Not Just a Dumb Jock | Teen Ink

Not Just a Dumb Jock

September 26, 2011
By Mitchell Stagner BRONZE, Sanford, Colorado
Mitchell Stagner BRONZE, Sanford, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A fourth grader walks with the rest of his class out to the track and thinks to himself how am I going to make it around that thing four times?

In the last thirty-one years the percentage of childhood obesity has grown thirteen percent. In 1980 only seven percent were obese now twenty percent are, and it growing more as we speak. Yet many people are saying we spend too much time and effort on sports. Many think it is too demanding for many children. Yet if we teach children to like and be involved in sports, children will be more active.

Sports don’t just create dumb jocks. Actually it does the opposite. According to studies student athletes have approximately one grade letter grade better than non athletes. So not only does sports make you active it gives you the motivation to try harder in school, because of eligibility requirements. So we aren’t just a bunch of dumb jocks like most people seem to think. Actually they are smarter than the average student.

Life lessons aren’t all learned in the classroom, more are learned on the court of field. While in competitive events you learn how to win and lose. Sportsmanship is something everyone needs to know to be social with others. Sports can help with that. Not only do you learn how to win and lose, but you learn how to compete which is something you will have to do the rest of your life. Why not learn early?

Leaders aren’t made they are built. Little by little leaders our built. When your team is down four points in the fourth quarter someone has to step up. The great thing about sports is everyone has the same opportunity to be that guy or girl who leads the team to a win. Everyone has an equal opportunity to be that star. Its up to them. Its how much work you put in that determines what you get out of it. Which is life.
What it so wrong with sports? Is it too competitive? Makes your child exercise? Or is it because your child isn’t the star of the team? Whatever it is, it isn’t just sports that you will experience these in. Just everyday life these things will come along, and having competition for the first time when you’re in your twenties isn’t fun. You lack experience. If you learn to deal with pressure you will get better each time.

Sports can get you ready for the rest of your life. What is so wrong with that? They are more likely to be more successful. Most athletes never make it to the pros, but they learn several things about life. If it prepares them for life, than what is wrong with it. Sports benefits almost everyone.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 11 2011 at 8:36 am
jsalyers BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
This is a very informational article and it makes you think about just howe activer you really are. Maybe next time try widing your vocabulary.