Marine Drive | Teen Ink

Marine Drive

September 3, 2011
By mrao21 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
mrao21 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Mumbai, India, during the monsoon season, the beautiful rain continuously falls from the blue, gray skies. When one looks out onto the beautiful inlet of the Arabian Sea they feel at peace with the world. As you walk down the C-shaped, six lane, concrete road, known to all as Marine Drive, the sounds of passing traffic, calls of local fast food vendors, the billowing wind, and sound talkative tourists and commoners alike all blend together into the unique ambiance of South Mumbai.

When night falls on Marine Drive the Queen’s Necklace adorns the road from Nariman Point to Babulnath and Malabar Hill. The Queen’s Necklace is the row of streetlights that deck out the 3 Km stretch of Marine Drive. When you walk along Marine Drive during the night as the pleasant rain falls down on your shoulders, you look ahead as the bright, yellow, gold lights of the Queen’s Necklace contrast with the night sky and glimmer as bright as magical, yellow jewels.

To many Marine Drive is just a famous tourist spot, but to others it is a place where they experience beauty, serenity, and enjoy special times with loved ones. Just one visit to Marine Drive can impact a person in so many ways; it may even change your life…

The author's comments:
This is my favorite place. If I could go anywhere it would be Marine Drive.

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