The Cruise | Teen Ink

The Cruise

January 15, 2009
By Anonymous

I’m waking up having to go strait to the van. My cousins had to switch cars and ride with us.

This is the year that I’m in third grade and George W Bush was elected for his second term. This is the time of year that it is freezing outside.

Riding in the car for a whole bunch of hours and having so much fun takes a long time.

We went to the American Girl Doll shop and a huge building in Chicago the Sears Tower. It was very snowy and cold and really wet I mean extremely wet.

Getting up at two-thirty in the morning is not pleasant.

“Get up, our plane leaves at four o’clock,” my mother said too me.

“But it’s only two-thirty,” I moaned back.

Well I had no choice to get up. The whole waiting for the plane was not that long.

The plane ride. WOW! We, meaning Madison, my mom, and I had to sit behind this annoying kid who was singing very loudly. All Madison and I did was listen to music and let time go by. Snap. Like that.
Waiting for the plane to come and finally they call you.

“Ugh finally,” I say to Madison.

Boarding the plane I’m terrified. Getting my gum out because I hate when my ears pop. Lifting off, chewing my gum as fast as I can. Whew. Good thing that is over with, I thought in my head. OMG, I think to myself, this plane is going to crash and were all going to die.

“If you are listening to some music or doing something that gets the plane off of your mind that helps,” my mom says to me from behind.

“Ok, “I reply back to her sort of yelling because I just had turned my music on.

You know when you are afraid of something and you don’t want to do it? Well this is how I am feeling right now. Knowing that there is a chance of crashing and never going back to school to see my friends. I got the shivers just thinking about it.

“Oh great,” I say to Madison, “I have to go to the bathroom and there is a huge line.”

“Well what I would do is wait for the line to get smaller and then go,” Madison replied back shouting in my ear because she has her earphones on and she thinks she needs to talk louder.

Finally we are in Fort Lauderdale, I thought. I’m very relieved that we’re off the plane but now is the time that we have to ride in a van taxi cab. Eating at Applebee’s we were now heading towards the board on. Now I’m nervous about getting on the boat. At least I have a few minutes to try to get it in my mind that I’ll be fine and not to … BLAH! I threw up.

After my incident I was dreading the moment of getting on the boat. I thought, OMG this ship is going to sink and we’re all going to die.

“Are you excited?” my mom asked me once we boarded the boat.

“Sort of,” I said, “I’m still a little nervous.

A cruise. The thought kept playing pinball in my head. Shooting off the targets.

“You may go get ice cream,” my dad said as we were going down the steps.

“Yes!” Madison and I scream as we start running towards the Snack-N-Time Café to get our ice cream.

“Hmmmm,” I said to Madison, “I think I’m going to get the yogurt twist.” And OMG was it good.

If you twist ice cream you would have loved this.

Eating the Carnival Cruise’s food is like being at you favorite place in the world. An example of the food is their chicken fingers and their seasoned fries. OMG it was scrumptious.

Yu know that we were on the ship for only four days of the seven day trip. We also stopped and got off at Cozmel, Mexico. There we went on a lookout (down, over) boat. I spent most of my time in the downstairs looking at the bottom of the floor. It was awesome!

You probably think the bottom of the ocean is dark and gross. Well if you think that you are W-R-O-N-G! There are all different colors that are on the bottom.

When we stopped in Cozmel we were allowed to buy a souvenir. I got a box of shells that were really pretty. I still have them in a bucket. My favorite shell is a shell that is pinkish-reddish.

On the boat was more fun because you had a pool and FREE ICE CREAM every day.

So the last night with having to sleep on the boat and watch my mom get seasick in the clamped bathroom that is smaller than a baby pool.

“Get up Kelsi,” my dad yelled when he reached up to shake me

“Everybody is waiting on you.”

“Ok,” I said in an ugh way like I don’t want to get up.

The plane seemed longer back then it did on the way there.

The whole way I listened to Madison’s music blaring while I drifted off to sleep.

“Please fasten you seatbelts,” a voice of the speaker interrupted my nap.

“We’re here already?” I asked.

“Yeah you slept for like three hours.”

“What?” I asked confused.

“Yeah we just, like forty minutes ago, went over the Michigan Lake,” my mom said.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“The person announced it.” She explained..

The long ride home is two hours. Well the only thing I know is that I had a very hilarious and fun time and the fact that I actually got to go on a Carnival Cruise when I was only in the third grade.

The author's comments:
i like writing!

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