Hairs | Teen Ink


March 9, 2018
By chandlerpulvy7 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
chandlerpulvy7 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By looking, you might think we have different hair. A closer look will prove that my family's follicles are as similar as identical twins. My dad’s hair is nearly nonexistent. The top of his head glistens like a freshly shined shoe. Sam’s hair is wild and curly, almost an afro. Mine is quite similar to sam’s, crazy and out of control. Jack’s is straight and has the wave of the ocean.

But where did this crazy curly hair come from? My dad was once like my brothers and me. Grew out his curly locks before they became nonexistent. When he was young and like me his head handled a mess of hair that was a knot because of how tight the corkscrew curls were. Wore the afro proudly around school looking like Michael Jackson in his younger days. These genes have been passed on to his children, and we now wear the mane of perm like hair on top of hour heads. However I dread the day my head shines bright like my dad’s.

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