Uncle Dave | Teen Ink

Uncle Dave

January 25, 2018
By wyattklavon SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
wyattklavon SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My dad always says, “If you aren't sure if you have met my uncle Dave then you haven't met him.”; and it is a very true statement. He is the guy at the wedding where the band mentions him, because he is the best dancer. Also, he has the tendency to say what's on his mind so that also will make a big impression on people. I guess he made an anger management person cry which he is the only person I know that can do that. Examples like these are just a couple reasons how my uncle Dave has significantly impacted my life. I like to think of him as “that uncle.”

Lucky me Dave is actually my godfather too, not just an uncle. What I like most about him being my godfather is that he and my dad were best friends back in highschool and that he is my mom's brother; so whenever we see him it is always a blast. When I was younger, me and my older brother, Garett, used to stay at his house for a couple days in the summer just for fun, so I got to know him really well from a young age. So since I've been young I've always know Dave as “that uncle”. Also I personally feel like I got the best godparents out of my brothers, because my older brothers godparents are divorced now and my younger brothers are fun, but not Dave fun. What makes him so fun is his personality.

I consider Dave a sort of carefree person. Like when my older brother had his first loose tooth, he was really proud and Dave asked if he could look at it. Then he asked if he could wiggle it, and Dave being Dave, just yanked it out; and that's the story of how Garett lost his first tooth. That's another example of Dave just being “that uncle”, because none of my other uncles would do that. Dave also tends to just wander off when you're with him. Say you went to the fair with him and you're just walking and looking at some prizes then the next thing you know he is gone. That’s just him being curious and he can’t stop himself from leaving. Also Dave has been at his job for over 20 years, so they know him well and they also know how he tends to make people mad by saying what's on his mind, so now in the summers they give him an alone job to keep everyone happy. Although, Dave being carefree isn’t the only different part of his personality.

Dave also tends to do some pretty crazy and fun things. So him and my dad have a friend named Big Jim from South Carolina. He is like the nicest person you can imagine and he calls Dave, “dancing dave”, because when Dave starts dancing he goes a little crazy. It is really fun to watch him dance because he is good at it. A few years ago he used to do lawn mower derbies and he was really good at them. The last one I saw before he gave it up he won first place. his steering went out so he could only go back and forth for some of it. Lastly, for some reason, Dave has a five acer garden he takes care of in the summers. It's nice because they always have a bunch of extra food, so we get a lot of fresh food straight from the garden. Its funny because sometimes we will go out there and he will explain the whole operation to us for a half an hour. It's really impressive, but then again that's just Dave being “that uncle”. One day I want to have a garden of my own just not so big.

So from Dave being my godfather and how his personality is so unique, he has definitely changed my life significantly. Staying at his house I got a love for dogs and an understanding of a different life besides just at my home. Also from him just wondering off I have learned that adults can act like children too, so watch out. Another thing I have learned is you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it from his monstrous garden. Like my dad always says “If you aren't sure if you have met my uncle Dave then you haven't met him.”  Which is still true; and watch out if you go to a wedding with him, because he will get a little wild, but that's just Dave being “that uncle”. This only scratches the surface of how my uncle Dave has changed me.

The author's comments:

This is an essay of how my uncle Dave has impacted me.

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