Perfect to a Fault | Teen Ink

Perfect to a Fault

April 1, 2013
By Lespri BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
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Lespri BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only person to lean back on is yourself."

- Lespri Rosalie Mitchells

Author's note: Abuse is so common, but not many people know it. This story was based on my family's history. I hope that this novel will help make people more aware of situations around them and hopefully theywill try to help before it is too late.

Concealer covers the bruise under my left eye. I pull my long sleeve shirt down a little farther before throwing on my jacket. Slowly I walk downstairs as not to disturb him. Him, the man that ruined my life.

My life is perfect, on the outside. I am popular. I have the best boyfriend. I was voted homecoming queen, and I am valedictorian. What is not to love? Or so people think.

I am stuck without a mother, and a man, my “stepfather”, who is the reason for her death. I still remember the night she died. I still remember the screaming, her crying, and the gun shot. I still remember his fist coming down across my face. And how it has come down ever since.

I am almost out the door when I hear his voice.

“Where are you going,” the gruff sound comes out. “School,” I mutter. I try to get out but I can feel my dark hair being pulled backward. I cry out in pain as his hand shuts the door, and hits my face.

I lay with my head back on my bed my eyes closed. I remember back to the day in third grade when I tried to tell my teacher what he was doing. My mother told her that I was lying and two years later she is gone. In most of the cases the child always feels bad for the parent that gets abused. Not me. I blame her about as much as I do him.

It is her fault I am stuck here in this situation. It is her fault she is dead. It is her fault for not being strong. Thank goodness I am stronger than her.

The ringing alarm awakens my senses and reminds me that I have to paint on a smile. I still can not think of how to cover up my swollen lip. I slip out of the house with ease. I hop in the car and leave but I can still hear him screaming my name. His voice, ringing in the back of my head.

I pull up to school five minutes before the bell. Jeremy, my boyfriend, pulls up beside my car. And I wave hello. I have to think of an excuse for my lip. I close my eyes, escaping for just a moment. The tap on my window forces me to smile.

“Hey babe”, Jeremy calls, “what are you doing in there, sleeping?” I force myself to answer. I jump out of the car and right into his warm embrace.
Jeremy is the star quarter back. He is very tall, and muscular. He has blonde hair, and deep brown eyes. His lips had a perfect ark to match the perfect fullness and color. He kisses me full on the mouth and I cry out in pain. He must have looked clearly at my face then because he exclaimed, “WHAT happened to you!” I could tell he was upset, but what was I supposed to say. “Don’t worry about it”, I whispered.

I turned and left for class. I was so happy when the last bell rang and I went to swim practice. I love the way the water moves like silk around you. Covering you with protection yet still threatening to drown you. I was the last in the pool. I had to get in extra practice for the big meet coming up next week. Scouts from colleges all over were coming. So far I had the best time on the team, but I still need to practice.

It was about six when I finally got in my car. I dreaded what waited for me, but before I could even turn the key a hand flew across my mouth. “Hey baby”, Jeremy said. He took away his hand and I smiled. “What are you doing”, I said crawling into the back seat
“Do you love me?” He came closer as he said it. “Yes”, I nodded for emphasis. He kissed me and I kissed back. “Then prove it”, he said. He was on top of me before I could comprehend what was going on. I started to kick and shout but of course it was only him and me in the parking lot. When he finished his “job”, I lay there sobbing.
As I drive home I have to stop more than once because tears are blocking my view. I used to think of school as my safe haven. The place, were I could escape my abuse. Apparently, I was wrong. Everything in my world was crumbling down, and there was nothing I could do about it.
When I arrived home I went straight to my room and shut the door. Less then ten minutes later, he comes barging in. “I had swim practice, I am sorry” I scream at his on coming questions.
“Don’t smart mouth me, b****!” he screams. I shrink back into the comforter on my bed. I see him coming towards me. I try to cover my face but it does nothing to help. I hear a crack and feel pain shoot up my hand. I feel every blow that hits me until the darkness takes over.
When I wake up, I look in the mirror to assess the damage. I had a black eye, and a broken nose. My finger was also broken. I had a few other bruises and sore spots here and there but nothing I couldn’t cover up.
As I get ready for the day ahead my head was pounding. When I pulled my hair back in a ponytail I felt something wet. My hand came back a dark red. I ran over to my bed and sure enough my pillow had a wet crimson patch of blood. Everything was suddenly very blurry. I felt nauseous. I had just enough time to get to my trash can before yesterday’s lunch made an appearance.
I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I re- washed my hair and stopped the bleeding. I left the house. I still felt slightly queasy, but I could fight it. When I got to school I ran inside before Jeremy could stop me. I hated him. As soon as I got in homeroom I ran over to Jessie, my best friend.
Jessie was gorgeous. She had beautiful thick hair. Slightly darker than mine. Her eyes were big, but her lips were bigger and a pretty pink. Her cheeks were naturally rosy and she broke hearts anywhere and all the time! She is the only one who listens to me, even though I don’t say much.
When Jessie saw me her eyes immediately filled with concern. I sat down and started telling her what happened with Jeremy. I watched her face contort in anger.
“When I get my hands on him-“, she mumbled.
“Jessie Xanthippe Kooper, don’t you dare. Everything I told you is between us!” I gave her my coldest stare and she hung her head.
The bell rang and I was off too gym. “I mean it Jess”, I called to my stubborn friend.

Luci comes running in and falls in the seat beside me. “What’s up Luce?” My face is filled with concern she seems scared. Her eyes brim with tears. “I-I-I-“, she blubbers. I grab her hand. “Close your eyes, and breathe.”
She follows my instructions. “Now what is wrong?” She takes a few more breaths. I can feel her hands stop shaking. “Jeremy”, her ragged breaths came, “yesterday I got in my car after swim practice. He wrapped his hand around my mouth to scare me. Then I climbed in the backseat and he asked if I loved him and-“ Her breathing picked up and I could feel her pulse racing. “What did he do?” My voice sounded dark and cold, like ice. “He”, she hiccupped, “he took… he took advantage of me.” I could hardly make out the last sentence.
“When I get my hands on him-“,anger boiled inside me. “Jessie Xanthippe Kooper, don’t you dare. Everything I told you is between us!” She had a face of pure fear. Her eyes were hard. My head dropped. “Okay”, I gave in. She was leaving something out and until I knew that, I wasn’t going to say anything. The bell rang and I heard her call out to me over her shoulder.
I saw her in third period. She had her jacket off and her long sleeve blouse had come up just enough to show a bruise on her wrist. I figured it to just be her clumsy self until lunch. We sat with Tammy and Amy Carter, or the Chatterbox twins as they were known.
Tammy was blonde and had green eyes, she was either talking to Amy about boys or school. Amy was a brunette with blue eyes, she always had her nose in the air looking down on you. They were so obsessed with themselves. How could they never see if something was wrong? So annoying!
At lunch Luci always sat in beside me. As we were talking about the project we were working on Luci started to look really pale. That was when I looked closely at her face. She had a shadow of a bruise across her nose, it looked like it was broken. Under her left eye was a bruise beginning to yellow. Someone had beaten her. It must have been Jeremy.
“What happened to your face?” I almost shouted. Tammy and Amy stopped talking, for once, and looked at us. “Nothing hap-“, she stopped talking her eyes begin to flutter and she fell backward. I caught her before she could hit the floor.
As I held her head I moved my hand and it was covered in blood. “Help” I screamed. I held my friend in my lap, my tears splashing on her face. Mrs. Baker rushed over and called the police.
“Jessie come with me”, my principle Mrs. Griffeth was there. Mrs. Baker nodded for me to follow her. I left Luci in Mrs. Baker’s care. Tears still fell down my face. The last thing I saw in the cafeteria was Chris running over to where Luci had fallen.

Silently, I followed Mrs. Griffeth. She was short, with short black hair, and glasses. I started counting tiles 18, 19, 20… Mrs. Griffeth spoke up, “So, do you know what happened to Miss Jenkins?” “No ma’am she said she felt sick and fainted.” She did not look convinced, but I wasn’t lying. “She has not said anything about the bruises on her arms, face, or how her head was bleeding? Everyone in this school knows you two are best friends.”

I bit my lip. I promised Luci I wouldn’t tell. Looking down at the floor I reply “I am not sure, but I think I know.” “Well, what is your theory Miss Kooper?” “Jeremy Michaels” I mumbled and prayed she wouldn’t ask me to repeat it. “Speak up child!”

“Jeremy Michaels”, I said louder. “Hmm.” Mrs. Griffeth looked deep in thought. She tapped her chin methodically. “Why do you believe it was Jeremy Michaels who did this to Luci?” I could not answer her without betraying Luci. “Miss Kooper by telling me what your keeping I could help Luci.” I took a deep breath and spilled everything! When I finished I felt guilty, dirty, deceiving, and just plain horrible. I looked down ashamed of myself. “Is there anything else Miss Kooper?” I did not know what to say. “Well, umm, I have never slept over at her house. She always says she hates her dad and in third grade her mom was murdered.” I sighed.

“You are dismissed Jessie.”
I turned, praying for God to forgive me for betraying my friend. Praying to God for her to forgive me.

I slowly slide out of my chair and leave. As I shut the door behind me I feel relieved but heavy with guilt. I silently walked down the hallway in no rush to get to class. I look up in time to see him…Jeremy. I can not hide my disgust. ”You are a pig”, I scream at him. I run towards him. My fist slams into his nose. “What the hell?” His nose is now gushing. The reality of what I did hit me. I started to walk away. He grabbed my arm, spun me, and slammed me into a wall.

“Let go of me”, I screeched! Anger coursed through me like adrenaline. This bastard hurt Luci. She would be okay if it wasn’t for him. My leg kicked up and hit its mark. My years from swim and cheer have made me strong. He fell and I stood over him. I felt no sympathy. “I thought you actually loved her, you b****!” I got one last kick in before I walked away.

I looked down at my hands. I saw slight discoloration but felt no pain. The fire inside me dwindled down to embers. I began to think more of Luci. Was she okay? Would she be okay? What would happen to her? Tears began to flow down my cheeks. My vision blurred and I had to lean against the wall.

Again I began to walk. Slowly. Silently. Observantly. No one spoke, at least not to me. As soon as the bell rang I left, skipping cheer practice. I pulled into the driveway. I ran straight into my room and shut the door. It creaks open and my mother listens to me. She holds me as though I am still a little girl. I just sit there crying in her arms. I just sit there telling her everything.

Everything went fuzzy. Jessie’s face disappeared in a haze. My hand flew to my head which had begun to throb. I felt myself falling but I lost consciousness fast.

I gradually open my eyes. I feel numb all over. There is a needle in my arm. I am in a thin robe. Everything around me is white. A sharp, clean stench hits my nose. I realize I am in a hospital. No one is here around me. Only a curtain separates me from other patients and their loved ones. No one is here for me.

A doctor pulls open my curtain and walks in. “You had a concussion”, her voice is sharp but caring. She studies me carefully and strangely enough I feel uncomfortable. “How did you sustain this injury?” Her eyes, a bright green, narrow as they watch me. “I…I- umm… I must have hit my head during practice.” The fact was I actually do not really know how I got this injury. I only know that it was caused by him. Not Jeremy but the devil incarnate.

“Oh?” She looks at me quizzically. “Then how do you explain the bruises? The broken finger? And what about the badly healed fractures and sprains?” I bit my still- swollen- lip and pinched my palm. I refused to answer. Why would this stranger actually care about my life? She just stands there observing me. “Luci,” she began, “I am a doctor, I am supposed to care. No one can help you if you don’t tell anyone the truth about what happened to you.” She walks over and picks up my hand. Hers were warm and soft. For the second time today, I burst into tears.

She sat there holding me like a child. She reminded me of my mother. Still though, I refused to answer. After a while she got up and walked away. I fell asleep after she left. Her voice stayed with me. Her face floated around in my dreams. When I awoke Jessie was there. Her dark hair covered her face. Jessie’s shoulders moved rhythmically up and down, softly, carefully.

“Jessie”, I said. I shook her a little. She sat up. Her hair stuck to sides of her face. She looked around. “Luci!” She practically shouted. “You’re okay. I mean are you okay?” She looked concerned but I brushed her question aside. “Jess, I need your help.” Jessie eagerly nodded. “Anything”, she whispered moving towards me. “You have to get me out of here”, my voice was urgent. She quickly backed up. “Anything but that!” she yelled, “What are you crazy? You can not leave.”

I grunted and slumped back in my bed. “Luce?” Jessie looked downward. “I am really sorry”, she whispered without looking up. I got suspicious. “Why are you sorry? What did you do?” She stood there silently for a moment. “Luci I did this to help you. Please don’t get mad but I told the principle about your dad and Jeremy-” I winced but she didn’t stop. “- and then I saw Jeremy in the hallway and broke his nose.” She breathed. I was speechless.

A few minutes later my doctor and a group of nurses ushered Jessie out but I still had not spok

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This book has 1 comment.

jprmiester said...
on May. 4 2013 at 10:14 pm
amazing u should finish it soon :)