Endless Chocolate | Teen Ink

Endless Chocolate

March 12, 2009
By Dan Rutecki BRONZE, Springfield, Pennsylvania
Dan Rutecki BRONZE, Springfield, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the car ride home, I was as ecstatic as someone who has just won the lottery. My family and I are huge Phillies fans especially my dad, my brother Wally, and I. We watch almost every game of every season. It was early August, and my dad purchased tickets to go to the game. It was kind of a birthday present for my brother and me because my birthday is August 6, and Wally's birthday is August 8. I was expecting this gift because we do it almost every year. But there's going to be something that transpires this year that will probably never happen to me ever again at a Phillies game.
When we arrived, the stadium was packed like usual. So we didn't miss the first pitch, my family and I went right to our seats. We were sitting down the third baseline and up three rows' in the nosebleeds. Most people think these are horrible seats, but I think there as good as the front row seats. I am able to see everything and all the action that is going on from up top. Finally, the game began. Early in the game, nothing exciting really happened until the third inning. The Braves had just finished batting and both teams were changing positions. All of a sudden, a guy working at the stadium came down to our row and told Wally and I to stand up. I stood up a little confused. Then, he shouted to the section that it was our birthdays, and he wanted everyone to sing to us. So, both of us turned to the whole section as they sang 'Happy Birthday' to us. I felt like I was a real celebrity while they were signing to me. I thought it couldn't get much better than this, but oh, it sure did.
Now, we were in the seventh inning. Everybody had just finished singing 'Take Me out to the Ballgame' and was taking there seats. All of a sudden, a guy with a huge crunch bar appeared on the mega-tron. Nestle was having a giveaway to one lucky fan to receive a ten pound crunch bar! I turned around and noticed the guy was in my section. He started walking down the rows one by one closer and closer to my seat. He stopped to a halt. Looked one way and then whipped himself around like somebody had just snuck up behind the guy to scare him as he screamed, 'you've won!' I started going crazy like someone with ADHD.I held the giant candy in the air and saw myself on the Phan-O-Vision. I thought I was a celebrity when my section was singing to me, but now I felt like the biggest star at the stadium.
When I got home from the game, I was a bit disappointed the Phillies had lost, but I was excited as can be over the crunch bar. I carefully slipped the chocolate rock out of its slick, smooth blue wrapper, and there it was. The same crunch bar as the regular ones, but only a thousand times bigger. It was as smooth as a baby's bottom with its rich-brown shade just waiting for me to chomp on it. I went to take a bite, but my mom stopped me so I wouldn't break all of my teeth. We had to use a steak knife to cut through this bad boy. I got my first chunk and gobbled it down with pleasure. It felt like one chunk was equivalent to about ten regular crunch bars. As my family started to eat some each day, the bar got a little smaller, but not by much. The crunch bar reminded me of the peach in the story James and the Giant Peach. No matter how much of the peach was eaten, practically the whole peach was still there. My mom was glad, though, because she didn't have to buy many snacks when she went food shopping since everyone was satisfied with the crunch bar. By the time a month past, anybody who walked in our house got asked the question, 'would you like a chunk of the rock?' Whenever my friends came over, I would give each of them a chunk, but there still seemed like there was plenty of crunch bar left. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to finish it.
Finally, after about three of four months, I ate the last chunk of the crunch bar. I must've eaten at least three pounds of crunch bar during that time span. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to eat another crunch bar in my life again. I still can't get over that I won that crunch bar and how monstrous it was. Even though the Phillies lost that game, it was still the greatest Phillies game I've ever went to.

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