The Big Day | Teen Ink

The Big Day

November 18, 2009
By Berubis BRONZE, Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Berubis BRONZE, Cottage Grove, Minnesota
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The thrill players get from playing football is like going down the highest roller coaster for the first time. Their stomach falls at an extreme speed, they can hear their heart beating like a big brass band, and they are so excited everything is going so fast. I feel like this before every game, especially a big one.

It was a perfect day outside on the big game day in 7th grade. It wasn’t too hot or too cold- a Goldie Lock effect, if you will. I was dressed in my blue jeans and a green mesh jersey- what we always wore on game day. I admired the way my jersey sat on my shoulders. It made me feel as if I was apart of something- everyone knew who I was and it was nice for a change. Right before I got to the locker room, my coach, Mr. Quale, stopped me.

"Hey, Berubis, you ready to cause some hurtin'?" He laughed. Berubis was what I was called at this school. I liked having a nick name. It, too, made me feel special.

"Heck yes! I'm so excited!"

"Well hurry up and get your stuff on, we're starting early!"

I ran down the hall and into the girls locker room. A reader might be thinking -Oh! This poor boy just ran into the wrong locker room! On the contrary, I went into the right one. I was the only girl on the football team and that is how people knew me. No one would have thought that me of all people was 'that girl' until game day when we would wear our jerseys to school. As I walked it, I messed with the lock on my locker until I got the right combination. My pads didn’t fit right because they weren't really made for a girl. But I took them out and threw them on while sprinting out to the field. The team was ready and in our lines to stretch. The boys would whisper funny things they would point out about the other team like -"I can see that kids butt crack." Of coarse I would look and laugh along. We had a lot of good times as a team- in school and out. A person can make friends for life through football. Mean while, after we finished stretching, the head coach, Mr. Dummer, called us in for a huddle.

"Boys, and Alea, we need you to do your best, fight your hardest, and win! We all know that it's not entirely about winning, but every once and a while it's nice to win" He finished up and called the play. We all got out and on to the field ready to play some football.

We botched play after play and we were loosing terribly. The score was 39-0 and our coaches had disappointed looks on their faces as they called the final play for the half.

“Okay, Alea, I want you to run straight for five yards then cut left. We’ll get you the ball.” Mr. Dummer was anxious, anyone could tell. I ran to my position running how I thought the play was going to go in my head over and over until I heard ‘HIKE.’ I ran as fast as I could straight, then deeked left. No one was covering me! I was in the end zone waiting for the pass- and it was good! I had just scored the my first touchdown ever. The game ended up to be 8-39, but just knowing that I was the only one to score (with my first touchdown) again gave me the warm feeling inside when a person knows they did a great job,

The next day all I had were ‘congratulations’ and ‘great jobs.’ Again, I felt special. And, now, looking back at this, I have learned to be more outgoing. Football had helped me to not be that silent little girl in the back of the room. I don’t play football any more, but in the long run it had helped me in so many ways.

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