The Elemental Guard | Teen Ink

The Elemental Guard

March 28, 2016
By Anonymous

Mama, can you tell me that story about the elements again?” I asked.

    “Of course sweetie.” 

“Once upon a time there were four siblings,  each was the protector of one of the elements, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. But one day a dark power rose and attempted to defeat the elemental guardians. He failed, while promising to win next time.With a whoosh of wind he disappeared into the darkness and was never seen again.”

“Do you think he’ll come back?” I said with worried eyes.
“No sweetheart, I think we are stronger than every darkness,” My mom said with a smile. And with that I snoozed and dreamed of fields and flowers.

Tomorrow's the big day. I’m finally going to receive my elemental powers! I’m so ecstatic. Maybe I’ll be a fire like dad, or air like mom. Maybe Earth or even water. Oooh I’m just so excited.

“Mom can you explain the ceremony once more, please,” I begged.

“Ok,ok,” she replied,”first you put your hand on the elemental orb, then you enter a white room and are told your results.” That's not to hard, actually it's really simple, there's no way i could mess up, right?

“Mom, I’m gonna ride over to Stephans,” I waited a second for her approval.

“Ok, sweetie, just be back before supper.”

I then rode my bike, remembering all the fun adventures me, mom, and dad had. We would skate and take pictures of birds. But that was before he...uh...passed away.That was about three years ago, best to not think about it and move on.

“Hey Cel,” that was Stephan the most annoying person ever, but my best friend nonetheless.

“Don’t call me that, I’m Celeste Castello, thank you very much.”

“Always the one to crack a joke,”he replied,”or not.”

“Hey I heard that!”I started,”I don’t get why we are besties, let alone friends.”

He replied,”Anyway aren’t you excited for the ceremony tomorrow, I bet I’ll be water just like my mom and dad.” This stirred thoughts in my head, what would I be? I just couldn’t tell. So I said

“Well, sorry but I have to get going or mom will be upset, so see you tomorrow.’

He replied,”Yep,bye.”

That night sleep came easy, but my dreams were strange. “you’re the one” “Don’t fail us” “Help us” “Savior”, why were they saying these things? What did it all mean? I screamed and screamed until my mom shook me awake with both hands with a worried look on her face.

“Celeste, Celeste! Are you ok?!”

“I’m fine but I have a headache.” I answered.

“I’ll bring you water and breakfast,” she finally replied after a moment. Then she left the room.

but who were those people, maybe it meant nothing, after all it was a dream. Then I realized, today's the day! I got up and put on my finest clothes. When I was finished mom popped in with breakfast in bed.

“How’s my little princess?” she asked.

“Better than ever,” I replied with a smile. Once we finished breakfast we left for the ceremony. Hundreds of people my age were crowding everywhere around the great hall. Me and mom found a seat on the golden chairs made by the Earth elements. Who knew maybe in an hour or so I could be with the Earth powers.

Atlast the shimmery silver curtains opened to reveal the elemental orb and some government workers.

“First up Sylia Sliver,” called a booming voice like Thor. He called out other names, ones I didn’t know. But, eventually the crowd grew smaller, until my moment finally came.

“ Next,Celeste Castello,” came the booming voice once more. I looked at my mother and saw tears in her eyes. I got up and started walking down the aisle, feeling everyone's eyes on me. One of the government agents told me in a kind, soft, voice to put both hands on the orb. I did. it was hard and smooth,with  no bumps or crevices. Suddenly I felt different, like I had the power to do anything. I wondered if this was normal, maybe maybe not. Another agent guided me into a white room, just like mom said. There were five other people, but one I recognized.

“Hello, I am  Emperor Vandor,” no way, there was no way he was the emperor, but he looked exactly like him.

“I am here to tell you your results, what was your name again?”

“ Celeste, uh, Celeste Castello,” was my nervous reply.

“Well it seems that your elemental powers are different from everyone else's. You have ALL the elemental powers.”

“What that's  impossible, isn’t it?” what were these people playing at?

“Celeste have you ever heard of the story about the elements?”

“Yes sir my mother has told me all about it.”

“Well there is one part in the story that no one knows about, but before all of the elemental Guardians died, they left a prophecy,” What were these people talking about? It all made no sense.

“What does this have to do with anything anyway why is it so important and why are you telling me. “

“Well the prophecy stated that there will be someone we powerful than anyone and that person has the power to do good or evil they have all the elemental powers,”  he said.

“Wait, you think I’m the ‘someone’ in this prophecy?” They all gave small nods.

“But, what am I supposed to do? And what's the point of me being special?”

Another man responded this time, “Well, the dark power has not been destroyed, yet anyway, certain people have been feeling his presence getting stronger and stronger.”

Emperor Vandor added,”Yes, this is a big issue, we are going to send you away with a very important person who will teach you to harness your powers.” what?there was no way I was leaving with some random person away from mom.

“I don’t think you understand, I live here with my mother, I can’t, won’t just leave.”

Vandor spoke again, “we thought you would say that, and your mother has already agreed and will be under government protection, while you are away.” The door creaked open and a man looked through and nodded to the emperor, then he and my mother walked in, my mother! She came in and wrapped her arms around me.

She whispered, “Go with them, it’s your destiny, father would have wanted you too.” I looked into her eyes for a moment before turning around and saying

“Fine I will go and train myself.” Another man took a step forward, and put his hand on my shoulder

“Let's go, we have no time to lose.” We left the room quietly and went outside to find two griffons waiting.

“Are those for us?” I asked curiously.

“Yes, they are, lesson one riding a griffon” “It is not hard, once you get to know the animal, first walk slowly so they don’t find you a threat. Then put your hand close to their beak, don’t be afraid they will not bite or  attack.” I did exactly as he said,when I put my hand out my griffon nuzzled me and pushed me over! The man started laughing and said, “Perfect, now we know she likes you. Alright, finally grab the feathers on the back of their head and pull yourself up.” “Once you get on, pat their back and say, fly!” His griffon started soaring, and he turned around to wait for me. I did the steps he said and said “fly!” Then my griffon pushed off the ground and actually flew! She caught up to the other griffon and slowed. “Not to shabby” said the man. With that he turned and started coasting above the clouds. I pulled my griffon's feathers and she followed.

“Hey,” I asked,”who are you anyways, and why are city the one to train me?”

“Well, no one besides trusted government officials know this, but I am the last elemental guardian left. People may say that I should be protecting right now, but my powers are weak, and I can not protect the elements without my siblings.” “You can call my Aaron”

“You’re Aaron, as in Aaron the Air Guardian? ”I asked, amazed.

His calm reply was, “Yes, that is me, now, do you see that ut down in the meadow?”

“Yes, I do, why?”

He replied, “Well, that is where we are staying, now I want you to ride down and land without any instructions.” No way could I do that by myself, but I took a deep breath and slowly descended. Then I grabbed my griffon’s feathers once more and made sure her front feet hit the ground first. She stumbled but held her ground, I started to like this beast, I wonder what her name was.

Then my mentor landed his griffon, way more gracefully.

“Not bad, Celeste though it could use some refining.” I groaned inwardly, though he had a point. “Alright we will begin your training tomorrow, there is dinner in your room and I expect you to be asleep by 9pm, we have an early start tomorrow.”

Aaron was right, he came into my room at 5am with breakfast. “Eat quickly I have plans for today” I wondered what that meant while I ate. When I finished he said to meet him outside, once I got there, he was by a tree on a hill close to the cottage. I ran to catch up, but got tired quickly. The hill seemed close but was hard to get to. I then spotted my griffon and rode her the rest of the way.

“Ah, finally time for your first element trial. Let's start with Fire shall we? I believe your father was a Fire element?”

“Yes he was sir.” I replied solemnly.

“No need to be all ‘sir’ around me,” he joked, “just call me Aaron.” “Ok, so now I want you to feel the heat radiating from your body. I want you to set fire to these twigs on the ground. See them burn before you set fire, see it happen before you do it. Ok?” I felt the heat from my body and I imagined one specific twig in front of me in flames. Then I tried to cause the stock to burn. Then suddenly, my hands were on fire! I screamed for a second, before realizing that the fire wasn’t burning me. “This is perfect!” My mentor said, ”You learn quickly. Now I want you to focus the fire on the twigs.” I did as he said, and soon enough there was a mini fire to sit by. I was excited, these were MY powers, and I could do what I wish. Soon enough the day went by and I learned how to harness Fire. And that's how the next few days went. I learned Water, Air, and Earth. Although, I learned that Earth is very hard to do. Now I could do most things using my powers. Need a fire for warmth? I could use Earth powers to make sticks and make a ring of rocks around it, then I could light it up with fire.

I was ready. This past year was hard and grueling. But I was ready, ready for what, you may ask. Ready to save the world.

    I am Celeste Castello, for a year I have been working nonstop to become better and stronger. Why you may ask, because I am a prophecy that will save the world from evil. My mentor, Aaron has taught me well and now it is time. The same dark power from hundreds of years ago is rising again. Now I must face him head on, and win.

    I said goodbye to Aaron yesterday, I now am on my journey with my griffon, whose name is emerald because of her eyes. Emerald is my best pal, mostly because I haven’t seen any other human besides Aaron for a year. My mother is under government protection, like I was told. And my or used to be ‘best friend’ Stephan. I wonder if he even remembers me. Wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t anyway, he was such a brickhead sometimes. Anyway I have to focus on my journey. I decided that I should ride Emerald for a bit a follow the dark energy carefully, I can feel the bad powers radiating from a specific location. And that's where the evil is lurking.

Suddenly, I saw a black figure below me. What was it? I could tell it was a human, but in the middle of an enormous forest? something wasn't right because I could sense some dark energy.I flew down and looked around. Then I was on the ground, something hit me! I was being attacked! Suddenly a rock was floating and dropped right next to me. Whoever this person was, had the Earth powers. Which meant I could fight them with Air. I created a mini tornado and sent it whirling around me. The black figure appeared and threw rocks and rock pieces at me. I used wind to send them all back. I caught the person by surprise, and knocked them out with the rocks.

This person must have been working for the dark power. I decided it was best to travel by air, and soon enough I made it to the base. It wasn’t even really a base, it was just a few buildings. But I knew better, all they did was disguise themselves like a random village.

There was one building more advanced and proper. I guess that's where the leader is. Near by I landed Emerald and entered the village alone. It was empty, except for the couple of guards by the biggest building. Hoping they weren’t Fire, I used Water to freeze them in ice. Luckily none of them knew I was there and none were Fire. Then I opened the door, and there was a grand hall. It would have been very breath taking. If there wasn’t a bunch of guards. I made a thin passage for myself, by turning the room into a maze. I quickly ran out before anyone could figure a way out.

I was in another room, but not alone. There was one man, who had dark energy radiating off him so violently that I had to take step back.

“I know who you are,” He croaked in a deep ugly voice,”and I think you know who I am, join me and take over the world, simple as pie.”

“No way!” I retorted’ “ You are a vile person, I will never give you my powers!”

“I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but it did, so…” He trailed off and looked into my eyes. Then part of the ceiling fell, and I almost got hit. He was an Earth Element, but one of the strongest at that. I made the floor beneath him ice, and he slipped and fell. Then I made the ceiling fall and I burned the rest of the building. But right before he got hit, he stopped the rocks and pushed them out of the wat. The ground beneath my feet started shaking, and opened up, I jumped, narrowly avoiding certain death.

I could barely see because of the smoke, but I could tell that my enemy was near. Then I used wind to clear the smoke, and BAM! Blood was dribbling down my face, and my nose hurt. He broke my nose! Then he said,”I killed your father, he was just as pathetic as you, though, easier to kill.” With that he made the ground shake so hard I fell over. He killed my dad. it was him, the officials said he was just found dead. But now I had my answer and a reason to fight. I slowly got up, and with all my might, I pushed him against the wall and made the ground split open. He fell in, screaming. But soon his shrieks disappointed, I had won. I had destroyed my enemy.
All of a sudden all the buildings around me started falling apart. The structures broke apart and almost hit me. Then I aw Emerald running towards me. I got on her back and made a run for it, soon enough we were well out of the danger zone, with our heads held high. We returned to the city where I had lived for most of my life. 

 From above part of the city was destroyed, it looked like it had been attacked. Was I too late? I landed Emerald by my house, and walked inside. My mother was there, smiling, but also Emperor Vandor?

“Hello child, you have completed your quest, and saved the town. We were being attacked by the dark powers, but then they all vanished. Now we are safe, because of you. It is my honor to congratulate you with the medal of honor.” I was getting the medal of honor, something as a kid I could only dream about.

“Aw, I am so proud of you my baby!” said my mom, then she ran and squeezed me. I had did what was needed and now I was a hero. But there was one more person to meet. My mentor Aaron had walked out of the kitchen, and greeted me.

“I knew you could do it, didn’t I?” I laughed. Aaron was the best mentor ever.

And with that I lived life normally, until....

To Be Continued...

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