The unknown | Teen Ink

The unknown

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

The author's comments:

Currently unfinished and full of plot holes and gramer mistakes. 

About a week ago I made the biggest mistake of my life. I opened a door that contained something beyond our understanding. It started with some strange occurences but slowly escalated. There were the disappearances. Overnight hundreds of thousands of people had just disappeared out of thin air all over the globe. That in of itself was a one out of ten on the list of the strange things that have occured this week. One specific event was particularly unnerving was the report that Nasa had begrudgingly released that reached news headlines within the hour. The disappearance of a large number of people was no longer a mystery. The mars rover had shown a horrific scene of hundreds of thousands of people suddenly appearing after some video interference. They were gasping for air, some appeared to be watching something behind the rovers field of view. Just before the last person was seen falling to the dusty ground of Mars before the rover feed cut. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

It began in Minnesota on the edge of lake superior. There sits a mid sized house. It was well upkeep and cared for. It was my house. I worked a nine to five job like most Americans, rotting away at a boring desk job in a small city. And on that fateful day it was just like any other day. My usual routine of waking up brushing my teeth making some coffee and driving to work. But when returning to my home something felt off to say the least. That feeling didn't subside  but I paid it no attention and chalked it up to the recent layoffs at work. But just as I was falling asleep I heard a long drawn out scratch coming from somewhere from my living room. Growing up in Minnesota and hearing stories of black bears breaking into homes in search of food and in some rare cases fresh human meat, I immediately reached for my handgun in my nightstand. I slowly started to check each of the rooms in my house making sure not to alert whatever was in my living room of my presence. As I neared the lining room the feeling of dread came back. I quickly rounded the corner to see a blank living room. Nothing out of place or stolen. As soon as I lowered my guard I saw a dark figure dart down the hall in a quick but unnatural limp. Like its joints were completely backwards. I began pursuit towards the intruder. Just an I entered the hall I came back from I saw the figure take a sharp right into the closet at the end of the hall. Slowly approaching the door, handgun drawn I yelled for them to step out. After what seemed like hours or yelling for them to exit the closet I was fed up. I fired three rounds into the door without thinking. Hearing something that to the ground gave me the confidence to open the door. With my left hand I quickly opened the door and stepped back. The closet was empty. Nothing but a jacket and some work boots with three familyer bullet holes in my drywall. But then I realised where they had gone. On the floor of my small closet lay a small wooden hatch. Beyond the hatch was a dark crawlspace full of piping for the heated floors and old cobwebs. At this moment I considered contacting the cops but something in me knew even if they sent a patrol car it would take at least 30 minutes to get here and who knows what this guy would do within that time frame. Using the flashlight on my phone I peered into the crawlspace. I slowly climbed in and scanned the room. Nothing within my general vicinity which was odd seeing as there wasn't many places to hide. A good thing to point out was that the crawlspace want exactly square or rectangular rather, multiple squares and rectangles matching the foundation of the house. After checking all of the corners around the crawl space I was dumbfounded. I murdered “How could he have just disappeared.” There was only one entrance and exit and I kept a close eye on it at all times while searching. I decided to head back to the hatch seeing as I had made a poor judgment call. “There's no way he could of been down here.” As i neared the hatch the light shining in from the hallway quickly disappear and the dull thud of the hatch door of the wood floor. I rushed over as fast as i could while crouched and tried pushing up on the hatch. Now I had a decent amount of strength and should of been able to push the hatch open seeing as the dark figure only could of weighed under one hundred and eighty pounds but it wouldn't move even a fraction of an inch. Panicking and not knowing what to do I screamed at the person blocking the hatch to let me out and that i had called the police. In retrospect I should of called them. Still no movement. Trying to catch my breath i sat down and shined the light on the wall opiset of me. I saw a small door in the concrete. At this point the dreaded feeling had gone but a new one had taken its place. A feeling of overwhelming numbness accompanied by a slight drowsiness. At this point I Had noticed I was moving towards the small door. I fought to return to the hatch but my body wouldn't respond. I was no longer holding the handgun but i did have the flashlight. It was like whatever had taken the controls to my body wanted me to see what was behind that door. I screamed and pleaded not to go any further but it was all in my head and before I knew it my hand was slowly extending to grasp the handle. As the door opened I saw what lies behind. It was pitch black with a cold that only northern Alaska could match. I could see my hand reaching for the darkness slowly getting colder and colder and as soon as my wrist passed the dark valley a familyer black hand reached forth and grabbed my forearm. I was pulled in with enough force to almost dislocate my shoulder.

I awoke in a cold sweat in by bed, the time was seven forty six AM. I wasn't surprised as i had a bad problem with night terrors as a hib but it had stopped at about age 12 only with the occasional bad dream here and there. But this one felt more realistic than previous experiences. Brushing it off and realising I was going to be late to work I rushed out of the house. The day slowly went on without any odd occurrences and I slowly forgot about the night terror. The time to clock out and head home had come and i was one my way back to my house. I usually have the radio on while driving to and from work and today was no exception. As i came down my driveway he usual radio station I listen to had faded to the static you normally get from an old tv. The station sounded like it was just coming through. I could hear a male voice over the blaring static. I could make out only a couple words like “thank you” and “set us free” and as I neared the house the static grew louder. I assumed it was just some interference caused by bad weather. Shutting the car off and walking inside i sat down and turned the TV on and flipped to the news. A story about a hang gliding accident lit up the screen. But it was cut short by a black screen. An unnerving low hum with a bit of crackling accompanied the black abyss. A jaring screech had come out of the speakers as words flashed on the screen. “A severe weather alert is in effect for the north eastern part of Minnesota from six PM to eight AM.” But that wasn't the only part. Right after the normal announcement came a more unsettling string of words. “Do not look out the windows. Keep your doors and windows locked for the duration of the weather advisory. If you hear noises or see light emanating from outside your home do not attempt to investigate. If you see figures outside or in your peripheral vision, do not attempt to investigate.” The same loud jarring sound came back and the TV returned to its normal broadcast. I couldn't help but feel a bit unnerved about this warning. The most logical reason was that someone has hacked the broadcast and played the emergency broadcast to scare people. But that feeling was gnawing at my insides. Telling me that some part of that broadcast wasn't fake. I locked my doors and windows and the feeling subsided a bit. Feeling at ease again I sat back down and switched from the news to some good old Family Guy. Outside the wind started to pick up a bit and a light but consistent flow of snow was coming down. After the last of the episodes had played I got up and went to take a shower. On the way to my room i passen one of my uncovered windows. Looking into the frenzy of snow and wind i could make out the grey silhouette of a man. The longer i stared i realised it want one person, It was hundreds. I panicked and raced to my room. Locking the door behind me I fumbled with my phone untime I was able to come upon the green phone app. When I called nine one one the familiar line “nine one one what's your emergency?” rang through the speakers. “There are multiple people standing outside of my house.” that was all I was able to blurt out in my state of panic. “Sir where are you loca.” and that was all I heard before static filled the call. I grabbed my hand gun and sat in my room fearing the worst. I would of gone out and faced them head on but this was different. There were hundreds of them. Seeing as none of the figures had made an attempt to enter my house or make themselves known other than showing themselves I decided to try and attempt to get some sleep. I locked all entrances to the house so they shouldn't be able to get in. right when i was about to fall asleep my phone rang. It was my friend, he had asked if I saw the second part of the emergency broadcast. “Have you looked outside yet?” I asked. “Yes, what are they?” He was just as confused as I was. “I dont know whats going on but i'm gonna try to get some sleep.” I didn't feel as afraid seeing as it was happening to my friend as well. There must be some explanation but i'm too tired to figure it out tonight. Falling back in my bed I slipped into a restless sleep. I awoke at around seven AM and got ready for another day of work. Since I had some time to kill and remembering last night's events i flipped onto the same news station i watched last night. Nothing about the wall broadcast, just the usual news stories about wildfires and overseas conflicts.

I got ready for work and headed down the hallway towards the front door i noticed something that i had passed over the previous day. Three families bullet holes in my hallway closet. I couldn't believe what lay before me. I slowly backed away as the sudden realisation set in. It want a dream, it wasn't a night terror. As I was about to call in sick I was thrown to my feet by a ground shattering earthquake. I couldn't stand so i was forced to crawl on my hands and knees to my living room table. It only lasted a couple minutes but that was the least of my worries. There were pained moaned coming from all around me. All at once the dead started to scream. All things that had once walked this earth had started to roll over in there graves.

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