Maria Travels to Germany | Teen Ink

Maria Travels to Germany

November 26, 2012
By abbeybuss GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
abbeybuss GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High School senior, Maria, went to Germany over the summer of 2012. She went with her grandparents, cousin, and aunt for her grandmother’s cousin’s daughter’s wedding anniversary and stayed with her grandmother’s cousin’s daughter. She also visited Austria. This was Maria’s first time going to Germany and visiting her relatives there.

While in Germany, Maria shopped and went sightseeing. And she says that there are many similarities and differences between their culture and our culture.

“A big difference was that they either use public transportation or walk to wherever they need to go, rather than using cars like we do here,” says Maria.

Many people in Germany do not even own a car, whereas here, a family typically owns two cars per household.

Maria says, “The streets were also very different. They were much smaller and the houses were very close together.”

Another big difference was the drinking age says Maria. Since the legal drinking age in Europe is much younger than it is in the United States, it was not uncommon for her to be offered a drink numerous times throughout the day.

As far as the similarities, Maria says manners and the weather were very similar to what we have here in the U.S.

“The people there were so nice and always said please and thank you,” says Maria.

While in Austria, Maria did similar things as when in Germany, sightseeing and shopping. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to do as much there as she wanted to because she was only there for two days.

Maria says that she loved every minute of the trip and hopes to go back and visit again someday. She aspires to travel more of Europe and experience the different cultures they have to offer.

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