My First MLB Game | Teen Ink

My First MLB Game

December 2, 2009
By SuperStevo BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
SuperStevo BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Strike three!” said the umpire. Fans screaming, on their feet cheering for the home team. The L.A. Dodger vs. the Colorado Rockies in an early July game. My first major league baseball game and a good one at that. What a better place than dodger stadium.

It started out as a relaxing day at the beach and a nice cool day in Redondo Beach, California. The day was just a little more special though. It’s are annual vacation spot for the summer, but it was a first for me. It was also really special because I was sharing a first baseball game with three other people, who had never been to a game. What an exciting game it was going to be, Dodgers vs. the Rockies, division rivals. “This is going to be so much fun!” I thought to myself.
It was a fun time driving to the game because of all the sights and locations. When we were driving to the stadium I noticed that it was on top of a huge hill. I was really astounded by it. The parking lot was huge and the stadium was even larger. After we got the parking situated we headed into the stadium, my heart pounding. I stood there in “aw” at the sight of the wonderful stadium. This was truly amazing. Are seats weren’t that bad so we got a good view of the stadium. Time to start the game, so we all stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The roar of the crowd continued even thought the Dodgers were down. Then one of the most exciting things happened and I was involved in it. It was a huge crowd wave that started from one end of the stadium to the other. Then the beach balls came in, all of which was really fun. In the end the Rockies had won at the final score of 3-0, because of an epic home run, but it wasn’t over.
After the players had gotten off the field something amazing happened. Fireworks! There were fireworks! It was an amazing sight because almost all the fans in the stands went on to the field. I was shocked to see all of those people on the outfield grass. The firework show was even better, firework after firework, it was a great marvel. It was a long continual show of explosions in the sky. It was a real extravagant sight that I will remember forever.

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