My Favorite Sport | Teen Ink

My Favorite Sport

May 12, 2009
By Iziah Sherman-Newsome BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
Iziah Sherman-Newsome BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have been playing basketball my whole life. It’s like a family sport my dad played it and it sort of got passed to my brother and me. I play a small forward/power forward Im pretty good at them both. Im the caption of my team . My job as the captain is to encourage and lead my team. It’s a really good team and my goal is to not only take them to the championship but win as well.
Sometimes people underestimate me because Im not the fastest one on the court, but once the game starts they realize that they cant stop me. I don’t mind when people do underestimate me because I know by the end of the game their going to wish they hadn’t. I try not to underestimate people because I don’t want to lose , and make me feel like it’s my fault.
I think people don’t realize what a hard sport basketball is. It takes a lot of practice and you have to be consistent in the way you play. It takes a lot of teamwork and you have to give it your all the whole time your on the court. you can’t slack off at all. You have to hustle and be on top of your game the time that your in the game. But at the end of the day it’s worth it because it only makes you a better player.
I plan on making varsity my freshmen year, and if I work hard enough I think I can do it. going to a division one college is one of my goals in the long run. I would really like to go to the University of North Carolina its my favorite college basketball team. Not only do I want to go to a division one college I would like to get a full ride scholarship to the division one college I end up going to. After college I would like to get drafted into the the NBA. I think playing basketball for a career would be the best job ever.
The best thing about basketball is when you know you just did something good to help your team. You get a good feeling and it makes you want to do it again. The people in the stands start screaming and it pumps you up. It makes you feel unstoppable once you get on the court. there’s so many more things that makes me love basketball I think it’s endless
Basketball is a very fun and exciting sport even though it requires a lot of hard work. I hope to accomplish my goals with basketball, and one day be in the NBA. If I keep going on the road I just might be able to reach my goal.

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This article has 1 comment.

regerc said...
on Oct. 15 2009 at 8:59 pm
regerc, State College, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I can relate to this piece pretty easily because most of the people in my family have also played basketball. n played in third grade and just like you I realized how hard of a sport basketbal was. The last thing on that I can relate to is making a goal. I always have said how many points I want to score in a game but I had to work for it. You made this piece really easy to relate to and get a clear image of the game.