Lewis | Teen Ink


December 21, 2018
By Anonymous

Luis a 16 year old boy living in sacramento, although originally born in los Angeles, California. He had lived in L.A for 7 years before he and his family moved to Sacramento. He hated Sacramento, he prefered L.A, he was much happier there. He liked the happy moments, all those times his mom had made peanut butter cookies, taken him to the cinema. Where he and his dad worked on model planes, and unfortunately that had ended when they moved to sacramento, his mom had received a promotion at her job, as a result she was away and usually never at home. Luis would be home alone with his lousy sister most of the time while his father was at work until 5:30 pm. Today luis had gotten home from school early as he had gotten a ride from one of his friends. Luis yelled, “thanks man, I’ll see you monday.”

Luis’s friend shouted back, “all right, don’t forget to call me when you playin some Black ops 3!”

Luis went inside and layed down on the couch, he was so tired, he had run the mile in his P.E class. Luis was so out of shape from not exercising and just playing video games all day. Luis walks into the kitchen and is surprised to find his mom there. “Hey mom what are you doing here, I thought you were going on a business trip today.” says Luis

“ yeah I was going on a trip but they delayed it to tomorrow, so I thought I would pop in and come here early see how my family is doing.” answers Luis’s mom

Luis answers back, “ well it’s nice seeing you, but  you know I wish you never had to leave on those business trips…I would prefer if you just stayed here, you know like the old times when I was little, when you and dad were here more often.”

Luis’s mom says, “ I’m sorry son, but it can’t be helped I finally got a promotion, I’m earning more money now, and we don’t have to worry about money problems anymore, we can now afford to get you what you want without a worry, yes there is downsides like me going on these business trips, but it’s for the goodness of the family, so just deal with it for now I’ll try to find a better solution, but for now your just going to have to suck it up and live through it, tell you what when I come back all of us will go see that movie you’ve been wanting to watch, what was it called something about civil war.”

“ It was Captain America Civil War!” said Luis “ Alright fine I’ll wait, but we better go see it!”

Luis’s mom answers, “ yes, yes we’ll go see it , I promise.”

“ Alright then, bye mom.” Luis says while entering his room, he closes the door and lays down on his bed, and after a while he turns on his xbox and launches Black ops 3, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls his friend, the phone rings for 3 seconds before his friend picks up. “ hey what’s up, I thought you were gonna hop on some Bo3.”

Luis’s friend answers, “ yeah man I’ll go on right now just wait like 5 minutes.”

Luis hangs up and proceeds to play, he starts a match of multiplayer, but his controller dies so Luis gets up. He looks for any spare batteries in his drawer, but finds none so he walks to the kitchen, he almost reaches it before he hears his mom having a conversation with someone. Luis recognizes the voice it’s his dad’s, so he walks into the kitchen and says “hi dad how have you been.”

Luis’s dad answers back, “ hi, Luis what are you doing here so early, did you catch a bus or something.” Luis’s dad looks at his watch, “ you would barley be getting home around this time.”

“ yeah I know, but I got a ride from one of my friends over here.” says Luis “ do you know where some batteries are, I need some for my controller.”

“ yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s some in that cabinet.” says Luis’s dad pointing

Luis looks where he’s pointing and says “ oh thanks” and walks to the cabinet his dad was pointing to. Luis walks out of the kitchen and his parents start their conversation again. Luis starts thinking how nice of a family he has, excluding his sister who luis thought was a malevolent being. Luis walks back into his room and puts in the fresh batteries in his xbox controller and continues to play his game for a while until he gets bored. Luis wakes up and sits in his room, he goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, and exits his room entering the kitchen he asks what's for breakfast. Luis notices that his mom is not there and must have already left to her trip, his father pours him a glass of milk and serves him a plate of pancakes with bacon on the side. “ Dad I was planning on going to the park with my friends and was wondering if you could drive me over there.”

“ Sure, I’ll take you I was going to go somewhere so I’ll just drop you off on the way.” says Luis’s dad. Luis is in the car with his dad and they talk for a little while until they get to the park. Luis gets out of the car and closes the door. He walks away for a couple of brief seconds before  he hears a screech and sees his dad speeding off. Luis wonders to himself why he sped off so quickly, was he in that much of a rush Luis asks himself. Luis walks to a bench and sits down waiting, but he then gets a text saying that they wouldn’t be able to make it. Luis then begins to walk home, he calls his dad’s cell, but it goes straight to voicemail. Luis arrives home, he opens the front door while gasping he is tired, he just ran home and is very tired. He flops down on the floor, he lays there when he hears someone in his parents room. He rushes over there and says “ Damn it sis if you're in there fooling around messing up the room I’m gonna be mad.” Luis opens the door and sees a stranger it’s a woman, “what is this!” Luis says while the woman quickly runs out of the room with just bed covers wrapping her. “ I can explain” says Luis’s dad while luis looks at the floor, he sees clothes that he knows aren’t his father’s. Luis quickly runs into his room locking the door behind him. A lot of time passes before Luis hears knocking on his door. “May I come in?” asks Luis’s dad

“No I don’t want to speak to you!” says Luis

“I know you won’t understand, but just let me try to explain.” says Luis’s dad, “ You have to see it from my perspective, see what I’m going through.”

“All I had to see was that your a cheating bastard,” Luis wails, “you don’t even have a sense of shame do you?”

Luis’s dad says “Just let me in, we’ll talk about it...”

Luis reluctantly walks to the door and unlocks it. Luis walks to his bed while his father trails behind him. They both sit down, “Listen I know it wasn’t right, I messed up okay,” says luis’s dad. “You have to understand I regret doing it, I really do.”

“Then why did you do it?” asks Luis. “you say you regret it, but still you did it, nothing can change that.”

“Okay, okay listen, see it from my eyes,” states Luis’s dad. “your mom is at work, she’s never here I haven’t felt connected with her for a long time, I needed something to fill that void.”

“So you cheated, instead of talking it out like adults, you cheated,” says Luis angrily. Luis notices his dad is quiet, he knows that he doesn’t have a response. It’s silent for a while until Luis’s dad says, “I know I can’t answer that, but just don’t say anything, I’ll buy you anything, just don’t tell anyone especially your mom.” Luis watches as his dad walks out of the room, he can’t believe his dad tried to bribe him. Luis lays down on his bed thinking about it. Luis sits there for some time not moving, he tries to make himself believe that what he saw was just his imagination, but he knows it isn’t. Beep...Beep...Beep, the alarm goes off. Luis gets up and gets ready for school. He creeps out of his room, and walks out of the house.

Damn I’m hungry, probably should’ve eaten something,” says Luis hungrily, “ I didn’t even eat dinner or anything besides the pancakes and bacon I ate for breakfast yesterday.” “Damn why did this happen, I didn’t deserve this, I’m a good kid, never done no drugs, I do good in school, and then this sh#t happens.” Luis arrives at his school and thinks about what he could do after school, to not go home. During lunch his friend asks him, “What’s wrong, you seem down.”

Luis wonders if he should tell him, after some thought he decides that he needs to tell someone. “Yeah I am down, I… I caught my dad doing it with some bimbo.” says Luis

Damn that’s messed up, I don’t know what I would do if I caught my dad doing it with someone,” says Luis’s friend. “Well would it be better if you caught your parents doing it.”

“I guess that,...that would be bad.

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