Saving Water | Teen Ink

Saving Water

May 23, 2012
By SammiD SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
SammiD SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How many gallons of water do you think you go through? A single person can go through 15 - 42 gallons of water in one day . In a average household a family can go through 100 gallons of water. Just take a moment to think , In the U.S.A alone we go threw 346,000 gallons of water in a day . So lets make a change . Here are three steps in heading into the right direction . i will help you learn about it , do my best on giving you simple ideas to act on it , and give you all the information on what you can do to make a difference.

Why should you save water ? Water is our lifeline , the whole world revolves around it . Living in one of the most spoiled countries in the universe can make it difficult to understand , But just like we put the man on the moon we can help save water for those in need . Water is a privilege , a lot of us take it for granted . Many countries don't have fresh clean running water to rely on everyday . People can't survive without one thing and that one thing is water . So read on to find out what to do and why to do it .

How long is your average shower ? personally mine is about 15 - 20 minutes long , not any more i started to alter my showers to take 5 minutes . An army shower takes up less water and gets you just as clean . Between scrubbing and washing turn the water off if you use hot water your bathroom with still be steaming and warm . That's not the only thing you can do don't let the water run while you are doing the dishes that can save gallons of water in one action . There so many other ideas you can do just changing your everyday routine to make someone Else's easier.

Making a difference might feel good inside but just imagine all the people who are really being affected . Other countries don't have Brita water filters or the culligan man to bring them clean water , but we can do small things to help people and need . The world is 75% water , Why don't people have clean water ?780 million people cannot afford to improve the water sources. That leads to that leads to bad sanitation and people cannot keep their hygiene .

3.575 million people die from a water related disease every year . Daily tips that barley would change our lives , could change theirs forever it could even save their life . Even though we don't see them everyday we have never talked to them but to have that feeling when you shut off the water or shorten your shower that you have just helped someone could stay with you for a lifetime .

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 10 2013 at 12:51 pm
good article