Depths of Mythology | Teen Ink

Depths of Mythology

December 21, 2011
By Cat-Girl PLATINUM, Nyania, Planet Nyan, Oklahoma
More by this author
Cat-Girl PLATINUM, Nyania, Planet Nyan, Oklahoma
20 articles 7 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's what's wrong with the people in this world; they believe they can do well by just getting by when they need to aim for the highest."
-Keith Anderson
"You can never hope to build a better world without improving the individuals."
-Marie Curie

As the arrow soared through the wind, I dashed forward to collect the prey that my arrow had now slain. I wrenched it out of a wild pig, and sighing. Life was so simple right now; all I did was hunt and hunt some more. But I wanted action. Since I, Artemis the huntress, pledged to never marry, was a goddess, I would have action.

My fingers rhythmically tugged at the yarn and the loom’s strings. For hours, I’d woven tablecloths, tapestries, and rugs nonstop. My designs were intricate and complex, with waves and coils, lines and shapes blending together through color. But that seemed to be all there was to do. I wanted to do something more. And, being the goddess of wisdom, I’m sure I could wisely find something.

That night I was alone with my most esteemed friend, Arethusa. I explained how awful my boredom was, and that I wanted more. I asked her to help me. She suggested a tournament, but those were so typical. I wanted something unusual but fun, but Arethusa had nothing to say for that. “Artemis, you can’t always have what you want,” she sighed finally.
“But I can have some things,” I protested, my eyebrows furrowing. Arethusa rapidly held up her hands.
“Do what you like, my lady. But just think of this; whatever you do might refer back to that prophecy.” She turned away to the camp, but I rested a hand on her should.
“Arethusa, I promised you I would evade the prophecy. You know I keep my promises,” I murmured.
“But can a prophecy be escaped?” She fled to the meadow where are tents were, abandoning her ominous words that now dangled in my mind. I pondered my options. If I fell in line with that awful prophecy, either my life or Apollo’s life would be annihilated. But if I didn’t, we would live the in the same way we always did. The same way! I just couldn’t stand all of the same things every day.

Over the next week, I thought of something that had never been done before. But I had done everything, that I could think of. Wait…I’d never played a trick on another goddess. With whom did I have a bone to pick with, though? I guess Aphrodite and I never got along…but Hephaestus would surely trap me if he found out what became of his wife. Forge’s master, he could build anything. Not Aphrodite…Hera? Zeus would blast me down from the sky. Hestia truly didn’t deserve anything of the kind, the innocent girl of a goddess. Demeter was boring and would just get upset…but Athena? I had nothing against her, except that she was sometimes stuck up and arrogant. Maybe I could fix that…

Huffing, I arose from my pillow seat and snapped at a servant to bring me a drink. I had to do something besides weave or visit people! Maybe a walk or ride would freshen my annoyed mind…”My lady Athena, here is your drink.” The maid bowed and dashed away. I sipped tea from a delicate glass cup, and then hurled it to the wall. It was obliterated into thousands of shards, but I closed my trembling fingers into a stern fist, and the glass dust snapped back into a teacup. I laid it on my table and darted to the door.

After strutting to the woodland, I decided to spend the night. I snapped my fingers, and a ladder dangled down from a mighty oak tree. I climbed up, and found a hammock with cushions swinging in the breeze. I laid down, and allowed sleep to consume me.

“Are you sure about this?” I glared at Arethusa as she repeated herself for the umpteenth time.
“How many times have I answered you that question?” I heaved myself onto the midget sized juvenile Pegasus. It whinnied at my slight weight, but I had taken form of a petite girl so I could easily fly up to Athena’s hammock. Being able to take on whatever form I wished was an advantage to a god or goddess.

As wind flowed down my skin as our altitude increased, and I scanned down to make sure Arethusa was binding the ‘elevator’ to the long rope I was carrying up. As my winged horse finally arrived at the branches, I lashed on the rope to the tiny limb above Athena. I created a pulley after finishing all the knots, and tugged up the ‘elevator.’ I then directed the Pegasus down, and placed a blessing on him for aiding me. He soared away, and I went back to my normal self: slightly tanned, oval face, brunette hair in a braid, ice blue eyes, a short silver dress, matching leggings, boots, and a thin shawl. Nimbly, we scooted up a nearby tree and awaited to see if my trap would succeed.

A sharp wind awoke me from my unconsciousness, and I groaned. Stretching, I swung back and forth in my hammock. Then, another wind blew it almost upside down, and I clutched it in terror. You’re fine, I told myself. Trusting logic, I decided to leave the forest and go home. But how to get down…but there was an elevator. I must’ve not noticed it yesterday, but no matter. I rapidly slid out of my bed and stepped in, and the elevator emerged into a golden cage.

I gazed at golden bars, and tugged at one. Solid, and refused to budge. I was HOPELESSLY
trapped. The thought didn’t lift my spirits. What if the trap was set by a Titan, or a monster? Then I was truly in trouble, but I snorted as a girl in silver draping gracefully sprang out of another tree, followed by an auburn haired girl with freckles flecked across her nose. “Lady Athena, whatever happened to you?” Mockery was dancing in her tone, and her expression was in pretense of concern.
“Artemis, release me!” I ordered. I felt minor and vulnerable now, despite my knowledge that she would have to eventually.
“If you’ll do me a favor,” she replied, casually leaning against the great oak. I gritted my teeth and waited to hear her offer. The only wise choice I had now. The huntress tossed her lazy gaze at me, her hazel eyes now focused and solemn. “I want you to steal Aphrodite’s belt. The belt of being irresistible.”
“No! At least make this bargain sensible,” I pleaded, gaping at her request. Steal her belt? Aphrodite would have a fit. No, there had to be something else. But there wasn’t, because of Artemis’ solid hatred for her. I sighed. “Very well.”
“Oh, no, you have to swear. By the river Styx.” She winked at me, and her friend smirked.
“I swear by the river Styx to attempt to steal Aphrodite’s belt,” I promised, grudgingly. Maybe there would be a way out of this when she let me out to find it.

Artemis had already planned out how we could obtain the item. I had to admire her cunningness, but I still had awful foreboding about it. For the most part, it was based on ‘ifs’ and ‘in case this happens’, so I mentioned it to her. Of course, the huntress ignored me and we went straight to Aphrodite’s palace. It was white marble, and domed at the top. Ivory-colored columns shuttered the porch, and windows reached from ground to the top floor. “We must move quickly. Hurry up!” I stepped out from the hedge into the main entrance path, and my feet smoothly glided up the numerous stairs. I gripped a basket full of tapestries, rugs, and table cloths till my knuckles transformed into white. All these, I had woven in two days.

I knocked on the door, and it opened automatically. No one was there, but suddenly Aphrodite emerged in front of me, as if stepping from an invisible door. Now, even as a goddess myself, I was awed at her beauty. Her ebony hair cascaded to her waist, curtaining her back. Her figure was perfect, and a frosty dress curled just below her knees. Her feet were laced with stylish Greek sandals, and at her waist hung a majestically carved belt. It was bronze, and miniscule designs coiled inside the straight line border. It seemed to give the love goddess her aura of love and attractiveness. “May I help you, dear girl?” (I was disguised as a young teenager)
“Yes, my lady. I am poor and I wish to sell these clothes, so I can have a dowry and marry well.” I put on my best I’m-just-a-girl-that-needs-help face.
“Oh, sweet thing. Come, let us talk…” I followed Aphrodite down into a hallway. She babbled about true love and what you could do to capture attention, but I only listened when I heard her say the word ‘belt.’
“What was that?” I inquired casually.
“Oh, my belt was carved by Hephaestus himself. It seems to attract attention from other men.” She winked, and I forced myself not to grimace.
“May I see it? It’s so beautiful,” I purred, and surprisingly, Aphrodite unclasped it and gently placed it in my outstretched hands. I tapped two of my fingers together, and then I heard a crash in the entry way of the manor. “What was-” I started, and then Artemis, masquerading as a bandit, soared into the small room. Aphrodite shot a blaze of energy at her, but Artemis ducked and rolled forward. She grabbed me and darted outside the room. Aphrodite pursued, and shot flames of pink and red at Artemis. I pretended to struggle, acting like a mortal. But we evaded the house, and flew into the hedge just before Aphrodite arrived outside. We were safe.
“You got it?” she asked.
“Yes,” I answered, dangling the belt in front of her. Artemis snatched for it, but I tossed it into the path that Aphrodite was frantically running down.
“You fool, Athena! Goddess of wisdom indeed. You swore-”
“That I would help you steal it. We stole it, and I helped. Now, I gave it back.” Artemis stared at me, dumbfounded. “I don’t like Aphrodite any more than you do, but it is wise to not disturb each other. Wars unfold by our actions, and I will not be the cause of one.” I was the goddess of wisdom, indeed.

What can I do? What can I do? What can I do? The thought repeated itself in Zeus’s mind, but he couldn’t find a solution that would solve his problem without pleading for help. But the Almighty Zeus never, ever asked for help. But how else could he destroy the one immortal being that was blackmailing him? If anyone ever found out, anyone…he would easily be overthrown and there would be a new lord of the heavens. And just to imagine how his gorgeous wife, Hera, who supported him, who gave him another purpose besides ruling, who was always loyal…it would be catastrophic if she of all goddesses found out his secret.

Shuddering on his pearly white throne made of clouds, Zeus forced himself to his feet, and swayed unsteadily. You have to consult her, unless you wish for the whole world to know… He’d been thinking in unfinished sentences for a month. A month ago, Ares, the god of war, had discovered proof to show the world of Greeks, mortal and immortal, his burdened secret. Ares had shared it with only one confidential, and was now forcing Zeus to start wars for no reason other than Ares’ pleasure.
The confidential, Adonis, was also receiving large sums of wealth. He was a young hunter raised by Persephone, and was loved by Aphrodite. Zeus despised him at the moment, especially now that he had requested something that was beyond Zeus. Well, beyond his nature. Adonis planned to marry soon, and demanded that Zeus give him the next child of Hera. But Zeus would have to either explain or lie to his wife, which he wished to not do. The god of sky would have to beseech Styx, goddess of the river in Hades’ abyss to aid him in stopping Adonis and Ares from their ruthlessness.
At the moment Zeus determined his decision, the throne room door erupted open and Hermes, god of messaging and thievery, zipped in. “Lord Zeus, you must-” But Hermes’ yelp was cut short when Zeus puffed into silvery smoke.

Why is he here? Styx thought distastefully. Yes, he had named a river after her for her support during the last war of the Titans, but she was always, always forgotten after being granted a gift. This time, the lord of the skies appeared with a wildly fraught expression splayed across his crinkled face. His shaggy eyebrows were half raised, and his wavy charcoal beard was unkempt as his eyes were thronging with drops of fear. “What do you want, Lord Zeus?” she inquired. Brushing the air with her hand in a suave motion, a black leather armchair popped behind Zeus. Sinking into it, he began his wish. “Lady Styx, I beg you, please help me,” he ended. “I will grant you another reward within reason.”
“Do you swear by my name?” the river goddess asked.
“I swear by the river Styx.” Electricity crackled slightly in his gray eyes.
“Very well, Lord Zeus. I will aid you. Here is my plan…”

Pure, clear water swirled in a whirlpool at Zeus’ feet. He started the procedure. Murmuring the Greek words, he leisurely raised his hands. Globs of water followed, until they created a narrow, oval shape with perfectly spiked ends. The pointed tip on top of the oval touched Zeus’ middle finger of his right hand as the goddess Styx whirled in the form of sienna-colored mist about the edges of the whirlpool, keeping it coursing. Finally, Zeus lifted his finger that had a single drop of vivid water that he placed in a flask that sat on a tall stone. The drop plummeted to the bottom, and the king of the gods corked it and shoved the bottle in a cloth, pull-string bag.

The whirlpool dissolved in the air and the mist gathered together as Styx reformed into herself. Normally she appeared with pale ivory skin, long ebony hair that curled at the ends that brushed the ground, kaleidoscope brown eyes, and a silver dress that shimmered white. She pulled on a cloak and drew the hood over her head, perceiving Zeus’ eyes that were staring at her beauty. “Begone, Lord Zeus. May you succeed in your difficult quest.” Hesitantly, the god of the heavens puffed into silvery smoke.

Another traveler, another person to hassle with. A servant stared as a stranger, a hooded man that was girded in a dark gray cape sauntered up to the palace that he served at. The boar statue that usually intimidated visitors escaped his notice, and his stride appeared elegant. The servant tossed his scrubbing cloth into the soapy jug of water and halted his task of cleaning the tile porch of Ares’ manor. He stepped out to greet the traveler, but the man talked before he had chance to say a word. “Sir, I will pay you greatly to perform a confidential task for me, that will be somewhat against your master, Lord Ares. You will receive 500 gold drachmas if you accept.” 500 drachmas? Robbery, but it would be fortune enough to start a better life than being a butler and servant. Besides, what gratitude did he hold for Ares, who barely ever visited his home yet ordered him to care for?
“I will take up the offer. What would you like me to do?” He tried to look him in the eye, but the man’s face was shadowed. He pulled out a small sack that was extremely light.
“In the sack, you will find a flask that has only one drop of liquid. Put the drop of liquid in Lord Ares’ next drink, and do not let the bead split. If you succeed, then I shall give you your pay. And trust me, I will know if it works.”

Zeus awaited for news, and was restless all night. Hera was so disturbed that she left to sleep elsewhere than with her husband, and Zeus finally left to the balcony of his palace and stayed there all night. He sent orders to Hermes at dawn to spy on Ares and report whether a servant poured a drop of water in one of Ares’ drinks. A nymph rushed away to tell Hermes, and Zeus impatiently paced about his mansion all day, his distress coming off in waves as he ordered his servants around and snapped at Hera, who didn’t take his ill mood kindly.

Finally, at midday during Zeus’ noon meal with the household, Hermes himself rushed in with his winged sandals and helmet. The lord of the heavens awaited him to speak. “My lord, the man you paid to pour the droplet of water in Ares’ goblet has completed the task. But,” he continued when Zeus opened his mouth, “it split in two, and half fell to the floor.” Rage was visible when Zeus felt it, and lightning blasted the sky into cobwebs of white light. Onyx clouds rapidly amassed in the sky, and rain drenched the dry air. Electricity sparked around Zeus, and his eyes turned from calm to crazed. “Lord Zeus, there are other news to be told…” Hermes faltered when the sky god arose from his seat. The people in the room could almost taste his dark, black anger.
“Hermes, bring this person to me.” The lord of the heavens stormed, literally out of the room. He turned into storm clouds and swept through the doors, leaving a trail of rain behind him. Hermes rushed out to the balcony, but Hera caught him before he left.
“Sir Hermes, I will calm him. Do not bring the man here, for I fear what would become of him,” the queen assured the messenger. He nodded and sailed into the air, the wings on his helmet flapping furiously in the downpour.

Hera found her husband stomping in their room, cursing Styx and Hermes and the servant he paid to perform his task. She had no idea what he had done, but knew the secrets of calming him down before something terrible happened. “Zeus, what ails you?” she asked, knowing to always start with that simple question. He refused to answer, and she quickly ran to the jug of water on a small table. She pinched a bit of powder in it, and squeezed a purple drop of liquid in it. It turned the color of wine, and Hera offered it to the raging god. Zeus took of swig of it, and crashed on his enormous bed.

An hour later, he awoke in a more placid mood and found out that the latest rumor was that Ares had lost memory of what he had been doing in the last two months. But Adonis had tried to explain, but the war god wouldn’t listen to him. Victory over one, but what of Adonis? Zeus knew that the droplet as a whole would cast a spell over all who were connected to the event that had occurred, but when split it only applied to the person who drank it. And the spell would be whatever the person who obtained it had cast. Zeus had told it to erase memory of the last two months, but only Ares had forgotten.
Adonis was now a huge block in Zeus’ path, but he thought of a plan to get rid of him. Finding Artemis, he asked her if she would accept the hunting challenge he had for her and Adonis. Knowing that the huntress goddess disliked Adonis for being a hunter with equal skills to her, Zeus told her who was the opponent. She accepted immediately. Zeus told other gods and goddesses of the contest, and it was held at an unexplored forest. Zeus secretly let Aphrodite be the judge of it, having knowledge of her love for Adonis.
After the two hunters returned with an equal amount of game, the sky lord let them show off their archery skills. Then they stood in front of the audience, awaiting a judge to place a laurel wreath on the winner’s head. Aphrodite surprised them by appearing, and crowned Adonis. Bitter rage made Artemis fume at both Zeus and Adonis, for she and the love goddess despised each other.
I can’t attack the king of the gods, but I can take care of Adonis. He is easy prey. Artemis asked Adonis to have a friendly hunt the next day in the same place, but alone with Aphrodite to have a quiet rematch. He came the next day, and they traveled deep into the woods with the two goddesses. Finally, as Adonis turned target prey, one of Artemis’ silver arrows pierced his heart as the boar he was about to take attacked him and died by Artemis at the same time, and he tumbled into Aphrodite’s arms. “You planned this, you filth!” Aphrodite sobbed as her tears fell onto Adonis. But Artemis felt only triumph, and left.
Zeus caught wind of Adonis’ death, and knew that his plan had worked. He held a feast, but told everyone it was in Adonis’s honor of a noble death. Without telling anyone, he sent Artemis a set of new arrows made of pure silver and had gray dove’s feathers.
Weeks slipped away, and Zeus concentrated on other matters, the showdown a fading memory. But one day Styx made a rare appearance away from the Underworld, and formed in Zeus’ throne room when he was alone with Hera. “Lady Hera,” she said, her voice barely a whisper, “I plead for you to let me settle a matter between Lord Zeus and I alone. I assure you, I only wish to speak to him and nothing more.” Hera’s eyes narrowed into slivers of jade green, but the queen goddess left with a tense feeling hanging in the air. The doors thumped close, and Styx spoke in a clearer voice. “My Lord Zeus, I wish to have my wish. And unfortunately, I am not the only one. Water itself has a spirit that has not appeared since the first day, and it demands a reward for what it gave.”
“I only had a drop, nothing more!” he boomed, but Styx remained silent. “Why would it want one from me?”
“You are the king of the gods. And,” she continued, “we have a combined wish to be shared. To be shared with me, the water spirit, and you.”
“Me?” His eyebrows were raised, listening keenly.
“We want to create a child, or demigod you would say, of water, air, and fire. The water’s spirit will represent water, you the air, and I fire, since I come from the Underworld.” The Underworld goddess awaited for Zeus to reply. Finally, he departed with her, and went to the whirlpool of pure water.

One day, a hero was famous throughout the Greek world. The hero’s name was Korinna, who had slayed several monsters and created a power unknown to several. But she inherited Zeus’ one weakness that was only known to him, but she knew nothing of it. A boy poured water into a jar, and placed a burning stick inside. Then the wind blew inside, and she shattered into glass shreds. They were considered sacred and placed a jug that was hidden deep in the Underworld.

One day, a year after the Titan War had ended, they found me. I’d been hiding for months from the gods and goddesses in fear of punishment for supporting General Atlas. But, in Athens, my fortress of a disguise was penetrated by recognizing eyes. The eyes of Hera, the queen of the gods.

It was a majestic, sunny day. The sky’s blue waves had washed away clouds, and the sun was shining so radiantly it hurt to look up. A warm, luxurious breeze swept through the city as people pressed around each other. Merchants arose from their homes to offer wares, and visitors flocked through the gates, many heading straight for the god’s year-old temples. I dressed as a commoner, in a simple white dress and thin shawl. But as I hesitantly skirted past the temples, they being in the only path to the nearest market, traffic shoved me to Hera’s shrine steps, and then, the world froze.
A picturesquely attractive woman appeared. Her oval face was smooth, slightly tanned. Her long, ebony eyelashes flared out, framing jade green eyes that had only icy bitterness pooled into. The lady’s sheen sienna hair mounted just below her shoulders. Her ivory-colored dress was lower than I would’ve ever wanted, and it wrapped around her to her shins. And, I noticed, sparkling on her head, a diadem crowned her beauty. “Calypso. Daughter of the formerly esteemed Atlas, who now holds the roof of the world over our heads. How kind he is to do it.” She arched an eyebrow when I remained a silent snake. “Well, then. I have been searching for you for quite some time. It is evident what your crimes are. Supporting the Titans, refusing offers of alliance with the gods, riff raff. I already have a prison ready and prepared for you. A nice prison, compared the others’ fates.” I whipped around, and tried to move, but I couldn’t. A spell had been cast, and I was snared inside it. Then, everything turned black.

Slits of blue embroidered my sight. I yanked my eyelids open to see an azure blue sky, powdered with a single ivory cloud. My hands swept through pale sand, as a tide of ocean water brushed in. Groaning, I sat up, the sun warming my skin. I looked to the side, and saw a green forest, and to the other, a courtyard that had a path leading to a modestly sized house. But where was Athens? Oh…Hera. She must’ve imprisoned me here. I forced myself up, and suddenly a pair of sandals appeared out of air, and were laid in front of my feet. “Hello?” I murmured, wondering what had happened.
“No one is here.” I twirled around to see someone whom I recognized as Hermes thoughtfully staring at me. “You have…invisible servants that will bring you whatever is wished for. No one will live with you for long, though.”
“What do you mean?” I inquired, fear growing into a black hole in my stomach.
“You will be cursed for eternity as punishment for supporting the Titans. Men will come to your island, and each shall break your heart and depart from this place. I will pay occasional visits to tell you what has happened in the world, but otherwise this is how you will live: in solitude.” Hermes face remained infuriatingly expressionless, and a glare etched into mine.
“You will give me no chance to have a suitable life?” I stammered, barely containing my rage and despair. “None?”
“None. I am sorry, but this was not my choice. Good luck,” he said, and vanished, leaving a puff of silver mist. The sun’s warmth burned through it almost immediately, and I coiled my fingers into a fist. But there was nothing I could do. I was helpless, and there was nothing I could do to leave. I knew the curse would prevent that, without being told. I dipped my foot into the salty water, and allowed its smoothness to conceal my feet. I waded in cautiously, searching for a monster that might possibly guard my new home. But there was none, and no need. As I reached an area deep enough to swim in, I couldn’t move forward. A magical barrier blocked my way, and I was truly trapped.

A month passed, and I felt more alone than ever. In my desperation of finding something to do, I’d planted a garden. They were bright green, and were flourishing in my care. But still, there was nothing that would be worth doing now. I wondered if anyone had ever had a prison like this, or if they would. It was awful, but a better fate than the menacing depths of Tartarus. I was amazed my father wasn’t there, but I didn’t know what Hera meant when she said he held the world’s roof. Perhaps she meant the sky. Either way, we all had terrible lives now, and some terrible deaths.
I didn’t miss Atlas much. I had supported him for two reasons: Power, and the obligation of being his daughter. I hadn’t benefited by being that, though. Just because the general of the Titans was my father, I didn’t get any attention. Except hurtful words when I messed up in anything I did. Once, when I’d met Lord Kronos, he had asked me what I planned to do when I grew into a woman. I had been a terrified little girl, and stuttered, “I-I don’t know. Whatever Atlas says.” My father’s fuming anger had struck the moment we were in private. But that’s another story.

I carried on the same way for half a year, tending my flowers and cleaning my house. I ventured into the petite-sized woodland, but I found nothing but trees and shrubs. Nothing lived there, and I didn’t find any fruit trees to pick from. So I ate whatever my anonymous servants had, usually excellent food, but it didn’t aid my loneliness. But finally, one day, I was strolling casually down the shore, when suddenly the waves climbed the wind. They whipped up ten feet high, and then something erupted from them. A boy of about sixteen of seventeen was gently laid on the sand, and I blinked. Everything was the same, except for the boy. He was unconscious, and I dragged him into my house. For days, I tended to him, listening to what he murmured in his unbreakable sleep. “My work…inventions…automatons…”

After five days, he awoke. The boy was called Daedalus, and he was highly suspicious of what had happened tom him in his coma. I assured him I only fed him soothing broth, and changed his wet rags that covered the nasty bruise on his right temple. Daedalus’ face was pale, and his meadow green eyes were full of knowledge. His locks of brown hair were cut just below his ears, and his personality was kind and patient. But a shadow of ignorance was cast upon his memory. He had no idea where he was from, or how he ended up here. All Daedalus could remember was his name. “You said something of automatons in your sleep,” I reminded, but it didn’t help.

He stayed for two weeks, and they were the most luxurious weeks I’d experienced in so long. I showed Daedalus the magnificent beach and ocean, and we planted more flowers in my increasingly large garden. Once he laughed, “You have a huge garden, Calypso. What are you going to do with all these beautiful flowers?”
“Why, they are only to look at. I love to see all the colors blend together, that as a rainbow,” I explained. But I never told him why I was here, or who I truly was. I gave him only my name, and nothing more. It felt strange to hear my voice, but extraordinary to hear someone else’s. But one day, Hermes appeared as we were devouring a few pastries. “Hermes!” I exclaimed.
“Calypso…you have company. Daedalus, a pleasure.” Hermes nodded to him, but Daedalus gaped.
“Who…how did you…” His voice spluttered. He didn’t even remember the gods.
“I am Hermes, god of traveling, and messenger to the gods.” His eyebrows curved into half circles.
“Forgive him, he has no memory of who he is or what has happened,” I told him.
“Ah, yes. That’s why I’m here.” His tone tensed my attitude, and then handed a glass vial to Daedalus. “It will restore your memoirs.” Pink liquid splashed inside of it, and I felt a stone drop on my heart. He would remember everything, and leave me alone again.
“N-no,” I choked, “Daedalus, you don’t need that. You c-can just live here with me, and we can be together. Don’t drink it. Hermes is lying. No!” But Daedalus had already poured it into his mouth, and tears spilled out of my eyes.
“I’m sorry, Calypso.” But his expression showed differently. “But I have to leave. I left someone behind…and I have to find her. Or else something awful will happen.” Frantic, I glanced around for Hermes, but he was gone.
“You can’t leave me here!” I pleaded, desperation overwhelming me. “Daedalus, I have to tell you something.” But he was storming away to the beach, where a raft had just…appeared. “The gods banished me here! I can’t go anywhere, or live with anyone. Forever!” Daedalus turned around, his eyes brimming with rage.
“You want me to forget everything and everyone? You’re a sorceress who poisoned my mind!” And then, Daedalus stepped onto the raft, and the ocean quickly swept him away. I vainly dashed after him. But I was helpless, there was nothing I could do.

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This book has 6 comments.

on Oct. 14 2012 at 4:34 pm
Cat-Girl PLATINUM, Nyania, Planet Nyan, Oklahoma
20 articles 7 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's what's wrong with the people in this world; they believe they can do well by just getting by when they need to aim for the highest."
-Keith Anderson
"You can never hope to build a better world without improving the individuals."
-Marie Curie

I tried to put my email in...but the monitors on TeenInk won't let me put out personal info. I can help you do the story on a forum, though!

on Oct. 9 2012 at 5:23 pm
Stella_Val_Illicia GOLD, Salt Lake City, Utah
13 articles 0 photos 247 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad idea."
--Douglas Adams

Thanks. Give me your email and I will. I'm going to change the names first, because I'm fine with it, but I'm not sure who in the book will be. My two Latin teachers fit the descriptions of Athena and Poseidon perfectly. Tu callida es :)

on Oct. 8 2012 at 7:41 pm
Cat-Girl PLATINUM, Nyania, Planet Nyan, Oklahoma
20 articles 7 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's what's wrong with the people in this world; they believe they can do well by just getting by when they need to aim for the highest."
-Keith Anderson
"You can never hope to build a better world without improving the individuals."
-Marie Curie

If you want, you could email it to me and I could give you a few tips on what to do. If that's not comfortable for you, I guess you could just tell me what kind of things there are in the story that wouldn't sound right when published. :) Lol- I take Latin too! My favorite Roman\Greek god is Poseidon\Hephaestus and goddess is Artemis. Salve

on Oct. 7 2012 at 6:50 pm
Stella_Val_Illicia GOLD, Salt Lake City, Utah
13 articles 0 photos 247 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad idea."
--Douglas Adams

Thanks. The book is about our Latin teachers actually being Greek and Roman gods (Athena and Poseidon, needed a rivalry there. It's really funny, but for half of it you had to be in Latin class to understand). A lot of it fits to real life... we gave each of our teachers a copy (requested by them) :). I am hoping to publish it, but I don't know how I would make it fit.

on Oct. 7 2012 at 2:24 pm
Cat-Girl PLATINUM, Nyania, Planet Nyan, Oklahoma
20 articles 7 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's what's wrong with the people in this world; they believe they can do well by just getting by when they need to aim for the highest."
-Keith Anderson
"You can never hope to build a better world without improving the individuals."
-Marie Curie

One thing you could do is change the names around a bit, and maybe turn the inside jokes into a bit more realistic events. I'll think on it some more and tell you if I come up with any more ideas! Good luck. =)

on Oct. 5 2012 at 3:33 pm
Stella_Val_Illicia GOLD, Salt Lake City, Utah
13 articles 0 photos 247 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad idea."
--Douglas Adams

I really love this. I wrote a collection of Mythology short stories with a friend, but they're full of inside jokes, so I can't really publish them. Plus, they use real people in the books. Any ideas how I could get them down for people to read?