10 Tips for Track | Teen Ink

10 Tips for Track

April 1, 2015
By Sarah.me BRONZE, Washington, New Jersey
Sarah.me BRONZE, Washington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During the track season, there are many mistakes that could bring an early end to your season. Here are ten tips that will keep you on track.
1) Run before the season starts- When athletes jump into a track season, their bodies are not adjusted to the intense training. If they train beforehand, they will one, be in shape, and two, be less likely to get injured because their bodies are already acclimated to the activity.
2) Get new shoes for every season (or every 400 miles) – If a runner uses the same sneakers for more than 400 miles, the inside has most likely already worn out. Because of this, the runner is likely to get shin splints or stress fractures.
3) If you get a day off, rest- Everyone’s body needs time to rest. If you run every day of the week, then you will probably get worn down by the middle of the season.
4) Try to run on the road as little as possible- The pavement on the road is much harder than the rubber on the track. If you have the option to, run on the track because the hard pavement is much worse for your joints and can lead to injuries.
5) Don’t forget an outer layer to stay warm- During meets, keep your outer layers on even if you are hot because sweating helps with nerves. During practice, keep them on for warm ups to prevent any illness when it is cold outside because it will prevent your muscles from tightening up.
6) Stretch thoroughly before running- many people get injured because they don’t take stretching seriously. Stretch to prevent injuries and to prevent your muscles from tightening up, especially in the cold.
7) Roll out your muscles even if they don’t hurt- Rolling your muscles loosens them up even if they aren’t that tight
8) Make sure you eat and drink enough during the day- If you are dehydrated, you will be exhausted and dizzy while trying to run.
9) Run with the proper form- Try to prevent crossing your arms in front of your upper body, and keep them low because that will exert less energy that you can use during the race.
10)  Train hard and never give up- Running, especially distance, is a mental sport. If you stop running in training and don’t try, then during the race you will not be able to finish it while running your hardest.

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This article has 1 comment.

shinigsun said...
on Apr. 14 2015 at 2:13 pm
thanks really helpful