Divorce | Teen Ink


May 25, 2017
By Lumpy1 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Lumpy1 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It happened to me last year around Christmas time. My parents said come sit down to me and my sister. My mom said that me and your dad are splitting up. So it hit me hard and my sister could kind of see it coming but I didn’t. It had to be two weeks before Christmas which was a great Christmas present. Also my mom before they were even split up she had a boyfriend and to this day I refuse to meet him and I won’t meet him. So it affected me in three ways mentally, emotionally, and  physically.

So it hit me mentally by making me think it wasn’t really and that it wouldn’t happen. But it did happen and it’s some rough times you have ups and downs through the hole time. The lows can be when you don’t want to do anything at all and just stop caring about stuff like school and sports. The highs can be when you’re feeling great or when you feel unstoppable. But the truth is it doesn’t matter  how you feel on a day or a week, you still go home to find yourself living with one parent. Which that can have an affect on you emotions.

Emotionally it can make you cry, sad, feel depressed, and the list could go on and on about what divorce can do to you.But what I would feel the most is the emptiness of only have one parent and how that can affect you is tremendous. It affects you by not doing as much and having to adapt to how life will be now and how you look at people and who you really want as friends. It helps to take away the pain if you hangout with the right friends because you don’t want to hangout with the ones that are going to make you feel more like crap than you already do. It also helps because if you’re doing stuff you like with them than you kind of forget for the moment and are living life like it was before that happened. Which can have an affect on how you do physically.

It affected me physically by making me not care as much about my sport. The sport that I was in would be wrestling. It made it to where I almost wouldn’t make weight and I started to lose more, but at the end of year I started  to get better and I end up taking sixth in the section. It also affected me by bring my gym grade and I guess you can say it brought down all my grades. You also kind of stop caring what you drink and what you eat or what you do sometimes people go to drugs for relief and that’s not the right way to take away the pain or to forget about it. Which that can affect you by losing weight or gain weight and who you hangout with and who you’re seen as.

So I hope that I could help you understand about this and if you need help to go to trying to hurt yourself or doing drugs. If you need help go to a counselor or to someone you can talk to and relieve yourself of the stress.  In the end it just start up sucks and it’s stressful.

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