Angel Wings | Teen Ink

Angel Wings

May 29, 2018
By Paige-Askey, Windber, Pennsylvania
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Paige-Askey, Windber, Pennsylvania
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Author's note:

I honestly have no idea what inspired me, but I would have to say that I really like writing and when I finally think of something decent, my mind just goes with it. I really hope people get that sometimes you just got to step back and jump when you believe the time is right. 

A cold October evening Paisley Ann Harp found herself in the middle of a cross fire. A fight between Michael: her father and Harry: her fiance. With all of the bickering, she had an instant headache. She needed to tell them something, that would break their hearts.
“Okay, that is enough!” screamed the inpatient women. “I’ve had enough of this, I’m sorry that you both feel this way for God knows what. I need to say my piece before you guys becker more.”
The silence that fell afterwards made her shiver. All she could think about is how heartbroken she is going to make both of them in just a few seconds.
“I’m sorry that I have to tell you both this way,” she hesitated. “But I’m leaving for Paris in just three days. And I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”
The silence grew to an uproar, her father didn’t say a word but instead swiftly got up and stomped out of the house with the slamming of the door echoing through the house. All that was left was her and her future husband. He hadn’t said a word for about five minutes when he spoke in a raspy voice.
“How long did you know about this? He looked up with glossy eyes. “Why are you just telling us this now?”
“I’m sorry, I found out about two weeks ago.” stated Paisley. “I didn’t know how to tell you both.”
The look of horror and betrayal flashed over his face. As if someone ran over a small dog and kept driving. A single tear ran down his face, until it reached the end of his face and fell.
“I can’t believe you right now! His voice cracking with every word. “I j-j-just need some space right now, please.”
She brushed away the tears that fell one after another as he looked up at her. Simply nodding as she turn to run out of the house to talk to her father. Believing that if one needed space the other would talk.
“Please talk to me,” she pried. “I need to do this, you know it’s been my dream since I was a little girl!”
He slumped his shoulders, and reluctantly looked up. He gave her a look of “five minutes.” She quickly explained herself.
“I found out about two weeks ago,” cried the women. “I just didn’t know how to tell both of you!”
She thought of leaving, leaving without her father, and her lover. It broke her heart into so many small pieces. Her heart ached with every thought. She knew if she did this she may not see them for a year or so, but she also knew if she didn’t she would lose an opportunity of a lifetime.
“I don’t know what to do,” she choked out. “I need to do this, but is it the best thing to do right now?”
Her father simply looked down as if he was in deep thought, and within that minute she knew his answer. He wasn’t going to let her drop her biggest dream just because two of the most important people were upset.
“If this is what you want, I can’t stop you.” Michael stated. “I wish you the best in Paris.”
“I just don’t want to break your heart, either of yours.” added Paisley. “I wish I would have told you both earlier.”
He looked at her with the saddest puppy dog eyes. Though he shook his head, and shrugged it off by leaning in and kissing her cheek. As he walked away he looked back at her seeing his little girl growing up. A tear slowly slide down his crinkling face, as he realized she’s leaving him behind to start her own adventure.

“You know you should tell her the truth,” Harry stated. “that without her you’ll have nothing.”
“You’re not one to talk, she’s your “true love.” Gushed Michael. “I mean shouldn’t you be begging her to stay, or to take you with her.”
Harry took the moment in, why isn’t he trying to make his love stay with him. Maybe he thought this would best for her, without any distractions. The thought of her being over an ocean away made his heart ache. Though he knew that if she didn’t go she’d miss her big opportunity to be a photographer.
“I think I just understand that she needs to do this.” Harry longley stated.
Michael wasn’t sure if he was lying or just being sincere, but nonetheless he studied the way his facial expression set as he said his piece, and he knew that Harry was right.
It has been an entire month since Paisley left and she only wrote once, saying she was doing great and she’ll write as soon as she possibly can. Deep down in Harry’s gut he knew something was wrong.
“I know something's wrong,” harped Harry. “ I feel it in my heart!”
“Slow down dear.” said his mother worriedly. “She’s just busy, give her time she’ll write soon.”
Harry looked as if he was hit by a truck for the past month. His once bright glowing skin now looked pale as a ghost and very unhealthy. His hair was all knotted and greasy, and his eyes were bloodshot. He stayed up until four o’clock in the morning, just incase she called or someone else. His mother worried everyday, and eventually moved in with him to make sure he was doing at least okay.
“Oh please!” shrieked Harry. “She has only wrote once to me, and it’s been a month!”
His mother looked down knowing not to argue. Instead turned the news on, and within that second both their hearts stopped. A missing woman and a death had been running across the screen. The pilot died on impacted, and as for the missing woman; it was Paisley Ann Harp.

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