A Deadly Blossom | Teen Ink

A Deadly Blossom

August 30, 2016
By Darktress, Tucson, Arizona
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Darktress, Tucson, Arizona
0 articles 0 photos 59 comments

Demeter Goddess of corn, grain, and harvest has just given birth to a daughter. With green forest eyes and auburn slick puff of hair she looked to be fairer than the goddess of love.

Zeus with his charming good looks and imaginable strength knew without a doubt that what he had created topped everything he had done in his years of life. So without delay he sent Hermes to spread the news of his new-born daughter everyone who was any one got the invite.

All except one, Zeus didn’t bother sending one to Hades in knowledge of what Hades would do if he knew he had yet another child. It didn’t really bother him anymore than Apollo did when he was bragging about the women he seduced with his music.

Meanwhile down in the underworld

Hades lord of the dead and older brother of Poseidon, sat in his chair looking bored as always at the unfortunate souls he needed to deal with while trying to keep balance to the underworld. He didn’t really have any mercy to weak and mindless souls that stand before him asking for redemption.

He agreed that most souls were innocent and didn’t need to be tortured.  The wrong doers were a different story, people who did wrong in their lives suffered way more than what Hades could predicted. In one final swoop of his hand he dismissed the remaining souls that stood before him. No longer wanting to hear there cries and excuses they had lined up for him to hear.

Just when he was about to leave, the doors to the corridor opened revealing the swift but useless messenger that belong to Zeus.


“What do you want Hermes?”


“Well Hades I brought news from above thought that you might want to hear it.”


“Well spill it out you forsaken pest.”


“Demeter has borne another child.”


“What news is this to me she is a women they do that.”


“The child also belongs to Zeus.”


Hades stopped in his tracks when he heard Hermes say that and with a wicked grin he turned to Hermes and said.


“So he has forgotten my threat after all. Be gone Hermes I don’t wish to hear more.”


As they say nothing is faster than a speed of light, well all except Hermes. After Hermes disappeared he, Hades, started to pace back and forth from the door to his throne thinking of what he should do to Zeus this time. This wasn’t the first time Zeus has disobeyed him and ignored his threats.

Just before he could make his decision on Zeus punishments the sisters of fate arrived out of nowhere ready to give Hades his destiny.


“Hades you will regret your decision if you go through with it.” Said one of the sisters.


“Why I’m lord of the underworld no one scares me, unless you have important news to give me I suggest you leave.”


“Hades be warned if not for us your destiny and fortune would be corrupted like you, if you kill that girl, war will surely cause havoc in the over world and you will have more work on your hands than you would want.”


“Then the mighty sisters of fate what should I do?” Said Hates mockingly.


“DO NOT MOCK US LORD HADES!!!” the sisters shouted.

Could you say temperamental much? Just like expected Hades didn’t flinched, he didn’t even blink when the sisters reacted.


“This is your final warning Hades do not go on with your plan instead while the new born is asleep and her mother is away from her you are to take her from her crib and take her back here where she will be safe.”


“Are you mad I cannot take care of a child let alone a child of my enemy?”


“Who said you will be looking after her, we will send a priestess of Demeter to you so she can look after the child. In the meantime you will go on with your life as you are now and only pay attention to the girl when she needs something. ” they all said in unison while disappearing into the darkness that surrounded hades.


Sighing in total defeat he did what was asked of him. He knew that they were right and whatever was up their sleeve was only to benefit hades and his realm. So the night of celebration that was thrown for the baby girl was finally over and everyone was asleep. Hades used his powers of darkness to blend into the night. While silently searching for the new-born he had gotten this feeling of importance.


That gave him the motivation to hurry up and find her. It took him several tries to find her, but finally he did. When he saw her for the first time all he wanted to do was fall on his knees next to her to watch her sleep. Remembering his mission he very gently took her into his arms and carried her back to the underworld.

When he reached the corridor the priestess of Demeter stood silently waiting to be given the child that would soon be under her care. “Before I give you this child to care for there will be rules for you to follow


1. You will not speak a word about her mother. 2. You are to treat her as your own if I see otherwise you will suffer for it. 3. You are to escort her to and from the dining hall for breakfast lunch and dinner when she is old enough to eat on her own. Other than that she is yours, there is a secrete place where you will be hidden away from the gods.


Only I and a couple of my people will know where you two are. Don’t go any further than what I have placed for you. I will also be visiting from time to time to see the progress she has made. Other than that she is all yours, now be gone.
He watched silently while the priestess walked away with what had felt like hope to him. “She must never know of her mother nor her father.” He thought to himself.


As soon as they surfaced from the “dark corners of the underworld” The priestess looked down at the little buddle that was wrapped in her arms and smile for she knew the perfect name for the little girl. Persephone, it was a fitting name for a young goddess such as herself.  Though uncertain of what the outcome maybe be the priestess still had hope for the gods and goddess from above, thus began their lives in a secluded area where they are no to be seen or herd from.


18 years later-
Persephone grew up to becoming the most beautiful creature that ever existed on earth even though she was brought up to being like a mortal she was still so lovely. Even Hades couldn’t take his eyes of her when he came to visit each and every time he had a chance to. The priestess admired her beauty and radiance from afar never wanting to feel jealous of her. She only worried about her Goddess Demeter finding out about her child.


Meanwhile on mount Olympus- (Demeter’s P.O.V)

Demeter sat through another boring lecture Zeus was giving to the gods. All she wanted to do was get back to her graceful and beautiful daughter that was waiting at home for her.


It had been 18 years since Persephone had been here and if she had a choice it would remain that way, but Zeus wants her here tomorrow to be presented to the court. He says it’s time for her to choose a husband and this was the best way.


(For those of you who are lost at this part let me explain, Hades asked the sisters of fate if he could replicate Persephone so Demeter wouldn’t suspect her daughter to be missing so right now the imposter of Persephone is living with Demeter for the time being.) All of a sudden Hades steps into the meeting room looking more dead than alive.


Everyone of course gasp at the late entrée of Hades.
I just sat there glaring at him, he paid no mine to me or anyone else for that matter except for Zeus. Which for some reason had bothered me. He sat down with a smirk on his face like he knew something, but wasn’t going to say anything.


“Hades what an unpleasant surprise what brings you here on mount Olympus?” Zeus asked.


“Only a proposition said in private.” Hades said cryptically


“Alright Hades, you will have my attention once the meeting is over, shall I continue?”


Hades gestures with his hand for Zeus to continue on with the conversation they’re having.


This only made me even more uneasy towards Hades, what was he up too and why would he seek audience with Zeus? Never got the chance to ponder over it since I couldn’t even get near Hades or Zeus without more gods and goddess coming near me to chat with me. Before I could lay my eyes on them to see what they were doing they both were gone from site.


“Ugh there is no way of going after them now.”


I might as well go back home to were Persephone is, poor girl is still trying to get a hold of her powers. Demeter shakes her head while pinching her nose. Than it began to rain down on the mortal world, “well maybe I could take a longer way home.” She thought again to herself. If only Persephone could’ve seen this…

Persephone’s point of view-


“Mother would you mind if I go outside?”


“Yes dear I would, it pouring outside and the last thing I need is for you to get sick.”


“But, mother I have never been sick in my life besides I’m only going out there for maybe five minutes.”


“Just because you have gotten sick yet doesn’t mean you won’t.”


Persephone pouted at the Priestess begging to be let out of the crowed home she lived in. she never really felt comfortable living in this tiny house even a little freedom from the house wouldn’t hurt her nor would it hurt her mother.


“Fine, but only for five minutes and stay close to the cottage Persephone I don’t want you to wondering off.” Mother yelled as I left the house.


Finally freedom I never thought I would actually leave the house while it’s raining. I looked for the path I that I found when I was little. It was my first time out of the house by myself when I was little. Taking that path again kind of reminded me of how the first time out ended up being the happiest and the worst day of my life.


(Flash back)


When my mother let me out to play outside for the first time I found a path leading away from my house which I ended up following it to a patch of meadow in the middle of the forest that I lived by. It was a big mistake because when I laid down on the soft ground listening to the birds sing I kind of fell asleep. I didn’t wake up until it was dark outside.


With no torch or any light guiding my way home I tried my best to retrace my footsteps. Which ended in an even bigger disaster because I got even more lost. I finally couldn’t take being alone in the dark anymore and I stayed were I was bawling my eyes out screaming for someone to come and save me.


It took a while for me to calm down a little, well to the point where I fell asleep again. When I opened my eyes again there was a dark figure leaning over my young frail body.

I was about to scream when he put his index finger to his mouth ordering me to keep silent. I did what I was told I didn’t want to get hurt by him. When he removed his finger from his mouth he offered me his hand seeming as how I had no other choice and I really wanted to get out of here I took his hand.


Three second later I was back at my house with my mother waiting anxiously outside for me. I let go of the strangers hand to run towards my mother, it was the last time I ever saw that man.


(Flash back over)


Now I’m taking the same path that I did many years ago to the same patch I loved so much. No I never learned my lesson I just learned how to get from there and back home without getting lost again.

It was only drizzling now which only made me pout a little I loved it when it rained so why stop now? I walked quietly forward thinking in my own little world how wonderful everything is when I bumped into something solid.

I knew it wasn’t a tree because I looked to see if it was a tree, it wasn’t. It was just a middle age women staring down at me. She is beautiful I can guarantee that, but what felt so weird was I thought I knew this women from somewhere.


“Pardon me I did not see where I was going.” I said to her


“No worries little one if you may I find it very rude to have a hood up when you’re speaking to someone.” She said in the most angelic voice. Since I didn’t want to be rude I removed my hood for the women to see my face.


(Gasp) “Persephone what have I told you about leaving the house without me being there at your side?” the women said.


“How do you know my name?”


“Persephone really it’s getting annoying that you keep asking the same question when you know fully well who I am.”


“I’m sorry Ms., but I don’t know who you are.”


“Persephone please stop with the charades you know that I am your mother and you are a goddess you should start acting like one. Now come on and let’s go home before it starts to rain again.”


I was now starting to think this women was crazy. I tried again to tell her that I didn’t know who she was. She only got angry and took my wrist in her hands forcefully making me trail behind her. When we got to her carriage she ushered me inside it and climbed in after me. The carriage than took off on its own towards a new destination.


When we finally arrived I was in front of a beautiful mansion covered with grape vines and majestic flowers that I have not seen before. I heard her coming out of her carriage only to stop and look towards the front door. When I looked to see what she was gawking at.


I wish I hadn’t, there standing on the first step of the stairs that climb up to the doors was someone who looked like me only it wasn’t me….

The author's comments:

Sorry that it's short try to make Chapter four longer.

“Wha…how…?” the women stuttered from beside me. The young me raced to her mother trying to sooth her of the confusion. The women only got angry and stormed off to what looks to be a garden she then turned around with huge bug eyes and used a surge of power on the girl who looked like me. It only exposed her to what she really was a clay model. “I can’t believe it all this time I have been fooled. To think that thing I raised as my daughter wasn’t really her.”
I tried to open my mouth and speak, but like everyone else nothing came out. She than looked at me with heart softened eyes and said. “Come I have a lot to explain to you.”

Two days later- 
Has my whole life been a lie? Is there anyone I can trust anymore? I found out two days ago that the Goddess Demeter is my mother, I’ve been kidnapped by another god, and that I’m a goddess myself. Why would my mother lie to me? Scratch that the women who took care of me lie to me. Has our trust and bond meant nothing to her? I tried to deny everything this women in front of me was saying, but the facts where all too real. I feeling like this. So lost, blind, and alone. I stayed in what was now my room. It was big and beautiful with roses, lilies, daffodils, marigolds, dandelions, and so much more. Is was spacious to with a big windows, drawers, closets filled with clothes and shoes. Everything a girl like me could want maybe even more. I didn’t want any of it. Why would I when this belonged to someone else?

“Persephone come and eat, you must be starving.” Yelled Demeter from down the hall.
“Coming Miss Demeter.” I said.
“(Sighs) please just call me mom or mother. I know it will take time to get used to calling me that, but please try.”
“Yes Dem…mother.”
(Smiles) “What would you like to eat we have salads, corn. Bread, peas, carrots, fruit?”
“I think I will have a little bit of all if I can.”
“Hmm you may please help yourself with whatever you would like.”
“Thank you mom.”
“You’re welcome Persephone.”
We sat in silence eating our dinner. We both had nothing to say to one another or at least tried to say to each other. I glanced up once in a while to see her chewing on her bottom lip. It had looked like she was debating on whether or not to tell me of something important.
“Persephone the “council” of gods are having a meeting tomorrow and they want me to bring you along. It would be your first time in meeting everyone and we would be there for only a couple of days. Now I told your father that it was pointless in bringing you to a meeting like this, but since you’re of age I must.”
“Who is my father?”
“Its Zeus king of the gods and master of the lighting.”
I stared at her with even more disbelief. From what I know of Zeus he is the most powerful person in the world or I should say god, but him as my father. I would’ve just left that piece of information out. I am handling too much to be thinking of more things that I would discover soon.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, believe me I rather just stay here with you and help you adjust to this place if I could. This meeting is important and we have to attend it, all I ask is that you stay by my side and don’t go wondering off.”
I nod at her barely meeting her gaze, “this was too much for me to handle” I thought to myself. We ate in silence again and this time I didn’t mind it gave me time to go over everything that she said tonight. Tomorrow, I’m just going to have to suck it up.

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