What Lies Beaneath Us | Teen Ink

What Lies Beaneath Us

December 15, 2014
By Pointer, San Diego, California
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Pointer, San Diego, California
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It was just a normal day like all the others Bob woke up and went to school then went to the skatepark with his friends.

Three boys were walking down the street to the skatepark.

“What do you guys want to do this weekend?” said Bob.

Bob is a Junior in highschool. He is about a little taller than the average person for his age. He has dark hair and brown eyes and everyone in his school knows him.

“I don’t know maybe we can go surf at the pier,” said Paul.

Paul is a tall and muscular and he is the same age as Bob.

“We did that last week though,” said Zete. Zete is a short and kind of chubby teenager the same age as Bob and Paul. He is more of a thinker than Bob and Paul.

“Hey Bob why don’t we go see what your crazy old Grandpa has for a story this week.

“Okay,” Bob said.

“Grandpa are you there?” said Bob.

“Yes, I am over here watching TV, I have a feeling that you and your friends want to hear another story.”

“Yes” said Bob.

“Alright. Let's see what I got” He’s looking through a old dusty book shelf,

“Ah here we go, this is about a old cave in the woods not far from here it says no one that has gone in has never come out.”

“Alright guys that’s our plan for the weekend.” said Bob.

“Are you crazy! He said that no one has ever come out of it!” said Zete.

“Let's be the first to come out of it then,” said Paul.

“Alright. So tonight everyone gather the supplies and we will head out first thing in the morning,” Bob said.

Paul and Bob are waiting outside Zete’s house knocking on the door “Zete are you in there,” they yelled.

Zete sticks his head out the window to his room and says, “ya I will be out in a second.” Zete takes his head out of the window and his room is spotless everything is organized and labeled and his bed is made, so he neatly places the rest of his equipment in his large backpack. 

“Well hurry up its already 8 A.M.” Paul yells.

Zete comes down to the front door and they start to walk down an alley when they see Dominic.

“Well look what we have here,” Dominic says to his friends.

“Really dude you’re going to start infuriating us on weekends now,” Bob complains.

“Ya so what you aren’t going to stop me,” Dominic snickers.

“You are going to get what you deserve someday,” Paul says while getting furious.

“You want fight me don’t you tough guy,” Dominic says.

“Ya but my friends here would stop me,” Paul says.

“Alright now if you don’t mind we will be going now,” Zete says as they start to leave.

“I am so done with him, when are you guys gonna let me fight him,” Paul yells.

“Never because its just gonna cause more problems,” Bob says.

“Can you just forget about and focus on what we are even doing right now,” Zete suggests.

“We are going to the cave that no one has ever come out of,” Paul said.

“Do you even know where it is,” Zete questions.

“No but there is a small area where it should be,” Bob said “I looked information about it.”

“And what did it say,” Zete questioned

“Nothing really but I found a picture of the area where it should be,” Bob explained.

“Why did I agree to doing this,” Zete cried.

“You didn’t agree, you chose to come with us in the first place,” Paul said.
Paul and Zete notice that Bob is not with them.

“BOB,” Paul and Zete both yelled.

“I am over here guys watch your step, I think I found the cave,” Bob yelled. Both of the boys made it to Bob and the three of just stare into the cave for a minute.

“Paul hand me the flashlight,” said Bob. Bob to the entrance and looks around a little. “I don’t see anything strange it just looks like a normal cave to me,” Bob said.

Paul says, “we didn’t come here just to see the entrance let's head on in.”

Zete yells, “wait let’s tie this rope to each other so if one of us falls we can catch them.”

Paul and Bob agree and they continue to dissect the cave to the point where they can’t see the entrance anymore.

“Shhhhhh, guys do you hear that,” Zete whispered.

Rocks start to crumble underneath their feet.

Bob yells, “grab onto something.”

But it was too late, the boys fell about twenty feet into a pool of water and as they got out of the water a boulders fell and plugged the way to get out of the cave.

“No no no no,” Zete whimpered.

“Calm down Zete everything is going to be okay,” Paul says trying to comfort Zete.

“Paul hand me the shovel I am gonna try to pry open a bigger hole,” Bob said.
Paul hands Bob the shovel and Bob wedges it in between a small hole and starts pushing and putting all of his weight on it.

“These aren’t gonna move an inch, Zete did you bring flares,” Paul said

“Of course I did do you think this is my first rodeo.”

“Alright set a small camp here so we can rest,” Bob said.

A few hours of trying to move a boulder with a shovel passed by and they all decided to give up.

Zete jumps up and says “guys what do all the caves we have gone in have in common, they all have more than one way out.”

Paul and Bob look at each other and say “you’re brilliant.”

As the boys keep on walking through the cave the start hearing noises that sounded like people moaning.
    “Do you two hear that too,” Paul said.
“It sounds really creepy,” Zete said.
    “Ya be sure to watch your step and find something sharp just in cause there is something down here,” Bob said.
    “Hey guys look at this,” Paul said
    There is a tunnel in front of them that looks kind of man made and on the walls there are hieroglyphics of monsters that look like humans.
    “Guys do you think that this is a sign that whatever is at the other side of this tunnel there is something evil,” Zete questioned.
    “I doubt that there will be these drawings are thousands upon thousands of years old and if there was something it probably would’ve died by now,” Paul said.
“Still keep on alert just in case,” Bob said.
    As the boys walk further and further down the cave the moaning noise just gets louder and louder until they reach the end of the tunnel.
    “Wait you can’t be serious a dead end we didn’t almost die for a dead end,” Paul complained.
    “What do we do now Bob,” Paul questioned.
    “I don’t know but sitting here and arguing isn’t going to solve a thing,” Bob said.
    While Bob and Paul were arguing Zete starts to feel the wall and feel around seeing if there was any holes.
    “Wait where did Zete go,” Paul asked.
    “He was just here, ZETE ZETE,” Both the boys started to call his name.
    Zete responded, “calm down I am right over here I found a hole that leads further down.”
    “Yes this isn’t over yet, by the way does anyone know what day it is,” Paul asked.
    The three boys follow the new found tunnel and this comes to a complete dead end with nowhere to go.
    “Really this is gonna happen again,” Bob said.
    “Shhhhhhh, the moaning noise is getting closer,” Zete said.
    “Paul hand me the shovel,” Bob said.
    Bob hits the wall with the shovel and it makes a sound as if it is hollow so Bob hits again dust and small pebbles fall the next time he hits it bigger chunks of the wall start to fall of. Paul and Zete look at him and start to hack at the wall to every hit bigger and bigger pieces fall off and then they all strike one big blow together and the wall falls down.

The boys walk through smoke created by the wall falling and they see the impossible. they see a town exactly the same as theirs but this town was occupied by the undead aka ZOMBIES.
    “B..B...BOB WHA WHAT ARE THO.. THOSE,” Zete said petrified.
    “WE ALL KNOW WHAT THOSE ARE RUN,” Bob preaches.
    The boys dash away but not back into the cave but toward the town and they go into an alleyway and climb up a ladder that leads to the top of a building.
    “We should be safe up here… for now at least,” Paul said.
    Zete yells, “why did we run here when we went down into the second tunnel we could have climbed back up and been in a safer area with a way out.”
    “We can handle this we have seen zombie movies therefore we know how to kill them,” Paul said.
    “Alright let's just calm down but both of you are right this isn’t a movie but we know how to stop those things but I think we can all agree there isn’t help coming and we aren’t going to survive up here for much longer so what we need is a plan to go somewhere isolated,” Bob said with a certain weakness in his voice.
    “Alright let's take count of what we have everyone put everything you have on this a/c unit,” Zete said.
    They have 2 shovels, 3 flashlights with 6 extra batteries, 9 cans of food, 10 bottles of water, 100 ft of rope, 3 knives, 1 pack of bubblegum, a first aid kit, 1 tent, 2 lighters,a pen, a notebook, magnifying glass, 1 can opener, a compass, 3 blankets, and 2 bags of peanuts.

“Bob.. Bob wake up,” Zete said.
    “Wow I had the weirdest dream, ah it wasn’t a dream,” Bob said.
    “Bob I heard gunshots and they weren’t far from here,” Zete said.
    “What direction did it come from,” Bob asked.
    Zete points.
    “Alright are all the zombies still at the bottom of the building,” Bob questioned.
    “Ya there are only about six left in the alley but the front has about a dozen,” Paul whispered.
    “Also make as little noise possible thats what they are drawn to where they go thats where the gunshots are,” Zete said.
    “How long have you guys been awake,” Bob asked.
    They both answer with, “long enough.”
    “Alright Paul and I will go down first and start swinging at the zombies when we finish with them you need to pass down our bags Zete,” Bob said.
    “Alright Paul we have to take them down with one swing per zombie so put all your strength into it, there is no room for failure,” Bob said in a speechy voice.
    “Jump down in 3..2..1 GO,” Zete yelled.
    Paul and Bob jumped down and struggled but they took the zombies out and as planned Zete threw the bags down to them and the took off sprinting down the street toward the gunshots.
    “Guys wait up let's try to catch our breath,” Zete said.
    They run into a boarded up house and block door.
    “Alright what are we gonna do when we approach the person with the gun I don’t think they are just going to take us with them,” Zete said.
    “We are gonna have to try but I am worried about the zombies it’s not like we can have a nice conversation,” Paul said.
    “But we can follow them and see what condition they are in because if they are in the same condition we are they are just going to rob us and leave us out into the open,” Bob said.
    “I have an idea we can try before we do that search the house and look for a hammer,” Zete said.
    “Found one,” Bob said.
    “Alright you two stay down here and guard the door I am going to go into the attic and put a hole in the roof,” Zete said.
    As Zete is taking apart the roof he hears someone screaming.
    “Did you guys hear that too,” Zete asked.
    “Ya we have to save however it is,” Bob said.
    “Start taking the stuff away from the door and start running toward the screams,” Paul said.
    They clear the door and take off running toward the screams.
    “Over here I found her guys,” Bob said.
    “let's get into a building asap,” Paul said.

They get into a flower shop and block the door and search the store for any zombie’s.
    “What is your name ma’am,” Bob asked.
    “I am Anabel.”
“Alright do you have a group or a camp,” Paul said.
    “Wait I don’t even know your names and you think I am going to take to my camp and group you three can be robbers for all I know,” Anabel asked.
    “Oh, my name is Bob.”
    “Mine is Paul.”
    “Hello mine is Zete.”
    “Alright so I had a group but we all got separated because we were attacked by robbers and our safe haven was breached and zombies started flooding in I got out with two others and we have a small camp on a roof not far from here,” Anabel said.
    “Is your camp in good enough to take in three more people,” Bob asks.
    “We might be able to give you food every now and then but don’t expect to be given food and you have to have own tent or shelter let me remind one of my group members is a no tolerance person,” Anabel said.
    “Alright thank you and you won’t have to worry about protecting us that much we are just new to this,” Bob said.
    “Wait what did you just say,” Anabel asked.
    “We are new to this I mean to fighting zombies,” Bob said.
    “How are you new to fighting zombies I can’t remember a time where there weren’t zombies chasing after me,” Anabel said.
    “Let's get out of here and go to your camp then we can explain what we have been through,” Paul said. “
    “Zete come on we are leaving get ready,” Bob said.
    “Guys come back here and look what I found,” Zete said.
    The others go into the room he’s in and there is an armory of weapons and shelves filled with canned food enough for months. Anabel grabs a bag fills it with as much food as possible then she starts to stuff guns in her backpack when the door gets busted down and zombies start to flood in.
    “I have to get these things you three have to block off the door fast here use the axes,” Anabel said.
    “Make it quick like I said we are new to this whole thing,” Paul said.
    “Bob get that rope and push the fridge over to the door and I will hold the door closed while Paul fights the zombies that are in the house,” Zete said.
“Bob watch there is one running towards you,” Paul said.
    “I got it,” Bob said.
    “Bob I can’t hold this door forever hurry up and move the fridge over here,” Zete yelled.
    “Alright one last push annnnnnd there,” Bob said.
    “That was close,” Paul said.
    “Wow you guys work well together where did you say you were from,” Anabel said.
    “Enough talking we can explain everything when we get to your camp and we are able to set up our stuff,” Zete said.
    “Alright if we get separated it is the top of the diner on 31st street,” Anabel said.
    “Why would we get separated I don’t see any zombies,” Bob said.
    “Just in case the world is too unpredictable nowadays,” Anabel said.
    “Man these buildings look really familiar,” Paul said.
    “Ya and back at home we have a diner on 31st street too,” Zete said.
    “Hey Anabel do you mind if we take a small detour,” Bob asked.
    “Go ahead but I am still going to the diner,” Anabel said.
    “Do you mind if we take the axes then,” Paul asked.
    “Sure,” Anabel said.
    The boys turned off on a street and Anabel kept on going.
    “Are you two thinking what I am thinking,” Bob asked.
    “If you are thinking that this place is identical to our home town then yes we are thinking the same thing,” Zete answered.
    “Thats impossible, is it,” Paul asked Zete.
    “I have no clue,” Zete answered.
    “Then doesn’t it mean that this is a parallel universe,” Bob questioned.
    “Doesn’t that mean there should be a duplicate of everyone even us,” Paul questioned.
    “let's just go to our house and see how it is,” Bob said.
    “Bob if there is another one of us going to our houses will clarify if that is true or not,” Zete said.
    “If there is another one of each of us and we meet them what will happen,” Paul asked.
    “I don’t know but let's pick up the pace the zombies behind us are starting to catch up,” Bob stated.
    “We need to be more alert if we are going to get out of here because we have no idea where these things can be,” Bob said.
    “Paul we are getting close to your house,” Zete said.
    “Guys look at our school its in even worse condition than it was back in our universe,” Paul said.
“Paul if it is a parallel universe does that mean your candy will still be there,” Zete asked.
“What candy I gave it to you in grade 5,” Paul said.
“Oh ya,” Zete said.
“We got a few of them in front of us get ready to fight,” Bob said.
“Thats not exactly a few so let's just turn around and leave,” Paul said.
“We can’t turn around there already was a lot chasing us,” Zete said.
“We are gonna have to fight our way through it,” Bob said.
“That is suicide,” Paul argued
“You can wait here but fighting those things we have a small chance and it is good enough for me so are you two in,” Paul said.
“Ya I’m in,” Zete said.
“I guess me two,” Bob said.
“Alright we have to stand back to back and fight our way to the other side push the zombies away but if you have to finish it,” Paul said.
The three enter the pack and make it about halfway and then they get attacked and surrounded.
“We aren’t gonna make,” Zete yelled as he pushes a zombie away.
“Don’t give up we aren’t dead yet,” Paul said.
    “Guys ones got me help,” Zete said.
    As Paul and Bob are picking up Zete while pushing away they hear gunshots and see zombies falling to the ground.
    “Guys it’s Anabel. You followed us,” Bob said.
    “I followed you because I knew that you three were going to need help even though you work together as team pretty good,” Anabel said.
    “I ain’t mad and thank you,” Paul said.
    “Alright let's go where ever you are going and quick the sun is about to go down and being out here at night is not good,” Anabel said.
    “Ok let's go,” Bob said

“Paul we are here. Ready to see your second home,” Zete asked.
    “Wait did second home what do you mean by that,” Anabel asked.
    “You probably won’t believe us but we live in a parallel universe,” Bob said.
    “How did you get here then,” Anabel asked.
    “Can we get into depth about this at the diner where we aren’t out in the open,” Zete said.
    “Alright,” Anabel said.
    “Paul you done in there yet,” Bob asked.
    “Ya man there was a lot of stuff still in there like there was only a couple pairs of clothes missing but a lot of the canned food we had is still there,” Paul said.
    “Wait thats impossible this town has been completely looted,” Anabel said.
    “What street is this,” Anabel asked.
    “Uh fifty-third street,” Paul said.
    “WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW,” Anabel said.
    “Why,” Bob said.
    “This is the most hostile area around for miles it is filled with countless zombies and the people alive are just as worse as the undead,” Anabel said.
    “That is not comforting let's leave now,” Zete cried.
    The four of them start walking when they see a horde of about three or four dozen.
    “Do you have enough bullet's to get a way through these guys,” Zete asked.
    “Definitely not that is the most in one area I have ever seen and I am not about to go into that head on with one gun and three axes,” Anabel proclaimed.
    “I got a plan,” Zete said.
    “Hit us with it,” Paul said.
    “Alright we look for a car preferably a truck but we get it and push it as fast and hard as we can and run it right through the least dense area so it doesn’t stop,” Zete said with a smile on his face.
    “It’s brilliant let's get to work before the see us and run to us,” Anabel said cheerfully.
    A few minutes pass and they have everything assembled.
    “Alright the car is in neutral start pushing,” Bob said.
    They get the car moving down the hill and hop in the back.
    “Wait Zete how exactly are we going to steer this,” Paul asked.
    “I got this,” Anabel says she breaks the window into the cab of the truck, “whose driving.”
“I will,” Bob said.
“Remember don’t touch the brakes and take
us to the diner its just like a trip down the street,” Paul said.
    “Don’t worry I got this do you not remember I am not the only with a drivers license,” Bob said.
    “Not really convincing saying you aren’t looking at the road and that there is a car in the middle of the road in front of us,” Anabel said.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wow that was close,” Bob said.
“It was almost like the time when I rolled my moms car. Remember that Paul and Zete,” Bob said.
    “That was awful and you had to work at your dads dock to pay for it,” Zete said.
    “Good times,” Paul said sarcastically.

“We made,” Anabel said cheerfully, “Don’t worry I am sure my group will love you three and you still have to explain how you got here but you don’t have to in front of them if you want.”
    They go into the diner which is completely boarded up.
    “Alright guys I am back and brought a few friends that are great fighters,” Anabel said.
    “Alright guys that is Abraham, a tall and strong military man, this is Sue, a average sized adult woman with long wavy hair, and this guy is Arno, a average sized man that is a brilliant neuroscientist,” Anabel introduced.
“Uh hi I am Zete.”
“Hey I am Paul.”
“Hello I am Bob.”
“Wait you said that Arno is a neuroscientist (a person that studies the nerves in a brain),” Zete asked.
“Indeed I am mate what does that attract to you,” Arno asked.
“Did you ever work in a lab,” Zete asked.
“Indeed I did I worked in a lab up until it was breached by the undead,” Arno said.
“My father is a Pharmaceutical Scientist (a person that creates) and he shown me a lot of things and I think that this can be curable,” Zete said with excitement.
“Let’s just say that Zete is smarter than the average high school student,” Bob whispered to Anabel.
Back to Arno and Zete’s conversation.
    “I too believe that because my lab was breached I was so close to finding a cure, you see this disease affects the way the brain functions so the brain shuts down and turns back on but when it turns back on you are a zombie,” Arno said.
    “Alright that is enough geek talk for today I believe you three have a story to explain to all of us,” Anabel disrupted.
    “Can we eat all we had last night was a can of corn plus we found all that food today,” Zete argued.
    “Oh ya guys we got enough canned food to last us for months and a ton of weapons,” Anabel told her team.
    “Yes we are going to have a feast right now,” Abraham said.
    “I found a case of coke in the kitchen too so we are going to eat and drink good tonight,” Sue said.
    With a mouth full of food Bob starts to tell their journey that led them here. “Alright so it all started after school about two days ago.”
    “Did you say school,” Anabel interrupted.
    “Can we save questions for after the story,” Bob said.
    “As I was saying we were walking and thinking about what we were going to do for the weekend and we ended up at my grandfather’s house asking if there was any place we could explore and he said of this cave. So we got supplies and went into the cave he mentioned and no one has ever come out of this cave alive so we go in and about 50 meters in we fall and our exit gets blocked by boulders so we give up on moving those and we keep walking through this tunnel that looked man made and when it came to a dead end we dropped down into another tunnel and when we hit that dead end we started banging on the wall and it fell down and this world was on the other side,” Bob said catching his breath at the end.
    “So we think we are in a parallel universe,” Zete said.
    “I believe him,” Abraham said.
    “How they could have just gone completely insane,” Sue said.
    “Me too the way that they work together isn’t like insane people work together,” Anabel said.
    “I believe them because when I was out on the road traveling from group to group some people told stories about ranting about a different universe and asking if they would help clear their cave so they can go back home,” Abraham said.
    Sue looks at Arno.space person,” Arno said.
    “Take us to where the cave is then,” Sue
    “Don’t look at me I am a neuroscientist not an astronomer,” Arno said.
    “That’s not a good idea right now there was a large crowd of zombies moving this direction so we are going to be trapped in here for a day or two,” Anabel said.
    “Great,” Sue said.
    “At least we got a lot of supplies now but I suggest that someone always stands watch,” Anabel said.
    Later that night Abraham who was standing watch wakes up everyone.
    “Everyone up they know we are here,” Abraham yells.
    “What should we do,” Paul asked.
    “Make as little noise as possible and watch every door that is in this building,” Abraham said.
    “Do not fire a gun unless you have to,” Abraham said.
    “About that Paul, Zete and I aren’t exactly the best shooters I mean we all have been hunting before but we didn’t exactly hit anything,” Bob said.
    “Can you swing an axe at least,” Abraham said.
    “Ya,” they all responded.
    “Where’s Arno,” Zete asked.
    “He’s probably on the roof,” Sue said.
    “I will go get him,” Anabel said.
    Anabel goes into the kitchen and climbs up the ladder that leads to the roof.
    “Arno get up we have to lock this place down,” Anabel said as she opens his tent.
    She looks in the tent and doesn’t see him.
    “HELP,” Arno screams as he is hanging off the roof.
    “I got you,” Anabel yells as she starts to pull him up.
    “Are you okay did they bite you or anything,” Anabel says worriedly.
    Anabel hears someone climbing up the ladder.
    “I heard screaming is everyone okay,” Paul said.
    “Ya Arno almost fell of the roof but I got him in time,” Anabel said.
    “Thank you Anabel I owe you,” Arno said.
    All three of them go back down.
    “Everyone start pushing everything against the doors they are about to get in,” Abraham said.
    “This building is not going to hold long enough we need to get to another one,” Zete said.
    “As soon as we open one of those doors those things are going to flood in and kill us and if we hop down from the roof we will be surrounded in seconds,” Abraham said.
    After a few minutes of think Zete comes up with a plan. “I got it alright so Paul remember when your older brother worked here for a summer when we were little kids,” Zete said.
    “Ya so,” Paul said.
    “Remember we had the pulleys and the rope on the roof of the apartments across the street so your brother could send us fresh cookies and his boss saw him doing it and fired him,” Zete said.
    “Ya his boss cut the rope and left the pulleys next the air vent,” Bob said.
    “We can throw those across to the apartment roof and start sending across the supplies then we can try to shimmy across,” Paul said.
    “Anabel you weren’t kidding when you said that these three worked together well,” Arno said.
    “You heard the plan start putting everything on the roof and ASAP,” Abraham announced.
    “I can start throwing the pulley all we need is about 40 yards of rope and a piece of metal I can make a hook out of,” Bob said.
    “Look in the kitchen for the metal and we don’t have enough rope,” Sue said.
    “I have rope in my bag,” Zete said.
    “Alright here’s the last box of cans everyone on the roof now,” Anabel said.
    “This door is about to give move everything out of the way I am going to run for it,” Arno yelled.
    “Go,” Abraham said.
    “Alright one… two… three… run,” Arno yelled.
    After he got to the dozens of zombies started following in.
    “Glad we aren’t down there,” Anabel said.
    “I got it start sending the cans over,” Bob said excitedly.
    “Wait we don’t know even if that side is any better here and if the rope will hold us,” Sue exclaimed.
    “We have no choice and we can guess how much weight it can hold,” Anabel said.
    After they send all the food over they decide who will go first.
    “Who is the smallest person here,” Sue said.
    Everyone looks at Anabel.
    “Fine I will go first,” Anabel said worriedly.
    Half to the other side Anabel says, “This is a lot harder than it looks.”
    “Don’t talk keep in concentrating on climbing across,” Abraham said.
    “Almost there… I made it,” Anabel said.
    “Alright check around and make sure there is no zombies there we are sending Bob over,” Sue said.
    “Wait what,” Bob said.
    “Go,” Sue interrupted.
    Meanwhile Arno is looking down the ladder at the kitchen and notices something.
    “Guys we have a problem,” Arno says quickly.
    “What is it,” Abraham says.
    “The zombies have bumped into the propane grill so much it hit our camp fire and fell over so now the propane tank is on the hot embers,” Arno said.
    “You heard the man hurry up before we get grilled ourselves,” Abraham shouted.
    “I made it I think it can hold two people at a time,” Bob said.
    “Alright Zete and Arno go then Sue and Paul so pay attention we can’t take to long,” Abraham ordered.
    Three minutes pass and Sue and Paul are on the rope and almost there.
    “Fella’s hurry up I can see the tank getting hotter,” Abraham said.
    “I made it,” Sue yelled.
    “Almost there,” Paul said weakly.
    “Abraham start climbing now and fast because when the tank blows up and hits the kitchen the fire will burn the rope,” Arno yelled.
    “I made it Abraham you need to go faster,” Bob yelled.
    They here a small explosion then a big one and see the diner burst into flames meanwhile Abraham is still on the rope almost to the roof and the rope breaks so he is hanging.
    “I am alright guys I can break the window into this apartment three of you start heading to my voice and stick together,” Abraham said quickly.
    “Alright Zete, Paul, and I will start heading down do you know what floor it is,” Bob said.
    “The 4th floor hurry to the zombies are starting bang on the bottom floor doors now,” Abraham said.
After the boys find Abraham they decide to go the doors at the bottom and block up the door for what its worth.
“Alright let's go back to the top and get as far away from here as possible and quick that explosion just brought every zombie around for miles and some bandits if they are dumb enough,” Abraham said.
“let's get going we can move from rooftop to rooftop,” Bob said.

“Moving along rooftops is a lot harder than the movies make it look,” Zete said.
    “I would do anything to sit on a couch and watch a movie,” Anabel said.
    “Maybe you can if you come back to our universe with us,” Paul said.
    “I don’t know something bad would happen because if there is duplicate people that means there would be two of me in your universe,” Anabel said.
    “Forget about that and focus on the new objective,” Abraham said.
    “What’s that,” Sue said.
    “Getting across the street,” Abraham said.
    “Can we think about it tomorrow it is starting to get dark and cold,” Anabel complained.
    “Fine I guess we can clear out a room in one of these buildings,” Abraham said.
    “Look the diner is still burning,” Zete said.
    “Thats bad you realize that right,” Sue said.
    “How,” Zete asked.
    “Because if it spreads to the building we climbed across to it will spread through the entire city,” Sue said.
    “That’s not good but I think that the street is wide enough to prevent it,” Paul said.
    “Forget about we need sleep,” Abraham said.
    “Sir yes sir,” Anabel joked.
    The night goes by and Bob is awakened.
    “Bob.. Bob.. get up we have to move,” Paul yelled.
    Bob coughs and then talks “,wait why what is happening.”
    “The fire from the diner spread and it is moving at us fast,” Paul said quickly.
    “Where is everyone,” Bob said.
    “They starting going about 2 minutes ago so we need to hurry up and run,” Paul said.
    “Alright let's go,” Bob said.
    “Run the buildings are starting to collapse,” Bob said as the started to pass the others.
    “When we get to the end what are we going to do,” Anabel said.
    “We jump,” Abraham said.
    “Are you kidding let's see how much time we have,” Sue said.
    “If we want time to screw around and decide what we are going to do we need to go faster,” Abraham said.
    “Alright we made it to the end and the fire is nowhere near us so let's go down the building and fight our way to safety,” Arno said.
    “Good plan get ready to fight and Zete, Paul, and Bob get ready for judgement day,” Abraham said.
    “Oh please forget about it,” Anabel said.
    “Did you two forget about the fact there is a fire heading straight toward us and there are zombies banging on the door into the building,” Zete said.
    “This building is probably filled with them we need to get to another building and asap,” Sue said.
    “Too late for that the fire is spreading too fast we are going to have to climb down the side of this building,” Abraham said.
    “Alright everyone to ladder when you get to the bottom be ready to fight,” Bob said.
    “I don’t think we need to worry too much all the zombies are attracted to the collapsing,” Arno said.
    “Ya I don’t see too many zombies down there,” Zete said.
    “Quit talking and start climbing,” Sue said.
    “I will go first,” Paul said.
    “Don’t even wait till the person on the ladder gets to the bottom just go,” Abraham said.
    After everyone gets to the bottom they discuss where they are going to go.
    “let's not do this out in the open there is a doughnut shop just across the street let's go there,” Anabel said.
    They pull on the door and its locked so they break down the door and block all exits.
    “We need to get out of this city and look for a house or something in the woods or in the mountains. Just somewhere deserted,” Sue said.
    “Us three have to get back home its been about 3 days since anyone saw us so there is going to be a manhunt,” Zete said.
    “Wait there are farmlands about 20 miles out of town if we can get a car working we can get there in no time,” Paul said.
    “What about you guys getting back home,” Anabel said.
    “There are giant boulders blocking the exit we can’t do anything to move them with what we have now,” Bob said.
    “So we are trapped in here for ever pretty much unless we can find explosives or something,” Paul said.
    “All we need to do now is find a car and get it working,” Abraham said.
    “We can start by going to a car garage then,” Paul said.
    “No those have definitely been looted, we can start walking along the highway there was a military checkpoint there when all of this happened and it should still have supplies,” Abraham said.
    “We can camp here for the night but we need to leave first thing in the morning,” Sue said.
    “In the meantime let's search this place for anything I don’t think someone would come to a doughnut shop in this time,” Arno said.
    “I found a refrigerator with a couple cans of soda in it,” Anabel said.
    “Look what I found,” Arno said. He found a box twinkies hidden under the sink.
    “You guys keep them for yourself you deserve them more and you probably haven’t had one for a long time,” Bob said.
     “Thank you I don’t think I have ever had one of these,” Anabel said.
    “Well you have the chance to eat one now,” Zete said.
    Anabel takes her first bite and says, “Ewww you people actually like these.”
    “It grows on you,” Zete said.
    Time goes by and night falls And eventually the morning comes without any problems.
    “Alright you people remember what we are doing so be sure to leave behind everything we don’t need,” Abraham announced.
    “Alright let's get going before the zombies make their way over here,” Arno said.
    “Arno leave the twinkies,” Sue said.
    “Bu… But,” Arno said.
    “They are dead weight and they dehydrate the human body faster,” Sue said.
    “Oh fine,” Arno said.
    “Alright everyone stick together and don’t split up,” Abraham said.
    “How far is the highway from here,” Anabel asked.
    “About 3 miles,” Paul said.
    “Wait we are going to need a bucket and a hose,” Bob said.
    “Why,” Sue said.
    “You think we are going to find a car in working condition with gas in it we are going to have to take gas from another car,” Bob said.
    “Quit talking let's get walking,” Arno said.
    After about one and a half hours of walking they reach the highway.
    “Alright the military checkpoint can’t be far from here,” Sue said.
    “Alright let's head up,” Anabel said.
    “We have to move faster if we want to find a farm before nightfall,” Abraham said.
    They get onto the highway and after walking for about thirty minutes they see one zombie then another then another until there was about 3 dozen or so of them.
    “Everyone on top of this RV and don’t make a sound,” Abraham whispered.
    As Sue is climbing on top the bag of cans falls off her back and makes a loud noise.
    “Sue get up here now they are coming over here now,” Anabel whispered.
    “We need to get that bag,” Sue whispered.
    “We can get it after the zombies pass us in the mean time we have to hide up here,” Anabel whispered angrily.
    “Fine,” Sue said madly.
    A few minutes later the RV was in the middle of the pack of zombies and the group tried to make as little noise as possible When they hear gunshots in the direction they just came and then a person screaming.
    “Bandits,” Abraham whispered.
    “What do we do,” Bob asked.
    “We wait here those zombies should be able to finish them off,” Abraham said.
    Minutes of gunshots go by then they hear one last scream then silence.
    “We need to move to that checkpoint fast, those gunshots just attracted every zombie for miles around so keep an eye out for another herd like that one,” Abraham said.
    A couple minutes of silence then Zete talks “I see one right over at that trash truck.”
    “Don’t worry it’s just a solo of them keep on moving,” Arno said.
    “I got this one,” Paul says as he hits point blank with an axe.
    “You don’t seem to be scared of those things Paul, why,” Anabel said.
    “I don’t know I don’t really fear many things in general,” Paul said.
    “You better find something to fear soon because that is what is going to keep you alive,” Abraham said.
    “What about you Bob and Zete are you afraid of them,” Anabel asked.
    “I am horrified by them but I try to show it as little as possible because this isn’t a world for the weak,” Zete answered.
    “I am a little but mainly because they seem to travel in packs,” Bob said.
    “That’s because they are attracted to sound and smell so its not entirely in their nature to travel together,” Arno said.
    “Arno where were you when all of this went down,” Zete asked.
    “I was in a safe government issue bunker then they started to kick out unneeded personal and I was one of those people which doesn’t make any sense at all,” Arno answered.
    “Uh we got another straggler,” Paul said.
    “Why does it not make sense,” Zete asked.
    “Because I was working on a way to find a cure for this disease,” Arno answered.
    “Were you the only one working on the cure at that facility,” Bob asked.
    “Of course not the government started forcing all kinds of scientists and doctors into the bunkers to start working on the cure as soon as the outbreak started,” Arno said.
    “So now one saw it coming,” Paul said.
    “No one did,” Arno said.
    “What about you Abraham,” Zete said.
    “I was positioned at a refuge in Los Angeles that eventually got overrun and I made it out with three other people from my squad but one went insane and left in the middle of the night and the other two made it to the camp that we were at when I met Arno, Anabel, and Sue,” Abraham answered.
    “I remember hearing about that refuge and how fast they broke in it,” Anabel said.
    “What is it like to be in a world like this one used to be,” Anabel said interrupting the silence.
    “You know I haven’t really thought about that I mean we live in a society that isn’t in a situation like this,” Paul said.
    “We are getting close I see the checkpoint,” Sue said.
    “Do you see any zombies,” Arno said.
    “Not a single one I don’t think that there are many on the highway especially since this is a bridge,” Sue said.
    “Are there any vehicles there we can use,” Abraham asked.
    “The place looks untouched thats strange,” Sue said.
    “Get down its a trap there are people there that are going to ambush us,” Abraham whispered.
    “How do you know that,” Anabel said.
    “I see them they don’t see us,” Abraham whispered.
    “What should we do then,” Anabel said.
    “Are you three a good shot with a rifle,” Abraham said.
    “If you are asking us to shoot those people I am sorry but we can’t,” Bob said.
    “Alright but will you fight them with your fists,” Abraham said.
    “Of course,” Paul said.
    “Alright us four will take out as many people as we can but when we give you guys the signal you have to run up there and fight the unarmed people,” Abraham said.
    “But as soon as you fire those shots zombies are going to start heading in our direction,” Zete said.
    “I got an idea we can ambush them when it gets dark,” Arno said.
    “How we can’t hit them from the side it is a bridge,” Sue said.
    “But we can climb across the side and attack from two sides,” Arno said.
    “Good idea now all we have to do is prepare,” Anabel said.
    “Wait that zombie we passed we can use,” Zete said.
    “How,” Abraham said.
    “We can see how good at shooting they are and if they are bad we can avoid killing them and just run in with baseball bats,” Zete said.
    “Alright good thinking so Sue, Anabel, and Bob go get the zombie we will wait here and watch,” Abraham said.
    A couple minutes go by and Sue, Anabel, and Bob find the zombie.
    “How exactly are we going to get this,” Sue mentioned.
    “I worked at my dad’s pest control business and we had plenty of skunks and stuff we had to handle so we have to make a loop with rope and just get it and it and tie it up,” Bob said.
    “Alright I got,” Bob says as he hooks the zombie.
    “Alright let's start heading back,” Sue said.
    “Oh that is going to help us a lot,” Abraham said.
    “What is,” Paul asked as he sits down next to Abraham.
    “Almost all of these bandits are drunk and a lot of people in the military hide secret caches of stuff and I found one that is at this checkpoint and it has a couple five gallon gas cans,” Abraham said as he looked at Paul for a couple of seconds.
    “What,” Paul asks, “is there something on my face.”
    “No you just remind me of my older brother when we were kids,” Abraham responds sadly.
    “What happened to him,” Paul asked.
    “We both enlisted in the army and on our second deployment we were clearing out a house and someone threw a grenade in and he like always wanted to protect me so he jumped on it to absorb the explosion and that was it,” Abraham responded shakily.
    “Well at least he didn’t have through this hell,” Paul said trying to cheer up Abraham.
    “I see them they have the zombie with them,” Zete said.
    “Alright let's send this guy to his doom,” Arno said.
    “Is everyone behind cover,” Abraham said.
    “Yep push it forward,” Arno said.
    They send the zombie over with difficulty because it would end up walking back to them before the people could see him but eventually the bandits saw the zombie and they too did not want to make noise so they used a crossbow.
    “Alright we can take these people that zombie pretty much entered the checkpoint before they saw it,” Abraham said.
    “Now all we have to do is plan how we are going to attack,” Sue said.
    “We are going to split up and just rush through the place and tie everyone up,” Abraham said.
    “Alright everyone just sit still and be quiet,” Abraham reminded.
    “When we get one of those trucks what are we going to do,” Anabel said.
    “Ya how are we going to Move the truck the highway is blocked by cars,” Paul said.
    “I don’t know let's do one thing first,” Sue said.
    “Alright the night is coming get ready,” Arno said.
    A few minutes go by then it is night time.
    “Alright let's go in,” Abraham tells everyone.
    “When you find a person disarm them then knock them out,” Abraham said.
    “Alright let's attack,” Arno said.
    A couple minutes go by and they take down all the bandits without alerting anyone.
    “This is our camp now,” Abraham tells their prisoners.

“Alright did you guys gather the supplies and the gas,” Abraham asked.
    “Yep they are all in that tent and we can move out of this place first thing in the morning,” Zete said.
    “No we can’t we have a problem and that is how are we going to leave here don’t you remember we are blocked in,” Sue said.
    “Oh ya about that I have an idea it is a pretty wild one but it might work,” Arno said.
    “Well right now no one else is thinking of one so tell us,” Abraham said.
    “Alright so we bend a sheet of metal and make it into a plow and put it in front of the truck,” Arno said.
    “It is a crazy idea but it will work I will start a fire so we can shape the metal now all we need is a large sheet of metal,” Abraham said.
    “I got it we can use the roof to that tent canopy thingy,” Anabel said.
    “We are going to have to put some on it because that fire needs to be really hot,” Zete said.
    “let's go around taking gas out of cars I don’t want to use the gas in those fuel cans,” Abraham said.
    “Alright Paul and I can do that,” Bob said.
    “I am going to have a talk with our tied up friends over there trying to get out,”  Arno said.
    “Alright what were you planning to do here and tell me the truth because no matter what we are going to leave you all here with just one knife so your life your choice 60 seconds,” Arno said.
    “We are bandits what else do you think that we are going to do,” a bandit said.
    “So you were going to rob people yes or no,” Arno said.
    “Yes,” a robber said.
    “So let's say a huge group of people with guns were to come by you would still attack them,” Arno said.
    “Yes we would ambush them that’s why we hide here,” the same robber said.
    “So you lack brains, you are all drunk in a apocalypse, and you are bad at fighting,” Arno said.
    “You guys ambushed us so we didn’t know what was going on,” A girl robber said.
    “That just means that you don’t know self defense,” Arno said.
    “Now what are your names,” Arno said.
    “I won’t tell you,” ten of the thirteen bandits say.
    “I am Mitch,” one bandit said.
    “I am Barry,” another said.
    “I am Abdou,” the third said.
    “Well thank you for at least telling me,” Arno said.
    Bob pulls Mitch off to the side and says, “I recognize you we went to school together.”
    “Wait Bob is that you,” Mitch said.   
    “Ya,” Bob said.
    “Wait go and get Barry and Abdou over here too,” Mitch said.
    “This doesn’t seem like you to be bandits,” Bob said.
    “We were in another group but we split up one night to scavenge and Barry, Abdou, and I were attacked by them and they said if we didn’t join them they would beat us half to death and leave us in the street helpless and we were planning to escape when they got drunk tonight,” Mitch said.
    “Well you three are free now and are welcome to join us let me tell my group to untie ya’ll,” Bob said.
    Bob pulls Abraham off to the side and says, “Abraham I went to school with those three boys that told us their names and they have been forced to work for the bandits and I said that they can join us do you mind.”
    “The more the better,” Abraham said, “let's go and untie them.”
    A couple minutes go by and Bob, Zete, and Paul go up to their new group members.
    “So are you guys going to stay with us,” Zete asked.
    “Of course we split up with people before and haven’t seen them since and we aren’t about to make that mistake again,” Barry said.
    “Well let's introduce you to your new group members,” Paul said, “she is Sue, the guy interrogating you was Arno, that young girl is Anabel, and that dude with the mustache is Abraham he is the leader.”
    Time passes and Paul tells the three new boys their journey to this world.

“Wow look what I just found Abraham,” Zete said while looking through the bandits bags.
“That there is some C4,” Abraham said.
“Do you think that that is strong enough to blow up a boulder,” Zete said.
    “Of course everyone pack up I want leave here asap we aren’t going to the farm we are going to the tunnel and then send these boys on there way,” Abraham said.
    Everyone packed the essentials and they were on there way with a truck filled with gas and everyone piled in the back and then the get to the to the tunnel without really seeing any zombies.
    “That is strange I don’t think I have ever seen the town this deserted before,” Barry said.
    “The zombies were attracted the gunshots and are probably still lingering around there so we should be able to get away before they get here because of the C4 explosion,” Abraham said.
    “We are here,” Arno says from the drivers seat.
    “Alright well this is the end of the road for us,” Bob said
    “Well let's all go in since Abraham is the only that knows how to use C4,” Arno said getting out of the car.
    “No I am the only one going in we need to protect this truck so we can leave,” Abraham said.
    “Alright well good bye everyone and nice meeting you the boys,” said while walking into the cave.
    “Bye,” Anabel said sadly.
    “Good bye maybe we will look you up in our world,” Bob said.
    They venture into the cave with Abraham and reach the way out.
    “Well thank you so much Abraham this is where we say goodbye so how do use this stuff,” Zete said.
    “I will activate it all you have to do is back away,” Abraham said.
    The bomb blows up and Abraham leaves.
    “Well guys let's not tell anyone this story because no one will believe us,” Paul says as they are climbing out.

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