Live With It | Teen Ink

Live With It

January 13, 2014
By reanagirl BRONZE, Bristol, Connecticut
reanagirl BRONZE, Bristol, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." - C.S. Lewis


The old Reaghan: Confident, smart, unafraid, friendly. I saw the funny side of everything. I was never reluctant to laugh. My life revolved around my mother, my best friend--who was also my boyfriend--and my plans for the future.

Then Edward Messing decided that being governor of California wasn't enough for him.

The new Reaghan: Confident, smart, sarcastic, cynical. I trust no one, because there is no one to trust. I never go out of my way to meet a new person. My life revolves around doing everything I can to sting Messing's feet until I can crush his life like he crushed mine.

At least, that was until Matt came back.

Sarah W.

Live With It

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