to a Fuddruckers. I drove around to one I noticed on the way to the mall, and got out of the car. I was starving.
I ordered a third pound burger with fries and filled up my drink. I got a cold Dr. Pepper, and took a long swig, satisfied. I heard my name and prepared my burger. I sat down and started eating. The food was delicious, and it filled up my stomach nicely. I was almost finished with my burger when I heard footstep walking towards me. I looked up and saw the most beautiful guy I have ever seen.
He was walking towards me and flashed me a bright, beautiful smile. I spit my drink back out as I took a drink. He had dirty blond hair that swept to the side. It wasn’t long, but it wasn’t short like a buzz cut. He also had light caramel colored eyes. His complexion was perfect, and his skin was lightly tanned. He was perfectly toned, and just perfect. I looked away quickly because I realized I was staring, and he sat down in the chair in front of me.

“Hey.” He said flashing me another blinding smile.
I didn’t respond. He was just so beautiful it was unbelievable. I was suddenly self conscious and I stared down at the table cloth.
“My name is Jeremiah. What’s yours?” He asked, trying to start a conversation.
“It’s Kaitlyn.” I mumbled.
“What,” He asked. “I couldn’t hear you.”
“It’s Kaitlyn,” I said, looking up into his light caramel eyes. I felt like I was drowning just looking into them.
“Oh. Well, it’s nice to meet you. Are you new around here?”
I nodded, to stunned to speak. He was absolutely beautiful, and he was talking to me. A newcomer!
“Do I scare you or something? You only said your name.” He asked.
“That’s not true. I said ‘It’s’. And no, you didn’t scare me. It’s just…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. How can I? I barely know him; I’m not going to tell him I think he’s absolutely hot. No way!
“It’s just what?” He asked, looking into my ugly blue-gray eyes, and then looked down at my lips.
I gave a startled gasp. “Well, um… It’s just that I think you are absolutely hot.” Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, I looked down again. Idiot! I scolded myself.
“Oh. Well, that’s nice to know. I think you’re hot, too.” He said straight forward.
I looked up, and gave a half smile. “Really,” I asked, astounded.
He nodded, and now it was his turn to look down at the table. I suddenly realized I wasn’t hungry anymore, and pushed my chair back, preparing to leave.
“Wait? You’re leaving already?” He said, starting to get up, too.
“Yeah. I’m kind of awkward talking to a complete stranger, but I’m also getting self conscious with you staring at me, so I’m going to go.” I said, feeling bad as I saw his hurt face.
“Oh. Sorry. I was just hoping…” He started to say, but trailed off.
I stood there, waiting for him to finish. When it was obvious he wasn’t, I grabbed my purse and headed towards the door. He followed me out and held the door for me.
“Thanks.” I said, and he just nodded.
“Um… Are you going to attend Myrtle Beach High?” He asked tentatively.
“Yes. I’m going to be a junior.” I said.
“Oh, really!? Cool, so am I. I hope we have the same classes.” He said, and turned to leave. He turned back around quickly and gave me a hug. I stood there like a board. When he started to pull away, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down into a light kiss.
I pulled away as I realized I kissed a total stranger, but regretted it because it felt amazing. His lips were as soft as they looked, and he was an amazing kisser. I fumbled with my purse, looking for my keys, and opened my door. I looked up at him again, and he just smiled at me, a little bit of red in his cheeks. He was blushing, too.
“Bye.” I said, shutting the door and putting the keys into the ignition. I pulled out and left, I looked in the review mirror to see him staring at me all the way.

I opened the door to my uncle’s house, with my Papyrus bags in hand. I opened my door, and put my bags down. I headed back out to the kitchen and started to make lasagna. I didn’t know if he liked it or not, but I figured I better get our relationship off to a good start.
I opened a cupboard, looking for a glass pan for the lasagna. I closed it, unsuccessful. When I closed it, I felt a solid hand slap me across my face.
“Hey!” I yelled.
“Where were you?” Winston asked, his breath smelling of whiskey.
“I was at the mall and went out to eat. Gosh! Don’t slap me! That’s child abuse.” I said.
“I’ll do what I want with you.” He slurred. “If I’m gonna slap you, I will.” He stated, and grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me up against the wall.
“Let me go!” I yelled. He lifted his free hand and punched my stomach.
“Ugh.” I groaned. I thought about what I should do in this kind of situation, and remembered what my friend at home always said. You’ll get kidnapped one of these days for being so pretty. She said. And when that happens, knee ‘em in the junk.
I pulled back my knee, and kneed him in his privates. He dropped me and I ran to my room. I locked the door and sank against it. I started crying because of the pain. He punched me really hard in my stomach, and I felt like I was going to hurl. I put my head between my knees and took deep breaths.
When my wooziness started to fade, I stood up and checked my cheek in the vanity mirror. My cheek was bright red, and I could tell immediately it would bruise. Not badly at least, but I would have a light shade of blue on my cheek for about a week.
My phone started ringing, and I picked it up.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Kaitlyn Rowe? This is Mrs. Sanchez from Myrtle Beach High. Your first day will actually be tomorrow, Wednesday.” The attendant said.
“OK. Thank you. Have a nice day.” I said, and hung up. “Great,” I groaned.
Tired from what just happened, I laid down on my bed. I curled up, and replayed the day’s events. I eventually fell asleep remembering kissing Jeremiah in the parking lot.

I woke up to my alarm beeping. It was 5:45, and school started at 7:45. I grabbed my shower stuff, and was about to head out the door when I remember I needed clothes. With a giggle, I grabbed my new neon green top and dark blue jean daisy dukes, and went to the bathroom. I checked my cheek again, in the mirror, and I was right. I had a light blue colored hand mark on my cheek. I rolled my eyes, and started the shower.
I got under the warm water, and washed up. I finished in about fifteen minutes, and dried my body. I got changed, and blew dry my hair straight. It looked a little shinier doing it this way. Satisfied with my hair I did my make-up. I put on foundation, and tried to cover up my cheek as much as possible without looking like a clown. I put on light green eye shadow on my eye lid, then black by my brow. I put mascara on, and headed back towards my bedroom.
I put on green converse and grabbed my pink backpack with skulls. I also grabbed my keys and headed out the door.
I parked in the parking lot, and headed towards the office.
“Hello.” I said as I was walking in. “I need a schedule, and a locker number please.”
“Oh, of course. You are Kaitlyn Rowe, right?” The desk clerk asked.
“Yes, ma’am.” I replied.
She looked through some papers, and handed me a schedule, a map of the school, and my locker number. “Thank you.” I said, and walked out towards the hall ways.
When I got the hallways, I looked around for my locker number, 657. When I finally found it, I put in my combination and saw that my books were already in there. Cool. I thought. I grabbed my first book, Algebra 2, and shoved my backpack into my locker. I would decorate the door later. I slammed the door shut and nearly ran into Jeremiah.
“Hey.” I said.
“Hi. Kaitlyn, right?” He asked.
“Uh-huh.” I said. I looked around, and noticed a lot of people staring at us. “Are you popular or something?” I asked.
“I guess. Why?” He asked.
“There are a lot of people staring at us.” I said. He looked around and realized that, too. Though, he didn’t seem bothered by it.
“It’s probably because I’m talking to a newcomer.” He whispered in my ear. I blushed, and got goose bumps as I felt his breath go down my neck.
“Oh. Well, I have to go to class.” I said, looking at my map and headed towards the Algebra 2 room.
“What class do you have?” He asked.
“Algebra 2.” I mumbled, concentrating on not getting lost.
“So do I. Here, let me get my book and I’ll head to class with you.” He suggested.
“Sure.” I said a flutter of excitement in my stomach.
We headed towards his locker, and he grabbed his books. On the way to Algebra 2, he slid his arms across my waist. I flushed, and looked up at him. He seemed completely normal about this. I took a step to the side, kind of annoyed that he would rush into something like that. He looked disappointed and just created small talk.
We got to Algebra 2, and I told the teacher my name, and he just looked at me, disgusted. “Well then.” I mumbled.
I sat down in the back, and Jeremiah sat next to me. I rolled my eyes. I liked him, but I don’t even know him. Why is he doing this? Maybe it’s a routine. He seduces the new girls, and embarrasses them. Astonished at my mean thought, I quickly dismissed it. A guy like him couldn’t possibly be that mean.
I stole a glance at him as Mr. Reyes, or whatever his name was, took attendance. He was staring at me, too. I quickly looked down at my notebook and took the notes Mr. Reyes wrote on the board.

The bell rang, signifying the end of class and beginning of lunch. I walked out of the Chemistry room, along with my classmates and headed towards my locker. I put in my combination and put my books back. I grabbed my Thor lunchbox and walked towards the lunchroom.
I was turning down another hallway, when I felt someone pull my hair. I screamed my high pitched scream and turned around and punched the person in the face. It was Melissa, the school bully, for girls anyways.
She was holding her now bleeding nose. “Ow.” She said, and scowled at me.
“Why did you pull my hair Melissa? God damn! Get a grip!” I yelled at her. There were still some people lingering in the hallway that were staring at the fight beginning to evolve.
“I saw you talking to Jeremiah today, the school hottie. There is no way in hell I am letting a new girl like you have him.” She said.
I rolled my eyes. “Really, are you fighting me for a boy?” I said. “That’s pathetic.” I said.
She was going to punch me in my stomach but I grabbed her hand before she could. She stared at me surprised that I was stronger. I took a step and wrapped my other around hers.
“I could easily break your arm if you don’t get a grip and f*ing get over yourself.” I told her.
“Fine, fine!” She yelled, as I was beginning to put a little more pressure. I let go of her arm, and she ran towards the girls’ bathroom. On her way, she pushed a freshman out of her way. The people in the hallway looked at me as I walked towards her.
“Does she normally push you?” I asked as I helped her pick up her lunch.
She nodded, frightened.
“Well, tell me if she bothers you again, and I’ll deal with her.” I told her, and helped her up.
She nodded again and walked towards the cafeteria. I walked in the same direction, and told the people in the hallway, “Sorry if I frightened, I was just defending myself.”
I walked into the cafeteria. It was packed. All the tables were full except the ones where the geeks or nerds sit. Some people turned to stare at me, and started whispering to their neighbors. “That’s her…” “She’s the one that hit Melissa…” Those were little bits that I heard. That spread fast. I thought.
I was about to sit at a computer geek table when I heard someone yelled my name. I looked around for the source of the voice but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
“Kaitlyn!” The voice yelled again. I looked around and saw someone waving at me. Jeremiah. I smiled and walked over to him.
“Hey. What’s up?” I asked, and sat in the chair he offered.
“I heard what you did to Melissa.” He said, and chuckled.
I looked up at him, and flushed. “Really!?”
He nodded and smiled. “I guess you gave her a bloody nose. Now I know not to mess with you.” He said teasingly, taking a bite of his sandwich.
I sighed, and took a bite of mine. I looked at him again and noticed just how beautiful his eyes were. I thought they were nice before, but they are absolutely beautiful. They sparkle on their own, like tiny stars. He turned to look at me then, and I looked away. I could feel his eyes on me, so I took another bite of my sandwich.
I saw that he had his hand in his lap from the corner of my eye. I opened my juice pouch and took a drink. When I wasn’t paying attention, he moved his hand and put it on my bare thigh. I started, and looked down at his hand. I looked up at him to see him looking at me again. My face turned bright red, and he just smiled.
“You blush so easily.” He whispered a twinkle in his eye.
“Well, ever since I’ve been around you, I’ve been super self conscious.” I said matter-of-factly.
He turned back to his friends at his table and joined in the conversation. There was another girl at the table, and she was glaring at me, resentful. Embarrassed, I looked down at my juice pouch. I took another swig and got up to throw my stuff away.
I walked over to the trashcan and noticed that the girl followed me. I rolled my eyes and threw my stuff away.
“Hey. I’m Alice.” The petite girl said.
“Hi, I’m Kaitlyn.” I said.
“I’m Jeremiah’s older sister, and I just want you to know I am watching you to make sure you are right for my brother.” She said, and turned and walked away.
I blushed again, and walked back to retrieve my lunch box. I grabbed my Thor lunchbox, and left the cafeteria right as the bell rang.

The final bell rang, noticing the kids that school was out. All the students poured out of their classrooms, rushing to their lockers to grab their belongings. I walked slowly to my locker, concentrating on not getting trampled by the herd of students. I reached my locker, and felt a hand on my shoulder. I started, and turned around. It was Jeremiah.
“Hey Jeremiah. Sup?” I asked.
“Nothing.” He said, messing with his shirt button. “Actually, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me.” He asked, flushed.
I looked at him and I got my backpack and shut my locker. “Sure. Anything.” I said.
He took two deep breaths, as if he were steadying his breath. “Would you be my girlfriend?” The words rushed out.
I blushed fiercely, surprised. “Um… yeah. Sure. I would love to be.”
He looked down at me and smiled a warm, sweet smile. I smiled back, and grabbed his hand. We walked out of the school together, hand in hand. We got in my car, and I dropped him off at his house. He unbuckled his seat belt, and mine, and leaned over the center console.
Before I could even react, he reached over and pressed his lips against mine. This wasn’t as soft as last time, it was more passionate. He carefully picked me up by my waist so that I didn’t hit my head on the top of the car and set me in his lap.
We started making out now, his tongue dipping into my mouth exploring. He kissed me harder, more desperate. I met his kiss with as much passion and want that he gave me, my hands going through his hair and pulling him closer to me. His hands started sliding up my shirt, and he pulled it off. I was in my bra and my body was crushed against his.
I didn’t mind, him undressing me. It’s not I was going to let him do anything, right? I put my hands on his button up shirt and started to undo his buttons. He helped me with it, like he wanted this badly. His shirt came off and he pushed his lips back into mine, kissing me passionately. He undid the kiss and started trailing kisses on my cheekbone, down my jaw and neck.
He unsnapped my jeans, and startled, I pulled away. “We can’t do this. Not yet anyways.” I said, gasping for breath. He looked crushed, but there was no way I was going to give away my virginity to a guy I’m not married to.
I snapped my pants closed again and put my shirt back on. “I love you Jeremiah, just, I don’t want to lose my virginity to someone I barely met, and I’m not married to.” I told him truthfully.
“It’s OK, I understand.” He said as he put his shirt back on. “I love you, too.” He added, and leaned over and put a soft kiss to my forehead and got out of my car.

I got home, or what I guess you could call my home, and walked inside. My uncle was asleep on the couch again, and I walked carefully passed him so I didn’t wake him up, I don’t want to get hit again. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. I walked to my room and ate in silence.
I heard a groan, and I started. He was awake, crap. I thought. I heard him shuffle down the hallway, and saw him walk into my room. I stumbled off my bead, and walked backwards until I hit my wall.
“Come here b****.” He said. I walked tentatively forward and he planted a hard punch to my breast. I slumped forward to protect my body. He kicked me twice, once on my butt, and once on my rib. I groaned and curled over. He walked out of my room, obviously satisfied, and I sat there, sobbing quietly.
The sobs shook my body; it hurt my ribs even more. I crawled to my suitcase and changed into my pajamas. I climbed into bed, and tried to think of something to soothe me to sleep, but no sleep came.
I tossed and turned, but I couldn’t find sleep. I wish Sand Man would come and blow dust in my face; I really could use some of that dust. I kept tossing and turning until about one o’clock in the morning, and then I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The weeks went by fast, and I became better friend with Alice, and Melissa never bothered me again. Jeremiah and I made out on a regular basis, and life was good, except for the fact that my uncle kept abusing me.
I guess I could move in with Jeremiah, or file for child abuse, but my uncle threatened he would kill me if I ever even thought about doing that. I was frightened for my life every time I went home. Once, he even stabbed me with a knife. I nearly bled to death, but I stopped it with my shirt.
I am in constant physical pain, the only person that makes me forget that pain is Jeremiah, every time he kisses me, it’s like I’ve died and gone to heaven. He is so beautiful, I absolutely love him.
I was in the middle of class, having this revelation. It’s been two months to the day since I’ve been attending Myrtle Beach High. In a sense, it has been getting better, but also worse. Every day, my uncle would go to a different extreme in my abuse, and it hurt, so bad.
The bell rang, and we were dismissed for an early weekend. Jeremiah and I held hands as we left, as always.
“Hey, babe, are you OK?” Jeremiah asked me as we were leaving.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m OK. What are we going to do this weekend?” I asked.
He walked slower, thinking. “I was hoping that you could stay over at my place for the weekend, especially since it will be your birthday Saturday.”
I thought about it as we got into my car. Staying at Jeremiah’s, for a whole weekend? Couldn’t be that bad. I thought. “Sure,” I said excitedly.
I drove over to my place and told him to wait in the car. “Give me five minutes, if I’m not out, come check on me.” I told him.
I ran inside and rushed to my room, completely forgetting to be quiet. I threw my cutest, tightest clothes into a backpack, and rushed out of my room. I grabbed a cola, and opened the door. I was about to walk out when someone pulled my shirt and slammed the door shut.
I saw Jeremiah’s face before the door shut, and he was startled.
“Where are you going slut?” My uncle’s slurred voice asked.
“None of your business. Now let me go!” I yelled at him.
He seemed to think about, then spat in my face. His spit slowly fell across my face, making me want to puke. He elbowed me hard in the back, making me hurl all over the carpet. Then he kicked my ribs until I felt one break. The door suddenly slammed open. I looked up and saw Jeremiah standing there. He saw me on the ground, and then looked at my uncle’s surprised face. Jeremiah beat my uncle to a pulp, and then he bent down to check on me.
“Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn. Are you OK?” He asked.
That’s when it went black.

I awoke with a breath-taking pain in my side. I opened my eyes and gasped. Bright sunlight was streaming into an unfamiliar room. The walls were white, and there was a constant beeping noise.
“Hello?” My voice rasped.
I heard a shuffle from somewhere to my left, and saw Jeremiah standing there talking to a nurse.
“Is she going to be OK?” He asked her quietly.
“She has a cracked rib and many bruises but she should heal in about one month.” She said. Jeremiah nodded, and came over to my bedside.
“Jeremiah? What happened?” I asked, my throat rasping.
“Your uncle abused you, so I busted him up pretty bad. Hope you don’t mind.” He said, obviously dismissing the matter.
I looked at him, studied his movements. “What else aren’t you telling me?”
He looked at me with fake innocence. “I’m not hiding anythi-“ He stopped short because of my ice cold expression. “OK. I filed for child abuse against you. I couldn’t stand to see you like that, so you are going to live with me. I’m sorry if I disappointed you.” He said quickly and quietly.
“Really? That’s sweet of you, but I can’t live with you. I can’t be a burden on your parents. You would probably get rid of me anyways. Oh! And what day is it?” I asked.
“It’s Saturday, a week after your birthday. You’ve been out for a week.” He said.
“Oh. I didn’t know.” I said, and sat up. I felt really dizzy and immediately laid back down.
“Are you OK?” He asked again.
I nodded weakly and fell asleep again.
I woke up again, with Jeremiah snoring loudly next to me. I smiled again. He still looked amazing, even when he snored. His hair tousled, his beautiful lips moving while he breathes.
“Jeremiah?” I called him.
He started and sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Huh?” He asked groggily.
“Sorry to wake you, can you get me some water?” I asked, my throat felt like a dry desert.
“Sure.” He said, and reached over me to push a button.
“Hello?” A teller asked.
“I need water.” Jeremiah said.
“OK.” She replied bored, and shut off the machine.
I laid there in silence, waiting for him to say something because I couldn’t think of what to say. It was maybe five minutes when someone walked in with a bottle of water.
“Thanks.” I said, and took a long gulp. It felt really good.
“Kaitlyn? You know, your eighteen now, and I turned eighteen last Wednesday. I was wondering if I could ask you an important question.”
I turned to him and nodded.
“OK. I know it’s early, and we aren’t even out of high school yet, but I love you. We are officially adults so we can make any kind of decisions we want. You are absolutely beautiful, lovely, sexy, funny, and gorgeous. When you smile, it’s like a gift from heaven. Your hair is like silk, and voice like velvet. You are the one for me Kaitlyn Rowe. Will you marry me?” He asked. He got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful single stone diamond ring I have ever seen.
“Yes.” I said, “but isn’t it a little odd to be asking me in a place like this?” I asked.
“I would take you anywhere and do anything with you.” He said, and smiled that beautiful smile that first stole my heart.
I stuck out my hand and he put the ring on my finger and kissed my hand.
“How long do I have in this hell hole?” I asked him.
“About two more days,” He said.
“I can’t wait.” I said, and fell asleep again.

“I do.” I said.
“I do.” Jeremiah said.
“You may kiss the bride.” The pastor said.
I turned to look at him, and he looked at me. I rushed into the kiss, kissing him passionately. His hands went easily to my hips, and my hands around his neck. Our bodies fit together perfectly, every curve and bump.
We pulled away, and he whispered, “Wait until our honeymoon.”
I laughed.

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This book has 1 comment.

on Apr. 23 2013 at 3:27 pm
yourlove-mywings SILVER, Yuma, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.” Luke 17:3-4

Hey guys. I would just like to put an author's note out there since I didn't think to do that before I posted it. I would like you guys to give me criticism on how to change this story since I know it's not the best. I wrote in in like two days, and I need help. If you would give me some constructive criticism on my story, please feel free to do so. :D Thanks guys.