Arkansas Wilderness | Teen Ink

Arkansas Wilderness

May 22, 2011
By DiabeticWizard BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
DiabeticWizard BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The state of Arkansas is often overlooked. In areas such as politics, population, and entertainment, this state is not one usually though of. One aspect of Arkansas that clearly stands out, though, is its natural beauty.

Recently, I received the privilege of being selected as a leader on the annual 8th grade Wilderness Trip at school. Having been there all ready once before, I at least knew what to expect. But even then I was amazed at the beauty and overwhelming vastness that northwest Arkansas holds. Canoeing down the mighty Buffalo River, watching the wildlife and the landforms surrounding it was mesmerizing. Hiking up a mountain three miles in order to gaze across a valley as far as the eye could see was shocking, compared to my usual surroundings of houses, buildings and highways. The nature that the state of Arkansas seals and keeps to itself really inspired me to remember the abundance of gifts America has in store, and that they should be valued, not taken for granted.

The author's comments:
The beauty of nature in a relatively unknown environment

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