Concrete Jungle | Teen Ink

Concrete Jungle

October 6, 2014
By DawnArising BRONZE, Austin, Texas
DawnArising BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can put any phrase in quotation marks and make it look like that person actually said it" - Barney

We humans live in a world with many different worlds, and many different realities. Situations can vary from choosing what to eat from an abundance of food, or struggling for your next meal. Being able to walk 10 steps to your kitchen for water compared to 10 miles. We don’t choose these survival situations we’re given them, whether we’re fortunate or unfortunate it’s always at random.  If you’re born in America chances are you’ll end up spending many years at school and then working a day job in order to survive. Which to most of us Americans means being able to pay for the bills that come with buying a house, a car, buying groceries and etcetera. Compared to somewhere indigenous where instead of money being survivals middle-man, your daily focus is actually finding, growing or catching the food your family is going to eat. With this put into perspective, Take an individual who’s lived in an indigenous environment their whole lives, place them in downtown New York City and tell them survive. What will happen? Most likely they’ll try to find the nearest forest instead of try to find a job because they haven’t adapted into this systematic way of life. And if the script was flipped, if you place someone who’s lived in a big city there whole lives in the middle of nature he too would need further knowledge of this new situation in order to survive. This is common sense. Let’s say this individual did however, have the time and resources to learn about this new situation. Well, they could adapt to it. The ability to read alone can contribute to huge gains of knowledge. If mister business man spent hours, days, months, years even reading about nature survival, took classes and put it into practice before he was placed in nature, he would have a pretty good idea of what he’s doing in this situation. Now because of this modern world and its resources, there are many learning opportunities within it. This sparks something. With an abundance of information comes an evolution. When we speak of evolution we typically think of bodies adaptations, this is a different kind. An evolution of mind. Over the years our focus in everyday life has changed dramatically. Systematic living has comforted us, shielding us from the natural world, in turn creating a reality where humanity can’t continue on this planet as long as we’re in this imbalance. We can’t just keep taking and expect to be able to do so forever. We must adapt to this world we’ve created, this reality, before it’s too late. But how do we do this? Well the answer to bring balance back to nature is of course, in nature. It’s called the Fibonacci sequence. It’s all around nature in the form of spirals, plants, and even our own bodies. This sequence goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and so on. This sequence tells us to take the old and combine it with the new in order to grow. But how do we do this? Before we can make a big step like this in the world, we must first start with our perception. So, we combine the knowledge of our ancestors with the things we learn today to make a new perception. One that brings us to balance whilst using many of the things we’ve learned in modern times, to create a planet better suiting to all life. With this essay, I felt light needed to be shined on this subject of focus and perception so we can slow down this cycle of work, and speed up the cycle of life. Regaining focus on what really matters in this world instead of material gains, because doing so can change the outcome of this planet, and humanity within it.

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