Finally Being Me | Teen Ink

Finally Being Me

May 25, 2017
By carrie.s BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
carrie.s BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Death is the solution to all problems, No man-No problems" by Joseph Stalin

I want nothing more than for my parents to accept me for who I am. I don’t want to disappoint them or make them feel ashamed. So when I realized who I was I hid the true me from everyone including my parents. Now I’m fourteen and ready to come out of the so called closet, but I didn’t start by telling my parents.

I started with my closest friends,then I went to just some of my classmates. I wanted to figure out how people would react, especially before I tell my parents. I started with my cousin, she was really accepting and she helped me figure things out. I told my best friend after that, she was fantastic about it. When I told my friends I realized that they accepted me.I thought if my friends accept me, my parents should too.

Now I’m finally ready to tell my parents. We went out into the garage, so my other siblings wouldn’t hear anything. It was super emotional and I cried a lot. Finally I mustered up the courage to say “I think I like girls”. I didn’t just think I like girls...I knew, but I didn’t want them to ask me how I knew. Frankly, I don’t know how I know; I just do. My parents were and still are supportive. They have some difficulties but it’s okay I totally understand.They try to make me feel better by talking about things referring to my sexuality. Most of the time we don’t bring it up, and we kind of let it slide.

My moms reaction was a “normal” reaction. She thinks it is a “phase”. My mom wants me to talk to people about how i’m feeling, and she wants me to talk to other teens about it. She doesn’t talk about it a lot, and when she does she just asks if there is a girl.Ryan my step dad on the other hand is pretty chill with it. He accepts it and he is nice about it. The only thing is he doesn’t believe in gay marriage,he calls it a civil union. He believes it is against god to get married to the same sex. He said he will still come to my wedding though.

When I told my parents I felt really proud of myself. I felt like a new, better person. I didn’t have to hide anymore and I could actually express myself. I’m glad that I can finally be myself, and i’m done trying to hide and being scared to be the real me. If someone doesn’t like me for who I am then they don’t have to be here. I am never going to hide the true me again.


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