Treasure | Teen Ink


April 28, 2015
By McKenna48 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
McKenna48 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Steaming Cup is open everyday at 6:30 a.m. and sits at the corner of Clinton and Main Street, in the heart of Downtown Waukesha. It’s small coffee shop that is flooded with loud chatter and the scent of delicious drinks. It’s a place, warm and inviting.
An array of board games fill the back shelves to pass the time as people await their meals. Mouth watering desserts are displayed at the counter and their good looks tempt customers to buy them all. The walls are sheeted with colors that make it look hip and retro. 
The Steaming Cup portrays a sense of community. Community stands out on the walls as they’re lined with local artwork and pictures of people on the streets of the downtown. Live music is also offered with excellent local bands, which also helps bring people together.
The shop appeals to all. The atmosphere is filled with people of all ages, from teenagers working on homework to old friends getting together for a few cups of coffee. 
I order the only thing I know: the turkey sandwich and split it with my bestfriend. It’s the best turkey sandwich I’ve ever eaten and why I repeatedly order it time after time. It’s warm and toasted and tastes delicious! 
The Steaming Cup is a treasure of Waukesha County because of it’s unique and homey atmosphere. It’s nice to step into the warmth of a place with such friendly people and sip on a steaming drink.

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