A Collection of Conflict | Teen Ink

A Collection of Conflict

October 26, 2017
By Marquez303 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Marquez303 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fright on the way to and from school. The streets of Juarez, filled with gang members in every corner. Out of nowhere, there were gunshots. As we run into the nearest shop, we could hear the screams of panicking people, asking for help. There were about 30 minutes of constant gunfire. We could hear the heavy trucks peel off in the distance and the sounds of sirens from afar.  We stepped outside, to the site of dead bodies, trucks filled with gunshots and still running, and blood running down the streets. Dead bodies, with limbs torn off and.  unrecognizable faces. We all continued our normal days. This is what a casual day in the streets of Juarez looks like.

As the day went on, people started telling their loved ones to stay inside as  soon as they got home and to not go out because “ Habia toque de queda”, which meant that two cartels were set to have a gunfight in order to “make peace” and show who's boss.

One monday, just as everyone was heading home from work, there was an array of trucks from all kinds parked outside a meat store. There were men  wearing face masks with bullet proof vests, holding up their big rifles to intimidate people. And suddenly, the convoy took off peeling.

Right after 6pm, the shooting started. The sounds of big, powerful engines and gunshots penetrated the streets. After nearly 4 hours of terror, the sounds of sirens swallowed he sounds of gunshots.

People started going out of their homes to see what had happened.There was trucks still running, scattered all over the road. There was one special truck, a black 2016 GMC Sierra, which had received the most bullets and next to the passenger's door, lay the body of a cartel leader named “ El cabo”. El 80, the other cartel leader, had won, and yet again, we continued our normal day.

The author's comments:

In my hometown from Mexico, which is Chihuaha, there is a huge problem where two cartel leaders are fighting for territory and shootings are hapening almost everyweek.

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