Unexpected Day | Teen Ink

Unexpected Day

October 27, 2017
By Anonymous

The night before, everything was "awesome" and "just dandy". Not soon later he said that he started to have this hurricain feeling headache. We extremly urge him to go cheack it out becuse it was puttin pressure behide his eye and head and he said that it was nothin like he has always said. However, he could'nt get ride of the heart breaking of a headache. As much as i want to be mad at him for not cheaking it, i cant because he is his own man. At least thats what I thought at the time. The day goes by all i can think of is him. I get done with the day and get to bed, then get rudely woken up at 3 am. Now i was just insainly confuesed and upset. However, i was being screamed at to hurry and put some cloths on and that we need to go somewehre right now. So thats what i do i jump into some pants and trough a shirt on then run to the car. I questioned my mom what the whole deal was the entire time. "I'll tell you in the car! Hurry!" We are flying down the high way and she drops the bomb. "he's in the hospital." Thats all she needed to say, everyone was in tears and asking why. (My sister and I) We reach the hospital and were told we have to wait because there were to many people currently back there with him. My grandparents and his girl friendwere back there. As my grandparents return my grandma sobbing and my grandpa pretty much haveing the same expreshion as me, terrified. I get back to where he is. I cant believe my eyes, That my Father is sitting there with a tube down his throught just so he can breath, sitting there paralized. 

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