DECA Marketing Nights | Teen Ink

DECA Marketing Nights

January 11, 2010
By Brandon Altenburg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Brandon Altenburg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Every year my school’s DECA program puts on two Marketing Nights, one during a boys basketball game and one during a girls. These nights are famous for the free t-shirt handouts at the door and the various mascots, including the Klement’s Sausages, entertaining the fans throughout the game. This year all proceeds will go to the LeRoy Butler Foundation, which supports breast cancer research.
Naturally, the color of the t-shirts for the girls game will be pink, and the whole game will be a pink-out. Anyone gatoring or wearing pink to the game will be given free admission. The game is on Friday, December 11th, with events starting at 5:30 and the varsity game tipping off at 7:30 against Waukesha West.
LeRoy Butler himself will be at the game and will talk at halftime, as well as sell autographs to fund his foundation. There will also be a raffle with prizes ranging from a free Marty’s pizza to two front row seats to a Brewer’s game. Other events include live music, t-shirt tosses, mascot relay races, timeout contests, free promotional giveaways, and a post-game Qdoba party.
Annually, these nights are some of the most popular games of the basketball season, and with the addition of LeRoy Butler, this year should be more exciting than ever.

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