My experience while coming to the USA | Teen Ink

My experience while coming to the USA

March 5, 2022
By Anonymous

My experience while coming to the U.S.A                 

 Have you ever gone to a different country? I have and it was one of the most fun things that I have ever taken place in. One day before the end of the year vacations started, when I came back from school my grandma, and my mom were waiting excitedly for me to come into the house so they could tell me the amazing news that they got themselves earlier. 

As I was coming into the house all I could notice was all of the luggage that was in the living room. When I finally came in and settled my stuff down, I asked my mom what was happening?, why is the luggage all over the living room?.

My mom excitingly told me that we were going to the U.S.A for the summer and that we were leaving tomorrow, I instantly got super excited so I ran to my room so I could start packing up, I spent the rest of that day packing up and I also hanged out with my dad because it would be the last time I see him for a while.


The next day finally came, I woke super early well for the little that I did sleep I was so excited that I couldn’t even fall asleep, so I got up and started to get ready, once I got done getting ready I saw that my mom and my grandma were ready too, my mom instantly asked me if I was ready and if I had everything that I wanted to bring, I said yes.

After that all we did was, to pack everything in the car and head to the airport, all we did when we got to the airport all we really did was wait for our flight to be ready for us to aboard, once our flight was finally ready we aboarded and started the flight, the whole time we were in the flight I was so nervous.


Once we got to the Indianapolis airport I felt the freezing temperature, everyone there only spoke English. This was super scary. After a while of being at the airport, while waiting for my aunt they finally arrived and they took us to their house.

It was my first time ever seeing snow and I was so amazed by it, I kept feeling like if I was living in a snowglobe because of how everything was covered in snow I was so amazed that I didn't even realize that my aunt,uncle, and cousins were trying to talk to me by asking me questions it was until we arrived to my Aunt’s house that I started responding to them.

For the first week over here all I really did was play snowball battles in their backyard or at the park with my family, mostly with my cousins.

At first I didn’t go to school because I was only there to visit and have fun, after 2 months me and my mom went back to Honduras so I could go to 4rth grade, once we got to the Honduras airport I immediately felt the hot foggy weather I hated it, while I was in 4rth grade I could not get my mind to stop thinking of how much fun it was to be living while being surrounded by snow and to not be hot no matter what you are doing. 


In my birthday, after 2 years since I last went to the U.S.A had passed as a Birthday gift my mom and grandma told me that we were going back to the U.S.A and that I might even be able to go to school and that we might stay over there to try and live for a while this immediately made me so happy and I went running to start packing my bags.

I’ve also been getting used to the different environment, like the difference in neighborhoods, and how weird it is to see more modern type houses than old type houses. Another thing that I’ve been getting used to is when 4th of july comes around because it isn’t a celebration that I am part of because I was not here when they were freed, I really cannot wait for July 5th.Another celebration that i've had to get used to is halloween and to be honest it's pretty fun to go out and ask for candy.


Now I’ve been going to school and living here for about 2 and a half years and for the meantime It's been pretty fun living here more than in Honduras for the most time. It's also been pretty fun having the challenge to learn how to speak a different language and being able to speak it somewhere close to fluent.

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