A Tale Of Triplets | Teen Ink

A Tale Of Triplets

April 14, 2012
By Mogget, k, Other
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Mogget, K, Other
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The blistering wind forces its way between the worn fabrics of the tent. The various cloths, stained with the rusty red sand, cover the floor providing beds for those young or old enough to sleep through the heat. Camels and sheep bleat almost in unison with each other while the quiet snores of the old fill in the gaps. The air is thick and causes many to have difficulty breathing. One of the young babies is wrapped up in a bed sheet near my feet. There’s barely enough room to move, as one or two new comers arrive every hour and the tent is only meant for twenty or so people. At last count, early last week there were thirty-five adults, three teenagers and seven children including the four less than two years of age. A total of twenty-five extra people in this overcrowded tent. Seeing the rusty sheets covering the floor I remember when there was just a few of us...

It was an ordinary day for me. I woke up early ready to do my home schooling before I did my chores. I did the washing, herded up the sheep back into their yard, fed the dog and then made my father’s breakfast. Just as I was setting down his breakfast on the outdoor table, I saw what looked like his ute coming down the dirt road, back from the market. This was routine for a Monday morning, so I didn’t think of anything when the car suddenly lurched to a stop, before someone getting out. His friend, Effie most likely. Effie was his new girlfriend. Usually I could get rid of his ‘new girlfriends’ before they started getting settled in. This however was not the case since we moved here. The middle of the desert, well close enough to the middle, made it harder to find a new girlfriend, especially since the only people that go to the weekly markets are males in search of new farm equipment.

Effie was sort of like a modern ugly step-mother. She was absolutely lovely when my father was around, but as soon as he went to the markets or out to one of our several paddocks, she definitely didn’t keep the ugly step-mother hidden anymore. She deliberately went out of her way to make my life miserable. She did anything from making me clean her room to making me tell my father to buy pink paint because I ‘apparently’ wanted to paint my room that hideous colour. Effie only stayed with my father because she knew if she stayed for long enough Dad would ask her to marry him and once that happened she could take our land for her father’s mining company. I had even more proof that this was true because she didn’t want to live with us when she could live in her father’s fancy apartment at the top of his own building in the city. She told my father that it was because of her job. In truth she didn’t even have a job; it was just a cover so that she wouldn’t have to spend too much time with us. Believe me I has tried to explain this to Dad, but he just thought I was having another teenage melodrama and opposed all mother figures.

Back to the story of that horrible Monday. As I said I was just standing there doing nothing while I waited for Dad and Effie to have their daily fight in the drive way about how Effie thought our house was too old and broken down for us to live in anymore and how she also thought it would be great if we moved just around the corner from where we lived now. Just around the corner or just around from the gold field we lived on. I’m sure Dad was still star struck by her so he didn’t realise what she was trying to do. I still knew.

The person who I was sure to have been Effie jumped back into the car just as a second car came flying around the corner. This car made twice as much dust on the red dirt road so I had no idea who or what the second car was doing. Our house was pretty remote; after all it was in the desert. We never and I mean never got visitors, unless it was Effie but she practically lived here anyway if you don’t count the extravagant mansion she liked to call an apartment. So the fact that we had two cars in our driveway was, as sad as this may sound, pretty amazing for me.

My mind wandered as I thought of the possibilities of who it was in the second car. All I saw was that the second car was black. So that meant it could be anyone. I hoped more than anything that it was my one of my sisters. A visit from just one of my two sisters would definitely make my day. My life started off complicated and always drove others to think of me as the weird girl nobody except her own parents could love. So I challenge you to listen to it and decide for yourself.
When my mother gave birth to us she wasn’t married to my father. Apparently the guy she married, she married on a drunken girl’s night in Los Vegas. You she never really remembered him or that night after that and they went on with their lives again back in Australia. My mother met my father a few months later in the Monday market. They never got married because my mother moved on business to the city and my father said he couldn’t leave the family farm to go with her. This caused my mother and father to constantly fight before they finally left each other a month after we were born.
As if my story wasn’t already complicated enough, a month after my parents split, her husband came looking for her. He had discovered ten and a half months earlier a wedding ring in his pocket when he returned to his home in Melbourne, he had been searching for my mother ever since. My mother and father were fighting at the time over custody of us. Apparently Dad’s farm was no place for a baby and he didn’t have time to look after twins let alone triplets. Mum thought that her city apartment wasn’t a great place for three kids either and that it would be better off with us being shipped off to an orphanage. Kind one wasn’t she. Mum’s husband at the time thought that he could look after us so he did, well for the rest of our first years at least.
My parents felt horrible about leaving us when we were born with a man neither of them knew very much about and so they both filed for custody of all three of us. Mum’s husband didn’t want to give us up either. He filed for custody also. Once they made it to court the only solution the court could give them was because there was three of us and three people that wanted a child, they would split us three ways. One child to each of them. My sister Lydia, the oldest by five minutes was given to my mother’s husband. My other sister Alex, the youngest by 20 minutes to me was given to my mother. I Rory got put with my father. I told you it was complicated didn’t I.
The first and only time I met my sisters or their parents was late last year. We were reunited because Alex’s father was sick and she had to live with us for a few weeks. Alex was nothing like me. She had died her hair electric blue, in a spike and was always wearing black and other neutral colours. She had four piercings in her face, one in her eyebrow, one in her lip, one in her tongue and another in her nose. She was quite skinny like me but also had a massive tattoo on her back, a blue and green butterfly. Alex had to have what she wanted when she wanted or she would chuck a full on tantrum. Alex also hated having to be social with anyone except her boyfriend, Salem.
Lydia arrived two days after Alex and also was nothing like me. Lydia had long blonde hair, down to her waist, only two piercings; one in each ear, she dressed in designer clothing and wore expensive make-up along with her solid gold rings and jewellery to compliment her long, manicured fingernails. She was quite the opposite in personality to me as well. Lydia could not stand the dirt or anything that had a dirty look about it. So after about three hours of me not cleaning up the dirt around here, she was completely and utterly opposed to the place. She was quite stuck-up and was extremely bossy. Lydia often spoke of her many famous friends and loved to gloat about how she never had to do chores. She was very much a clichéd, posh, inner city penthouse inhabiter.
Me however, I have rusty red hair to my shoulders, green eyes, and no piercings. I wear no make-up at all and have a wardrobe consisting of jeans, overalls and t-shirts. I do chores everyday and am very shy. I look after my animals and only talk when I have something important to say, instead of babbling on about something uninteresting. I do well in my school subjects and generally do what I’m told. This according to my Dad is what to be expected of a typical farm girl in the desert.
As the dust finally cleared I realised that only one of the cars was still in the driveway. The first car to arrive was now speeding toward the house, at an immense speed. As the Ute pulled up in front of the veranda, I ran out to see Dad. His face looked as if he had been crying. This was unusual for him, he never cried. I gave him a hug and asked what had happened. “Dad please tell me. What’s wrong?”
“I’ll explain on the way get inside and pack your things.”
“Oh…Ok...” I raced inside and it took me only a few minutes to grab my bags and be settled into the Ute. I had really always loved this place but the excitement that overtook my mind and body when Dad suggested we would be staying somewhere together tonight, maybe even a short holiday, I just could not hold in.
“We’re not driving the Ute mate,” Dad announced as a look of shock ran across my face and my fingers automatically grabbed the seatbelt tighter. “We’re walking.”
“Down the road a kilometre, then you’ll get picked up by Effie and taken into the city.”
“Effie? What do you mean you’ll?’
“I’m staying here to protect the house, you’re going into the city with Effie to meet up with your sisters.” Pain flashed across Dad’s face, but as soon as it did he shook it off with a smile. “Don’t look so horrified, it’ll only be for a few weeks until this land thing settles down.”
“A few weeks Dad with HER! I’ve never been away from you that long. What does Effie want with our land this time anyway?”
“It’s not Effie, and you’ll be fine for a few weeks,” Dad tried to reassure me.
“Then who wants our land?”
“I’m not sure love, Effie wouldn’t say. Don’t worry they won’t get it.”
“Of course Effie wouldn’t say. It’s her Dad, I’ve see the way she wants it...”
Dad cut me off as we made our way to the end of the driveway. “Effie just wants the best for you.”
“Sure she does. The best for Effie is always the best me. Pink tiaras and high heeled shoes. Oh yeah that’s best…” Dad gave me a stern look and I quickly changed the subject. “ So why aren’t we driving?”
“I thought I might get more time with you if we walked.”
“I thought you said I’d see you in a few weeks?” I asked curiously.
“Just taking precau…I mean just wanted to give you a proper goodbye,” Dad said as another tear builds in his eye. By now we had made it where Effie was waiting at the end of the road. We said our goodbyes and I got into Effie’s black Mercedes. I waved to Dad and blew him a kiss, as Effie drove in the opposite direction to the city.

I didn’t realise that we were driving further into the desert until Effie sped up. The trees and slight amounts of life were decreasing as we went further and further into the rusty red desert. “Where are we going?” I asked curiously. “Where are you taking me?”
Effie didn’t answer but gave me a slight smile.
“We aren’t going to see my sisters are we?”
“Very clever little girl,” Effie said in her scary, seductive voice. “Now don’t say another word until we’re there, or else.”
“Or else what?”
The car lurched to a sudden stop and I recognised in the rear view mirror the second car from our driveway this morning. A tall, buff man got out of the car. He strolled up to the window and tapped on it. I looked in his hand as to what had made the clinking sound on the window. He was holding a big black gun in his hand and was pointing it in my face. I slunk back in my chair as an ice cold shiver of fear ran up my spine. Effie laughed her menacing laugh and took off down the road again. I must have fallen asleep-or passed out from her toxic cheap perfume-as I felt the car stop for a final time. Effie got out and opened my door. “Welcome home Rory.”
I woke in the tent, somewhat disorientated from my sleep in the car. I spent the next three weeks just sitting on the cloth covering the floor. There were twenty of us in the tent to start with. When there was only twenty we could lie down with just enough room to move our heads and limbs without bumping into each other. This was not the case at the end of the three weeks.

So now I am left with no answers to my questions and nothing to do but wait until my siblings get here. If they ever do. The floor has become even more crowded as I have waited. Flies now cover our eating mat. The toilets outside stink of heated sewerage. The babies cry for their mothers while they are out collecting our food. Earlier while I was rethinking what has happened in the past few weeks, a truck came (it was a lot like those they use in the war to transport cargo) and took all the adult males and one of the teenagers which was a male also. About half an hour later another similar truck came and took the rest of the adults. They told us that they were going looking for food, but we all know they aren’t coming back.

Suddenly another truck pulls up out the front of the tent. I hear a scream and then “Hey! Don’t you dare touch me with that filthy dirty hand of yours.” This was followed by “You can’t make me remove my piercings they go where ever I go!” I would recognise those voices anywhere, it’s Lydia and Alex.

Lydia and Alex burst through the tent doors together, dressed in their new white robes, the first rule of this horrible place. “Lydia, Alex. Over here.” The guard gives me a stern look as I have broken rule number two, speaking above a whisper.
“Great it’s weirdo Jillaroo!” Alex answers.
“Hey no one can be weirder than you Emo-girl,” Lydia adds in her beautiful chiming voice. Somehow I’m sure she wasn’t defending me, it was just to get back at Alex.
“What is this place?” Alex asks shocked by the look of our beds.
“This is what the guards call paradise,” I answer happy just to have someone to talk to. “It’s pretty bad but not as bad as being out there in the desert unsheltered.” My optimism even surprises me after three weeks of this hell hole.
“That guard stole my designer shoes and made me rub of my nail polish. He said that there were rules. What are they?” Lydia asks me.
“Hey that would be the same guard who took my piercings!” Alex adds, much to Lydia’s disgust.
“We have only a few rules,” I answer ignoring the looks they are giving each other. “Rule one...”
“Can’t you write them down?” Alex buts in.
“I have them in a list. I’ll just go and get it.” I rummage around under the sheets until I find a scrunched up piece of paper. It reads:

Paradise Rules:
Rule One-
Always wear your white robe.
Rule Two-
Never speak louder than a whisper.
Rule Three-
No piercings, nail polish, make-up or shoes as everyone is equal except for your superiors-the guards.
Rule Four-
No books.
Rule Five-
No games or electronics.
Rule Six-
Only eat when given food on the food mat.
Rule Seven-
Do as asked.
Rule Eight-
Memorise these rules.
Rule Nine-
Go to the toilet at your toilet time only.
Rule Ten-
Never leave the tent without permission.
Rule Eleven-
No other food is to be eaten other than mash potato and pea delight.

Always have fun at the Paradise area of the Simpson Desert. Have FUN!
“Sounds like a pretty fun place,” Alex adds with about just as much enthusiasm as what was shown on Lydia’s face.
“Mmmmmassshh potatoes! How am I mmmmeant to get my daily goodness if that’s what I’m eating?” Lydia manages to stutter out before she collapses on the floor beside Alex and me.
“Drama queen much?”
“Definitely,” I say in complete agreement, about the only thing we can agree on.

Slowly the day dragged on, and finally Lydia awoke from her mash potato fit. “How long do I have to stay here for?” Lydia asks groggily.
“Listen here princess; it’s not just you here. There are three of us.” Alex snaps at Lydia.
“I’m sure that you…,” as she looks me in the eyes, “lower than life’s don’t have a full time modelling career and an important meeting to attendant to.”
“Listen here miss posing like a barbie to get whatever you want in life, we are all together here. I have a boyfriend, you have your career in…whatever and Rory has her...her...,” Alex looks with a puzzled face. “What do you have Rory?”
“I have my sheep,” I add with a chuckle.
“Right, so that’s one boyfriend, one career and a flock of sheep that are waiting for us outside,” Lydia sums up.
“That will be our incentive to get out of here,” I add.
“To the sheep!” Alex bellows as one of the guard snorts and holds up his riffle at her.
“To the sheep.” We all say together.
“Wait a tick, does anyone know why we’re here anyway?” Alex questions Lydia and I.
I shake my head, with a now sad look.
“Does anyone?” Alex asks now loud enough for anyone in the tent to hear.
“I do. And I can also tell you what we’re going to do with you.”

A tall, dark lady skips through the tent door letting in a big gust of red dirt with her. She takes off her hat and shakes it over one of the young kids sitting on the floor below her, covering his head with the dirt too. “I am Zara. Welcome to Paradise.”
“This defiantly isn’t paradise mate,” Alex snickers.
“Silence child!” she stares at Alex, Lydia and me for a moment before continuing. “You lot are here for a very good reason. You all have something to do with the lady that ruined my families lives. So now I feel it is up to me to ruin hers.”
“The only thing we have in common is our mother. What could she have possibly done for us to deserve this?” Alex whispers to me. “Oh wait I remember, she gave us up when we a few months old, maybe she gave up this chick too.”
“That’s what I’m scared of,” I reply as a shiver runs down my spine.
“Quiet! Now where was I... yes that’s it the women who ruined my life. As we speak she will discover just how far I am willing to go just to get revenge. Believe me I am willing to go very far. Very far indeed.” Zara nodes in disgust to one of the guards by the door.
“Right everyone stand up in a line, according to age. Move it, no talking,” the guard grumbles.
“Hey buddy, I have never seen most of these people in my life and you expect me to know their exact age?” Alex questions.
“I said no talking,” the guard grumbles again.
“My point exactly,’ Alex adds.
“Fine. A whisper is permitted people,” the guard mutters.

Soon we are standing in two rough lines across the tent. The young babies are lying at the end of the line on a folded sheet, acting as a cushion. The oldest seems to be in their late teen years while, the youngest seems to be only a few months old, if that. “Today, old and very...err...young,” Zara says with a very puzzled look on her face, before turning to the guard and saying “What are the babies still doing here? They should be with their mothers in their tent, a few kilometres away.” I glance out the small opening of the door and fair enough, in the distance I see two large tents, about two-hundred metres apart. The guards grab the three babies off the floor and gruffly start off toward the tents. “As I was saying, today we will be making a little movie. This movie will contain all the people that are nearest and dearest to Miss Catriona Mel.”
“What but that’s my mother,” Lydia shouts. “What did she ever do to you?”
“Well, Miss Lydia Mel that is exactly what this movie shall explain.”

Zara has each of us then write on a sticky label what we are to our mother. The list of people is from her children to her work colleges children. Even a few of her models are standing before me in the line. “Right now everyone has a sticker. Stand against that wall in your order, from most important to least important,” Zara adds smugly. “I will teach your mother a thing or two about families and those closest to her.” The guard then came around with a long chain to which he attached a pair of handcuffs every few links. As he clipped them to our hands I saw the slightest smirk of happiness light up his face.

Once we were all chained together Zara proceeded to prance up and down the line of people as the guard filmed. He occasionally zoomed in on our labels showing what we meant to Catriona. Mine and Alex’s labels said ‘distant daughter’ while Lydia’s said ‘closest daughter’. Even though we hadn’t seen each other since I was a year old, knowing that I would never be close to her like Lydia was made me feel even more unwanted than ever.

Zara continued to waltz up and down in front of us for another three quarters of an hour, before finally the camera’s battery died. “Right now young ins, rub this charcoal in small areas on your faces and in hand shapes on your arms.”
“Why Miss Zara?” One of the younger girls asked.
“It’s a little more incentive for Catriona.”
“Hey enough with the bagging out my mum already. What did she do to you anyway?” Lydia shouted in Zara’s face, surprising us all.
“Fine. I guess it’s time you knew anyway. When I was younger, your mother and I went to school together. We were always helping each other out in tests and things at high school until one day your mother told our principal that I cheated off her test paper. This was definitely not what happened. She had cheated off me. This horrified me and I decided to confront her once I had finished my punishment, cleaning permanent marker of tables, for plagiarism. She denied knowing anything about it and then told the principal I was harassing her. This went on for weeks and weeks until finally I snapped. I slapped her across the face in one of maths classes and was expelled from that school. Your mother and I didn’t see each other again for twenty years. At I had but forgotten about it until one day I was sitting in my new office in Sydney at my sister’s business, smooth street fashion. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, someone staring through the hall window. It was your mother. She came right in and told me to follow her. I stupidly followed her into her office and as she sat at her desk, she started yelling ‘no leave me alone you horrible person!’ I had no idea what she was doing and as she started to cry, my sister came running in. She sent me back to my office. I had only just sat down when she came in and told me I was fired. She said that your mother was the best employee she had and that she couldn’t lose her over something as little as having another employee not getting along with her. That was the end of my fashion and modelling career before it had barely had enough time to start. It was also the end of all my family’s money and caused us to move to a farm out here in the desert. To make matters even worse three months after I was fired your mother went into my sister’s office and stole her designs, even though my sister had signed them your mother rubbed out the signatures and out hers in the place. The next day your mother quit my sister’s business and began showing my sister’s designs as her own in high fashion agencies. She ended up going to Los Vegas with my former friend, Effie. I payed Effie to get her married to our friend, Leonardo, but not until she was heavily drunk. This seemed to work a treat and I enjoyed seeing Leonardo’s face when he discovered that he had married a woman like her. The only reason he took custody of you children was because your parents wouldn’t try hard enough to look after you three. Leonardo also felt extremely bad about any of you children having to live with her, the one you know destroys lives.”
“I can’t believe you,” Lydia screams.
“Lydia please. You must listen. What she is saying is very important.”
“Ok let’s have a vote. All those who agree with me go to the right side of the tent. All those who are on the side of Lydia and her dreadful mother go to the left. All those who have no idea just go to the right,” Zara snickers.
“That’s not fair,” Lydia whines.
“Fine, disregard the last thing I said.”

The biggest and bulkiest guard I’d ever seen walks over to undo the handcuffs. After he removes them all he walks to the left side of the tent and uses his gun as motivation. Everyone moves to the right side of the tent except Alex, Lydia and I. Alex and I share a worried look as Lydia moves to the left. “Please. You are both my sisters, why don’t you agree with me? This is your mother, she gave birth to you. Are you too selfish to think of anyone but yourselves?”
“Oh, shut up Lydia I can’t think while your whining voice is in my ear!” Alex snaps at Lydia. “Finally some peace and quiet.”
“How could you be so mean to me, yet you absolutely love Rory?”
“Rory does not constantly whine, rub in the fact that she has everything or make a note every five minutes that her mother has the best job and the most money. So you can probably understand why I tend to spend the majority of my time in this anti-paradise place with Rory rather than you Lydia.”
“Girls, girls, girls, settle darlings. I know this must be a hard time for at least one of you knowing that the person you have looked up to your whole life is nothing but a stupid, lying, cheate...”
That last word was all that it took for Lydia to snap. Lydia stepped out from her position on the far left of the tent, leapt into the air and in one humongous slap, hit Zara across the face, knocking her backwards, onto the ground. “Stop them,” she screams as Lydia, Zara and I, are running across the Simpson Desert as fast as we can.

“How much longer till we get to water? My throat hurts,” Lydia once again says in her whiny voice.
“Well Lydia if you had not slapped Zara across the face we might still be in a very shady place, with cold water and food. Even if the food was mash potato and pea delight,” I say a slight undertone of agreement with her actions. It seems since Lydia’s and Alex’s arrival my once very patient temperament has become very short indeed. Must be my fiery red hair heating up under the intense heat of the desert sun. “If I am correct,” I continue to lighten the mood, “a few more days walking and we should hit Lake Eyre.”
“Um sorry to burst your bubble Rory but you said that last week. You told us our water cans should only have to last until yesterday, and they did. Lake Eyre better be coming around soon,” Alex advises.
“Look you two! Over there,” Lydia announces for the first time dropping her whiny voice completely.
“OMG! OMG!” Alex says. “Water.”
“What’s OMG Alex?” I ask very puzzled.
“Have you been living in the middle of the desert or what? OMG is like ‘oh my god’ in text message writing. You know about texts right?” Alex adds with a giggle.
“Yeah. Of course, I’m not that isolated from the world,” I say also with giggle.
Together we pick up the pace of our walk from a ‘snail’ to a ‘lizard’ and make our way toward the river between the Simpson Desert and Lake Eyre.

“Ok so what exactly is our plan of attack?” I say once we have replenished our bottles from the river, as we crossed on a make-shift bridge Alex designed.
“I think we go straight to Mum and explain what’s happening,” Lydia says. “She’ll know what to do.”
“I’m not so sure though. You remember what Zara said, ‘Your mother ruins lives, not make them better,’ I don’t know if we should stop Zara. But we do need to get to either Rory’s or my fathers.”
“I don’t think we should go to my parents either. Dad knew that Effie wanted to take me here. He knew that something was wrong and he just gave me to her. He looked upset but he wasn’t really that bad now that I think of it.”
“Ok well it looks like we go to Leonardo,” Lydia says glad that she can contribute without being yelled at.
“What are our strengths? Everyone right down what you’re good at on this piece of paper.
Alex hands us a piece of paper each and a pen which she had shoved down her bra. “Err...Why was this pen in your bra?” I ask.
“You never know when your ‘gonna need to write something down do ya? Especially if your going out to a night club and the bartenders good looking” Alex replies and we all laugh at how unbelievably, amazingly prepared she is.
We each write down our strengths on the paper and Alex reads them out:
“Lydia your strengths are fashion, makeup, modelling, distractions and flirting. I think we’ll use you for flirting with someone while we get away and of course if we need a manicure or facial done from the dirt and stale water.” Alex says with a quick wink at me.
“Always happy to help Alex,” Lydia fires back.
“Ok, my strengths are machines, texting fast, barely eating, kissing and remembering lines off movies. We’ll need me just in case we run into a bomb that can only be dismantled by texting really fast and a guy that is in desperate need of a kiss. Looks like Rory’s strengths are animals (especially sheep and cows), farm chores, impersonations, maths and keeping quiet for long amounts of time. Rory will be good for getting stuck in a paddock full of sheep and when the farmer comes looking she can impersonate one,” Alex says as she smirks at me. I smile back, not being sure whether she is having a go at me or not for not having a talent more useful.

Today looks like the day when we will finally come into contact with some human life. Having already passed the north end of Lake Eyre late last night, I try to reassure Lydia and Alex that we will find a house soon. Houses are finally becoming evident on the horizon as the sun rises. If you have never seen a desert horizon, it would have to be one of the most amazing sights you have ever seen. Just as the Sun rises in the east, the moon sets in the west. The cool red sand under foot becomes warmer the higher the sun gets, although it is not what is under foot that makes it so amazing. The sun seems to peer up over the edge of the square earth, allowing another day’s chores to start. The sand dunes curve like stairs to heaven up and down toward the blinding light. The sun gives you a new will to move faster, to get to the destination, home. The sun a giant ball of gas, illuminating the earth’s natural beauty.

By now my sister’s and I have all reached one of the first houses we have seen on our cross-desert walk. “How long left?” Lydia asks. I am somewhat amazed by how long she has managed to keep quiet while we walked blindly through the chilling night.
“Not long now, maybe we can catch a bus, how much money do we have?”
“I’ve got five, ten, thirty, fifty. Ok I’ve got seventy five cents. That can’t be enough to buy a ticket in the desert can it, Rory?” Alex asks disappointedly.
“Nah but I’ve got five bucks,” I also add disappointedly. “so that makes five dollars and seventy five cents. What about you Lydia, you haven’t contributed?”
“I’ve just got this.” Lydia holds up a shining gold piece of plastic. “My platinum credit card. A girl’s best friend.”
“Will it even work in this ultimate paradise?” Alex asks me with a slight glimmer of hope lighting up her purple contacted eyes.
“Hey no way you’re using my credit card at all!”
“Please Lyd, we really need to get to Leonardo.”
“Sorry, guys. It’s ok Lydia, you don’t have to use your credit card after all, and there are no shops around here. Most people just drive or take the bus into the nearest town to shop. Either that or a van brings their groceries to them.”
“Is that how you get yours Rory?” Alex asks gob-smacked.
“Nah Effie usually gets ours, thank-god. That’s one thing good she does.”
“Lucky you Rory, mum usually just buys me shakes and stuff to make –up for my meals. She always says that a model must not have to model their stomachs in their photographs.”
“Hey, I’m really sorry Lyd, it must be horrible,” I say to Lydia feeling sympathy for my once perfect sister for the very first time.
“It’s not that bad,” Lydia struggles out before she suddenly collapses on the ground.
“Oh my god, help! Help!” Alex screams with the loudest scream anyone has ever heard.
Suddenly I hear a motorbike’s engine rev as the rider fights its engine to start through its protests. “What can I do for ya?” I hear from behind me. I spin around quickly as vertigo hits me from leaning down to help Lydia. “Are you ok?” The angel asks me.
“Err...I think I’m gonna...gonna...faint,” I say as I too fall to the ground.
“Hey, mates are you ok?” the angel asks as I slowly come back to reality. I sit up suddenly and rub my eyes to check I’m not still dreaming. “You were down for a while, you should probably take it easy for today,” the strange adult-like boy asks. “What were you doing out there anyway? It’s pretty hot today.”
“They were just walking around aimlessly waiting for us to rescue them,” another boy answers.
“Shut-up Z,” the first boy snaps back.
“We were on our way to find civilisation before these two had their little fits on me and I had to scream for help,” Alex blurts out.
“I didn’t have a fit. I just saw someone that complexly knocked all the breath out of me,” I yell at Alex.
“Oh my god, I guess you do have heat stroke or something,” Alex says as she looks me up and down.
“I just said that out loud didn’t I,” I ask as my face turns the crimson red of the sand out the window. “So where are we anyway?” I say as I struggle to change the subject.
Alex smirks at me and shakes her head, “We are in the real paradise.”

The first angelic boy has introduced himself as Noah and the other less angelic boy as Zeke. He leads us out to his backyard where he has an air-conditioned shed filled containing a spa, empty pool, a large bar, fridge and other furnishings. “What would you like to drink?” He’s asks me directly.
“Err...um...err...cold?” I stutter.
“She’ll have lemonade. So will I and Lydia,” Alex snorts at Noah while staring at me in shock.
Noah walks off toward the fridge as Alex steps in front of me to stop me from looking at his back as he walks away. I lean around her, trying to get a better view. Alex grunts at me and slaps me across the face as the other boy, Zeke carries in Lydia and shoves her into a chair. Noah comes back with a glass of lemonade in each hand. “Here drink this up, it will give you enough energy to have you bouncing off the walls,” he chuckles as he hands me my drink, but shoves Alex’s toward her face.
“Thhhhanks, Nnnoah,” I stutter again while I mentally slap myself for being so stupid.
“No probs mate. Enjoying it Alex?” He mocks.
“It’s fine,” she says as she stalks of off toward the couch.
“What’s up with her?” He asks me a little annoyed about her lack of thank-you to his hospitality.
“Never mind her, tell me about you.”

Noah and I spent three hours talking about our lives together. I had just gotten to the point where we arrived here when he suddenly tensed his body and stood-up. “Did you say your mother was Miss Catriona Mel?”
“Yeah. Why do you know her?” I reply star-struck.
“She is the lady that caused my sister to move out here.”
“Your sister is Zara?”
“Yeah. Oh no please don’t tell me she is the reason you’re out here.”
“Yeah well actually she is.”
“I knew it, my sister still tells everyone that she wants revenge on your mother and father.”
“Wait, what do you mean, my father?”
“You mean you don’t know what he did to us?”
“Lydia, Alex come over here. Wait don’t worry Lydia you stay lying down for a while, ill fill you in later.”
“Finally an invitation to listen to someone more interesting than drool mouth Z over here,” Alex shouts at me as she refers to Zeke who has fallen asleep on her leg and has made a large pool of drool cover the base of her robe.
“Well,” Noah starts, “When I was born my mother and father were never around. Zara told me that mum had died after I was born and that Dad had left due to the pressure. It took me ages to realise this but I noticed after a while that every time I asked Zara what happened to them her story changed. First she told me they both died, then she told me that only Dad was alive. It took years for me to realise but I should had of sooner. You see when I finally got the truth out of Zara her career was already dead, due to your mother, and Zara was already planning revenge. She blames all of her life problems on your mother. I decided I wanted to look for my father and so I did, behind Zara’s back. I found my father’s address and went to him. At the time I was only 19 so I barely knew anything about how deceptive and ignorant adults could be to save the truth from getting out. He told me that he had a new family. When I asked him where they were he told me that they were taking a holiday with someone named Leonardo, one of Zara’s friends. I was shocked to find out that Zara had known about this the whole time. My father also told me that even though I was his son and all, he had three triplets he had to look after and that I must forget about him. Most of all I was never to contact him again, no matter how much it hurt.”
“What your saying is that our father and your father are the same person?” That would mean that if you and Zara really were full siblings that Zara, you and us are like step-siblings?”
“Yeah that would be about right, I guess. But the complication doesn’t stop there. Zara has some kind of…well it’s a sort of a disorder from when she was younger. During the time when you three lived with Leonardo she lived with your mother.”
“Wait…What did you just say about the evil, arrogant worm?” Lydia suddenly added to the conversation.
“When Zara was born, eighteen years before you, your mother took her in after abandoning you three, but only for 8 months. Your mother felt she had destroyed your lives with her decision to give you up and offered to help her sister Layne, our mother, and your Aunty by looking after us.”
“So let’s get this straight. You share a father with us and also a mother by a temporary guardianship but then your real mother is actually our Aunty.”
“Perfect, you have our twisted lives all figured out.”
“But why did Layne give you up?” I finally break my silence on the subject.
“My mother was a little off the rails and this is why your father got rid of her. He was always in love with your mother and this is what Zara hates her for. Zara went off the rails as well at about 19 when she found out the truth, she went in secretly getting plastic surgery to warp her young face to an older one, at your mother’s joint agency, in order to make up an almost fool proof story about the time when they were young.”
“Why doesn’t she just tell the truth, that would save hassle though wouldn’t it,” Lydia added slightly gob-smacked at her mother’s secret life.
“Would you have believed it if I had ran up to you one day and told you that your mother and father had a secret life and in some way or another were my parents too.”
“No…probably not,” we all added in unison.

In the days that followed after we met Noah, we learnt that Zeke was his younger brother but only by adoption and Zara was his twin. I don’t think I could have handled knowing I had anymore secretive family members. I also learnt that Zara was ready to go to extraordinary lengths just to take revenge on her aunt. During the time that my father and mother were together I discovered that my father didn’t know that Zara was his child or that she even existed, as Noah was the only one to stay with their mother Layne. My father did know that he was the father of Noah but was forced to leave when Layne claimed custody and my father thought it would be easier to move on, as terrible as he felt. He met my mother a year later, not realising it was his child’s aunt. When he discovered this he told Catriona and their relationship fell apart in a matter of weeks. With Catriona heavily pregnant with triplets and managing a modelling agency, they decided to stay together for the kids. With Noah now two he lived with them for some time until we arrived. Once we arrived the relationship was very strained and after one month Noah was sent back to Layne, my father left for a year and my mother went back to managing the agency. We were sent to live with Leonardo, his girlfriend and his parents. They sent pictures to our parents to keep them up to date. My father visited every month but my mother only 6 times a year, as she had Zara to look after. It was only after my parents were invited to spend out first birthday with us that they realised that they really couldn’t abandon their children for their work lives. We were pulled into a custody battle in 3 directions and eventually, the judge in collaboration with my parents and Leonardo decided that as we were young it wouldn’t have a major effect on our early lives if we were separated. The only condition was that if one parent became sick or unable to work then one of the other parents needed to help out. Fair enough for them but it made our reunion awkward and the inevitable thought that if Leonardo hadn’t got sick we would never have known about each other. The more I focused on that thought the more alone I felt in the desert regardless of the fact that I had 4 other people with.
After a week of relaxing by Noah’s empty pool and drinking a little bit too much alcohol, which was a bad idea all together to drink in the heat, Lydia finally brought up the fact that she had, had enough.
“Alright, that is it! We are leaving now, we need to find Mum.”
“Why should we?” Alex stumbled up. “She abandoned us for another child, then only wanted one of us, which just happened to be you. We should let her rot in hell for all I care.”
“Considering we are already in hell and she is likely to be lounging in her ten bedroom apartment on the top story of some posh tower overlooking the beach, I think we should confront her,” I attempted to add.
“Your drunk, so no opinion from either of you should count,” Lydia snarled directly at me.
“Just because we had like 4 or 5 drinks each and you don’t drink so we had yours as well, does not mean that we are drunk, I mean look I can walk in a straight line…” Alex added as she attempted to walk before falling straight onto Zeke’s Lap. “Sorry,” she mumbled before passing out on the floor beside him.
“I don’t drink because I can’t. I am a model and have been brought up to have only a sip of expensive wine every function, which being as rich as I am is almost every night, however drinking more than one champagne glass in a night is beyond limits for a working model of my stature.”
“Come on Lydia, it won’t be that bad, just one beer with me, Noah, Zeke and er… maybe not Alex.”
Suddenly Alex sprang from the floor, “I’m sure I can live through one or two more bottles.”
Zeke handed her a vodka, “That’s the spirit.”

More days passed. The more that did left me more and more worried about what was going to happen to us if we stayed here, where Zara knew her brothers were, for much longer. It terrified me to think that she had such a vendetta against my family, but Noah assured me that she was all words, he thought that if she was going to act then she would have actually had us bruised and hurt in the video she made and not made us cover our faces in charcoal.
That night three of Noah’s friends came by. I instantly went into a fully forged stomach flutter when I set my eyes on 19 year old Rogan. Alex punched my arm and forced me to remember the last time that I had crushed on a guy. He had turned out to be my brother. Even though Alex had a boyfriend that didn’t stop her from having a major eye-perve on the youngest Jaspa. She even cracked a smile for once as he came closer and introduced himself.
“I’m Jaspa, Noah’s best friend and you must be the incredibly gorgeous, heart breakingly hot…”
“Alex” I added when Alex began to stare at the place where those incredibly seductive words had come from. That was all that was needed before Alex and Jaspa took off to the small room at the end of the shed to make breakfast, alone. Or maybe that was just so she knew I wasn’t watching.
Meanwhile Lydia was completely repulsed by the short and somewhat tubby, Rhodes that was left standing by the door, his eyes on Lydia’s perfectly shaped body. The look on her face as she examined his physique was one I would never wish anyone to see. Her eyes bulged, her mouth twisted, her forehead, in all its ultimate modelling glory, actually formed a wrinkle. She looked exactly like the photograph I had of my mother when she started modelling, just after her first bout of plastic surgery the Botox on her young skin formed stiff bumps enveloping her pours in some places, yet completely smoothing out in others. All in the name of beauty was what Dad had said. There wasn’t anything or anyone she wouldn’t give up for her career, including her own children.
Lydia was generally the most talkative of the lot of us, Alex and I had started to notice the deeper we got into our family history, Lydia had started to withdraw herself, like she was withholding information. Information that could possibly solve all our troubles. It didn’t take long to get the truth out of her, just one small problem had to arise first. The baby.

Perhaps it was the way whenever Noah or Alex mentioned the idea of our parents fleeing us for yet another secret family or to just start again as if we never existed, that made Lydia finally open up. I thought she was just feeling guilty.
“Rory…I need to talk to you.”
“Sure, sure. Speak oh eldest one,” I chuckled out still slightly drunk from the night before.
“I don’t know how to say this, but we need to leave. We aren’t on schedule and…”
“Wait. What? What are you saying ‘not on schedule’?” Alex suddenly joined the conversation, her drunkenness wearing off as the adrenaline surged through her body, firing every vein into hyper drive.
“Sorry I shouldn’t have mentioned it, don’t worry.”
Alex’s adrenaline suddenly passed to me, only for me it was anger that arose from my drunken state. Blood poured up from my heart and surged behind my eyeballs, my ears, in my fingertips. It was too much. “SPEAK NOW LYDIA!” Lydia’s soft face now covered with tears sprang up, at the same time Alex’s did. Alex looked at me worriedly, her face had never been as shocked as now. “Now Lydia!”
Lydia let out a slow, over dramatic sob. “Mum…Mum has a new family. There I have said it. You can’t condemn me for that, she told me to keep it to myself until the time was right. She said that on the 18th of June that I should tell you all, even Noah and Zeke to a meeting place. At this point an abduction would take place and I would be taken to live with our Dad, Jarrod.” My face feel I was no longer mad at Lydia, I was mad, no more than mad I was going to kill my father. “If Jarrod wanted to keep his farm and protect his real identity then there was only one way to do this. He would have to play along with Mum and Zara’s games.”
“Hang on,” I interrupted her, “Mum and Zara are in on this together?”
“They have been from the start. When you were asleep in Paradise Zara called me over and explained the plan. If we did meet her on the 21th which was three days ago, then we would have found her, our mother, our father and Mum’s new family waiting for us.”
“Why didn’t you tell us this before? Or were we just not good enough for your life?” It was Alex’s turn to harass Lydia.
“You want to know why? You want to know? Mum has a new family now, I can’t go back to her and if I stayed here then I would have to go back. When Rhodes…” She tilted her head towards the chair where Rhodes was sitting a moment ago. “When Rhodes and the others turned up yesterday I knew it was because I had not fulfilled my end of the bargain and now she was coming to get us.”
“Wait, that fat little weasel was a part of this?” Alex again.
“He is our mothers adopted son, Layne’s other son. Layne couldn’t handle Rhodes when he was about 16 so he came to live with us.”
“Oh great…yet another secret brother,” I let Alex grill Lydia some more, handling my anger too well when I stood quiet and just listened.
“I tried to say something the other day but you too were way too drunk. If I was taken away I would have lived with Jarrod for a year or two until this all settled down. They would have killed you two, I couldn’t let them.”
Slightly shocked by how plain and boring murdering someone, especially a loved one, seemed to Lydia, I winced. Alex sprang back up to her feet, “Well we just need to get to Leonardo, he will help us.”
“He can’t Alex.”
“Why snob, why can’t he. He won’t help me but I’m definite he will help me if I ask, he’s my father for god’s sake.”
As Lydia slowly made her way towards the door into the heat, tears rolling down her smooth skin, she gave one short remark, “He…He can’t Alex…because he’s dead.” From just outside the door we heard a very sympathetic and guilty, “I’m sorry.”
For the first time since we arrived here, Alex was completely silent.

After Lydia’s late night confession, Noah’s friends left within only a few minutes of her, making it exactly obvious why they were here. A pity though because at least one of them was hot. Actually one of the first males I had ever been comfortable enough to be around, let alone sneak my first kiss from. Alex made her hatred for my easy seduction by him known quite well. I hadn’t spoken to her for two days when we finally left Noah’s. She was between a state of grief, anger and questioning. She rarely ate and only sat beside the esky, staring through the skylight at the scorching sun beyond. Occasionally she would mumble, “Why?” and then just burst into tears, not accepting comfort from anyone. Our story was now one of despair and insecurity. Neither of these could be reversed by anyone anymore. The more we thought about solving it, the more questions arose. Can you put a price on family, when your family takes away everything you have? Can you ever just get over the death of a family member? Where would we end up, even if we found help? Almost by telepathy, Alex spoke, “ We need to leave, to get revenge, to find justice, to find my father!”
“Alex, your Dad died…”
“No he didn’t…I can’t believe her. I have to see him, please Rory, please.”
Unexpectedly there was a light knock on the door. Noah opened it cautiously, fearing Zara’s return would merit more deaths.
Behind the door was my father, and slumped half over his shoulder, half over the ground was Leonardo.

Alex let out a horrifying scream at the sight of Leonardo’s blood stained shirt as Jarrod, no longer deserving the title of my father, let him down lightly onto the couch. “Just a minor flesh wound, I assure you love,” Jarrod assured her.
“I thought you were dead…”
Leonardo heaved himself back up awkwardly, “I’m sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you, we needed Zara to think so then she wouldn’t come after you guys, even Noah.”
“Wha…” Finally I broke my own silence before Jarrod cut me off.
“I think you should all have a seat.”
Jarrod spoke first, “You all need to know the truth. I’m guessing you know that you’re all related in some way or another by now.” We all nodded in unison. “What none of you have been told is that Leonardo, Zara, Catriona, Layne and I have known each other since we were your age.”
Leonardo suddenly spoke as well, “…and I have known Effie for a while because she used to live next door to me.”
“Yes Effie,” Dads thoughts suddenly trailed off for a minute, before he continued. “As I was saying we knew each other for some time before it got this complicated. Firstly I was with Layne and I, unbeknown to me, fathered Noah and Zara. By the time that I learnt this I was already with, as horrible as this is, your mother, Catriona. After your mother fell pregnant I discovered my other family. I told your mother and you all know how long we lasted after that. So I had five children and couldn’t look after any of them. By the time I took Rory in and was well into becoming a modelled father, Layne fell quite sick and was hospitalised. Catriona took Zara in, but Noah stayed with her until he went to love elsewhere. A year before your birth. Layne died in a car accident when your mother was with her. Your mother was left with Zara in her care. Zara ran away almost as soon as she was left with your mother. She went to stay with Effie, whom I didn’t know existed at the time. Noah already lived with her as he was placed in child protective services when Zara became violent to him.” Noah’s head bowed as he said this. “After the accident your mother needed to figure out something to do with your half brothers and sisters so she sent let them live with Effie for a while. Zara blames your mother’s driving as to why her mother died, even though it wasn’t her at fault. Effie saw how much it hurt Zara, so she went with your mother and Leonardo to Vegas for a girl’s night. Wait why were you there Leon?”
“I’m gay remember.” My face suddenly fell, as I turned to see Alex’s, a wide grin shot across it ever so quickly as if she was happy to no longer have to keep that MOAS (mother of all secrets), something I learnt from her.
“Oh yea, anyway Effie got them drunk and married then came home and left without a trace with Zara and Noah. Well at least until last year. Effie met me at the market one day last June and announced how attracted to me she was, with her being a not too badly looking lady, I agreed to spend some time with her. Zara suddenly appeared late last year and was harassing your mother again. Fairly bad this time, screaming in the foyer of her agency about her mother’s engagement ring from when her fiancé proposed to her three weeks before she died. Your mother claimed she lost it. Zara threatened she would be back and reek all havoc on your mother and us until she found it and your mother stopped lying to her.” Suddenly Lydia jumped up and ran outside, feeling sorry for her, I thought the emotional story must have gotten to her and followed her. Dad and Noah followed me whilst Alex stayed with her Dad in the shed. Lydia was settled in the corner chair of the shelter, tears again flowing constantly down her face. A small, shiny silver object glimmered under the streaks of light erupting into the room. Catching my eye Lydia pushed it toward me with her knuckles, almost as if she feared touching it. “I’m sorry, so so sorry,” she mumbled. I bent down to pick it up but Dad snatched it first.
“I’ve got it Leon, I’ll back in a minute,” he bellowed as he turned to take off. In his path were Rhodes, several heavy-looking security guards holding even heavier looking guns and Zara. She held out her hand as I inched to my Dad’s side. Lydia stopped in front of Dad and Dad gave her the object.
She spoke quitter than I had ever heard her speak, “It says: ‘to my dearest Layne’.” She let out a light sigh and then continued. “I stole it from my mother when she told me about you. She said that she loved you just as much and I was jealous. I’m sorry Zara, please leave my family alone now.” She placed the thin ring in Zara’s outstretched arm as Alex and I reached her sides. Zara snatched the ring back and placed it on her own finger before spitting towards us all and leaving us with some more of her thick tormenting words.
“Let that be a lesson. If you ruin another’s life, don’t ever forget that, that person will come back and ruin yours.” As she laughed her wicked and menacing cackle and turned her back, I just caught sight of her guards pointing their guns in our direction, their fingers giving a slight twitch over the triggers at Zara’s words. “Be gone.”

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