Adaliah | Teen Ink


May 12, 2011
By KaraLeigh, Pekin, Indiana
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KaraLeigh, Pekin, Indiana
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Author's note: I took some of my past and ideas I got from listening to Miyavi and other musicians that have inspired me through out most of my writings. I hope people will enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

“Masayuki! No! Stop!”

I ran through the crowd. Pushing my way to the stage where my boyfriend was standing in the middle with a noose around his neck. I just had to stop him from hanging himself. I had to let him know that I was alive. I could see him saying side to side as if he was lost in his own thoughts. “Masayuki! Don't!”

Masayuki stood there, not looking up. Look up Masayuki, I thought as I started to get closer to him, look up and see that I am right in front of you.

My breath was almost gone, but the urge to stop him from ending his life was more important. Suddenly, Kado stepped in front of me, blocking my path to the stage, blocking me from saving my Masayuki. He grabbed my arms, pushing me further back from the stage. “Stay away, Adaliah. You should stay resting. It is too late for him.”

I couldn't help but to knee him in the stomach causing him to release his grip on me. “No, it is never too late. He has to know the truth at least.” With that said I pushed Kado away and ran past him. “Masayuki!”

Masayuki eyes met mine. “Adaliah?”

With the sound of my name coming from his lips, the tears I had been holding back began to flow freely. What if I had been a few moments later? “Masayuki, I'm here. Please, don't do this.” Masayuki stared at her with a confused look on his face. “Masayuki?” His face was the last thing I saw before my world went black.

I woke up with a major headache in a white room. The room smelled of desperation and death with a hint of disinfects trying to cover up the scent of blood. Why am I here?

“Good morning,” a nurse walked into the room, carrying what appeared to be a medical file full of papers. “How are you feeling?” I stared at her. “Okay?”

She started to turn around till I said, “Where am I? Who am I?

The nurse smiled. “Your name is Adaliah Smith, and you are at Tallahassee Hospital.”


“You fell down a flight of stairs and you suffer from a concussion. You seem to be suffering from amnesia. Do you remember what you were doing or going when you hit your head?” I tried to think but nothing came to me. Nothing. “Okay? Can you remember a name or anything?”

I turned my attention to the room, trying to think of anything that could help me remember what happened to me. I looked down at my hands and saw that there was a ring on my right ring finger. It was a small and made of silver with a red heart in the middle. Something about that ring seemed special to me. “No, I can't remember anything.”

The nurse stared at me like I was a waste of her time, maybe I was at that time, and left. I couldn't take my eyes of the ring. It was as if it had me in a deep trance. I pulled it off to examine it better. Inside the band it said, “Together forever, M.”

“M?” I kept staring at the ring as if it was the key to my memory. Nothing came to my mind. I still couldn't remember what happened to me, and why I was here.

After two weeks of tests, the hospital finally let me go home. Wherever that was. My father at least that is what he introduced himself as, came and took me to a small double-wide trailer and told me it was home. Something about it seemed wrong to me. It was as if the place he called home wasn't my definition of home.

Despite my father's attempts to talk to me, I stayed silent as I searched for my room. My room was average size with a twin bed and two open closets. I glanced to a wall with a small mirror only to see a reflection of a somewhat familiar face looking back at me with long brown hair and eyes with the depths of water. I knew the girl was me, but the reflection in the mirror had seemed to have the face of a stranger.
On my bed laid a small wiener dog with a red and silver collar. She jumped off the bed and laid her front paws on my shins, trying to climb on me.

“Hey there, girl. How are you doing?” The dog waged her tail as she reached up to lick my face.

“Her name is Sasha. You got her from Michelle, remember,” asked my dad as he stood in the doorway watching me.

I stared at Sasha, and then something suddenly clicked. I remembered Michelle through Sasha. Michelle was one of the few friends my father had that I actually liked. Her husband worked with my dad at the car shop in Tallahassee. They had three kids, and I helped watch them sometimes.

The kids.....I also helped with the kids' over the summer babysitter next door. MEMAW!


“Yes, sweetie?”

I sat down on my bed and pulled Sasha into my lap. “I remember Michelle and James. I also remember the kids and Memaw. May I go see Memaw?”

My father hesitated. “I don't think so. I plan on having Jennifer to come and see you. She can help you remember things.”

For some reason hearing Jennifer’s name made me angry. “I'll come back in an hour or two. Please let me go.”

My father thought about it for a while then nodded. “Fine. Go ahead and go, but take the rat with you.”

I glared at him. “She is not a rat. She is a dachshund, and of course I am taking her with me. Lucy would love to see her.”

You could tell my father wasn’t too happy with me, but I didn't care. No one was going to insult my baby while I was there. I picked up Sasha's leash, hooked it to her collar, and walked out the front door. Sasha was excited over being outside that it made me wonder when was the last time she was allowed out just to play. She ran through the sand and grass, sniffing every tree we came across.


I looked up from Sasha smelling a mailbox to see a group of kids running towards me. I remembered them right away. “Hi guys!”

Rina hugged me tightly. “I missed you, Addie!”

I smiled. “I miss you too, Rina.”

Suddenly, I got jumped by a black dog and pined to the ground. “Lucy!”

Lucy licked my face and started playing with Sasha. “Adaliah, how are you today?”

I glanced up to see Memaw standing on her front porch. I've always liked Memaw ever since I met her. She was the kind of old lady that never seemed to never forget what it was like as a child. She loved the same music I did and I didn't know if it was because I listen to older music or if she was just had awesome taste.

Memaw was only 4'7 but very lively. She kept her gray hair short and usually always had a smile. I always felt like I could tell her anything, and I always did.

“I am doing great, Memaw,” I shouted. “Being stuck in that hospital was like being in a prison cell.”

She laughed. “Well it is a good thing you are back. Lucy's been worried over you. She missed you.”

Lucy barked and licked my hand. “And I missed her too.” I kissed Lucy's soft mussel and petted her back.

“Addie, come and see this new Masayuki music video I found,” said Rina as she pulled on my hand.

I laughed. “Okay, I'm coming.” When I heard the name Masayuki, I felt like I knew who he was, but I couldn't remember how I knew him. All I knew was deep down, I have meet and knew him personally and wasn’t just a random singer that I might have liked.

Memaw's house had a welcoming aura around it. During the summer and after school, I would spend hours here, hanging out with her and the kids. It gave me something to do and I was never alone like I usually was at the house.

Rina pulled out the computer chair and pointed to the screen. “Come see,” she cried excitedly. “I think you will like this one since you are a huge fan of his.”

I sat in the chair in front of the screen and clicked the mouse.

A Japanese guy popped onto the screen. He had shoulder length black hair and deep brown eyes. His voice was smooth and deep that made me want to melt in my seat. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. The song was beautiful, but was also very sad. Though it was in Japanese, I understood what he was singing.

“Masayuki,” I whispered to myself so that no one could hear. “Where have I seen you before?”

I turned around and smiled at my small group. “I love it. His voice as usual is just hypnotizing.”

“Do you know what the song is about,” asked Daniel.

“Yes, I believe I do,” I glanced down at my hands. “It is about him losing a girl he loved and not being able to be with her. Does it say when this song was released?”

Rina looked through the information area. “Yeah. It was released last week. It says, 'I wrote this song the day she and I were split apart. We never wanted to leave each other's side, but it turned out differently.' Addie, it also says your name! 'Adaliah, if you ever see this, know that I still love you.'”

“That is really sad,” said Elijah.

I frowned as I stared at the screen. “Yes, Elijah. It is very sad.”

“Do you remember your hometown? How old are you? What is your favorite movie?”

After an hour of being questioned, Jennifer decided that she believed I faked having amnesia. Jennifer was a middle aged girl with long blond hair and emerald green eyes. Right when she walked into the house, I knew I hated her. She had this aura that made me feel uneasy. I didn't like it and I didn't like her.

“The doctors said that was what is wrong with her,” explained my father. He stared at Jennifer like she was the only girl in his life and that he would do anything to please her. It made me want to hurl. “Maybe she remembers more now?”

Jennifer laughed as she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. She's faking it.”

“You know I am still in the room,” I said angrily. “You don't have to go around acting like I'm still in the hospital.”

She glared at me. “Not like it wouldn't make a difference if you were.”

I glared back. “Adaliah, stop being disrespectful and go to your room,” said my father. Of course, he would stood up for her and not me. The baka.

“Baka,” I whispered quietly as I went to my room. Sasha followed me and laid herself on my bed. Baka couldn't get out of my head. “I know it means idiot in Japanese, but I used to call someone that.” Sasha laid her head on my chest. “Sasha, help me here.”

Sasha barked and jumped off the bed. She looked back at me as she ran into my closet. “Sasha?” Few seconds later, Sasha emerged carrying a small picture in her mouth. “What do you got there, girl?” I bent down and took the picture from her mouth.

The picture showed me and Masayuki together underneath a willow. We were laying in each other's arms, smiling as if no one could ruin our moment together. “Masayuki.......the Japanese singer?”

I flipped the picture over to read the back. “'June 3, 2009. Together forever. I love you, Adaliah. -Masayuki.' I am the Adaliah from the song. He is, or was, my boyfriend. But how? How can that be possible?”

Suddenly, I could hear bed springs creaking in my father's room. Sasha whined as she jumped back onto the bed. “I know, Sasha, girl. It makes me sick too.” I laid back on my bed and stared at the picture.

“Come on, Adaliah. It is only for one night,” explained Masayuki. I was standing in front of what seemed to me where forensic scientist put their dead bodies in, but with glass doors instead of steel. The cubicles were lined up three by five and were about the size of my closet. There were blankets and pillows in the small cubicle and I knew I didn’t want to sleep in it with Masayuki.

“I don’t care,” I shouted. “Masayuki, I am very lenient with certain things, but I am not sleeping in a box with you. I’m sorry, but heck no!” Masayuki’s bodyguards laughed. I figured their opinions of American girls were that we wanted only the finest things in life. I spent most of my trip in Tokyo trying to prove them wrong. Yet here I was proving them right. At least, right about sleeping arrangements.

“Adaliah, you’ll be okay. Like I said, it is only for one night,” Masayuki assured me once again. It wasn’t the fact him and I were going to be sharing a bed together, we’ve done that many times- side note: I am a virgin, but close quarters with people makes me claustrophobic. Which Masayuki knew very well.

“Then you can sleep in the box, and I’ll sleep out here on the floor.”

Masayuki smiled and looked like he was about to burst out laughing. But thankfully, he kept himself intact. “Okay, okay. We will go get a cot for you to sleep on. Though, this isn’t a bad way of sleeping. It is just like a bunk bed.

I glared at him. “Excuse me, but bunk beds I can do. But a glass box where you have to slide in and out head or feet first are not cool.” Masayuki pulled me close to him and led me away from the cubicles. We finally settled in a normal Japanese style hotel that didn’t have cubicles as rooms. My first night in Tokyo went without anymore arguments.

I pulled my mind away from the memory as a bright light came from my closet. A moment passed till a guy with silver hair and hazel eyes came out. He was wearing all back and looked like he was in pain.

“Hello there, Adaliah. Remember me?”

I stared at the guy wondering if I should scream for my father or run into the guy's arms and cry. “I'm sorry. I don't remember you.”

The guy smiled. “It is okay, my love. I am Kado. I am here to take you back home to the Underground. Your paradise away from the hellhole.”

Through the silence, I could still hear the bed springs and Jennifer moaning. “Take me to this place.”

The Underground was something beautiful. As soon as I stepped onto the cobbler stone floor, I remembered walking, running through the halls of this place. I remembered Kado, Sakura, and Jenovia. I was the heir to the Underground and a soldier against the darkness that still lingered in the shadows.

I glanced over to Kado, “I remember.”

Kado's eyes had a sudden fear in them. “You remember what?”

I gave him a confused look. “I remember being here. I remember your mother, the queen of this place. I'm her heir. I remember how you and I met. You saved me from an illness and brought me here. I'm also one of the cursed ones. Still suffering through the darkness that is inside me.”

Kado's eyes showed sadness in them as he pulled me closer to him. Inside my head, I could feel something wrong about the embrace. “It's okay. We'll give you your injection and it will help with the pain.” I moved away from him. “Why do you push yourself away from me? Do you not remember how much we love each other?”

I again felt something wrong in my heart. I shook my head and continued walking to the only club in the Underground.

“Adaliah! You are back! How wonderful,” shouted Sakura as she ran into my arms, hugging me tightly. “It is so good to have you here. Masayuki hasn't been the same since the accident. He blames himself for it.”


“She doesn't want to see him, Sakura,” said Kado angrily. I really was tempted to smack him for some reason. “Leave her alone.”

Sakura frowned. “Adaliah, is it true that you don't want to see him. He is heartbroken and though he knows you are alive and well……. it is killing him.”

“Sakura! What did I just say!?”

I laid a hand on Kado's shoulder. “Kado, let me worry about myself and maybe seeing Masayuki could help me remember things.”

Panic filled Kado's eyes and it made me wonder what was wrong with him. Masayuki was the guy in my picture and I had to know for sure what his relationship was to me. Were we really together?

I followed Sakura to another room that I knew all too well. It was my room. The red and black carpet was soft under my feet. The room smelled of cherry blossoms and had a small lamp beside the canopy bed. On the bed laid Masayuki sleeping peacefully.

“I'll leave you two alone,” whispered Sakura as she shut the door behind me.

I don't know how long I stood there watching him sleep. Watching his chest move up and down with each deep breath he took. As I moved closer to him, his scent filled my senses. Memories of falling asleep in his arms, him protecting me from my father's drunk beatings, kissing his lips. My heart inside me started to flutter in my rib cage as he stirred.

I moved over to the bed and laid a hand on his arm. “Masayuki, wake up so I can see your beautiful brown eyes once more.” I bent down and kissed his cheek.

Masayuki woke instantly. He jumped back, slamming his head against the head board. He groaned as he rubbed his head. “Katie! How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone! You can never replace Adaliah in my heart.”

Confusion swept over me. “Masayuki, I am Adaliah.”

Masayuki glared at me. “Prove it.”

I lifted my right hand to show him the ring he gave me on our three year anniversary. “It is me.”

Masayuki stared at the ring for a few moments before he pulled me into his arms. “Adaliah, you're alive. You remembered me!”

“Yes, I remember you. I feel guilty for forgetting the most important man in my life. I love you, Masayuki, and I am sorry.”

Masayuki laid a hand on my head. “Ssh, my love, it is okay now. God, I would love to kill Kado for what he did to you. He lied to me, Adaliah. He told me you died trying to protect me from the darkness inside me.”

Then everything hit me like a bunch of rocks. Everything from three nights before the night I lost my memory flooded back.

“Adaliah! Masayuki needs you. He is falling fast,” cried Jenovia. I held Masayuki's hand in mine tightly. His forehead was sweaty and he looked paler than usual. No, I wasn't going to lose him. I knew deep down what I needed to do even though it scared the heck out of me.

“Please, Jenovia, let me take it out of him. Please let it take me. Not him. Let me take the darkness out of him and put it into me.”

Jenovia glared at me. “No, I've lost one daughter already to it. I am not losing another one to them vile creatures again.”

My heart was aching inside my chest and felt like it was going to shatter when Masayuki takes his last breath. “Masayuki, please stay with me. Don't give in to them.” Tears started flowing from my eyes. I kept telling myself to also be strong, but seeing the one you love die in your arms, well...... it isn't a happy sight.

Masayuki's grip on my hand was tight and shaky. It was as if holding my hand was what gave him strength on holding onto his life. Around us were some of the other guards getting ready to fire when Masayuki's soul be replaced by a demon.

Masayuki groaned in pain. “Adaliah, I'm sorry. I don't think I am going to make it.”

I shushed him as I pulled a strand of his soft black hair out of his face. “Don't talk like that. I need you, Masayuki-Kun. I can't live without you here.”

Masayuki smiled. He reached up and laid his hand on my cheek. “Aishiteru, Adaliah.” That caused the floodgates to burst open. “Don't cry because of me.”

Jenovia laid a delicate hand on my shoulder. “Adaliah,” I refused to meet her eyes. She sighed. “You may give it a try.”

I stared at her with disbelief. “Really, Jenovia?”

“Yes, my dear child.” You could see the pain in her eyes and hear it in her voice. I knew this wasn't going to be easy for her. Especially if I die trying to save him. I had my own demon inside me and adding another was going to be tough, but if it meant saving Masayuki, then I would do anything in my power to do it.

“Sakura, get me my black box. You know what I'm talking about. Right?” Sakura nodded her head yes and went to do her task. “Jenovia, will you go get me a knife, a warm blanket, and a lighter. Oh and please take your guards with you. If he changes before I can take the darkness out of him, I will be the one to kill him. Not someone you thinks he is just another evil creature.” Jenovia nodded, snapped her fingers at the guards, and left with them following behind her.

“Adaliah, what are you going to do,” asked Masayuki hoarsely. “If you are doing what I think you are doing, don't.”

“I have to do something to save you.” I grasped his hand tightly. “I can't lose you. Not now, not ever!”

Masayuki forced a small laughed. “Adaliah, I want you to continue your life. Sooner or later, your own darkness inside you is going to take over. We will be together someday.”

“Well, I have to at least try.”

Masayuki groaned again, tightening his grip on my hand. If it wasn't him holding my hand and he wasn't in so much pain, I would have told them to let go of my hand or it would go dead. I kissed his forehead and wiped the sweat off.

Sakura and Jenovia came in right on time. Masayuki didn't have much time left. I had to work fast and with no room for mistakes.

I had Sakura get the room ready for the ritual as I pull out my bottles of mint, rose petals, and sage to start the cleansing process of the ritual. She put a “Do Not Disturb!” sign on the doorknob before locking the door.

“No talking unless I ask you to,” I said calmly as I pulled on my dress that I always wore for rituals. “It is critical in the ritual if someone disrupts. It can lead to the ritual into ruin.”

I pulled out my pentagram necklace from under my shirt out in the open. As I start lighting the candles, Masayuki's bed started to shake. “Demon, leave this man in peace.”

The bed stopped shaking. Masayuki screamed in sheer agony. “Demon, leave this man and enter through me. I am a blessed one. I am the one you crave to be in. To have in control.” I lifted the knife off the alter that Sakura had prepared. A sharp pain stung my hand as I carved into the meat of my palm. The blood dripped down into Masayuki's mouth.

Masayuki's body jerked. His screams were the sound of someone in sheer agony. My heart felt like it was shattering, but I knew I had to stay my ground. I continued on with the ritual. “Leave this man and take my soul. As the priestess of the Underground, take me, not him!”

Masayuki's body shot up. “As you wish,” he hissed evilly. It felt as if my body was slammed against a brick wall and have been ran over. I prayed to Om to help me through the pain I was feeling.

The last thing I heard before going unconscious was Masayuki's voice. “Adaliah, wake up. Please wake up.” He was crying.

I woke up in the middle of my bedroom floor. Masayuki was kneeling beside me, setting my head in his lap. I wasn't in the past anymore. I was in the here and now.

I groaned as I rubbed my head. “What happened,” I asked. I sat up and stared into Masayuki's eyes.

“You passed out for some reason. Are you okay,” he asked with concerned.

“Yeah, I am fine.” I got up from the floor and laid myself gently on the bed. Masayuki came over and laid down beside me. His scent was intoxicating. “I remember what happened the night I saved you.”

Masayuki turned his head away from me. “I wish I could forget that night. I almost killed you.”

I turned his head to look at me. “I did it to save you. I would rather die than to see you die like that. Your destiny isn't to die with a demon inside you. Unlike me, you are to die old and still playing your guitar and singing to your fans who need you.”

Masayuki stared at me with a look of sadness. “Without you, I wouldn't be able to sing unless they are songs of pain and sadness. You are my inspiration.”

I smiled at him. “Masayuki, you are a talented, young man and I shouldn't keep tying you down to me. When was the last time that you actually went to Tokyo to see your family?”

“Last week.”

I glared at him. “When you didn't have to do a concert or make a music video. Which, by the way, I saw. Not bad. It was really sad and depressing.”

He smiled at me and laughed. “Christmas, and that sad, depressing song is now number one on Tokyo's charts.”

I smiled. “Good for you.”

He pulled me close to him. Like we have done countless times before, we started falling asleep peacefully, knowing that no one could stop this precious moment between us.

Knock, knock. That is until someone knocks on the door. “It is open,” shouted Masayuki without opening his eyes or letting me go.

Kado strolled angrily into the room. “Adaliah, Jenovia wants to see you now. She says it is very important. Also she wants you to leave Masayuki here.”

Masayuki glared at him. “Excuse me, but Jenovia knows that I don't leave Adaliah's side ever. She would never say that knowing that she was sending you to fetch her.” There was so much anger and hatred between them that the room felt like there was no air. I wondered what was up between them. Did Kado do something to Masayuki that I didn't know, or that I didn't remember. Stupid amnesia.

“Masayuki, calm down. You can walk me to her office and wait for me outside the door.” Kado briefly looked disappointed, but quickly went back to glaring at Masayuki. “Jenovia wouldn't mind that. Kado, thank you for notifying me that Jenovia was in need of me. You may leave.”

Kado nodded and left the room quietly. “I don't want you anywhere near him without me, Sakura, or Jenovia,” stated Masayuki angrily.

“Why? What as Kado done?”

“He has done everything. He is the reason......never mind.”

Masayuki grabbed my hand. “Let's go before Jenovia starts going crazy wondering where you are.” I smiled and followed him to Jenovia's office on the other side of the Underground.

“Ah, Adaliah! You are here. I hope you are in excellent health,” exclaimed Jenovia as I walked into her office. Jenovia was a tall, elegant, middle-age woman. Her hair, like many other people in the Underground, was long sliver and her eyes were a deep hazel.

“I am, Lady Jenovia,” I replied calmly.

She smiled softly. “I am sure you have seen that Masayuki is doing extremely well due to your sacrifice. I am so glad that you stopped him from killing himself.”

“What?” I was taken aback by Jenovia's comment. When did Masayuki try killing himself? How and where was I? “I'm sorry, my lady, but do my ears deceive me? Did Masayuki try killing himself?”

Jenovia gave me a look that made me feel like what I had asked was the stupidest question she ever heard. It took her a moment to remember that I still couldn't remember everything just yet. “Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot that you are still recovering from Kado's blow to your head.”

“Kado?” My mouth dropped at that. “Why would Kado hit me in the head?”

Jenovia turned her eyes away from me to a picture of all of the royals of the Underground. I was standing in between Kado and Kazoo, his older brother, wearing a long, strapless dress. The picture was taken at a party to celebrate finding a possible vaccine to the darkness.

“When you wouldn't pull through after the ritual, Masayuki went berserk. He started blaming himself and tried to take the demon back. Two days later, you pulled through only to find that Masayuki was about to hang himself. You ran to save him from himself. Obviously, you made it in time to show him that you were safe.”

She looked back at me. “But why did Kado knock me out? I thought he has this big crush on me.”

Jenovia smiled. “He does. You two used to date, but you found Kado cheating on you. You left him for Masayuki. Ever since then, Kado has hated Masayuki for taking you away from him. He wanted Masayuki to go through with hanging himself so that you and him could be together.”

“Without any competition,” I added. I remembered that certain night. Kado was cheating on me with Sakura. I didn’t blame her for it because Kado lied to her telling her that him and I weren't together anymore. He was mad at me because I wouldn’t have sex with him. I was only fifteen.

Masayuki was eleven years older than me, but when we met we knew that we were meant to be. I remembered walking past him, after finding Kado sleeping with Sakura, singing to a group of girls. It was before I learned any Japanese, but his voice had me mesmerized. I just stood there watching his fingers pick at the gorgeous black guitar.

“Hello there beautiful,” said Masayuki as he walked up to me. “What's your name?”

I blushed and turned my eyes away from his gaze. “Adaliah Smith.”

He smiled as he reached for my hand. He kissed it lightly. “I am Masayuki.” I felt like I was going to melt into butter due to his Japanese accent and deep sexy voice. “I am new to the Underground and I was told by Lady Jenovia that you were the one to go to for help.”

I stared at him not knowing what to say to him. “Um.....yeah. What can I help you with?”

He smiled. Have I died and went to heaven? “How about you could show me around? I haven't seen past a couple rooms due to crazy fans.”

I smiled at him and tried to keep a small giggle from escaping my lips. “I can tell. You are really amazing. What was the song about?”

“Trying to find oneself.”

“Oh.” We walked in silence for a few moments till I asked him the question I always had to ask new members. “Are you a mixed grounds man or are you going to spend the rest of your life down here?”

He flipped his black hair out of his deep brown eyes. “I am mixed. I couldn't desert my fans in the Upperground,” he went silent in thought. “I did call it right?”

I smiled. “Yes, you did. Being a mix is very rare. I am mixed also. I have to be.”

He gave me a confused look. “Why is that?”

I stared at him. “Because some of us will have to be in a battle at times and also if you get infected, you can die. I have family in the Upperground and none of them know about this place.”

“How did you come across this place then?”

I frowned. “When I was six, I got very ill. Lady Jenovia’s second son found me and brought me here. They healed me and if it wasn’t for Kado, I would be dead right now.”

“Do you love this Kado?”

I turned my gaze away from him. “We dated ever since we were thirteen. We’ve been together for two years. Today, we broke up.”

Thankfully Masayuki didn’t asked me anymore questions about Kado or anything else.

“I don't think I will be fighting in anything. Jenovia only brought me here to play my music at ceremonies and parties. I am only the entertainment.” He said to break the uncomfortable silence between us. We laughed and continued on with the tour. We learned a lot about each other and when we couldn't think of things to talk about, he would try to teach me some Japanese phrases. It was one of the greatest nights of my life. It was the night Masayuki came into my life.

“I can't believe that Kado was the reasons behind my memory lose. That bastard,” I shouted as Masayuki and I walked back to our bedroom.

“Calm down, my priestess. It is okay now. You have most of your memory back,” explained Masayuki calmly.

“Masayuki, you don't understand. He deliberately bashed me in the head and lied to my face. He needs a taste of his own medicine.” I was so enraged that everyone around us moved out of our way to let us pass.

Masayuki as usual kept himself calm though I knew he was just as ticked as I was. “You could always use your gift.”

I stopped and stared at him. “Excuse me?”

Masayuki stared back with the same confused look on his face that I had. “Your gift. You know what I am talking about.” I kept staring at him blankly. He sighed and continued. “Your gift to see things coming before they are here and to move things.”

I thought about it for a second till a thought came to me. “I know how to deal with Kado.”

“What do you mean?” Masayuki stopped walking and crossed his arms. “We aren't going to be doing anything to Kado. He will get what is coming to him. We don't have to do anything.”

“But, Masayuki, he-”

“I know very well what he did and if you think I am not as pissed off as you are, then you are dead wrong. But, Adaliah, can't you just be happy that we are together again and leave it at that.” Masayuki stared at me with fearful eyes. “I almost lost you twice. I don't want to lose you a third time.”

I hugged him as I kissed his cheek. “You are right, Masayuki. Karma will give him what he needs. We shouldn't mess with the balance of things.”

He kissed me lightly on the lips. “Arigato, Adaliah. You will see sooner or later that you made the right choice.”

Would I ever believe that? I kept my mouth shut as we walked into our room till something swept over me.

Pain. Blood. Smoke. I felt and smelled them. I watched silently as fire burned my skin. I looked down to see that I was no longer in my own body. I was in Kado's. “Adaliah,” Kado screamed. “What have you done to me? Why did you lay this curse on my soul?”

People screamed in fear as they watched Kado burned in his room. Some tried to put the fire out. Some just stood there and watched. I was one among the crowd. My face showed no emotion as Masayuki pulled me close to him. “I tried to warn him, but he didn't listen to me. Masayuki, is it my fault that he is being burned to his death?”

“No, Adaliah. It isn't your fault that he wouldn't listen to you.”

Kado’s heart felt like it shattered along with his soul. “You betrayed me for him, Adaliah. After two years of being together, you run off with some bastard after I am make one mistake!” I felt Kado’s tears fall down his face as he watched me in Masayuki’s arms. That was the last thing he saw before his room exploded.

I woke up screaming in my bed. Masayuki ran into the room from the bathroom. “Adaliah, it’s okay. I’m here,” he said as he pulled me into his sweet arms. Kado’s pain and heartache still had a toll over me. Seeing me and Masayuki together pains him. No wonder he hated Masayuki. Masayuki has the only person Kado ever actually cared for.

“Masayuki, I need something to write in,” I said between trying to get my breathing stabled. “Did I have a journal or a book I used to write in?”

Masayuki went to the closet and pulled out a small black book. “Here,” he said as he handed it to me. “You used to write in it all the time, but that was before we….”

“Before we started having troubles with Kado,” I finished for him. He nodded as he tossed a pen to me.

When I finished writing down what I saw, I cuddled next to Masayuki, letting him make me feel safe and loved. “Masayuki?”

“Yes, Adaliah?”

I listened to his heartbeat softly. “I want to do something, but I don’t want you near when I do it.” He gave me a confused look. I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Just listen to me. Whenever I tell you to go or to leave me, I want you to do it. Come here or go back to Japan.”

“Why? “What do you plan on doing, Adaliah?” Man, did I love him. Masayuki’s voice was full of confusion and fear for me.

“Trust me, Masayuki. Everything will turn out okay. I just can’t have you around when I do what I need to do.” I could tell he didn’t enjoy the thought of leaving me, but he nodded and agreed with me. “Thank you, Masayuki.” He just sighed and turned his back to me. “I love you.”

He stayed quiet for a few moments. “I love you too, Adaliah.” I felt bad about Masayuki, but I knew deep down that I had to do this. After awhile, I started thinking about Masayuki and mine relationship. I knew we had been dating for three years, but just how far have we gone?

“Masayuki, have we ever had sex?”

He moved uneasily. “No. We tried to once, but you backed out.”

“Why? Did I felt I was too young or not ready?”

Masayuki got up from the bed. “No…….well kind of. You told me that a long time ago when you were younger, your mother sold your body for drugs to a certain man. It happened from the age of six till you were twelve.”

I remembered those nights. I remembered being afraid of the pain that I felt when he raped me. I shuddered at the memories and looked back towards Masayuki. I reached for his hand softly. “Masayuki?” He faced me, but kept his eyes down. “Masayuki, I want us to do it. I want you to know how much I love and trust you.”

That night I gave myself to Masayuki and despite me telling myself no, I enjoyed it.

The next morning, I found myself laying in my Upperground bed and all alone. Of there wasn’t a small rose on my nightstand, I would have thought I dreamt of last night. I smiled as I picked up the rose. I looked over to my alarm clock to see that I only had fifteen minutes till my bus stops at Memaw’s house. “Fudge monkey!’

Sasha lifted her head and barked. “Shhh, Sasha. Dad is sleeping. You know how mad he gets when we accidently wake him up before seven.”

Right on time, my father banged on my bedroom door. “Adaliah Michelle Smith, keep that dog quiet!”


“If that rat wakes me up one more time, I am going to run it over with my truck.” I ignored my dad and let him continue on his rant as I finished getting dressed.

School went by slow and boring. My friends kept asking me questions like: “How did you get amnesia”, “Do you remember me”, “Do you know your class schedule?” On and on it went. I just couldn’t get out of my chair fast enough during Government when the dismissal bell rang at two.

After doing my homework and checking my email, I went home and straight to the Underground. Which was very easy since the portal was in my closet. Just walking in it and saying, “Take me where the sun never shines”, and you are there. Everyone and everything seemed normal. Everyone except Kado.

Kado was sitting in a booth in the back of the Underground’s lobby. He kept his head down and seemed like he was sleeping. I walked calmly to him, carrying my bag on my shoulder. “Kado, I have something to tell you.”

Kado’s eyes turned to me and glared. “What is it?”

“Well before I tell you, what is up with your attitude? You are being a real jerk.”

Kado’s face went from pale to a deep red. “Maybe because I didn’t want to be bothered by you. Just state your business and leave me alone.”

“Fine. You are going to die, Kado,” I said calmly. “I’ve seen it happen.”

“You’re lying.”

I sighed. “Believe what you want. In the end, it doesn't really matter. You will die for what you did to me and Masayuki.”

“What are you talking about?”

I gave him my best you-know-what-I-am-talking-about-you-idiot face before I continued. “How about when you bashed me upside the head and tried to convince me that you and I were together again. Hate to break it to you, but that will never happen.”

Kado rolled his eyes as he moved closer to me. “Okay then, Miss Know-it-all. Tell me how I die.”

I reached into my bag and pulled out my little black book Masayuki gave me. I smiled at him as I turned to the page I wrote on last night. “You will die around fire. You'll be screaming for help, but everyone will just stand and watch you burn. You will also be in agony and heart broken. Flames will engulf you before the place explodes with you still trap inside.”

“That won't happen. How can I be heart broken when I got over you a long time ago?”

I smiled at him. “You will see soon enough,” I said as I turned around and left him sitting there stunned. My plan was starting to take effect.

Masayuki was waiting for me when I got to our bedroom. His face betrayed no emotion as I walked through the door. “May I ask why you were talking to Kado earlier?” Damn, he was good.

I could tell he was upset at me by the tone of his voice. “I did what I thought was right. I told him about a vision I had of him, and warned him that his actions will only lead him to ruin. I hope he burns in hell.”

Masayuki sighed as he shook his head. “Adaliah, you know better than that. You shouldn't mess with fate. It will only come back and haunt you.”

“Masayuki,” I walked over to his chair. “I don't care. I want him to suffer for what he did. He tried to keep me away from you when you were about to kill yourself. He wants you dead and I want him dead before he even has a chance to come up with a plan on how to do it.”

Masayuki got up from his seat. “Adaliah, I think it is best that I go back to Japan tomorrow morning. I believe it is best that we separate for a few days. Maybe weeks.” I stared at him as he walked out the door.

I pushed thoughts of Masayuki out of my mind as I started gathering the supplies I needed. No one was outside in the hall as I walked over to Kado's room. “Kado?” I said as I pushed lightly on the door.

The door flew open to show Kado over a woman in his bed. They didn't seemed to notice I was there so I walked in and quietly started working on the heater in his room. I finished about the time they did. Neither of them noticed me as they got dressed.

“Not bad, Miyako,” said Kado as he pulled his pants up. “Adaliah would have been better though.” I didn't know whether to be shocked or regurgitate. I hid myself in the closet.

“Like you would know. Which, by the way, your precious Adaliah isn't a virgin anymore. She gave herself to Masayuki just last night.” I gasped. How did she know?

Kado rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. Adaliah is the type of girl that would wait for marriage or at least till she was engaged with someone.”

Miyako laughed. “Apparently, you don't know her very well. A servant went past her bedroom last night and heard them. She also videotaped it, knowing that discovering them would humiliate Adaliah.”

Kado punched the wall behind her. “Don't you ever tell anyone about Adaliah losing her virginity to Masayuki. You better find the servant and force her to give you the videotape so that you can bring it to me.” Miyako looked like she was about to die from fear as she nodded and ran out of the room. Kado moved towards the closet I was hiding in. “I know you are here, Adaliah.”

I came out from the closet. “Hi.”

Kado turned to the bed and sat down. “So how long do I have left?”

I glanced at the clock by his nightstand. “About ten minutes.” I kept my voice calm and neutral.

Kado moved uneasily. “Are you going to leave me here to die alone?”

I smiled at him as I sat down beside him. I knew I couldn't let him die alone, and Masayuki and I couldn't stay together for very much longer. “No. I am going to stay here with you. We will die together.”

“Just like we got into this mess. Together,” he smiled as he whipped his tears away. “I'm sorry, Adaliah. I was selfish and I just wanted you all to myself. If I didn't cheat on you with Sakura, we would still be together and none of this would have happened. If I was only accepted your wishes and just ignored my desires.”

I pulled Kado into my arms. Just like me, he was a victim to his own heart. If we only listened to the ones we loved, I wouldn't be killing both of us, but I had to do it. I knew I didn't have much time with keeping the two demons inside of me.

Kado's demon has been tormenting him for the past three years. That day he cheated on me was the day he changed. I was blind with my pain and wanted to find an excuse to get out of a too serious relationship. Man, did I hate myself.

We heard the click of the heater coming on. We hold each other tightly as the heater exploded and flames engulfed around us. Neither of us cried out in pain. Neither of us showed any tears. We just hold each other and let the flames burn our bodies.

I stood in disbelief down the hall of Kado's room. I watched the room burn as people ran back and forth, carrying water to try and put the fire out. My feet was rooted into the ground, keeping me from moving. Adaliah was in that room with Kado.

After the fire finally died, they found Kado's and Adaliah's body. I thought my world shattered as I watched them take her body away. The investigators said that it was an heater malfunction, but I knew the truth. Adaliah killed herself and Kado.

I pulled out the letter Adaliah left in our bedroom before she died. I read it about ten times since I found it, but it was what kept me from jumping into the flames after her.


I am sorry about what I am about to do. I am sorry because I know how hurt you are going to be. Just remember something. I love you, but Kado was the one I had to die beside. Though he tried to kill you and had me lose my memory of you, he regretted doing it. He thought only of me. I had to give him his dying wish and that was for me to die with him.

Please keep singing. Don't stop just because of my death. Just remember that I'll be watching you. I'll always be watching you. Sing for me, Masayuki.

I love you, Masayuki. You helped me through depression and being new to a different way of life. I hope you will someday forgive me.

P.S. Take care of Sasha for me. I think she will enjoy being in Japan with you. Tell her I am sorry also. We will be together again someday.

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