Wrestling | Teen Ink


May 19, 2010
By Reagle BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
Reagle BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not just an average girl that likes average things or has an average hobby; I don’t even have an average role model. My role models name is Ci-Ci Weathers, a college student and the sport that I love is wrestling. You can probably guess that Ci-Ci is a wrestler, and yes girls do wrestle but I look up to her for doing the sport period. How would you like being the only girl wrestling against all these huge guys and you taking place in state. That’s guts and I with I could be like her, but I’m not. I love this sport to the fullest; I love the blood, sweat, and tears that’s put into it. I wonder what my life would be like if I never found it but I would never want that to happen. I love it!
I watch WWE and I think it’s interesting but I love folk style wrestling. The first time I watched this beautiful sport was when I was in eighth grade, I couldn’t believe that such an aggressive sport was allowed in school. I though it was weird that two guys were wrestling in tight spandex but eventually I realized it’s not what they are wearing it’s the wrestling that matters, the uniform for the sport just makes it that much harder for them wrestle.
I continued to go to the matches for the first two weeks of the season and started to understand the sport; I fell in love with it. The adrenalin rush is exhilarating; the work that they put into it and the endurance they have is ridiculous, I know that I could never do it. The coach soon noticed that I was always there and he asked me if I would like to be the manager of the team. Of course, I agreed to it and I’ve been the manager ever since; five years it’s been and this year was my last year. They are my second family, it’s like having 30 brothers, nothing more and over the years the family continued to grow.
People judge the sport and say “it’s gay” or something derogatory like that. This is the hardest sport that anyone will ever do; if someone can do this crazy sport then I have the utmost respect for them. For most people who do this sport it’s their life, it’s the longest sport season out of the year and they’re with one another three hours a day and all day on Saturdays’. If the wrestlers didn’t like the sport, then they wouldn’t do it. There’s so much commitment put into the sport that I can say that it is accosting, and I’m not even the one wrestling, I just watch and do the work and get tired. I dare the people who put down wrestling to try this amazing sport and see if they have anything to say afterwards.

The author's comments:
I have loved this sport for so long and I feel that people shouldn't judge this amazing sport by what other peoplr say. So I thougt I would let the teens know how intense wrestling really is and what it means to me!

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This article has 2 comments.

Michelle said...
on Jul. 2 2010 at 12:35 am

love2run GOLD said...
on Jun. 13 2010 at 6:18 pm
love2run GOLD, Star Valley, Wyoming
12 articles 4 photos 64 comments

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that's amazing, i totally agree!