Remembrance Day 2009 | Teen Ink

Remembrance Day 2009

December 30, 2009
By Mariel Nupp BRONZE, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Mariel Nupp BRONZE, Indiana, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Four-score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,
conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Seven-
score and three years after Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address, people from all
throughout the country gathered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to commemorate the dedication
of the soldiers’ cemetery which was created to properly bury Union soldiers who had died during
the 3-day battle. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Gettysburg for Remembrance
Day 2009.

The main attraction was the parade that marched through downtown. Civilians crowded
the sidewalks to try to get the best view. An amazing sight was the approximately 5,000
participants, comprised of reenactors, musicians, and living historians, to name a few. They
convened at the middle school and formed up for the step off at 1:00. It was the job of the
drummers to keep a steady beat to ensure that as many people as possible stayed in step. I
was a bass drummer for the 62nd PA. The procession marched down Steinwehr Avenue
and disbanded shortly before reaching the high water mark. It was an unforgettable experience
that I am looking forward to in future years.

The evening attraction was the cemetery illumination. Each year, the Gettysburg
Foundation offers the opportunity for someone to sponsor a luminary candle. They can be
sponsored ‘in honor of” or “in memory of.” It does not have to be for someone buried in the
cemetery or who died during the battle of Gettysburg. For example, my grandmother sponsored
a luminary for my dad’s great-great grandfather Franklin Nupp and he survived the war. A
reader was present that read all the names of the soldiers who died in the battle. Everyone was
free to walk around the cemetery and view the luminaries which were arranged in the center.
Since this took place in the evening, it was completely dark and the only light emanated from the

When traveling, one cannot forget to acquaint themselves with the local eateries.
Recommended by many is the Farnsworth House, located right along Steinwehr Avenue.
The building was one of the many that survived the war. It received 401 bullets, many of
which can be viewed on a ghost tour of the house. The uppermost 2 floors are a bed and
breakfast while the ground floor is the restaurant. Even though the food is fairly pricey, one
would really have to try to walk away hungry. With the order of a meal, the whole table receives
an array of appetizers. First brought to the table was a complimentary sample of their 4-bean
salad comprised of green beans, yellow beans, kidney beans, and garbanzo beans. Also included
was the “Jenny Wade” bread with locally made apple butter and “spoon bread,” which resembles
grits. It is made with cornmeal, flour, and water, topped with a dab of butter. Jenny Wade bread
is just regular homemade bread, but it is supposedly the recipe that Jenny Wade was using when
she was killed. The house favorite is the wild game pie which consists of turkey, pheasant, and
duck. This dish is similar to a pot pie. After visiting the Farnsworth House it is easy to see why
it is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Although I have been to Gettysburg numerous times, this was my first Remembrance
Day. Based on this recent experience, I will definitely be in attendance next year and hopefully
in years to come.

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