rio sucks? | Teen Ink

rio sucks?

December 15, 2014
By taro manuita BRONZE, Sacramento, California
taro manuita BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know why New Orleans is better than Rio? I know why, because Rio does not have the things that New Orleans has, like there music, there so good food, there above ground tombstones, and there Mardi Gras.        

New Orleans has better food than Rio. New Orleans food is very very good. New Orleans has a lot of food. Some of the food they have is, crawfish, crawfish pie, oysters, shrimp, sausages, and their very good gumbo.

Rio also does not have jazz music like new Orleans, new Orleans jazz music is like the best in the world. They probably have the best jazz music in the world. Their jazz music is like unique, nothing can compare to it.

 Does Rio have above ground tombstones, NO? But guess who does, New Orleans. New Orleans cant burry bodies under their ground, because 5 ft. under the ground in New Orleans is water. And if you burry the bodies underground they will float away and who knows where they will go.

Nobody has Mardi Gras like New Orleans Mardi Gras neither. While you are at a New Orleans Mardi Gras you can eat a lot of food, party, get drunk, walk around get beads and a whole lot of other stuff to. New Orleans is such a wonderful place to be .

The author's comments:

this is about new orleans

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