The Sweet Taste of Victory | Teen Ink

The Sweet Taste of Victory

December 16, 2010
By Anonymous

The whistle blew as a sense of anger traveled through my body. The other team had scored. Playing the Stratford Redskins in the SCPW (Southern Connecticut Pop Warner) championship would be one of the hardest things we had done the whole season. Last time we played them they were beating us 8 to 6 until we scored a touchdown with two minutes left, winning the game 12 to 8. It was overtime with the score 28 to 22 them. Overtime in our league the rules are you have the ball on the 10 yard line with four downs to score. If you score, you would have a chance to kick a field goal for another 2 points. The referee’s whistle blew again, Stratford got set up for the extra point kick. The Redskin’s bleachers went insane with cheering while our bleachers had few cheering of “go Redskin’s”. “Why are they in our bleachers” I questioned myself. The whistle blew again as a signal that the kicker can kick the ball. My eyes were glued to the ball. I watched as the ball pounded against the holders hands. The thunder of the kick echoed throughout the stadium. “Bang!” I heard as the ball hit the goal post and flew back onto the field. Everyone on my team went crazy; until our running back told us to shut up and that the game wasn’t over yet. He was right the game wasn’t over yet, we still had to score and scoring would only tie the game. We needed the field goal. Our offense ran onto the field as our center called a huddle, the sound of the cheering it was like putting a megaphone to your ear and having someone scream into it. We scored on the first play; the hole that our lineman created was big enough to drive a truck through. I watched Stratford’s defense yelling at each other, swearing about it being someone’s fault. Our field goal team ran onto the field, “Palmer!” I heard my coach yell. I ran over “yes coach?” I yelled back. “Get out there and ask Colin what you are doing.” I followed his instructions sprinting onto the field. Colin set me up where I was supposed to go, I was playing right wing which meant I had to block anyone who tried to get outside. “SET HUH-ONE” I heard our holder yell. I linked my left foot back as the defender rammed into me; I held my block until I heard the thunder of a kick. I didn’t know what happened until our bleachers went crazy. We won!! We won the championship; I ripped off my helmet and held it in the air. The teams lined up like usual and did the whole high-fiving good game thing. I noticed their best player crying, I felt bad for him, he was really good. We finished the handshakes after about a minute, and all ran to see the owner of the Fairfield Giants holding our trophy. Our biggest player Anthony grabbed the trophy and held it high in the air, with him being 6’4 no one on my team could reach it. Our coaches finally got us all together on our side, “Congratulations guys” coach said. “We started off this season with only 11 guys, not enough to play, but you guys put your hearts into it and we ended up with 19 guys. Look where you are now this may never happen again in your lives, you guys made history and I am proud of you.” After that we all got lots of pictures taken, it was like a lighting storm. I even saw one of those giant cameras that looked like a newspaper one. It was an awesome feeling being undefeated the whole season, every team doubted us but we did it and we won the division championship. I know that this is something I will remember my whole life.

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This article has 2 comments.

jesusitsgod said...
on Dec. 30 2010 at 5:07 pm
jesusitsgod, Fairfield, Connecticut
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
i want candy duhh duhh duhh duhduh

    thank you

on Dec. 22 2010 at 6:20 pm
swim4ever SILVER, Carol Stream, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you can throw in the towel or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face"
"no one ever drown in their own sweat"

This was amazing the detail was superb