The Greatest Story You Could Ever Read | Teen Ink

The Greatest Story You Could Ever Read

December 26, 2016
By JackKrautkramer BRONZE, Blaine, Minnesota
JackKrautkramer BRONZE, Blaine, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am reading a novel written by John Green called the Fault in our Stars. I remember when everybody was reading the book in fourth grade and people were crying over it and saying how good of a book it was. I never wanted to read it because I thought it was for girls like a chick flick but this year I decided to read it and I'll tell you why.


I read Divergent last year in seventh grade and I actually like a mild love story because I am always wanting to see how the relationship develops and I read that four hundred and eighty-seven page book in four days which is insane because some books I read take almost three weeks and are only about one hundred and seventy pages. I've come to the conclusion that I like love stories a lot. Riding down neighborhood streets no handed for five minutes is a huge accomplishment that only some people can do, I happen to be one of them so I was practicing. In our neighborhood we have these little boxes on street corners called little free libraries so when I hopped of my bike and saw the Fault in our Stars in the library I thought to myself, why not read this book so I brought it home and read about 20 pages and I loved it. There was a problem though; I had another book to read called Patriots Gold. I told myself the Fault in our Stars would be my motivation towards finishing Patriots Gold.

In fourth grade I read Patriots Gold but I remembered close to nothing about it except that it was a good book so I decided to re-read the book. It took me forever because I didn't enjoy the book as much as I had remembered. Three weeks later I finished Patriots Gold and I was excited to start the Fault in our Stars except the first day I couldn't find it so I wasn't able to read the glorious book. The same thing happened the next day, but on the third day I found it. I was in my room looking on my bookshelf and I grabbed a golf ball I had found and threw it in the air, it landed and rolled under my bed and as I went to grab it I saw the book right there resting peacefully under my bed so I picked it up, put in my backpack and went to sleep. On Wednesday morning I woke up around 6, took a shower, got dressed went downstairs and read my book until I had to leave
“Jack stop reading that book and get to school,” yelled my mom

I was hooked by page 20 and could not wait to read it again. (This doesn't happen too often) I read all through Homeroom and first hour while Mike Rowe spoke some weird science jargon about interstellar space. The rest of the day I wasn’t able to read. When I arrived home I read for approximately 20 minutes and went to football practice. The next day I wasn't able to read because of Web practice in the morning and football that night but on Friday I was binge reading again.  I was in the Schnabels house that night.

“Hey Jack the kids need to be in bed by 10 and we won't be back till tomorrow,” said Denise the mom I was babysitting for.

After I put everyone to bed I read for three hours straight! I made it to page 83 but couldn't continue because of how sleep deprived I was. On Saturday I was lying on the couch watching the Notre Dame football game and still wanted to read which I couldn't believe because Notre Dame is my favorite team and they were playing The U and that is one of the biggest rivalries in college football. So I read, and I made it to page 158. As I sat on the couch racing my eyes across the white pages with black words reading on and on till i made it to page 300 and stopped. I did not want my book to end so I told myself I would finish it in math the next day after my test.
I sat down in class taking my math test about linear lines and exponential lines as well as deciding if the function was real or not and I whizzed right through the test with a perfect score and got to reading I finished my book with ten minutes left in class and nearly cried at the end and I have come to the conclusions that The Fault In Our Stars Is my most favorite book of all time.

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