My First Waterslide | Teen Ink

My First Waterslide

October 23, 2017
By Tripathi BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
Tripathi BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My anxiety was building with every step I took up in the line. I looked behind nervously at all the strangers talking loudly around my friend Leon and I and felt myself shaking in anticipation. The sun was scorching by back and chest on this hot summer day. Looking around from my high perspective, I could see almost the whole water park.


Then, at long last, a uniformed man gestured us onto the starting point. Leon and I get into the blue double tube.
The darkish white slide in front of me was roaring with gushing water as it made a steep drop down the slide. My small hands were tightly gripping the handlebar below the glowing red light. I looked back at Leon, he grinned back nervously.

All too soon the bright red turned bright green. It took all my willpower to pull on the handlebar making us start down the water slide.

As my belly lurched, my anxiety was completely replaced with excitement. A high pitched laugh escaped me as we plummeted down my first ever drop on a water slide. I could feel the water splash on me and my hair flying in all directions as we twisted, turned, and plummeted down the slide with great speed.

As we turned the last bend, we suddenly splashed into a small blue pool sending me flying into the cool, refreshing water. Laughing, my friend and I swam out with the tube, and raced up the steps again toward the water side.

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