Arden Mall | Teen Ink

Arden Mall

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

Early in the AM, Jesus calls me saying “ Let's go arden mall go get some clothes” i was like “i got money” Jesus said “So let's go take some clothes”. I wasn't sure to go because the last time i had rob something i got caught and kick out from the store because on the camera they see us getting a lot candy and putting it in our pockets. But you know my dumb self told jose i'm down, then he said i'm take 1 of my friends i wasn't that sure about his friend because i don't if he had rob clothes idk if he acts suspensions.

Jesus calls me again if i was already ready ‘ i said yes’ so he said “ meet me at the park near my house”.When we meet each other he had some bags from macy's and other stores. We had to pick up his friend from his house i wasn't to sure to trust him because i had never meet him or idk if he had rob sum. So as me was talking i was telling jesus”i aint to sure if we should go with him” “Jesus said he good he have done it before”.But as we walking i wasn't to sure to do this i wasn't feeling it.

So we meet him up his friend his name was juan, we had to catch the bus to get up there at the mall but before we had to go we had eat some mcdonalds.After we was done , eating we was waiting for the bus, in my head i was a little nervous doing some with someone i haven't meet,.

We got to arden we had all left different directions, they wasnt try to slip up but since i don't trust him i had to. Like a hour pass then i called Jesus ‘ i was like let's go or what’ Jesus said ‘ in 30 minutes ‘ so i said ‘ okay i'm be in the food court so ya can meet me up there’. 30 minutes had pass and they still haven't came i was getting worried because i thought they was caught, i call jesus i said ‘where ya a!!’ he said ‘ there's 2 guys following us’ i was like ya fr?? Jesus had hang up on me then i was walking around looking for them. Next thing you know i seen them with the security guards getting search.

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