Monster High Ninjas: The Shadows Rise | Teen Ink

Monster High Ninjas: The Shadows Rise

September 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Author's note:

I've been writing and typing since I was little.

Chapter 1
Leo woke up from a nightmare with Karai laying on the floor and Emily laying on his shell. “Emily,” Leo groaned. “Get off and lay down with Karai.” “Why?” Emily asked yawning. “I’m so comfortable up here and I’m still afraid of Karai-snake because she might eat me.” “I don’t eat people…” Karai said waking up. “Anymore.” “Karai, you almost ate a rat and a baby the other day.” “No, I ate the rat and tried to eat a kindergartener who was only 7.” “She was 5!” “6!” “It’s almost 5:00, just go out and sleep on the couch until 6:00. I really have a headache and I really don’t feel like dealing with you two being scared of one another.” “Why do you have a headyache?” “Because I woke up from a really bad nightmare.” “What was it about?” “I think there’s a new villain out to get me.” “What are you saying?” “I’m saying, there might be a slight chance that someone else defeated Koas.”
Karai and Leo walked into the living room and sat next to Frankie. “Frankie.” Leo said not trying to start a fight. “Hello.” “Hello,” Frankie said smiling. “Lamonardo.” “Oh, I’m gonna…” “Please don’t start another fight.” Karai pleaded. “Please don’t start another fight.” “Frankie’s the one who starts the fights.” “No, I’m not! You’re the one who always starts them, even if you didn’t say anything that made me temper up!” “That’s what you do!” “Shut up!” “Karai, stay out of this.” “Frankie, just take Karai to school.” “School doesn’t start for another hour, and I think today is parent or guardian conference day, you’re other gym teacher said that you and that girl Maddie got into a fight and she saw you almost punch her.” “I didn’t almost punch…I almost turned into my snake form.” “She called me and said you almost punched Maddie. Unfortunately, Splinter can’t go because he’s a talking mutant rat, so I volunteered to go as a guardian.” “Fine, then I’ll just stay here.” “Oh no, you and Maddie are both coming to work this out, and thankfully Holt and Claire are coming too.” “Yay.”

Chapter 2
Frankie walked in while Karai, Holt, and Clair waited outside the gym. Then she walked out. “Maddie’s in there with Emma.” Frankie said. “Karai, you go in there and get the teacher to help work things out.” “Why?” “The teacher acts like she doesn’t know anything about teaching! She acts like she’s only like 18 maybe!” “Fine. I just hope Emma and Maddie haven’t killed each other yet.” “Maybe me and Claire should come with you,” Holt said bumping Claire. “Just in case they already did.” “Very funny,” Claire said looking at her phone. “I’d rather stay here watching funny alien videos this girl Tip posted on youtube.” “Whatever. I’ll be in a minute. But, you might want to watch this first.” “Well…okay.” “Whatever.” Frankie and Karai walked in the gym and sat down with the teacher.
2 hours later, Holt and Claire were still watching videos on youtube, until Frankie came running out of the gym. “Guy!” she yelled. “How many videos did you watch?! Karai and Maddie are killing each other!” “Don’t worry Frankie,” Holt said standing up. “I’ve got the perfect way to break up fights.” “Do you?” “Yeah…maybe…it might work.” “Okay, come on. The teacher isn’t even breaking them up and Emma’s panicking like crazy.” “Don’t worry. This might work.”
Frankie and Holt walked in the gym. “Hey! Stop fighting!” Holt yelled. “Hey!” Karai and Maddie wouldn’t stop arguing, so Holt used his powers to stop them. The fireball hit right between them. “Seriously?!” Karai yelled. “Are you trying to kill us?!” “No!” The teacher was sitting on the bleachers while they were closed. Then she got down. “What was that?” she asked surprised. “It’s like you have powers or something.” “No I don’t.” Holt picked up the skylander that he dropped and put it in his pocket. “What’s that?” “Oh, this is my little skylander pet, only I still need to get him back to skylands and…” “Dude!” Frankie yelled. “You just told her about the skylanders, didn’t you?” “I’ve heard of the game, but I didn’t know they were real.” “That’s because they aren’t.” “Okay, so, do you guys know why those two are always fighting?” “I have no idea.” “Why does the one girl look like Franken Stein?” “Cause she’s Franken Stein’s daughter, I should shut up.” “Yeah, you should.” “Well, I have to go. My shift is over.” “Whatever.” The teacher walked out of the gym when Holt walked over to Karai. “Your teacher is hot.” “Ew!”

Holt went with Karai to her school the next morning. “So, why are you coming with me?” Karai asked confused. “It’s starting to seem suspicious.” “One, your teacher wants to have another conference with one of your guardians or your dad,” Holt said. “Two, your teacher is hot.” “Dude, that’s gross!” “What? She’s like 18.” “Yeah, that’s what bothers me. I still don’t think she’s a teacher.” “Oh, you’re overreacting. Still she’s hot.” “Stop saying that!” Karai and Holt walked into the gym and over to the teacher. “Hi, teacher girl.” “Don’t call me that. I have a name.” “Then what is it?” “None of your business.” “Her name’s Inferno.” “Inferno?” “I know, it’s weird.” “It’s not weird. My dad chose my name and I like it.” “My dad wanted to call me Fire Ball.” “Cause you throw giant fire balls that almost kill us?!” “Karai, go over to the bleachers.” “Sorry.” Holt and Inferno walked over near the entrance of the gym to talk. “Okay, so what did you want to talk about?” “Maddie hasn’t been talking to her friends much and Karai is always a loner now that April is at the college. I was thinking you and Karai and your friends could come to my…house and maybe bring Maddie and maybe we could help them work things out.” “Karai and maybe her brothers can come…maybe not her brothers.” “Why can’t her brothers come?” “Because they’re tur…tle obsessed guys.” “They must love turtles.” “Yep. One of them had a pet turtle that…died of…mutation…in the cells.” “Right…” “He doesn’t like to talk about it.” “Tell Karai to bring her other friends and brothers to Main Street, in that one alley.” “Okay.” “Bye.”
That night, the team went to meet Inferno at Main Street. “Are you sure we can trust this girl?” Frankie asked. “I don’t think we should trust a “teacher” who looks like she’s 18.” “I think she is 18.” “Come on guys, she’s kinda nice and she’s extremely hot. Literally.” “What do you mean by that?” “She was sweating like a dog today, I don’t think she noticed though.” “How could she not notice that she was…” Suddenly, three large beasts jumped down and roared. “What the heck are those things?!” “Obviously something bad!” Leo said hiding behind Frankie, trying to get her to back away with him. “Leo, 3, 2, 1…!” “Okay,” Leo said backing away. “Sorry.” “Those things are huge! How are we gonna fight them?” “I know, running away!” “Leo! Get your head in the game and help us fight…” Suddenly, 3 girls jumped down from a building and attacked the beasts, then another girl jumped down. “Get out of here now!” the girl said running with them. “Hurry!” “Wait! Who are you?” “Let’s just say I’ve met snake girl before.” “Inferno?” Karai asked walking over. “Is that…” “Fine, yes it’s me.” “What’s with all this super hero stuff? And the really cool gadgets?” “Okay, you got me, I’m not a teacher. I’m a spy.” “Okay, why does that make her seem more hot?” “I don’t know, first of all and second, ew!” “Hey, the girl’s cute! No offense.” “None taken.” “So, why did we meet you here?” “We need your help. I’ll explain everything when we get to the blimp.” “You said you had an apartment.” “Did I?” A blimp appeared behind Inferno and let down a set of stairs. “Whoa!” “Hey, giant turtles! You might want to get on before those beasts take you to the shadow world!” “Okay! You aren’t scared of us?” “I’ll scream at you when we get to the blimp, come on!”

Chapter 4
Once everyone was on the blimp, they were able to relax from fighting the beasts. “You guys were lucky,” Inferno said sitting down. “Not many people have survived after they’ve fought those beasts.” “How many survived?” Leo asked anxiously. “Do they know I’m the c-h-o-s-e-n o-n-e?” “How many people are on your team? Plus us, I don’t know if they know turtle dude is the chosen one.” “My name is Leo!” “Sorry, anyway, my father will speak with you shortly.” “Who’s your dad?” Holt asked. “Do you think he’ll approve of Leo staying here?” “We’ve been looking for the chosen one actually, I don’t think my father will mind if you guys stay here.” “Us, are you saying you want us to stay here until everyone in New York is dead?” Frankie asked. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Letting everyone die? We don’t even know if they are after Leo.” “I don’t know if they do, that’s why we saved you guys.” “You didn’t “save us”!” Clair snarled “You forced us to get on your blimp thingy so you could handle those things alone.” “Like I said, not many people have fought those things and survived, including my…I have to go.” “Wonder what’s wrong with her.” “She said she lost someone to those beasts too.” “I wonder if it was someone close to her.” “Obviously dork head.” “Don’t call me that!” “Guys focus! We need to figure out why they wanted us on their little airship or blimp or whatever it is.” “You guys can help us defeat whoever’s been committing suicides and sending shadow beasts to retrieve this shadow stone.” “Huh?” “Dad! Can you explain the whole shadow stone thing? And talk to the “chosen one”?” Inferno’s father came over and sat down on a chair. “Look guys, the shadow stone thing is a big deal,” Her dad said. “It could make the shadow master powerful enough to destroy skylands. If the chosen one has it, there’s a 75% he’ll be okay and a 50% chance that the shadow stone could alternate his powers and could make him vulnerable to the dark side.” “Vulnerable like getting attacked or joining the dark side?” “Probably both.” “Seriously?!” “We just need to know why you needed us here. And when we can go home.” “First, when I’m not here anymore, my little girl is joining your team and avenging her…” “Don’t talk about you know who dad!” “Sorry.” “Who’s You Know Who?” Mikey asked raising is hand. “Does he know anything about your human dad?” “I’m a human too, and You Know Who is just an expression!” “I thought it was a person.” “Is this the idiot of the team?” “Him plus Leo.” “I’m not an idiot!” “Just, Amanda, Katie! Get sleeping bags for the Power Ghouls and the talking turtle dudes.” “They’re part of the team!” “Whatever!” “I think I’ll go with Inferno.”

Chapter 5
That night, Leo couldn’t sleep thinking about what Inferno’s dad said. Then he got up and saw Holt going into Inferno’s room. “Leo, she’s not sleeping and I don’t know where she went.” Holt said peeking around the corner. “I think we should see where she went.” “We? Why are you so worried about her?” Leo asked. “Do you like her or something?” “No! I just want her to like me.” “So, you do like-like her?” “I want to be her friend, and hopefully soon her boyfriend.” “I thought you and Clair were dating.” “No, remember, we’re just friends.” “Sure.” “There has to be something around here that leads to where Inferno went.” “What about this stupid box thing that won’t come off of the shelf?” “Leo, pull that thing towards you.” “Okay I don’t see wh-whoa!” The walls opened and showed a giant white room. “This is awesome.” Inferno was watching a movie with one of her friends. “What are you doing here?” Inferno asked turning around. “What’s your name?” “Holt, some of my friends call me Hyde. But I kinda prefer Holt.” “So, why are you in here and how did you find this place?” “A box that apparently is glued to the shelf.” “Whatever. Oh, this is my friend Ne Ong.” “Hey.” Ne Ong said nothing and just starred at Leo. “Does she talk?” “For some reason, she’s afraid of sea creatures, including turtles. “Can we continue the movie?” Ne Ong said quietly. “Why is there a giant turtle in the room?” “She sometimes talks quietly and acts weird.” “Like that one girl from Pitch Perfect?” “That’s where she got it from actually.” “Seriously? That’s just weird.” “What movie are you guys watching?” “It’s about Inferno’s you know who.” “Huh?” “Her…can I just tell them?” “Fine. But I’m covering my ears.” “Her mother, Inferno. She used to be a Power Ghoul, but when Inferno was only 5, she died in a mysterious fire.” “Aw, well I’m so sorry for your loss! And why did she name you after her?! That doesn’t make any sense.” “She just did, okay? God!” “Attitude much?” “Yeah really. I know how she feels. Me and Jackson were orphaned when we were only 12.” “How did your parents die?” “I’m not sure about my mother. My father well, I think it was a military thing and...I have to go.” “You know, you shouldn’t do that to yourself, dude.” “I don’t know why I do, it’s always been a mystery to my brother and Frankie. There’s no reason why I should talk to my friends about my…dang, I’m doing it again.” “Don’t do that to yourself dude.” “Okay, I’m going to bed.” When Holt and Leo left, Inferno continued to watch the movie with Ne Ong. She was doing the same thing Holt did, reminding herself of a loss she had so many years ago.

The next morning, Leo went on midmorning patrol with Frankie and Raph. “Where should we start?” Leo asked looking around. “Frankie, you come with me.” “No.” Frankie said reading her book. “I would be more into this if someone was here with us.” “Someone like Jackson?” Raph asked making fun of Frankie. “Or perhaps, Holt?” “Cut it out, Raph. I told you, she’s in a stupid love triangle. Between 2 of her friends.” “Shut up! I’m not in a love triangle. So, please don’t mention it anymore!” “Fine!” “Fine!” “Fine!” “This is why I didn’t want to come. You guys are always arguing for no reason.” “Leonardo’s the one who starts them!” “It’s always you who starts them!” “No it’s you!” “Ugh! You’re so annoying!” “No, you’re so annoying!” “No, you’re so…” “Shh!” “Don’t shush me! I’m talking to you.” “Do you hear that?” Leo pushed some bushes out of the way and saw a shadow girl acting terrified. “Who are you?” She asked holding a stick. “Stay away! Don’t hurt me!” “A shadow girl. First, shadow beasts and now, more shadows like Wisp.” “Who are you?” “My name is Shade. I come from the shadow world. I was…banished here after I betrayed the Shadow Master.” “The what?” “Well, you can come stay with us kid. At least until your safe.” “Okay, where do you guys live?” “Why do you want to know?” “Raph, be nice!” “I’m telling you Leo, she’s lying. She probably works for the Shadow Master.” “I don’t! I’m not like his daughter or anything.” “Whatever, let’s go back to the airship.”
When they went back to the airship, Leo showed Shade around. “This is so cool!” “I know right! If you want to see something really cool, you should see the view from the top.” Shade started looking around and bumped right into Wisp. “Hi.” “Uh, Leo,” Wisp started helping Shade up. “Why is there another shadow girl here?” “We found her hiding in some bushes when we went for midmorning patrol.” “So, what do you want from us uh…” “Shade.” “Right, Shade. What do you want from us?” “Nothing really.” “Why don’t I believe you?” “Wisp, be nice to the kid. She’s on our side.” “That’s what she wants you to believe, Leonardo.” Inferno’s dad said walking over. “As soon as she’s ready, she’ll call other shadows here to attack. We can’t trust her. I know we can trust Wisp and that’s it.” “It’s true,” Inferno said standing next to her father. “What I’ve heard, is that the Shadow Master’s sending shadow beasts to take people’s families away. Just so the chosen one comes to face him or her.” “It’s a he. I should probably keep an eye on her just in case.” “Whatever works.” “Hey dad, when are we going to Coney Island?” “Probably not for another 2 weeks.” “What do you mean?” “I’m going to Skylands for a couple weeks to check out shadow activity. Spyro and Cinder said the amount of shadow energy is increasing. Which reminds me, who’s really good with computers?” “I am.” Jackson said. “So is Holt, but he hides it from everyone and…” “Dude!” Holt yelled. “I’m…I’m not that good with computers. I only know how to hack into websites and find out who’s up to what.” “And you’re good at typing stories and that stuff on Microsoft. He’s very creative.” “Shut up! The only reason I ever typed my own stories on my computer is because my, our dad helped me come up with them and…I’m pretty good with computers.” “Okay, Jackson, you and Holt will graph the amount of shadow energy on Earth. The computer is in the back room. Or Inferno’s remind herself that her mother…” “Okay, dad. That’s all they need to know. I’ll teach them how to download the graph into their computers.” “You can do that? How big is the computer?” “It looks more like a tv.” “Whatever, how would we know that the shadow energy levels get too high?” “The graph would look like a hill and it would be showing a warning sign, but sometimes it’s a glitch.” “And what if we don’t stop it in time?” “That’s never really happened, but if it does, we really don’t know how to stop it.” “Nice.” “Well, I’ll see you in a couple weeks kid.” “Dad, can I come with you? I’ve never been to skylands. Maybe they could teach us how to ride on hover boards and ride on dragons and…” “You’re not going and that’s it!” “I really want to go. Maybe we could let the Power Ghouls come with us.” “No! You’re too young to be going there. It’s too dangerous. Don’t try to encourage me to take you there! Amanda and the girls will take good care of you if for some reason I don’t come back.” “But dad…” “I’ve heard enough about this! One more word about it and you’re grounded until I come back!” Inferno started to tear up and stomped away. “And by the way, I hope you don’t come back.” “Inferno!” “Holt, don’t try it. She has an extremely bad temper. Her eyes would get all fiery and she would lose her mind!” “Sooner or later she’s gonna realize you adopted her and that she’s not a human.” “I actually did adopt her. But don’t tell her please.” “I won’t.” “I guess I’ll be going.” When Inferno’s dad left, Inferno peeked around the corner. She wanted to know who she was if she wasn’t a human.

That night, Holt watched a video on his computer. “Come on dad!” one of the people yelled. “You can throw the ball higher than that.” “Holt, my arms aren’t that strong!” another person yelled. “You’re way stronger than I am! Besides your brother.” “Jackson is great at this game better than I am.” “Your brother’s more of a videogame kid. He still loves this game though.” “I hope he’ll come out soon. He barely plays with us because of this stupid book he’s reading.” “Hey, you loved this movie so much, you read the books like 10 times!” “Not true! Let’s just keep playing.” “Hey Holt.” Frankie said sitting down. “What are you watching?” Holt paused the video and tried to hide it. “Isn’t it that video of you and your dad playing casket ball?” “No,” Holt said closing his computer. “It’s a movie. About a kid who plays a sport with his dad who later dies in the…sorry.” “It’s fine. So, do you think your dad really died in the military?” “Well, yeah. Jackson doesn’t though. He thinks it was something else. And you know how Leo is so good at predicting people that will end up together in the future? I’m wondering if he mistaken Clair for Twyla and me for Jackson, but do you really think we’ll end up together in the future?” “Not a chance, you and Inferno are perfect for each other. There’s no way Jackson would end up with Twyla. She’s too shy and hides in the shadows too much.” “Clair’s more of his speed. No offense.” “Some taken. Me and Jackson used to hang out a lot that some of our friends thought we were dating.” “That’s not surprising.” “Really? You honestly thought we were dating? That’s just weird dude.” “What? I actually wasn’t that happy that you were hanging out. You know how protective siblings can be if they were orphaned when they were younger.” “Yeah, I’d been overprotective in the past. But…” “You still are even if you’re trying not to. I know all about that. I used to babysit these kids who were humans. I wasn’t happy about taking care of non-monster kids, but it made me super protective over them. After a while, I stopped babysitting them, biggest mistake taking them home early. They walked into the house and the next thing I knew…BOOM! The house burned down in flames. Only one of the kids came out alive. I have a feeling…” “You made that up didn’t you?” “Yes, but I actually did see a house burn down.” “One more question, do you think the whole shadow thing is real?” “It could be, Inferno said they had something to do with her mother.” “I’m wondering if the shadows really killed my father. I don’t think it was the military. What if he used to be a skylander? I need to know so I can get revenge on whoever…” “Who said anything about revenge?” “Me. When I find out who took away my dad, I’m gonna…” “Let me sleep.” “That and get revenge.” “Don’t let this get to your head, or you’ll regret everything you try to do to get revenge.” “Fine, but I have a feeling that Shade girl knows something about what happened to my dad. I’ll probably ask her tomorrow.” “Okay, I’m going to bed.” When Holt and Frankie went to sleep, Shade opened a shadowy type window and went through it.

The author's comments:

this is the last chapter.

Shade came through the window and found herself in the Shadow world, where she lived. “Shade.” Someone said behind her. “Where have you been kid?” “Is dad mad?” Shade said walking to her dad’s home. “I’m so sorry. I was hanging out with…” “The Power Ghouls? My own sister betraying us.” “I’m not betraying you. I’m going to tell dad about this epic plan to lure the chosen one here.” “I bet he’ll probably be impressed. You are really smart.” “Aw thanks.”
Shade and her sister walked into a big palace with shadowy figures floating around. “My daughters.” Someone said walking over to them. “You have returned at last. Have you figured out how to get that turtle to come here?” “No father, Shade has a plan.” “Yes, my plan is to capture the chosen one’s closest friend and kill her if he doesn’t come here.” “Well, I wouldn’t kill his best friend unless she was Voltagous and everyone knows she will someday get some of the chosen one’s power and we will capture her and take that power. But Shade, if this plan of yours fails, Janie will go there herself and either help you or do it by herself.” “What about Delanie?” “She’s too young. She’s only 9.” “But what if we can use a time machine to the future 3 years from now and...” “Enough of these fantasies! Leave, both of you.” “One more thing dad, there’s this kid who has a human brother, but he’s a monster. He thinks we killed his father. Is that true?” “Yes, but it wasn’t me, it was my old friend, Aguila.” “His father must’ve been a Power Ghoul from the past.” “I’ll tell you more about that later. Right now we have to focus on finding the chosen one’s best friend and capturing her.” “Yes father."

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