Ain't no Good | Teen Ink

Ain't no Good

September 18, 2013
By Bunnyrabbit510 BRONZE, wilmington, Delaware
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Bunnyrabbit510 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay Gold."

Author's note: My friends Dallas and Matthew inspired me to write this because they were my only family and kinda like my brother's.

I whimpered silently, holding my knees as I sat in the corner of my room, my step-dad yelling at me to come out. He banged the door hard and the door burst open. So hard that the door nearly broke off of the hinges. This was a regular routine for me; my step-dad would come home fuming, whether it was because of his job or my mom ticked him off, and take the anger out on me because he thinks that it’s my fault. Everything’s my fault with him.

“You little…..” He went on calling me any name that he could think of in the heat of the moment and kicked me in the gut, causing me to yelp as a sharp pain shot through me. Yup, I thought, that one probably broke some ribs. Or at least bruised them. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping the agony would just go away as my father kicked me again but harder. “You’re worthless, just like your mother. You little mistake, don’t you get it? You’re not desired around here!” As he drew back his fist, going in for a punch this time, something stopped him cold.

“Step. Away. From. My. Sister.”

He turned to look over his shoulder at the person who dared to talk to him like that. And there stood Austin, my older brother by five years, standing in the doorway with a heavy jacket on even though it was mid-spring. “What did you say to me?”

My brother just crossed his arms over his fifteen-year-old chest and narrowed his eyes, trying to look tougher then he seemed. He had whitish-blonde hair and he wasn’t that tall, his height being only five feet. His hair was in little tufts at the nape of his neck and his eyes were dark emerald green, but they had a certain look to them. That look was a protective kind of look. They only looked that way when he was around people that were younger then him and people he respected, but normally they’re cold and hard. “You heard me, old man, step away. You’re not our father. You never were. Just because our mom married you, which in my opinion was a mistake, doesn’t mean we’re your kids. And I know for certain that you’re not our biological dad because if you were, our last names would be James not Skye.”

That was quite a speech for my brother, I mean, it wasn’t totally unexpected but, you know what I mean.
Our step-dad growled through clenched teeth and narrowed his dark, hard, emotionless eyes that were as black and dull as night. He just took a menacing step toward my brother, hands balled up in fists, waiting for Austin to give him a reason to hit him. But Austin was smarter than that. Way smarter.

“I’m not gonna fight you. I have better things to do with my life,” Aussie smirked and stepped forward so he was right under our step-dad’s nose then spoke to him bitterly, “Thomas.”

Okay, I thought with finality, maybe he’s not smarter than that. Thomas widened his eyes which suddenly blazed up with untamed fury and he clamped his jaw shut and I watched as his jawline got paler the longer and harder he clamped his jaw. Austin just watched him with an unafraid face and blank eyes as Thomas raised his hand to my brother, acting like he was going to slap him with all the force he could muster. “What did you call me, boy?”

Please Austin, I begged in my head, please don’t fall into his trap and get yourself hurt. “You heard me, old man.” Austin barked out and glared.

Thomas shook his head and muttered words under his breath before jabbing a finger at Austin’s chest, making him stagger back a bit. “I had it up to here with you and I’m sick and tired of it! You better wise up and stop acting like a child or I’ll—“

“You’ll what?” Austin snarled at Thomas but found himself taking a step back. “Beat the crap outta me until I beg for mercy and swear I’ll behave and never speak out against you ever again? Yeah, that’s real mature…”

“Austin...” I started in such a low whisper that only Aussie could hear. “Just drop it, stupid, because you’ll get yourself hurt.”

Austin glanced at me with eyes that were once hard, now filled with sorrow, and looked at Thomas again. “Look, I’ll get right back to you. I got some business to take care of.” As he said that, he shoved past Thomas who immediately grabbed my brother’s wrist in what looked like a bone-crushing grip. Austin spun around so fast that it all seemed like a blur and punched Thomas in the face and once I heard the loud crunching sound as Austin’s fist made contact with his nose I knew that Thomas probably would walk away from this battle with a broken nose and the humiliating memory of getting his butt kicked by a kid half his age. I would have laughed if I wasn’t in so much pain. “Don’t touch me or my sister ever again.” Austin growled out. Thomas threw his head back and roared in pain as he quickly let go of my brother’s wrist and brought his hands up to aid his nose. I saw blood flow from it and that made me queasy. I shuddered and closed my eyes before reopening them to find Austin kneeling in front of me, examining me with worry. “You alright, Carolina?” He pressed the back of his warm hand against my forehead then my cheek. I nodded slowly, a little unsure of the answer. He just put his left hand under my back to support it then gathered his other under my legs and looked at me. “This might hurt a bit.” He hoisted me up and cradled me in his arms as he stood. I bit back a cry of pain as he accidently hit my ribs. He looked down at me with wide, frightened eyes “Sorry.” He must’ve sensed that he hurt me.

“It’s okay.” I said weakly and struggled to keep from passing out from the immense pain. I saw Thomas holding his nose while glaring in our direction, obviously angrier than he’s ever been in a long time. Austin just ignored the look he was giving us and walked right out of my room with me, carrying me to his which was at the end of the hall. Last door on our right. He walked into his room in a hurry and lightly set me on his bed before dashing out of the room while grabbing his phone out of his pocket at the same time. I just sat there. Still. Staring at the ceiling. Letting myself slip in and out of consciousness before my eyes closed and the pain just slipped away.

I made a faint groan as I felt sunlight hammering down on me. I wasn’t unaccompanied though. There were people here. I could hear their soft murmured words and quiet whispers. My right eye opened gradually, and then my left and I looked up at my brother who was rubbing heartening circles on my back as he looked down. Kyle was also there with his younger brother, Jaxon, leaning against the wall while Jax himself paced back and forth looking extremely concerned.
Kyle had light brown hair and was Austin’s best friend at 17, I saw his comb sticking out of his jeans pocket and I thought teasingly Man that kid would give up everything he had if it meant that his hair would stay in the perfect style it was in now. Kyle was observing his brother pace as he cleaned his glasses, his blue eyes showing worry. Kyle didn’t have the best eye sight, which is why he needed the glasses, but he was still the most considerate and delicate one; always willing to help in any way he can. And Kyle, being from Florida and his brother being from here, was a much darker tone then Jax and he was proud of his tan. He claims that it, and I quote, ‘Drives the women crazy!’ But one things for sure, Kyle Lanzet was one man that always got what he wanted but also got bored with the same thing after a while. Don’t take that the wrong way though; he is very reliable and trustworthy in a relationship.
I then turned my gaze to Jaxon, who was still pacing worried-like, hands weaved in his hair as his light-blue eyes were wide and he bit on his lower lip. Jax was a few months older than me and his hair was darker then his brother’s. And unlike Kyle, Jax’s hair was wilder, too, while Kyle’s was nicely combed to the side, almost like he was going somewhere important like a dance or something. Jax was taking deep breathes and kept pacing timidly around the room.
I turned to my brother, who was still looking down and rubbing my back, and sluggishly reached out and rubbed his arm. His head shot up in surprise and he grinned instantly at me. “Care!” He yelled his nickname for me and wrapped me in his arms, whispering something about never wanting to let me go. I felt pain course through me and I howled as I threw my head back a bit. Austin let me go as fast as he could and his hand went to my ribs. “I’m sorry, I forgot!”
“I-It’s fine…” I assured him and sat up on the bed, leaning against the wall. Jaxon was staring at me with eyes filled with gloom and depression. I looked down at Austin’s hand on my ribs and swallowed. “How bad is it, Aussiecakes?”
“They’re only bruised,” Kyle said quietly, moving to sit on my other side.
I looked at Kyle and glared. I’m not usually that mean but for Pete’s sake, I’m in pain! “Thank you, Austin!”
Kyle just grinned and nodded once. “No problem.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at Jaxon who was slowly making his way to me and once he was standing at the end of the bed looking down at me, I stretched out my arms as if to touch him. He immediately wrapped his slender arms around the small of my back and hugged me tightly, pulling me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck in an effort to hug back but cringed from pain. He reluctantly let me go. “I’m so happy you’re okay, Caroline.” He whispered softly and brushed the hair from my face, letting his fingers linger on my cheek for a few minutes before retrieving them.

He was the only one that I would allow to call me Caroline. I didn’t really like that name but when he called me that it didn’t really bug me. I smiled lightly up at him and gave a faint nod. “Me too.”

Then Jax hugged me again, this time more softly and I inhaled his sweet scent and wished that he would never let go. I knew I wouldn’t.

Jax sat next to me on the couch while Austin went out front with Kyle. Kyle said he needed to ‘talk’ with him, whatever that means. Austin had already bandaged my ribs and gave me some pain relievers so they weren’t sore or anything at the moment. Jax looked at me and his eyes were a beautiful bright blue. I could stare into them all day, but they were slightly big and filled with fear. I didn’t like it when he worried. “You okay?” he asked, his voice cracking.

I sighed and looked at my hands then back at him. My throat suddenly felt dry and I wiped at my forehead with the back of my hand and licked my drying lips. “You know, that’s all you guys have asked me. If I were okay.”

“And what did you tell us? I kind of forgot…” I know he didn’t forget. He isn’t that forgetful.

“That I’m fine.”

He looked at me closely, brows furrowing together. “Did you ever mean it?”

I thought that over a bit. Did I ever mean it? I know he wasn’t only talking about my ribs but also about my dad, I overheard him, Austin, and Kyle talking about it when they went to get the gauze. I finally just stared at Jax and said softly, almost heart-brokenly, “Ask me tomorrow…”

He looked at me sadly and hugged me tight to him, resting his chin on the top of my head. “It’ll be okay, I promise you that.”

There was nothing else I could do but take his word for it so I nodded as Kyle came back, followed by my brother who was looking tense. “Aussie…? You alright, bro?”

He just snapped his head to look at me then nodded quick. “Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

I just shrugged and was about to say something else but just dropped the subject, Even though I still wasn’t convinced. I looked at everyone in the room and felt tension and drama in the air, I need to get out. “Hey guys, do you want me to get anything from the store, I need candy.” I got to my feet slowly and picked up my jean jacket, thrusting my arms into the sleeves.

“You’re not going out there!” yelled my brother protectively. “It’s snowing and you’re not fully healed. You could hurt yourself even more!” I was about to tell my brother he shouldn’t yell because of Thomas but then I realized him and mom went out so I just kept my mouth shut and let him yell. “Get back on that couch,” He pointed to it with anger. “And stay put!”

My brows rose at him and I tilted my head. “Why are you acting so…. Protective?”

“Because you are the only sister I have and I don’t plan on losing you to some frost bite and broken ribs!”

“Why are you yelling…?”

“Yeah, man,” Kyle gently said, putting a hand on Austin’s shoulder. “She just got some of her ribs bruised, I don’t thing it’s a good idea to yell at her.”

Austin’s expression slowly relaxed and he closed his eyes, as if to calm himself, then opened them and looked at me. “I’m sorry, Hun.” He wrapped his arms lightly around me and hugged, I hugged back.

“It’s alright, bro.” I rested my head on his shoulder and held onto him until I heard a car pulling into the driveway and the slam of a car door. I jumped away and looked up at him. His eyes quickly turned hard, cold, and dark then he pushed me toward Kyle. I kept looking at Austin worried and scared.

“Grab her and Jaxon, take them to your house, I’ll be there soon.” Austin firmly told Kyle and he nodded, grabbing my wrist softly and pulling me toward the back door, Jax following. We ran out the back and through the back yard. The snow was sticking to the ground and was probably at least three inches. We ran straight through the woods in our back yard and I almost lost Kyle and would’ve too, except that Jax was holding onto me and guiding me where to go. The tree branches were whacking me and I kept tripping over tree stumps and roots, my ribs aching. When we exited the woods I slumped over, breathing heavily from all of the running. The snow was covering my dark hair and it looked kind of like Austin’s. I hate it! The snow, I mean. It was cold and it covered every inch of my body, making me shiver violently as I fought to retrieve my breath. Kyle didn’t stop because he didn’t know that I did but Jaxon quit running and watched me. When I regained my breath, he grabbed onto my right arm.

“Come on!” He screamed and ran with me, not giving me time to protest. He was running too fast and before I could think about what was happening, we were at their house and Jaxon was shoving me inside lightly, getting in himself and shutting the door.

“What’s going on?” I asked, wetting my lip nervously and wheezing. My hair was dripping wet now and my clothes were soaked, I shook from the cold. Jaxon wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a side hug before leading me towards the fireplace that wasn’t lit yet then sat me down, sitting beside my freezing cold body. Kyle had disappeared, I don’t know where though, probably to get new clothes or something.

Jax took some of the logs that were beside the fireplace and threw them in, striking a match and starting a fire. “It’s complicated, Caroline.” He told me as he rubbed his hands together hastily, breathing on them to make them warmer.

“What do you mean ‘complicated’?” I asked slowly, staring at the features in his face as it stayed blank, showing no true emotion but worry. The only one I seem to see on him anymore.

“It’s hard to explain.” He grabbed my hands and started rubbing them and breathing on them like he did with his own and I smiled at him. His warm breath tickled my cold skin so much that I shivered. “Still cold?” He asked with a tilt of his head. I didn’t really know what to say at the moment so I nodded my head slightly, bringing my knees to meet my chest. “Alright, I’ll get you a towel to dry off then you can borrow some of my clothes while we put yours in the dryer.” Jax said as he rose to his feet and walked out of the room, probably to the hall closet to get the towels first. I stared at the burning embers and thought of my brother. As bright as the light that shone from the flames but also as dangerous as the flames itself sometimes. I missed my brother. What was he doing? Was Thomas beating the sense out of him? Was he dead… I stopped thinking right there and blinked away tears as Kyle and Jaxon draped a towel over me, hugging me tight.

“It’ll be okay, dear,” Kyle tried to reassure me, fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose and sighing. “It’ll be alright.”

Before I could respond to Kyle, the front door flew open and Austin stood there, straightening his shirt and wiping dried blood off of his hands. But it wasn’t only his hands that were covered in blood. He was covered in it from head to toe! I gaped at him and went wide-eyed. He, ironic enough, had a triumphant grin spread across his bloodied face. He looked… victorious? Then a thought dawned on me and my eyes widened even more, my jaw dropped. “Austin…”

He looked at me, then down at himself, and back to me. “It’s not mine,” He started wiping the blood off of his face and I saw no cuts or marks. “See?”

I sighed from relief but softly shook my head. “I know it’s not yours. But is Thomas…”

“Dead?” He said and leaned against the wall, stretching. “No. Knocked out? Yes.” He cracked that one of a kind Austin grin and walked towards where I sat. He barely touched my cheek before he yanked his hand back, cursing softly. “Carolina, you’re freezing!” The towel was still wrapped around my shoulders and I glanced at my brother, teeth chattering. “If I would’ve known you would be soaked I would have brought some clothes.”

“It’s really okay, Aussie,” I reassured him, smiling a weak but meaningful smile. “Jax said I could borrow some of his clothes while mine dry.”

“Wow,” Austin said and turned to Jax who was holding a navy T-shirt and grey sweatpants in his hand. “That was…thoughtful of him.” He gave a look of suspicion and helped me up off the floor, taking the outfit from Jax’s hands and placing it in mine. “Now go get dressed. I got something important to tell you.” He didn’t have a smile on his face at all, so I knew that he didn’t like what he was gonna tell me. But I nodded and held the clothes tight to my chest as I turned on my heels and walked out of the room and down the hall, looking at the pictures that hung on the wall. I stopped and stared for a minute. I saw what looked like a six-year-old boy holding his little baby brother, I knew who was who instantly. Kyle had a little adorable smile and was holding Jaxon, who was staring up at him in awe. Kyle’s hair was a little lighter than it was now and Jax didn’t have any. I laughed softly and looked at the other pictures but once I got to a specific one, I stood still and didn’t move. Just stared. I saw the picture that Kyle took of me and Jax. I was on his back and he was holding on to my thighs to make sure I wouldn’t fall. We were about nine and my hair was longer than it is now. Jax still looked the same. In the picture, his smile lit up the whole room, it made me melt inside. That was one of the best days of my life. My hands were tangled in his hair as I grabbed it to keep from falling because he pretended to lose balance. We were both laughing. Smiling. I let a sigh escape my slightly parted lips. I miss the good ol’ days… I miss them. I just shook my head to get rid of the thoughts then went down the hall some more and walked into the bathroom which was a few doors down. I stripped off my clothes and tossed them on the floor then I slipped on the navy shirt and the sweatpants before grabbing the hair tie off of my wrist and tying my hair back into a high ponytail with it. I was happy to be out of the soaking wet clothes and into some dry ones. Then I paused. And sniffed. I grinned instantly. That was Jax’s smell. The clothes smelled just like him and I loved that smell. Well, what was I gonna expect, these are Jaxon’s clothes after all. I lifted up the bottom of the shirt to my face and inhaled the sweet fragrance that was all Jaxon Lanzet. I smelled Axe Body Spray and cigarette smoke. But that last part was probably from being around his brother. Kyle had been no older than me when he first tried a cigarette. He was hooked on them ever since. Jaxon doesn’t smoke though, Kyle won’t let him and Jax says he doesn’t want to make his short life even shorter.

Jaxon has told me many times before that yes, now he’s scared of death but when the time comes, and he’s ready to let go, he won’t be scared anymore and won’t bother putting up a fight. He convinced himself that people are born, they grow old, and then they die. That’s just how things work. I straightened the T-shirt and slowly opened the door to the bathroom, walking out after putting my clothes in the laundry shoot then walked back into the living room, seeing that the fire was no longer blazing. Austin was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed as he laid his head back, then he let a sigh escape his lips.

“Man, it’s like a funeral in here,” I blurted out as I took a seat next to Kyle. “It’s too depressing.” Austin jumped a little as if he wasn’t expecting me to be back so soon then he looked dead at me. No expression whatsoever. “What?” I asked, clearly confused. Aussie opened his mouth but before anything could come out, someone entered the room and my jaw dropped when I saw who it was.


My Dad was leaning against the doorway and he wore an uncomfortable looking smile on his face. I haven’t seen him since, well, ever. He left me and Austin a few years after I was born. He had a clean-shaven face and hair exactly like my brother’s. You could definitely tell that they were father and son. You could also tell that everyone in the room kind of felt a little awkward and uncomfortable at the moment but finally Kyle spoke.

“Hey, Mr. Skye. Do you remember me?”

My dad raised his eyebrows. “Why wouldn’t I remember you, Kyle? You were Aussie’s best friend since grade school, am I correct?”

“Yes, sir.” Kyle grinned.

“Son, please call me Johnny.” My dad said nicely but his face was still twisted in an uncomfortable way. He had a determined yet mean look in his charcoal eyes.

Kyle just nodded and pulled on Jax. “And this is Jaxon, my little brother and Carolina’s ‘special friend’.” I heard Kyle’s laughter ring throughout the house. I thought I even heard Austin chuckle a bit. Jaxon on the other hand, was as red a tomato and glaring at his brother who smiled cheekily in return. I blushed a light crimson as well and looked down.

“Dad, this is Carolina,” Austin wistfully said and placed his hand on my shoulders before pulling me close to him for a hug.

Dad looked puzzled for a minute and leaned closer, looking into my eyes. He looked shocked that he had a daughter and that made Austin cringe by my side, narrowing his eyes. “Carolina?”

“Hi, daddy,” I said, my voice cracking on ‘daddy’. I looked down at mine and my brother’s All Stars shoes that were on our feet as I pushed back all of my tears and blinked my eyes a few times. I felt scared a little to see my dad standing in front of me.

“My have you grown…,” He whispered in a cracked voice as he looked me over. He had deep circles under his eyes and I could tell he probably hadn’t slept for hours on end. It almost made me exhausted just looking at him, “I haven’t seen you since you were a little tike. Around five if I remember it correctly.”

“You were gone for a long time, pop. We changed. People change,” Austin said hoarsely and narrowed his eyes at our father like it was all his fault. Well, technically it was all our dad’s fault in Austin’s mind.

I sighed and mentally shot myself and Aussie for listening to how cruel and heartless he said when he barked those words out to our father. Sure, dad hasn’t always been there for us but he was here now and that’s all that mattered, right?

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